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The Key Roles of the Central Bank in an Economy - Assignment Example

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A paper "The Key Roles of the Central Bank in an Economy" reports that the accessibility to the intermediation market was highly regulated. Nevertheless, the supervision factor impelled the expansion of the official control and assessment of banks (Masciandaro, 2005). …
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The Key Roles of the Central Bank in an Economy
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The Key Roles of the Central Bank in an Economy The Central bank is mandated to conduct different functions. By the 20th century, the monetary market was dominated by central banking activities, despite the persistence of several other functions of enormous implication to the effectiveness of monetary exchange and financial systems. In addition, direct regulatory instruments replaced market-based instruments while financial systems matured and developed (Schinasi, 2003. Oversight and regulation of banking system had evolved significantly. The accessibility to the intermediation market was highly regulated. Nevertheless, the supervision factor impelled the expansion of the official control and assessment of banks (Masciandaro, 2005). Recently, the oversight function has been changed to other agencies from the central bank. The following explains the roles of Central Bank of different countries. Monetary stability It is the defining characteristics of the central bank. The central banks undertake decision –making and implementation of monetary policies. However, different nations have different extensive and the responsibility assigned to the independent central bank (Schinasi, 2003). The central bank role of setting monetary policies is critically autonomous though not completely autonomous as it undertake the implementation and decision-making stages of the monetary policy function (Al-Sabah, 1997). Therefore, the national government contributes in a certain process of monetary policy. In respect to monetary policy, the central bank is the only body that has the instrument autonomy. The Eurosystem, central banks governors from different nations participate in an ex officio ability in the monetary policy process. The countries central banks jointly make a decision regarding monetary policy, therefore, national central banks do not make independent decisions (Al-Sabah, 1997). As compared to the monetary policy the central bank has complete autonomy concerning the implementation of exchange rate policy (Al-Sabah, 1997). Criteria used in decision-making sometimes political direction. Since exchange controls were built principally as exchange rate devices, these instruments have been allocated to the central bank although it could be done by tax authorities. Regulatory functions and financial Stability Responsibilities regarding financial stability are considered an essential role of the central bank. The central bank is considered to have a full responsibility for ensuring financial stability and acts as financial system oversight body (Johnson, 1997). . The legality of ensuring financial stability is unclear since the central bank is inferred to functions such as licensing and bank regulation, broker services, deposit insurance, bank supervision as well as emergency liquidity assistance. However, the central bank has prudently developed policies in accordance with the financial system though the role is shared by some government agencies (Schinasi, 2003). Governance structural have generally tracked the acquisition role. For instance, in the United Kingdom, governance changes have been implicated to enhance financial stability function. In developed countries, certain central banks lack the bank supervision role therefore no bank supervision department but a major and devoted financial stability department (Masciandaro, 2005). The essence of indirect instruments makes the central bank play a helpful or advisory role in a formal and informal basis in the case where the role of supervisory rests with a different agency. Maintenance of price stability is the strategy used by Eurosystem central bank in ensuring financial stability. Central banks in undertaking their roles of financial system stability they oversee the payment system (Schinasi, 2003). These payment systems present a critical infrastructure in contemporary economies Central banks utilizes instruments such as laws and regulations in governing payment systems and ensure profitability and operational efficiency (Johnson, 1997). Second, central banks operate their own payment systems. Third, a central bank influences the operation and design of private payment systems Policy operations The Central bank undertakes operations to maintain the policy. The characteristics of these operations altered as central banks relied on information from the open markets. Operations functions of central banks vary broadly (Schinasi, 2003). The domination of operational measures varies between policy operations and is dependent on circumstances that prevail. As the significance of liquidity management became evident in the present financial crisis, and the scenery of central bank operations altered drastically, central banks have considerably customized measures pertaining to decision-making. Different approaches to policy operations governance are apparent in liquidity management (Schinasi, 2003). Liquidity management in a number of central banks is not sending policy signals, despite the fact that open market operations and instruments used in liquidity management persist to be applied in the implementation of decisions. In outstanding circumstances, for instance, the contemporary financial crisis, the liquidity management is highlighted critically. Equally of the critical central bank responsibility for ensuring financial stability and maintaining price stability are relevant in liquidity management. Concerning