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Product Lifecycle and Marketing Mix, Integrated Marketing Communications - Assignment Example

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The paper "Product Lifecycle and Marketing Mix, Integrated Marketing Communications" is a great example of a marketing assignment. The aim of this essay is to bring out the importance of the marketing mix in every stage of the product lifecycle. The new sports drink product is Gatorade. It is in the development stage where it is in the process of being manufactured and not yet ready to be sold…
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Marketing Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Question 1: Product Lifecycle and marketing mix Introduction The aim of this essay is to bring out the importance of marketing mix in every stage of the product lifecycle. The new sports drink product is Gatorade. It is in the development stage where it is in the process of being manufactured and not yet ready to be sold. The Gatorade brand manufacturer intends to develop a market for the product and build product awareness and will impact on the marketing mix in various ways. The product goes through introductory, growth, maturity and decline stages and so are the changes in the marketing mix. Analysis Product development is basically a planning phase of the marketing mix where the company is researching on marketing methods and planning instead of implementing marketing strategies (Kolish & Peeler 2008). In the introductory stage, Quality level and product branding is recognized while obtaining and protecting intellectual property rights such as trademarks and patents. In the growth phase, the Gatorade seeks to increase market share and build on brand preference. There is an addition of support services and other features while maintaining product quality. In the maturity phase, the firm experiences diminishing level of sales while similar emerge from the competition (Weinstein, 2004). Decline stage is where sales keep declining with Gatorade taking several options such as maintaining the product and perhaps revitalizing by finding new uses or adding new features. Discussion In product development, special promotions and marketing campaigns are the key marketing mix at this stage so as to bring product awareness to potential customers. In order to build market share quickly, pricing remains low penetration pricing (Kotler, 1991). The firm can also opt for high skim pricing for quick recovery of developmental costs in the introductory phase. Selective distribution is implemented until the product is accepted by the consumers. Promotion targets the wider audience and especially the sports fraternity aged 15-35 years. The principle objective of maturity stage is to maximize profit and defend the market share. In order to differentiate the product from competition, product features are enhanced (Weinstein, 2004). The product during decline is harvested by reducing costs and continuously offering to the loyal niche segment. The remaining inventory is liquidated, and the product is discontinued or sold to a firm willing to continue with the product. For instance, Gatorade product could undergo changes if it is still being rejuvenated, or remain unchanged if it is being liquidated or harvested (Kolish & Peeler 2008). The price may be drastically reduced if liquidated, or maintained if the Gatorade product is harvested. Product differentiation is the emphasized during promotion. The selected strategy in this phase is critical and will influence major marketing mix decisions. The firm faces little competition while enjoying increasing demand meaning that it maintains its pricing (Just-food 2010). Conclusion The essay has found that product development is where all the efforts from the company go to launching of the product. Promotion targets the early adopters and innovators while marketing communications intends to educate potential consumers and build Gatorade product awareness (Young 2005). Customers accept the product increasing demand hence introducing distribution channels such as wholesalers and retailers. In the wake of new competition, pricing is kept low. There is intensive distribution with incentives being offered to raise preference above many competing products. Question 2: Integrated Marketing Communications Introduction The aim of this essay is to highlight a campaign on safe driving will employ Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) to ensure penetration and awareness. It develops the objectives, target group, design communications, channels, media mix, results management and managing IMC (Weinstein, 2004). Analysis The target audience are people aged between 18 to 25 years. They are influenced by their parents and peers to drive. Men and women are targeted in the same manner. The key objective is to create awareness on safe driving among people aged between 18 to 25 years within a period of one year (Jeannet, 2001). The attitude is targeted with an intention to change their behavior. Design Communications of the message is to have an emotional appeal with caution and moderation being reiterated. Advertising is mainly through posters, print and broadcast ads and billboards (Porter, 2008). Public relations will include speeches, seminars and annual reports as they are highly credible and builds image. The product builds mass reach and creates quick awareness (Porter, 2008). In the social media, links are paid to appear on top searches and a target of 5 million Facebook likes and 120,000 twitter followers in the next 12 months. Media planning is essential to reach larger audience since there is increase in media options and types to