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Selling the Free Animal Tested Cosmetic Products - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Selling the Free Animal Tested Cosmetic Products" is a great example of a research paper on marketing. This research study offers an analysis of the concept of animal testing of cosmetic products. In this case, the research study evaluates the customer's responsibility on the issue and as such forms the basis of evaluating…
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Selling the Free Animal Tested Cosmetic Products Name: Course: Institution: Date: Executive Summary This research study offers an evaluation of the business investment question of whether to price and sell free animal tested cosmetic products in the market. In this case, a background analysis indicates that there is a rising concern for animal cruelty through cosmetic products testing. In this case, the study analysis is hedged on a quantitative analysis process, through a 100 sample size respondents sourced through the purposive non-probability sampling approach. In its findings, the study respondents are from across the age groups, are concerned of animal cruelty, rely on friends comments to purchase, and have access to the free cosmetic products regularly. Finally, it reveals that a majority argue that some products could be experimented on some products in the market. Finally, the study conclude that due to its limitations of a small sample base and potential researcher bias, future studies should be based on probability sampling and secondary data. Moreover it argues that organisations can sell the free cosmetic products though increased brand image development marketing strategies. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 1.0 Introduction 4 2.0 Research Background 4 3.0 Methodology 5 4.0 Study Findings 6 4.1 Background Information 6 4.2 Attitude to Animal Testing 7 4.3 Consumer Buying Behaviour 8 4.4 Availability of the Animal Tested Free Cosmetic Products 9 4.5 Preferred Animals 10 5.0 Implications of the Discussion 11 6.0 Limitations 12 7.0 Recommendations 12 References 14 1.0 Introduction This research study offers an analysis of the concept of animal testing of cosmetic products. In this case the research study evaluates the customers response on the issue and as such forms the basis of evaluating if regulations either authorizing or prohibiting such legalization of cosmetics products testing is viable in the global market. The research study paper is classified into research background, methodology, and the study findings and their implications. Finally, the study offers potential limitations as well as recommendations on relevant legislations in the market. 2.0 Research Background There has been an emerging debate on the trends of animal testing for cosmetic products. In this case, as Hofer et al (2004, p.552) argued, the health and safety factor in such cosmetic products has been a rising and emerging issue in the global market. In this case, the customers are increasingly concerned on the safety and hygiene levels of the respective products in the market. However, this is not the only challenge in the market, traditionally, as Aeby et al (2010, p.1467) stated, cosmetic companies tested their products on the animals to evaluate ad gauge their competitiveness and the overall market safety for the customers. However, the landscape in animal products testing has changed. In this case, Garner (2006, p.161) noted that a majority of the nations and animal welfare and right groups have expanded their campaigns against such testing practices. In this case, the campaigners argue against the health risks, and cruelty expressed onto the different animals in cosmetics products testing (McNamee et al, 2009, p.199). As such, the emergence of these discussions has led to the expanding public debate on free cosmetic products and animal testing. On one hand, the argument has emerged on some of the customers campaigning against such testing, while others advocate for its adoption, but with increased care and caution (Fentem, Chamberlain and Sangster, 2004, p.3). As such, the research study sought to conduct a scientific empirical study based study evaluating the application of the testing practice in the cosmetics industry. In this case, the study objectives were to: Evaluate the type of animals preferred for cosmetic products testing Evaluate customers attitudes on free cosmetics animal testing Evaluate if customers approved of selling free animal testing cosmetic products. 