financial stability, the present financial crises have verified the amplified responsibility that markets play in intermediation funding. Consequently, the money markets disruptions in financial markets have generally had a larger blow than in previous crises. Central bank instruments were principally used for the accomplishment of monetary policy since they are considered highly applicable to limiting financial crises propagation and reinstating market functioning. Most countries operate foreign exchange reserves to sustain their aptitude to intercede in foreign exchange markets. In the large major cases, the reserves are usually supervised by the central bank and normally owned by the central bank. Reserve management goals have habitually been driven by exchange market strategy deliberations. Nevertheless, visible financial losses have normally led to the execution of reserves management operations measures (Schinasi, 2003). Provision of infrastructure needed for financial system formation The Central bank is dominantly mandated to provide the infrastructure needed by the financial system. The core actions of the central bank are the issuance and management of currency and its circulation (Nier, 2009). Moreover, it provides banking services to the government and commercial banks and it provide systems for settlement of transactions. Nevertheless, the ways these universal functions are organized and executed differ transversely among central banks. In contemporary economies, the responsibility of banknotes and coin is immensely reduced contrasted with previous times (Schinasi, 2003). Particularly today, the capacity of the central bank to manipulate interest rates and in consequence monetary conditions has fundamentally nothing regarding the administration of the currency. All central banks offer on-demand accounts that are used by banks for resolution of customer obligations and their own electronic settlement systems. It is this variation that liquidity management controls. Payment and defrayal systems offer a critical element of the infrastructure of the contemporary economy. In addition, central banks responsibilities have high-level responsibility for policy for efficient infrastructure. Services to the government Central banks are the government’s banker in many countries. Most central banks provide government banking business but with a wide variety of intensity. The central bank needs to conduct government banking business. The specific deposit accounts issued by the government varies without undermining the monetary system (Schinasi, 2003). Other central banks offer extensive account supervision services to agencies and government. In some nationals, the central bank offers a bare mini-mum of services, for instance, a single government account is used as a sweep account at the central bank (Masciandaro, 2005). The alternative of service intensity rests substantially on the comparative ability of central banks and commercial to give competitive and sophisticated account management services, together with an evaluation of the credit disclosures incurred as a result of channel of government funds to commercial bank accounts. In many nations the transactions done by central banks to correct changes in reserves are viewed as the open market operations utilized in the implementation of monetary policy, basically as liquidity management (Schinasi, 2003). It is also conceived as cash management services provided by the government, given that the central bank provides the government with funding borrowed by the central bank from the open market. As the bank of the government, and the closeness to financial markets, many central banks always act as debt management agent for the government a responsibility that includes offering registry services. Indeed, in 20th century, many central banks policy interest was strong concerning government debt management since the monetary policy was implemented through variations of the government debt programme (Schinasi, 2003. The extensive adoption that the government borrows from open markets, at certain market rates, has led to the separation of government funding and liquidity management by the central bank. The selection of point of debt management function, therefore, depends on the government analysis whether to gamble on monetary policy achievement when markets become skeptical, and on the success of the substitute governance measures in ensuring conflicts resolution (Johnson, 1997). Public Good Functions Many central banks are active in financial sector supporting the market and institutional development, particularly in regard debt and money markets. Institutional measures, for instance, the discount house system implemented in the United Kingdom, and broker-dealer system used in the United States were central bank initiatives used in the improvement of market functioning (Nier, 2009). Depth and breadth used in debt and money markets are functional for the accomplishment of monetary policy (Al-Sabah, 1997).  Nonetheless, the incentive for the involvement of central banks to direct and support detailed expansions always goes further than investment in the measures that would assist in increasing the efficiency of their main functions. Broader national and developmental interest ideas are involved as well. That was particularly apparent in the Bank of England’s previous responsibility as the supporter of London financial markets. It is apparent in the responsibility currently done (HKMA) Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the (MAS) Monetary Authority of Singapore. Attitudes on the functions have changed everywhere. For instance, The Bank of England has introverted from the vigorous support of markets to center on its rationale of ensuring monetary and financial stability. Nonetheless, a big percentage of central banks view system design that market development is a legal and rational function. ECB Governing Council is comprehensible that the Eurosystem’s task statement