the youth with greater reach and concurrent media usage. The Ad structure and content will be effective with great feedback from the public on reduced cases of accidents. Discussion Suitable form of targeting is aiming at a group that is fun loving and engages in parties and holidays. They are more vulnerable to accidents and remain a great concern to parents, government departments and the media (Porter, 2008). The Communications Model is preferred to drive the cognitive, affective and behavioral stages. In the cognitive stage, the youth are exposed to dangers and the reception is negative triggering a cognitive response. The intention is to differentiate between ordinary driving speeds and those of racing competitions (Young, 2005). The channels remain personal like social media and non-personal such as events and experiences/PR involving cause-related promotion. Communication tools are largely sponsorship, publicity and public relations. The budget setting technique is judgmental meant to drive the message and creating awareness and not linked to sales figures. It is an investment and not expense (Marder,1997). Media Mix like the TV is more appropriate since it reaches much audience, highly visible and prestigious though costly. The internet is another preferred point since it is interactive, visual and easily changed though browsers prove difficult to get their website. Magazines will also offer good reproduction, prestige, long life and socio-economic selectivity. However, they have long lead time and absolute monetary cost. Using billboards exposes viewers more than 20 times a day (Subhash 2006). Measuring results involves cost versus benefits through press clippings, costs and ads placed compared to expected behavioral change to road driving. Managing IMC is possible through the various media platforms like social media, TV and internet are coordinated to focus on the message. Conclusion The essay has found that using of social media and TV drives the message home. The initiative will also spend less since it is common knowledge. The issues of concern are availability of funds, complexity of administration, strategy and economies of scale. The youth will be made aware of the dangers of reckless and careless driving through strong statistics of people who have died in road accidents, those who remain in hospitals under critical conditions and the burden to their families (Porter, 2008). Question 3: Macro-environment Introduction The aim of this essay was to analyze the macro-environment of tourism industry in Australia that will affect the entry of tour operators into this market. These affect the tourism performance in Australia. Diving companies and hotels are rising to take advantage of increased inflow of tourists to Australia. Analysis The Australian states have different tax regimes with some like South Australia and New South Wales being lower. The labor party that is in power has legislated for reduction on tourism levies to attract many tourists to Australia coasts and outback. The income distribution is fair with lower income inequalities of Gini coefficient 0.78. The savings rate of the population is quite high with 7 out of 10 people having bank savings. The deficit is low at $200billion and interest rates are steady at 4%. Opportunities in education, work and employment are available to all regardless of age, gender and race or ethnicity. They have a western kind of culture owing to influence of the British values and lifestyles. The government and research institutions have invested heavily in technology especially manufacturing, farming and mining. Many people around the world also visit the Australian outback to get a glimpse of wildlife and ecotourism regarding the state of machinery used in agriculture and mining. The Australian government is strict in dumping and pollution of environment (Porter, 2008). Laws have been passed to ensure that the polluter pays and meets all the costs of rejuvenating the land and rivers. Dumping of plastic bags, chemical materials and metals in its outback and coasts is punishable in the court of law. Literacy rates are 99% with population growth rate at 2%. The dominant ethnic groups are mainly White with others being Aborigines, Asians and Africans concentrated in the southern states. The government has limited purchase of technologies from abroad and encourages local intellect with more respect to invention patents and copyrights. The research and development (R&D) budgets are increasing each year. Discussion Political/institutional/legal factors affect how the government response to economic and political dynamics such as waiving some of the tourist visa fees during peak seasons to encourage global visitors touring Australia between March and June (Datamonitor 2005). The Australian economy is fast growing and good for the world with the service and financial sector driving the performance in tourism. Socio-Cultural factors like independence and individual achievement are critical. They identify how people rank themselves according to social classes or strata. Australians love monogamous families with nuclear orientation (Philip & Turner, 2003), trends and love partying and going on holidays at the beaches which is good for tourism. They also like buying and window shopping as families. Technological environment determines the pace of growth in telecommunications is quite high in Australia compared to other innovations. The internet and Blackberry is accessible to everyone though popular with the youth (Thunderbird, 2001). The natural environment also influences how a country handles shortage of minerals, oil and gas and has been forced to invest in other countries with low extraction power. The cost of