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Marketing Communication Mix & Members of Marketing Channels - Assignment Example

The paper "Marketing Communication Mix & Members of Marketing Channels" is a perfect example of a marketing assignment. Opinion leaders are known as that influential group of a member from a community, or societies who are inclined towards building information in term of new product in the market…
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Marketing Table of Contents Question 3 Question 2 6 Question 3 10 Push and Pull Communication Strategy 10 Marketing Communication Mix & Members of Marketing Channels 12 Question 4 14 Question 5 18 References 22 Question 1 Opinion leaders is known as that influential group of member from a community, or societies who are inclined towards building information in term of new product in the market. It interprets the meaning of media massages or the basic content of product for extreme low-end users. The different programs undertaken by the opinion leaders have huge roles in formulating marketing communication campaign. Marketing communication are the basic tools for any company, which uses the same to deliver the range of promotional messages to its target market areas. These communications mainly include various implements like, brochures, mails, websites, advertisements, sales promotions, exhibitions, personal selling, as well as press publicity campaigns The application of dependable brand messaging for both of the traditional as well as non-traditional marketing channels are also innovated through the opinion leadership strategies. These campaigns are done for attracting the target people towards the product. Most of the time company’s uses a well known or an influential public entity for their promotional advertisements or campaigns as well. This is already proven that one influential person’s word-of-mouth can affect the basic buying attitude of two other people on average (Eaton, n.d.). This situation is quite natural in this phase of globalisation, where marketing world becomes a small global village. Traditional Word-Of-Mouth (WOM) marketing communication develops its prominence based on the personal sources as well as non-personal sources. Personal sources like, family, friends, co-worker or any trustworthy people can develop an influence towards a particular product. Additionally, the promotional technique that has been used for spreading about the product is often noted to be having a huge amount of impact on the different needs of promotion. More than 60% of people are influenced to use a new brand that is mostly used by their families as well as friends. The influence of WOM is visible in daily usable products along with essential products. People often tend to buy expensive goods such as laptops, automobiles, real estate, financial investments, along with health care based on the previous experiences of peers or relatives. Additionally, relatives as well as peers suggest products that are often noted to be important as the suggested products outline the overall status identification of the people who is being suggested the same. These types of products mostly include restaurants, travel destinations or hotels as well as other (Jalilvand & et. al., 2010). Many companies find internet to be a dynamic advertisements vehicle to supplement the television as well as printing media. Development of technology has enhanced the technology and WOM has evolved into the process of electronic WOM or e-WOM. E-WOM can increase the brand awareness and additionally motivate people to develop their purchasing behaviour. In perception of traditional WOM, people are influenced from other trustworthy sources and tend to purchase the particular product that they have gained consciousness. Correspondingly, through e-WOM marketing people would directly collect information about the particular product from internet or specific marketing sites like, ebay, flipcart, quickr, along with other sites (Cheung & Thadani, 2010). In this phase of globalisation, people have become more and more technology savvy, during the previous years as they spent their time surfing various sources through social networking websites. the effective display of these websites are noted to be meeting the essential needs of supplying the luxury product at one glance, from daily useable product to infrequently purchased product, all are within the grasp of the common masses through the integration of e-WOM. Additionally, in this global village, trading of various products has become easy and people are trying to grab opportunities to purchase branded product from different sections of the globe that was unapproachable in the previous era (Gwinner & et. al., 2004). Along with this, its effectiveness as well as impact of e-WOM communication is observed to be a specific fragmented as well as effective domain is indeed needed. Through this form of communication, customers also post their opinions about products, and other relevant criteria (e.g. quickr, flipcart) (Cheung & Thadani, 2010). In contrast, traditional WOM was focused on sharing the information in a very small focused group of specific region, which has been largely altered with the introduction of e-WOM. With the effective integration of e-WOM the diverse mode of information, sharing had been enhancing the effectiveness of the products and services to numerous numbers of people. Along with this facility, the consumers are also provided with experiences of the different people sharing their views about the products, which are likely to affect the information’s sharing and increasing the prominence of the product (Gwinner & et. al., 2004). By the changed marketing concepts, the integrity as well as trustworthiness of the communicator has also been evolved which has further developed the marketing concepts that are underlined with the products. On the contrary, in the case of e-WOM posts or informative applications eradicates the ability of receiver to judge the trustworthiness as well as credibility