3.0 Methodology In the development of a research study, the guiding system and frame work is the study philosophy. In this case, as Crossan (2003, p.48) argued there are two main research philosophies, namely the positivism and the interpretive philosophy in the market. The study applied the positivist philosophy. In this case, it analysis and process was guided by the principle that all the respondents findings on the phenomena could be quantified and analyzed through scientific approaches (Wimmer and Dominick, 2011, p.34). In addition, it applied the quantitative research design, where it collected quantifiable data. In this case, the study used primary data (Treiman, 2009, p.84). The use of primary data was based on the need to collect the contemporary data that could have been limited in the use of secondary data in the market. In this case, in the collection of the study data, the study applied and used the questionnaire approach. In this regard, the study developed a questionnaire that was distributed to the respective respondents and latter collected after a one week period allowing the respondents ample response time to study and respond to the respective questions (Cargan, 2007, p.116). In the determination of the study sample, the entire population for the study was the users of free cosmetic products tested on animals. However, the study scope and magnitude could not cover the entire study scope (Machin, Campbell, Tan and Tan, 2011, p.84). Therefore, the selection of a study sample was imperative. In this case, the study adopted the non-probability purposive sampling approach. In this case, the study sampling approach was based on the process of evaluating the nature and extent to which the respondents were available. In this case, the applied study approach allowed the researcher to easily source for the respondents based on their availability and willingness to participate in the study process (Nathan and Mathi, 2013, p.109). Moreover, due to the limitation in study time and resources, the study selected a limited study sample size of 100 respondents in the market. The sample size served as a critical approach and alternative through which the required data was sourced with ease and offering a representative base (Bryman, 2012, p.103). This was further facilitated by the use of a non-probability sampling approach that allowed the researcher to incorporate different consumer demographics in the study process (Denscombe, 2014, p.19). 4.0 Study Findings This study section offers a review of the overall study findings. In this case, the section offers a review of the respective questionnaire responses. In this case, the study section presents the findings in terms of statistical analysis in tables, figures and charts respectively. 4.1 Background Information The study questionnaire opened up the questionnaire questions through evaluating the respondents’ background information. In this case, the first question was on the respondents’ age bracket. In this case, the analyzed age brackets, the analysis of this background information was geared towards evaluating the extent to which the study sample size cut across the different age groups as well as captured the most targeted age group by the free cosmetic products in the market. The obtained findings are as represented in figure 1 below. The above study findings illustrated that the highest sample base in the study was the 27-35 years consumers at 41%. This illustrated that this was the most sensitive age group and thus increasingly willing to participate in the study. However, as a means of ensuring representation in the entire study, the researcher had incorporated respondents form other age groups as well. The findings illustrated that the sample base was diverse enough allowing for increased obtained data reliability. 4.2 Attitude to Animal Testing The second bath of questions in the questionnaire was an evaluation of the extent and nature to which the respondents perceived the issue of animal testing for free cosmetic products. In this case, the study evaluation was based on establishing if there was enough information on animal testing among consumers, as well as the attitude of the respective consumers with such knowledge of animal testing of free cosmetic product in the market. The first question in this category was a question of whether the respondents were aware of animal cruelty on cosmetics testing in many countries. As illustrated in the chart 1 below, a majority 72% of the respondents were affirmative. This meant that most were aware of the cruelty on animals in cosmetics testing globally. The second question was to evaluate if the respondents were concerned about such cruelty on animals trough testing, and the reasons for either being concerned or not. On one hand, over 65% of the respondents’ stated that they were concerned, as indicated in chart 2 below. In this case, the study established that among the reasons were the need to ensure animal safety and welfare. However, for those who were not concerned, they stated that testing such cosmetics on animals enhanced safety for use on humans. 4.3 Consumer Buying Behaviour The study further examined the customer buying behaviour of animal testing related cosmetic products. In this case, the study sought to evaluate the causes of actions that customers adopt in the event that they realize that the cosmetic products they consumer are related to animal testing and cruelty. In this case, the study findings are as illustrated in figure 2 below. Based on the study findings, a majority 38% relied on others comments such as friends to make their purchase decisions in the market. Moreover, only 10% of the respondents stated that they directly purchase the products regardless of their animal cruelty cosmetic products in the market. However, of major interest is that over 22% of the respondents stated that they checked on price of the products prior to purchasing them. Therefore, this illustrated that price played a critical factor in determining the acceptance of the animal tested cosmetic products. 