energy and water has increased due to reduction in the use of coal and low river regimes though electricity costs are lower. Wildfires are common which threatens the valuable ecosystem and towns. Conclusion The essay has obtained that analysis of macro-economic variables are critical for expansion and entry into a new market. Political and legal factors affect how the government response to economic and political dynamics (Subhash 2006). The business confidence is increased where there is high and good return on investment (ROI). The country is alarmed at the growing rate of deforestation and particularly global warming and technological environment determines the pace of growth in telecommunications. Question 4: Consumer decision making process Introduction The essay aims at finding out how James will be influenced by the prices, advertising and other promotional tools in how and why to buy the specific items earlier destroyed by the storm. The behavior is largely drawn from psychological and social aspects of humans. The basis of analyzing the behavior is because James has various influences that act upon him at any one time. Analysis The decision making process involve need recognition which is the actual state where items were destroyed by the storm while the desired state is ownership. James will have to find out more information regarding the items, but since he had bought them earlier, it will be easier to memorize and process any information (Philip & Turner, 2003). He may want to buy JVC instead Sony TV, Panasonic instead of Samsung audiovisual and X-box instead of Play station. He may also desire to buy other items like fridge, computer, and mobile phones with similar application to the above. James will be strongly guided by the need to replace the destroyed items only because he has others. He likely will change to other brands like Samsung television, Panasonic audio and X-box when he calls the dealers (Weinstein, 2004). The psychological influences are; motivation, perception, learning and memory while sociological factors are; cultural and social factors. He will time when kids are on holiday and pay through a check or credit card. Discussion Need recognition is the initial stage of identifying the need for the entertainment items loved by James’s children who are in high school. The items are crucial hence meets the threshold to warrant purchase (Henry, 2008). Information Search helps one to find out from friends or sales staff about the new brands and prices of the electronic items. Evaluation of alternatives is based on previous experiences on the items and salience of brands. If he becomes ‘rational’ and goes for the least price then he will likely buy a different brand of TV, audiovisual and Play station. Purchase decision is where price will not matter because insurance meets the cost (Subhash 2006). Post-Purchase decision: If James feels dissatisfied with the items he may return to the outlets if they do not meet his expectations in terms of reliability, use, sophistication, appeal and longevity. The psychological influences are; motivation, perception, learning and memory while sociological factors are; cultural and social factors. Motivation is driven by unfulfilled needs, desires and wants and also to ease tension of staying without the items (Creswell & Clark, 2007). Memory influences the picture of the brand to be bought since the information is acquired and stored. Cultural factors include beliefs, ways and attitudes of doing things. Social groups include family and reference groups who are likely to offer decision roles. The constraints include; functionality which may be inadequate, physical which includes the appeal, financial if meeting the budget and time if it is right to purchase the items (Subhash 2006). Conclusion The essay has established that the process of decision making is important in establishing a pattern of consumer behavior. Social and psychological factors constraint what to be bought, how and when (Young 2005). Perception regards the how one will be selective to attention, retention and distortion while learning, motivation and memory governs the acquisition of knowledge and experience regarding purchase and consumption of the items through operant conditioning Question 5: Product Distribution Introduction The aim of this essay is to establish challenges that are likely to influence the distribution of offerings to the public hospital such as cost, expectation, contractual arrangements, convenience, variety, service, waiting and delivery time (Henry 2008). Analysis The method like air or sea transport may not be convenient which means other modes will be sought which becomes rather expensive. The method of distribution should meet customer expectations of which if delivered using a Van instead of a lorry will make them sulk. The contract will be frustrated if they fail to deliver in totality or omit some items in the packing list. The cost of distribution is shared among the intermediaries involved (Healy 2008). Many intermediaries will increase the cost of transportation two or three fold. A limited distribution method will reduce competition and increase the power of the transporter. Offering variety of modes and means will lower the cost and waiting time. The transporter knows that they are delivering to certain hospitals which are public owned and may likely not affect their positions in the market since they are goods rarely transported or delivered on occasions (Henry 2008). If the offerings were blankets or foodstuffs desired to reach the patients or hospital staff within two days may take long because of breakage or natural causes Discussion Convenience pertains being available to meet the needs of