of the sender. Thus, it could be stated that for maintaining the global value e-WOM is the prospective way to be successive as well as maintain sustainability in the global market. . With the more integrated approaches, the companies trading in the current domain are effectively maintaining the different strategies for ensuring efficiency of the system for overall management of the different challenges imposed by globalisation. Thus, through the effective and integrated approaches of e-WOM the company will be able to develop its prominence in the global arena (Gwinner & et. al., 2004). Question 2 Direct marketing is another evolving method of traditional marketing that has gained momentum within the changed scenario of the market. The term is called ‘direct’ because this type of marketing is majorly based on advertisements, which mostly permits the business as well as non-profit organisation to connect to its target customers. Direct marketing, can perform without involvement from any intermediary. General direct marketing often use various channels of marketing. Major channels of this direct marketing would be face-to-face selling, direct mail, catalogue marketing, telemarketing, TV along with other direct response media, as well as the kiosk marketing. In this time of globalisation, new technologies are introduced to direct marketing as its channels connects with the target customers. Face-to-face marketing is the form of old traditional marketing, but other channels are also included into new technology of marketing within the modern arena. New technology has a huge impact on the direct marketing. As previously mentioned channels like, direct mail, which is mainly involved in sending relevant offers, announcements, reminders along with other applicable products as well as services to the particular addresses (Little, 1990). With the enhanced level of technological involvement email and other electronic communication, technology has emerged as a prominent medium of marketing because through this medium any product can cover maximum target market area. Additionally, catalogue marketing, has even gained the prominence within the marketing concepts with larger number of companies are sending mails related with the products catalogue to specific address of customers. Companies mainly use print media for this type of marketing, but they also use CDs as well as videos to increase the prominence of the product among the customers. Other side of direct marketing is, telemarketing, which use most of the companies to retain their connectivity to the customers as well as sustain in the relative market place. Other channels of direct marketing are noted to be maximum use of media like, radio as well as TV commercials, which directly creates an impact on the customers and it can be thus inferred that this type of direct marketing has a long lasting impact on the customers. Some companies use this form mass media vigorously so that it can approach larger sections of the society at a particular instance. The use of mass media to address individual channels for all the day along with providing toll-free number to order products from home has even increased the prominence within the marketing domain. Additionally, another new technology is kiosk that mostly located into railway station, stores, airports, along with other places. The involvement of marketing strategies increases the prominence of the products and enhances the marketability of the same in the globalised world (Bughin & et. al., 2011). In particular, it could be said that, modern technology in the perception of direct marketing, would affect dynamically on the different attributes of the market attached with the marketing mix involved with the product. Technology advancement supports a lot of information sharing amid the customers in a far more easy way. With the integrated approach of the use of intensive technology, time could be reduced to a larger extent for information’s sharing as well as increase participation of customer as well. The new technology has changed the mode of operation as well as sales promotion and has further enhanced the effectiveness of marketing with effective support from the advances technology. New electronic media is far more advanced and has certain attributes that makes it more interactive than the previous approaches present in the field of promotion and marketing. With the integrated progress of technology, media relation can improve the customer relationship with the masses and enhance productivity of the organisations. Furthermore, use of advanced technology helps enhancing background information related with the needs of productivity, improve innovation and increase productivity. Correspondingly, with the use of integrated technology a more communicative approach towards the suppliers, as well as customers can be directly administered ensuring a far more effectiveness of the system (Reynolds & Lancaster, 2005). In this context, it could be ascertained that change in new technology is considered as a giant improver of direct marketing technique in the modern era which were usually absent in the traditional mode of marketing. Traditional marketing is based on the use of medium such as print, broadcast, as well as telephone for enhancing the needs of marketing. In this phase of globalisation, use of different print media has been replaced by innovative channels of marketing, which broadly includes internet marketing along with kiosk marketing for enhancing the approaches of marketing. This diverse change in the mode of communication through the effective use of media is identified to be the basic difference in between traditional marketing and new direct marketing techniques. In today’s generation people are the most technology savvy mass. They often spend their maximum time attached with the different needs of social media. Therefore, it would be great opportunity to all the marketers to make a better connection as well as promotion of their product to the targeted people with the support from social