involves a safeguarding financial stability and enhancing European financial integration (Eijffinger & Masciandaro, 2012). The Monetary Authority of Singapore is predominantly vigorous in the design and progression of the national financial system and has recognized a separation devoted to that mission. Indeed, the law creating Singapore central bank need to promote a legitimate and advances in the financial services sector, entailing more than the money, banking, and debt markets. The central banks of Malaysia and that of Philippines have lately pinched up plans for the improvement of financial systems that entails considerable reengineering of present measures. In these nations, the improvement function tends to be facilitative and directive for instance ensuring the law is clear on debt contracts (Eijffinger & Masciandaro, 2012). Different outlooks on the improvement function imitate numerous considerations. Views on the suitable responsibility of government play a role in deciding if the central bank is a dynamic instrument of financial system improvement (Laurens, Segalotto & Arnone, 2009). A regularly cited basis for central banks in rising markets to play an improvement role is the accessibility of skilled personnel in an organised public agency (Schinasi, 2003). If financial system improvement is a dynamic purpose of the central bank, definite matters of governance occur. These comprise the desirability of organizing with other agencies accountable for economic infrastructure, for taxation, financial and capital market regulations (Laurens, Segalotto & Arnone, 2009). . In all these public policy approach desires to be incorporated transversely to various economic sectors to evade tax and regulatory arbitrage and misrepresentations of economic incentives. These coordination actions cut to other essentiality, for instance, institutional sovereignty and the improvement of a considerate population for the central bank’s monetary policy roles (Laurens, Segalotto & Arnone, 2009). Economic development functions further than the financial sector include quasi-fiscal actions normally unrelated to the rationales of central banking, despite that central bank instruments are utilized. Quasi-fiscal activities also comprise a disseminate position of policy involvements associated with the central bank’s policy objectives but entail exceptional costs and risks to the taxpayer. As regards 50% of global central banks play a function in consumer protection. It is because many retail transactions are protected by various categories of consumer protection laws. Nevertheless, certain central banks believe that consumer behaviour is satisfactorily essential for the stability and functioning of the financial system (Eijffinger & Masciandaro, 2012). Public policy and money making functions Nowadays, central banks rarely compete with other financial institutions. Government subsidiary have competitive advantages compared to the private financial firms due to lower return targets and the minimal cost of capital. In addition, cases where regulatory powers rest in the central bank, it would usually measured unsuitable to contend with those that are regulated (Eijffinger & Masciandaro, 2012). Generally, it is accepted that conflicts arise between public policy goals and the financial function of the central bank (Laurens, Segalotto & Arnone, 2009).  Ensuring price stability can diminish seignior age income. Buying fixed income properties in times of deflationary incidents when the interest rates are generally very low may cause capital losses as a result of price stabilization. In elementary respects, therefore, the relationship between commercial interests and policy is negative(Eijffinger & Masciandaro, 2012). How central bank lender of last resort is controversial It is not totally clear what instrument the central bank uses in discharging the financial stability obligation (Schinasi, 2003). The central bank exercises lender of last resort (LOLR). LOLR is a system extensive level involves making sure there is a continuous adequacy of liquidity as demand for liquidity constantly changes due to upsets in risk preferences. If these shocks are related to the inability to correct the financial markets, presented instability could be radically compounded. At the institution level, it has been consistently been disputed that LOLR plays a significant function in averting information asymmetries from becoming erroneous institutional failures into real and actual failure, with the potentiality of generating systemwide instability. Distinguishing between liquidity and solvency problems in a crisis is a demanding duty satisfactorily challenging that in realistic terms the difference may be rendered pointless. These information problems have key governance and operational implications (Laurens, Segalotto & Arnone, 2009). . As a result of information problem, the risk occurs therefore LOLR extensions are repaid fully. Losses as a result of LOLR are eventually accepted by the taxpayer (Eijffinger & Masciandaro, 2012). . Though the risk changes, it does not disappear when the central bank decides to take collateral. The successive failure as a result of an unnoticed solvency problem leaves the central bank confined. Slightly, all taxpayers bearing the cost, the costs would be considerably more concerted and possibly more politically insightful. Whichever way, institution LOLR entails the possible for a political fight and consequently a sturdy government attention in being engaged in decision-making. . References ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK. (2000). The role of central banks in microfinance in Asia and the Pacific. [Manila], Asian Development Bank. AL-SABAH, S. A. A. (1997). Monetary policy and the role of the Central Bank of Kuwait: current concerns and future prospects : a collection of speeches delivered on various occasions locally and abroad. [Kuwait], Central Bank of Kuwait. COLLYNS, C. 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