the hospitals as they desire. Expectations to the customer (hospitals) may be anticipating design and quality of goods to be delivered in certain states and packages (Young, 2005). Contractual arrangements are difficult than just said. Some distribution companies flout the rule of delivery by failing to deliver on time and in good state. They may also insist on additional payment due to understating of the original delivery price. Cost method of transportation will also determine the price such as air transport will be expensive but faster while sea transport is a likely option to reach international borders if the items are not perishable or preserved for a longer time like foodstuffs and/or household items. When costs are high, it will be difficult to choose the most convenient means of distribution (Weinstein 2004). Limited variety also affects the negotiating ability because the channel becomes highly desired and not optional. The delivery service is important to the customer which is the public hospital. Good customer service may not be feasible where the channel is too broad and involving too many intermediaries who lose the aspect on customer service. Waiting and delivery time is important to the customer (Henry, 2008). Proposed solutions are to; Reduce costs by supplying directly to the public hospitals, increase coverage through hiring additional means of transport within the same mode like trucks or Lorries (Young 2005). Use exclusive distribution to retain image of the organization. Conclusion The essay has established that poor distribution lowers consumer convenience and efficiency by failure to avail items in good time and condition. Improve the effectiveness of the products through proper packaging and timely delivery. It also proposed solutions that goes into meeting public hospitals expectations by customizing approaches to their needs. Choose on transportation means with good speed, capability, lower cost, available and dependable. Question 6: Pricing and marketing strategy Introduction The aim of this essay was to find out the importance of pricing and market segmentation. This concept is valuable in price leadership because the café is taking on the market leader strategy. It will also lead in price changes, new product development, and promotional spending and distribution coverage (Subhash 2006). Psychological and sociological determinants like culture, perceptions and attitudes will likely affect how customers view the services. Analysis The Ziferblat café has done some market research and found out that they can pioneer this service which is determined through value-based pricing (Young 2005). Value based pricing as exhibited in this case is seen in the way buyers will perceive value of time and not the money. They are attracted to the aspect of social factors like privacy, cool environment, peace of mind, and convenience. They are also motivated by uniqueness and home like situations good for a family setting (Bradley, 2007). These are non-price variables that the café considered and priced to match the perceived value. Psychological pricing of setting 10 cents a minute will make buyers to see the price as low and spend as much time as they can. This pricing mechanism is critical when customers know that they only pay for time and spend and not what they consumed in the café. Discussion The value based pricing method is suitable in this case because it is survival and profit oriented. The items provided at the disposal of the customers come with lower cost during procurement such as biscuits, vegetables and fruits which are met by the element of costing based on time. The demand was based on price sensitivity, price elasticity and demand estimation (Bradley, 2007). The costs are also estimated based on type, accumulated production and targeting. Competitor pricing was analyzed based on prices, offers and costs and established that non-price competition was more effective in this case. The pricing method was value pricing which customer assessed the uniqueness of service. The specific attack tactics are value-pricing of service and service innovation where the café becomes a leader (Weinsten 2004). The firm is in the growth stage since it is expanding to international markets like Melbourne after winning the same market in Russia. The profits rise due to fast growth in sales but will soon start to fall when many competitors will learn of the strategy and begin to enter the market. This will mean that the café will adopt the counteroffensive defense by attacking on the attack. Conclusion The essay has found that customers’ loyalty and followership is won through introduction of differentiated and unique service common to pioneers. The challenge to increase competition in this market will likely drive the business from the growth stage to the decline stage which means the firm may opt to another form of pricing (Bradley, 2007). Many residents of Melbourne admire privacy, connections and uniqueness which are embodied in the services offered by the hotel chain. This is a winning strategy because it combines the forces of costing, attitudes and strategies to win this niche (value priced customers). Question 7: Marketing Strategies Introduction The essay aim was to establish whether the bookshop was to come out as a differentiator or resort to lowering prices. Since the leaders are quick to lower prices which will reduce the profit margins of the follower. The potential attack strategy will be frontal attack since the book market is homogenous and loyalty is quite low. This means that the newcomer can win undecided customers who are also new to the book market. The bookshop can also capitalize on the weaknesses of larger players like poor