sites. A direct approach to the customer over the previous traditional marketing channels could be initiated with the use of the social media as a relevant source. Print media is one of the oldest methods of traditional marketing that includes the newspaper advertisements, magazines, brochures, along with other printed materials for distribution. Printing version of advertisements is always making some cost nominal effect towards company. Along with direct mail technique, also have uncertain chances that are not profitable for the company. In contrast, technology oriented direct marketing would be more profitable for companies (Fitzgerald & Arnott, 2000). The companies provide information about relevant products in various sites of social media, along with product-oriented offers, new launches of product range, as well as other related facts. Customers can directly access the information about product as well as other facilities at a same time they tally the other product ranges along with price, and easily can place the order and pay online for the particular product. This would not be possible with the integration of the traditional marketing techniques. Now-a-days consumers want to reduce the chances of having an impact on the overall needs of marketing. The changed technical advancement has even increased the prominence of the ease in marketing needs of specifications. Consumers today are more aligned towards shopping through online peripherals hence the organisations are crediting on the needs for marketing the products based on this changed consumer behaviour (Silverstein, 2001). These types of marketing channels would provide comfort along with satisfaction to the customers. In addition, technology changes has altered the line of direct marketing and incorporated strategies such as outsourcing sales of any company along with other marketing functions. With help of the technology companies, are aligned towards illustrating multi-channel of distribution system, which would be profitable for the company’s revenue system (Marketing-Schools, 2012). Question 3 Push and Pull Communication Strategy In B2B sector of marketing, launching a new product needs integrated level of promotion. According to the marketing aspects, the process of communication strategy is divided into two broad categories namely, ‘push’ and ‘pull’ strategy. Business patterns are usually decided whether to use push strategy and pull strategy to develop the marketing strategy. Promoting the product in the target market area is often done by companies for selecting the intermediate sources such as wholesalers as well as retailers to display the products to the consumers. The promotional activities involved in the push strategy often underlines the different tactical development of branding and other need for enhancing consumer satisfaction and specifications. Retailer pushes the product towards the target market and gain interest of the consumers through effective packaging and branding. The push strategy usually provides the consumers with an effective need for management and ensures that the consumers develop interest towards buying the products. Thus, the company needs to push the products towards the consumers so that they can effectively maker their buying decision. Correspondingly, for the pull method the company develops certain strategies that would be ensuring that the consumers is aligned with the brand and enhances and inclination towards buying the same. According to this specific method, companies would use various ways to reach the target customers, through social networking sites, mass media, and placement of a new store or retail outlet. With the help of this pull strategy, companies attract the target customer for increase the rate of purchasing. Figure: Push & Pull Strategy (Tanner & et. al., 2009) The basic differences between push and pull strategy, could be categorised as per the underlined concept, strategy, channels, application, as well as engagements involved with the same. In a conceptual basis, push marketing should be outbound marketing because its pushes intermediate along with customers towards a product-buying decision. Strategically push marketing includes various types of advertisements that convince the consumers for buying a product. In contrast, pull marketing is focused on creating awareness as well as increasing the brand visibility through the social media. Channels are also different for these two strategies, pull marketing is usually based on web method while push marketing is an off-line process that increases consumer preferences for a particular product. Push and pull strategies differ in application based on its different motive of marketing. In perception of engagements, if push marketing is done incorrectly the different aspects become troublesome. On a contrary, pull marketing is easier to access in terms of customer’s point of view for developing the prospect of marketing. Traditionally, push method is used vigorously rather than pull method of however in the phase of globalisation both the methods are equally important to sustainability as well as increase selling among the customers. In conception of this idea manufacturer companies should be more careful to choose their marketing promotional strategy on basis of both push as well as pull marketing strategy. Marketing Communication Mix & Members of Marketing Channels Marketing communication mainly used to reach members of marketing channels, who are retailer, wholesaler, as well as customers. The total process should be cycling around the manufacturer to retailer and wholesaler to customer, which is regarded elements of marketing communication mix. The main elements of marketing communication mix are, advertising, personal selling, public relations, direct marketing, along with sales promotion. The following figure of communication mix, Figure: Elements of Marketing Communication Mix (DaveDolak, 2015) Advertisements mostly used paid form of product presentation, which are generally conducted by companies to launch new