In the master’s course, this project relates to two key aspects. For instance, the knowledge acquired in this module is vital in data analyses of other related disciplines. Consequently, the significance of innovation is vividly demonstrated in this project. For example, the new trend in PR is the positive fruits of innovations in the communication sector. Public relations are of great value as it plays a critical part in influencing the marketing efforts (Baine and Fill, 2014, pp 1). Similarly, the skills that have been acquired through conducting of this project are of great value in future research, as it will act as point of reference. Consequently, interaction with the luxury industry team during interview, gave me a lot of experience, which improved my personalities. Lastly, improved time management skills while I was conducting this project have greatly added positive value to my time management skills.
Ethical or Confidentiality Issues
Since my project involved human participants especially in the interview part, I had to obtain approval from the Human Participants Sub-committee in the Loughborough University. The approval is of vital value since it ensures that factors like emotional risks, physical or sociological are taken career of (Theaker & Yaxley 2012, p13). In order to get my right ethical approval, I had to follow the guidance from the chat below.
Source (University Committees, n.d)
Expected Outcome
The expected outcome according to this project can be classified into three main categories. The foremost expectation from this project is that the percentage input of digital PR is constantly rising while the traditional PR input is constantly reducing. The changes come because of invention of new technology. The second expected result from this project is that the content of PR is modified accordingly. For instance, brand’s PR agencies as well as department must accept diversification of contents to achieve needs from different digital platforms (L'Etang, McKieSnow & Xifra 2015, p16). For this change to take place drastically, the PR people must be flexible and have the necessary skills to adapt to the new environment. Lastly, from this project, it is expected that the constant and rapid changing in PR trends will play a major role as a criterion for selection of the new PR agencies. Thus, only those agencies who can easily adapt to new changes can hold their positions, otherwise, they are taken by young and innovative minds.
Deviation from the Expected Outcomes and how the Defect can be Rectified
Various factors can contribute negatively to the findings of this project thus leading to unexpected outcomes. Firstly, not all questions asked during interview will be corresponded on correctly (Bryman & Bell 2015, p21). There are situations where people taking part in interview may give wrong answer thus leading to wrong conclusion about the project. Secondly, using people in interviews that do not have any experience with the luxury industry in China will automatically give misleading information since they lack an experience. Moreover, limited secondary sources with the necessary information under study will lead to wrong conclusion. Therefore, to have the expected results in this project, the following factors must be put in considerations (Jiang, Ling, & Veronique 2012, pp1). Firstly, all people taking part in this interview must have experience with luxury industry of China. Secondly, all secondary sources that are used as source of information must have all the required material, not part of the information.
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