customer service and after sales services (Healey, 2008). Analysis The book market is not new and has had major players who have longtime experience. This aspect differentiates the service and not the cost. Price sensitive customers are many but they negotiate on price and quality of service. Price discounts can do better as specific attack tactics than lowering the prices of stationery (Bradley, 2007). Discounts ensure that what is bought in bulk receives a lowered price hence keeping the price of individual products unchanged. The challenge of pricing here is markup pricing which is based on supplier prices. The bookshop will set its selling prices slightly higher to meet costs of transportation, salaries, rent and electricity which when lowered to attract customers lead to reduced margins and subsequent losses. Other factors that will affect pricing will include exchange rates, shipping costs, payment plans and currency strength (Bradley, 2007). The most suitable form of discounting is psychological discounting where in the instance where a book is sold at $200 it can be made to sell at $199 so as to set the minds of customers that it is less $200. Customer-segment pricing will be effective where books come under different readership and demand. Those books that are highly demanded can come with slightly higher prices as compared to those depending on seasonality (Young 2005). Discussion Differentiation of the book market is in pricing, variety, and customer service. The new bookstore should take the differentiator approach so that when competitors and especially the market leaders learn of its presence, they may not take to the counter defensive attack which will likely ground the business (Henry 2008). They should also offer variety of items that are on demand to the customers at prices which are determined through psychological pricing. Good customer service will entail hiring qualified staff who knows how to attract, attend and treat customers well (Hein, 2004). The strategic level of decision making must taking into consideration the target market decisions which could be schools or colleges. The value proposition looks into the value the customer derives from buying the reading material. Conclusion The essay has established that marketing opportunities available are based on size of the buyer market, demand, pricing and promotional methods. The competitive environment is quite stiff with many suppliers taking on common strategies like lower-pricing strategies (Young 2005). The book store has to be a differentiator if it is to win and gain entry into the highly competitive market. However, it has to be wary of the competitor strategies to counter attack through differentiation which may limit the return on investment of the follower firms. Question 8: Pricing Decision Introduction The aim of this study was to find out a suitable pricing method in which Audi and Toyota Corolla customers know that the product is unique and different. Customers are price sensitive in many situations. However, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, customers are motivated by other factors other than price when they meet the physiological and security needs. They love self-actualization through purchase of items and services depicting comfort, convenience and class (Henry 2008). The price element moves up to meet the new requirements. Analysis In the case of trading between Audi and Toyota Corolla, some factors like reliability, appeal, functionality, value and sophistication come into play. Perceived value pricing is more profitable because it is less associated with markups and the actual costs of production (Collis, 2008). The body assembly of the two brands and more or less the same but Audi has additional features such as speed, comfort, space and warranties. The other cost is perceived value of being a luxury car which is not included as fixed and variable costs. This increases the consumption of this product when the customers rise beyond price sensitivity to value (Weinstein 2004). Psychographic segmentation is applicable in this case given that the higher social class has a strong influence on the preference for Audi ($395,000) and not Toyota Corolla ($25,000) owing to refined lifestyles reflected in the purchases and personality of the individual who wants to be regarded as a strong and enviable character. Discussion Market segmentation identifies bases and profiles; targets through segment attractiveness and selection; positioning through segments and marketing mix (Bradley, 2007). Customer segmentation pricing improves market effectiveness and efficiency though it increase marketing cost and personalization becomes burdensome to manage. The Audi luxury segment is determined by income, behavior and occupation of the potential buyers. The pricing is availed through promotion and distribution effort since the segment is large and profitable hence justifying the marketing effort to serve and attract the new segment (Bradley, 2007). The new owner of Audi would want to be seen as a visible achiever and desire for something better for occasions. The user status will have changed from the initiator to the user. The initiator develops a product that will enhance the appeal of the luxury class by adding comfort and sophistication. They influence the product by selling to a particular segment associated with luxury class such as musicians, politicians, athletes, and businessmen (Weinstein, 2004). Conclusion The essay has obtained that the pricing strategy for luxury segment is effective through customer segmentation since many customers with disposable income go by the features and attractiveness of the product which may not be valued (Henry 2008). The idea