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The effects of digital marketing on the buying behaviour of the consumers - Dissertation Example

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The main purpose of the research is to find the answer to the question: how does digital marketing influence buying behaviour of consumers. In the case of this study, the subjects are young adults. Thus the research is primarily dealing with how the behaviour is affected. …
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The effects of digital marketing on the buying behaviour of the consumers
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The research was conducted on the effects of digital marketing on the buying behaviour of the consumers. The research reveals that in today’s fast-paced technological environment, the digital media is playing a pivotal role in influencing the young adults of UAE. This is because the have now started purchasing online and thus are more knowledgeable about global markets. Today the consumer can make smart choices by instant comparison of prices and product features online and thus is not easily fooled.

Moreover he is more aware of the prices and promotions that take place. Thus digital media has made the buyer savvier. The research was conducted on young adults having a mobile and familiar with Internet. A total of 1000 subjects were approached in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. However, only 884 of them gave valid responses. The research was conducted using the questionnaire as a research tool. The findings reveal that the consumers consider the online shopping and digital media as a parallel medium and traditional shopping and marketing is not entirely replaced and the results indicate that it may not be replaced in the near future.

Though online buying has its advantages yet consumers hesitate because of security issues, inability to interact with the product before purchase and delivery time. Recommendations like making credit card shopping more secure, incorporating online marketing and purchase an essential part of the UAE culture, more online exclusive discounts should be given and lastly he media firms should increase awareness of digital media and marketing. Table of Contents Chapter 1-Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.

2 Research background 1 1.3 Purpose of the research 1 1.4 Research methodology 2 1.5 Aims and Objectives 3 1.6 Report Layout 4 1.7 Limits of Validity 5 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Literature review 6 2.2 Human Needs and Wants 7 2.3 Theory of Reasoned Action 7 2.4 Consumer Characteristics 8 2.4.1 Cultural Characteristics 8 Culture 8 Subculture 8 Social Class 9 2.4.2 Social Characteristics 10 Reference Group 10 Family 10 Roles and Status 10 2.4.3 Personal characteristics 11 2.4.3.

1 The Age and Life-Cycle Stage 11 Occupation 11 The Economic Situation 11 Lifestyle 12 Personality 12 2.4.4 Psychological Characteristics 12 2.5 Online Consumer Characteristics 13 2.5.1 Cultural Characteristics of an Online Buyer 13 2.5.2 Social Characteristics of an Online Buyer 13 2.5.3 Personal Characteristics of an Online Buyer 13 2.5.4 Psychological Online Characteristics 14 Perception 14 Personality 15 Attitude 15 Emotions 15 2.

6 SWOT ANALYSIS 15 2.6.1 Strengths 15 2.6.2 Weaknesses 17 2.6.3 Opportunities 18 2.6.4 Threats 18 2.7 Psychological Characteristics of Online Buyers 18 2.7.1 Egocentric 19 2.7.2 Impatient 20 2.7.3 Impulsive 20 2.7.4 Educated 20 2.7.5 Informed 20 2.7.6 Thrifty 21 2.7.7 Private 21 2.7.8 Cautious 21 2.7.9 Pleasure-driven 21 2.8 Online Shopping Cart Abandonment 22 2.9 Global Trends in Online Shopping: A Nielsen Global Consumer Report - June 2010 24 2.9.1 Online Shopping Around the World - Regional round up: Middle East, Africa and Pakistan: 25 Chapter 3-Methodology 26 3.

1 Introduction 26 3.2 Role of the researcher 27 3.3 The design of the research 28 3.4 Sampling 30 3.5 Conducting the research 30 3.6 Research tool-the questionnaire design 32 3.7 Questionnaire method 33 3.8 Type of data collected 33 3.9 Procedure of collecting the data 34 3.10 Trustworthiness of the methodology used 34 3.10.1 Reliability 34 3.10.2 Validity 35 3.10.3 Ethical Validity 35 3.10.4 Generalized validity 35 Chapter 4- Data analysis 4.1 Introduction 37 4.2 The change brought about by digital marketing in the buying behaviour 37 4.

3 The way digital marketing influences buyers 41 4.4 To understand consumer’s attitude towards interactive digital marketing 44 5.Conclusion 53 5.1Introduction 53 5.2 Conclusion 53 5.2 Scope of the research 56 5.3 Recommendations 57 5.3.1 Safety issues 57

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