product range as well as sale the same to the customers. Additionally, this is useful in terms of attracting retailers along with wholesalers towards the launched of the product in order to buy it as well as push it in front of final customers. It is not only used for products, but is also effective for generating new innovative ideas, as well as services (Berger, 2008). Sales promotion is another element of communication mix that is noted to be effective towards developing the different attributes and ensuring effectiveness of the system. Manufacturers are mostly using this sales promotion to generate eagerness among the members who are a part of the marketing channels towards the product or other relevant services so that the sales of the same could be initiated (Groucutt & et. al., 2004). Manufacturer companies introduce discounts on purchasing goods in addition to some attractive services, which largely influence consumers towards purchasing goods. Along with this personal selling another element of marketing communication mix, is through the effective management of services through which product popularity could be ensured. Sometimes, companies sponsored various activities as well as shows that are designed on the basis of the specific needs of the product are used to generate a brand consciousness along with visibility among the target customers as well as other members of marketing channels. Another element that are successfully involved with the needs of marketing is the need for developing public relation, which is most important part for the market sustainability of any product or its manufacturer company. In competitive market, companies should build a positive relationship with the consumers are directly or indirectly attached with the company as well as its manufactured products (Kitchen, 1999). Manufacturing is related to suppliers for supply of raw materials along with other services, so that a healthy relationship is important between suppliers and manufacturer. After manufacturing the product, manufacturer companies often becomes dependable on retailers as well as wholesalers for promotion. This is noted that the suppliers are often inclined towards addressing the needs of promotion so that selling the particular product could be ensured. Thus, to reduce the chances of dependency, manufacturing company should avoid unwanted situation in communication as well as try to maintain positive relation with retailers, wholesalers as well. The promotional part is also responsible to attract the customers. Customers and product developer must not be limiting the relationship and developing a boundary of relationship for just purchasing. The relationship should also be successfully continued post purchase of products and ensure that the services are duly addressed. Another element of the marketing mix that is used to reach consumers is direct marketing, which is used for promotion of a particular product. Companies mostly use mailing, telephone or fax as well as relevant sources for developing its communication with the consumers and enhance the prominence of the product and services that it is trading (DaveDolak, 2015). Question 4 While discussing and evaluating the benefits of branding from the perspective of brand owners, it is quite indispensable to acquire a brief idea about the conception of branding. From a conceptual standpoint, the notion of branding is regarded as the use of a specific sign, design or a name, which tends to distinguish a product and/or a service from others. In precise, it can be affirmed that branding is deemed the procedure engaged in the generation of a unique name as well as image for a specific product within the mind of the consumers (Max, 2002). In this modern day context, wherein the marketers operating in dissimilar industries face immense business market competition, they are often observed to use the perspective of branding as one of the effective means of marketing strategy. These marketers strongly believe that by effective use of branding, it is possible to cope up with the situation of extreme business market competition by several ways. These ways could be ascertained as differentiating their respective products and/or services, creating own image in the respective operational business markets and ultimately attracting the customers among others. It is worth mentioning that branding plays a decisive part in making a business attain greater level of success in future. This can be justified with reference to the fact that branding supports a business to attain maximum growth in terms of making greater level of understanding about a specific marketplace and conducting different effective marketing campaigns among others. Apart from these, in order to comply with the changing business market conditions due to the increased level of globalisation along with internationalisation, branding also supports businesses to respond to the same in an effective way and likewise attain predetermined targets. These targets could be reckoned as gaining market share, attaining greater competitive position as compared to others and most vitally ensuring long-term sustainability among others (Miletsky, 2009). From a general perspective, branding, acting as one of the potential marketing strategies, possesses several benefits supporting organisations and their individual businesses to attain the above stated desired objectives in long run. It will be vital to mention in a similar concern that differentiating products and/or services as well as making the same to be easily identifiable is regarded as one of the potential benefits from a brand owner’s perspective. This particular benefit of branding usually assists brand owners to attract their respective customers and likewise increase product sales as compared to others. Apart from this, the other benefit of branding from the standpoint of brand owners is reckoned to be generating greater value to the customers along with the industry partners, which in turn, results into ensuring long-term sustainability in the