is meeting the needs of the luxury segment through customer-segment pricing who are sensitive to product-form pricing. Question 9: Market segmentation Introduction The aim of this essay was to find out whether brand segmentation is critical in food industry given that all its products are available to all classes of consumers. The food market is a mass market that can also be customized (Bogdan & Biklen, 2007). The products are in the mass market which means they take full market coverage. By differentiating the food market, the suppliers can learn of the market structure and customers, increase efficiency and effectiveness and define the activity scope. This aspect risks over segmentation is a liability. Analysis Segmentation in food is affected by geographical placement where certain food materials are consumed in some regions and not others such as herbal tea in Singapore and ordinary tea in Britain (Lewczak, 2010). In addition, the segment of French fries appeals mostly to ages of 15-35 years that are college goers and newly employed while rice and meat appeals to the sport or athletic people. Segmentation is influenced by attitudes and preferences. Professor Wright may have erred in understanding that the market is split into a group of consumers differing in response to the marketing mix (Bradley, 2007). The product may be similar but the marketing mixes differ broadly. The author did not divide the market by considering the bases or characteristics that food market consumers share. Discussion Food segmentation is necessary as a basic item given that majority of consumers around the world have unique tastes. For example, the Chinese consumers may love dog and snake meat which is abhorred in many parts of the Western world (Healy 2008). This is reflected in religious tradition, culture of the people, trends in food consumption and availability of certain kind of food in particular places. Segmentation discovers the worth of a given class by encouraging use of a product with nutritional value, lifestyle, attitudes, and production costs. For instance, some people may like using more vegetables and fruits which are plant products while others prefer animal products like milk, meat and honey. Segmentation is also influenced by prices since rising prices of food leads people to seek for alternatives hence creating segments. Some people may opt for chicken meat when fish prices escalate; this makes the remaining fish consumers to be seen as luxurious and trendy (Bradley, 2007). The fish market will have been segmented by price and value. Besides, various brands have leading names like Everyday Sunday, Munchy, and Cornflakes which are differentiated according to use. Cornflakes are loved by young children and consumed mainly in the morning while Everyday Sunday is common among sports people. Targeting and positioning will be easier in the food sector when people associate types of food to occasions, function and price. For instance, the Muslim faithful do not eat pork while the aging population may prefer white meat to red meat (Kotler, 1991). Conclusion The essay has established that food segmentation that is evidenced by brands is crucial in unraveling and dispelling the notion that brand segmentation in the food industry is pointless. The benefits obtained from consumption of the food items varies in the ingredients and calorie content which is designed for certain ages, activity, gender and function. Food segmentation is essential and necessary (Australia Food and Grocery Council, 2010). Example case; Social marketing campaign: Man-ly men case Introduction The aim of this case was to unravel the experience of men towards depression and anxiety. It obtains that one in eight men and one in every five experience the above with higher rates going to men aged between 35 and 44. Analysis Statistics show that Australian men aged above 80 years have the highest rates of suicide than women in that age followed by those in the middle years and less than half for those aged between 15 and 19 years. This rates are quite high which showed lack of tangible and actionable elements, difficult information pathways, lack of exposure to real life examples, passive and emasculating language (Philip & Turner 2003). Discussion Various forms of advertising like TV, sports sponsorship and social media were crucial in helping men to subdue the barriers of procuring mental health help. The Man Therapy initiative was important in reaching the old men and driving the message that anxiety and depression needs to be controlled (Philip & Turner 2003). The methods used are relevant in creating behavioral and attitude change. The case also provides an aspect of customer profiling by segmenting based on population size, age, geographical distribution, income patterns and lifestyles. The promotional tools were social media, internet, BeyondBlue magazines, TV and online chat (Harrison 2013). Conclusion The study established the importance of social media marketing in creating awareness and changing attitudes. The drive was to create behavioral change in men so as to take depression and anxiety seriously (Harrison 2013). The effect is using the marketing strategies and segmentation to reach the audience based on their tastes and preferences of promotional channels. Reference list Australia Food and Grocery Council, 2010. State of the Industry 2010. Canberra. 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Young, C 2005, The Advertising Handbook, Ideas in Flight, Seattle, WA.  Weinstein, A 2004, Handbook of Market segmentation: strategic targeting for business and technology firms. 3rd edition. New York: Probus Publishing Co. Read More
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