4.4 Availability of the Animal Tested Free Cosmetic Products The next step of evaluation in the questionnaire was an evaluation o the frequency of such products. The evaluation of these aspects was aimed at evaluating the potential offered volumes in the market, and as such the potential sales volumes that companies would acquire in the event that they started charging reasonable market prices on the free cosmetic products. The study findings were as illustrated in the figure 3 below Based on the above analysis it is evident that the products are very common in the market, with 34% and 42% of the respondents stating that they saw the products either a week ago or a few weeks ago in the market. This is a measure of the high availability ad turnover of the products in the market. 4.5 Preferred Animals The final stage in the study evaluation process was a review of any preferred animals. In this case, the study posed the question of whether the respondents’ had any preferred animals for testing the free cosmetic products in the market. As such, the study findings were as illustrated in figure 4 below. Based on the study analysis, the findings concluded that a majority 45% were of the opinion that some animals could be used for the experiments on cosmetic products. This was mainly based on the type of animals as well as the cosmetic risk and perceived safety levels. 5.0 Implications of the Discussion The study findings were an illustration that the market is in agreement that there is a rising trend towards animal experimentation in the market in a bid to test on the safety of free cosmetic products. This is in relation to the study findings such as the ones developed by Daly and Moran (2015, p.23) and Raj, Jose, Smod, and Sabitha (2012, p.186). In this case, the study was an empirical confirmation of the existence of cruelty in cosmetics products testing in the market. In addition, the study findings revealed that price of the animal tested products is a critical component. In this case, the analysis evidenced that 22% of the customers relied on the cosmetic products prices to make a purchase decision. Therefore this was an illustration that selling the free cosmetic products would impact on the market uptake. This implies that charging prices on the products would reduce its overall demand by 22%. However, a majority of the respondents relied on their peers comments to make purchase decisions. As a result, this analysis concludes that through proper marketing strategies, it would be possible to create profits through the anima tested free cosmetic product. The final study findings were in relation to acceptable implementation. As such, it revealed that 45% of the customers were of the opinion that it was fine to experiment with some animals. Therefore, this was in relation to Sheehan and Lee (2014, p.11) and Sun, S. (2012, p.83) studies that argued that the cruelty perception on cosmetic testing was mainly based on the customer culture as well as the animal type. 6.0 Limitations Although the study findings and approach enables it deliver its objectives, the study had its share of challenges. On one hand, is the argument developed by Bajpai (2011, p.127). In this case, the authors argued that the use of primary data limits the study to its overall scope. In this case, the respondents for the study were limited. On the other hand, a challenge emerged due to the risk of researcher bias in the non-probability sampling technique. In this case, the researcher could have been biased and selective in selecting the overall research study respondents. This as Struwig and Stead (2001, p.116) argued could have negatively impacted on the credibility and reliability of the overall study findings. 7.0 Recommendations In summary, this research study offers a number of recommendations. On one hand, is a recommendation on how to sell the free cosmetic animal tested products in the market to create profits. In this case as Jalilvand and Samiei (2012, p.467) argued, the organization should consider brand image marketing in this case, a majority of the customers buying behaviour is influenced by their friends and peers comments. Therefore, through creating a positive brand image in the market, organisations will actualize the selling of free cosmetics to create profits. Thus, the study offers the recommendation that organisations can sell the currently free animal tested cosmetic products. On the other hand, the analysis argues that future studies should be developed based on secondary data collection and probability sampling techniques respectively. They should then be compared to the study findings to evaluate on consistencies and uniformity of the findings. References Aeby, P., Ashikaga, T., Bessou-Touya, S., Schepky, A., Gerberick, F., Kern, P., ... & Winkler, P. 2010, ‘Identifying and characterizing chemical skin sensitizers without animal testing: Colipa’s research and method development program’, Toxicology in vitro, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1465-1473. Bajpai, N. 2011, Business research methods, Peason, New Delhi Bryman, A. 2012, Social research methods, Oxford, Oxford university press. 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