respective targeted operational business markets. Specially mentioning, while analysing the benefits of branding from the perspective of brand owners, certain potential attributes of branding have been ascertained. These attributes include perceived quality, brand associations, brand loyalty and awareness. These specific attributes eventually supports a brand owner to determine long-term success of the products and build a favourable self-image (Hoeffler & Keller, 2003). From the standpoint of a brand owner, the potential benefits could be revealed in the form of linking such brand with the potential customers. This signifies the importance of building effective communication with the customers for attaining long-term benefits in terms of marketing a specific product and/or service. Another vital benefit of branding from the standpoint of brand owners perspective could be determined as lowering the expenses that are incurred for marketing a product. This can be justified with reference to the fact that while creating uniqueness and differentiating a product and/or service by the help of branding, the marketing expenses eventually get lower by a considerable extent, which certainly results into raising the profitability level of businesses at large. More importantly, the potential benefits of branding from the perspective of a brand owner could be duly ascertained as facilitating the acceptance of a new product and/or service, enabling greater level of penetration of market share in the form of making advertisements and finally by resisting the erosion of prices. In general, branding seeks to make the accessible products and/or services quite appealing as well as relevant to target audiences that support the brand owners to market their respective products and/or services successfully. On a further note, effective branding ensures maximum customer loyalty, which leads towards repeating product sales and rising the chances of increasing the profitability level. Moreover, the above stated practices associated with branding also ensure maximum customer satisfaction, which in turn, assists the brand owners to raise product sales as per the desired level (Kumar, 2007). In relation to the above context, it must be mentioned that from the perspective of brand owners, branding aids in building positive reputation and such an image that attract the potential customers. This certainly enhances the level of customer satisfaction also ensuring long-term sustainability in the competitive business or operational setting. However, it can be critically argued that the results derived from branding are overwhelming but the procedure of branding is recognised to be one of the long as well as tedious exercises that need scrupulous management and most vitally utmost dedication. Thus, it can be affirmed that though branding is deemed to bring better results from the perspective of a brand owner, it may result into delivering negative results from long-term perspective. Overall, it is worth mentioning that although the procedure of branding is regarded as an expensive and timely procedure, it can support the brand owners to obtain numerous significant benefits in the form of accomplishing their respective business or operational targets. These targets could be ascertained as enlarging customer base by attracting huge figure of customers and making sure that the long-term sustainability is duly adhered and maintained by a considerable extent. Specially mentioning, the aspect of branding is deemed to be regarded as assets for the brand owners, as this tends to determine their long-term future and build confidence towards coping up with the prevalence of extreme business market competition (Okonkwo, 2007). Question 5 In the contemporary era of extreme competitive business environment, effective marketing communication planning is highly decisive. In this regard of effective marketing communication planning process, full context analysis is equally important in order to communicate effectively (Hughes & Fill, 2007). Full context analysis in marketing planning process is the method of analysing the business environment, wherein an organisation operates. In this regard, context analysis primarily attempts to analyse the macro business environment of a corporate organisation. Moreover, it is also worth mentioning that context analysis evaluates the entire business environment of an organisation, which includes both internal and external environment (Hughes & Fill, 2013). Full context analysis in an effective marketing communication planning process that is of considerable importance considering based on some of the aspects. One of such importance is about its contribution in developing effective strategic vision. The comprehensive analysis of the macro environment, which comprises of analysing both internal and external environment considerably supports in establishing effective strategic vision with respect to marketing communication (Hughes & Fill, 2007). It also supports corporate organisations to discover emerging and prospective markets throughout the world. Besides this, there is another importance of full context analysis with respect to marketing communication. This is its effectiveness in establishing brand image. In this regard, it is eminent that context analysis leads to effective understandings of the business environment. Correspondingly, it also provides a scope to the corporate organisations to understand the perceptions of demographic groups. Communicating accordingly as per the perceptions of the customers leads to the enrichment of brand image of the organisation (Hughes & Fill, 2013). There is some more importance of marketing communication through full context analysis. These include the expressing of competitive advantages. It is worth mentioning that the corporate organisations through context analysis are able to determine the factors, which differentiates the organisation from its competitors. Thus, the organisation has the opportunity to differentiate its products (Hughes & Fill, 2013). Eventually, the organisation also enjoys the scope to communicate with its customers regarding the competitive advantages that the organisation possesses through differentiating its products with competitors. Thus, considering this it is eminent that marketing communication process through full context analysis is extremely important from the perspective of a business organisation (Hughes & Fill, 2007). Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the importance of context analysis is also prominent considering its contribution in fostering goodwill. The organisation incorporates every aspect in marketing communication through comprehensive business analysis in the primary stage. This would eventually support the organisation in fostering its goodwill (Hughes & Fill, 2013). Full context analysis in marketing communication is also important considering it would significantly attract talents. This would effectively support the organisation in its recruitment process. Correspondingly, it would support the organisation in improving its efficiency and effectiveness (Hughes & Fill, 2007). Moreover, context analysis in marketing communication is also important considering its contribution in informing about the prospective of investment. Effective context analysis would support in identifying the potential investors. Thus, corresponding effective communication to such individuals is of extreme importance, as it would lead to the development of the organisation. This signifies the varied and extreme importance of full context analysis in marketing communication (Hughes & Fill, 2013). There are two elements of context analysis, which are of extreme important to the hotel business in Hong Kong. The two elements include the external context and the internal context. The effective external context is executed through some of the marketing tools. This includes PEST analysis and Porter Five Forces analysis. In this regard, PEST analysis comprises of the macro external environment comprising of political, economical, social, and technological. The current hotel in Hong Kong has the opportunity of communicating effectively with the economically prosperous customers through targeting the potential social class people. PEST analysis also determines the technological development in Hong Kong related to hotel industry by Porter’s Five Forces. It provides opportunity to use such technology for effective communication to the prospective and targeted customers (Wood, 2012). The Porter’s Five Forces is also important considering the fact that it would determine buyer’s power, competitive rivalry, thereat from new entrants, and others. This would significantly support the hotel business to communicate effectively with the customers and other stakeholders. The organisation through understanding the strategies of its competitors would be able to differentiate in its communication strategies. This would significantly support the hotel to communicate effectively and attract its customers (Hughes & Fill, 2013). Moreover, understandings of buyers’ power would also support the hotel to set price appropriately and conduct product development. Correspondingly, the different integrated approaches are going to attract the customers of the hotel through the effective marketing communication by expressing product development and reasonable pricing. Besides this, it also supports the hotel to express its superior quality and worthiness in comparison to its substitutes. The substitute products are often noted to be provided by some of the small hotels within the local market. Besides these, the organisation also has the opportunity to communicate effectively with its supplier through determining the buyers’ power within the market (McCabe, 2010). There are certain internal elements that significantly support the hotel to communicate effectively with its stakeholders. In this regard, the internal elements of the organisation include organisational capability. The determination of the organisational capability through context analysis would provide an opportunity to the organisation to communicate effectively to its customers (Fill, 2013). Moreover, context analysis would also support the organisation in identifying the organisational objectives and the customer requirements. Correspondingly, it is important to align the organisational objective with the customers demand. Moreover, it is worth in citing that the hotel has the objective of attaining the market leadership in Hong Kong. In addition, the demand of the customers is to attain superior quality of products from the hotel at a reasonable price. In this regard, effective communication expressing the requirements of the customers would support the organisation to attain market leadership (Hughes & Fill, 2007). References Berger, C., 2008. 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Electronic Word-of-Mouth via Consumer-Opinion Platforms: What Motivates Consumers to Articulate Themselves on The Internet? Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 18, Iss. 1, pp. 38-51. Groucutt, J. & et. al., 2004. Marketing: Essential Principles, New Realities. Kogan Page Publishers. Hughes, G. & Fill, C., 2007. Marketing Communications 2007-2008. Routledge. Hughes, G. & Fill, C., 2013. CIM Coursebook Marketing Communications 07/08. Routledge. Hoeffler, S. & Keller, K. L., 2003. The Marketing Advantages of Strong Brands. Brand Management, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 421-445. Jalilvand, M. R. & et. al., 2010. Interpersonal Influence and word-of-mouth. Electronic Word-Of-Mouth: Challenges And Opportunities, pp. 42-46. Kumar, S. R., 2007. Marketing and Branding: The Indian Scenario. Pearson Education India. Kitchen, P. J., 1999. Marketing Communications: Principles and Practice. Cengage Learning EMEA. Little, J. D. C., 1990. Information Technology is Everywhere. 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Wood, G., 2012. CIM Revision Cards Marketing Communications. Routledge. Read More

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