Problem of Skill and Will in the Employees: Study on Work Issues in Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Committee of Qatar
Table of Contents
Project Objective6
Research Question6
Literature Review6
Research design10
Data source11
Issue of Reliability and Validity12
Findings and Analysis12
Working of the Secretary Office12
Problem within the Sectary Office14
Consequences of Employee Shortage18
Recommendations as a Remedy19
Reference List23
Management problems are common to most of the organisations in the world but the intensity of difficulty varies depending upon the nature of the organisation. Any economic activity is driven by a number of factors, availability of labour, capital, level of technological advancement, demand in the market, etc. and disruption in any one of them may lead to inefficient outcome. One of the prime factors determining quality and quantity of production is labour and if there is shortage of labour, then an organisation is scheduled to suffer from skill deficiency.
The production in a market economy becomes restricted under two circumstances one, when there is not enough demand for the goods produced by a particular company and the second scenario is shortage of workers because of which a company will not be able to satisfy the market demand. The reason of the second scenario is due to lack of skill development system (Richardson, 2007).
The other issue that an organisation is likely to face with the growing competition is the issue of will among the employees. This refers to the situation when there is availability of work but employees are not ready to take up jobs. One of the many reason may be that they want to wait for better opportunity or a better job environment. It has been an established fact that nowadays, job applicants are not only attracted to paychecks but also like to evaluate other attributes such as, working environment, nature of work, i.e., whether there is any occupational hazard associated with it or not.
The State of Qatar has intrigued the world owing to its development and has resulted in the growth of expatriates in the labour market of the country such as in 2013, one of the famous magazines of Qatar published that the country consists of 94% workers whose origin is in foreign countries (BQ Magazine, 2013). The private sector offers a significant share of employment and it is where expatriates flock but if the Qatari population is asked of their preference then they would have undoubtedly expressed their response in favour of public sector jobs because of their relative higher salary and other benefit structure (Oxford Strategic Consulting, 2015).
The office of Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Committee of Qatar is a branch of Central bank of Qatar. This regulatory authority is committed to prevent the participation of firms in the activities that may constitute or facilitate financial crime. They also have the responsibility of preventing occurrence of financial crime opportunities. The Anti-money Laundering (AML) team works in authorising the licenses to the firms along with other technical support and at the apex is the position of Secretary.
The organisation under study is also not relieved of management problems and is currently unable to address all the affairs efficiently because of the issue of shortage of skilled employees. The office needs qualified employees to evaluate the business of other firms and award them the license of working by clearing their name from any financial crime list. This has added the workload of the Secretary since the working staff is not capable enough to address any regulatory checking independently.
Research Aim
The aim of the research is to focus on the problem and consequence of labour shortage in the office of Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Committee of Qatar. It analyses the probable reasons that has led to the above stated problem and finally suggests some ways to overcome the problem.
What is the main work issue that is preventing the smooth running of the office of Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Committee of Qatar? What are the main reasons behind such work issues?
The workplace is altogether a different world where an individual spends maximum time of the day. The interaction with other employees and the relationship that they have with the employer is very crucial and thus needs to be carefully analysed. The hiring of an employee depends on the qualification and the potential that can be utilised by the organisation to improve their performance. However, there are issues that act as hindrances because sharing of ideas not always result in positive outcome and can turn to conflicts. The growing intensity of competition is the most important factor that has raised the pressure upon each organisation to perform and come up with nothing but the best result (Snyder, 2016). This in turn has resulted in the increase of pressure upon the employees. They have to learn and adapt to the new changes in the process without compromising upon their existing performance.
The other issue that have come up is the shortage of required skill when employers are going for recruiting. Ample evidence has been recorded by many scholars that indicate colleges, universities and other higher educational institutes are facing challenges while educating the next generation of employees about the realities of workplace. There is a wide gap between the requirements of the organisation, whether public or private and the way through which training and educational institutes are serving such needs. The employers are dissatisfied with the quality of available workforce (Taylor, 2007).
The workplace environment is an important factor when the concern is upon the engagement of an employee to his or her company. Studies present that it has a profound impact upon the morale, productivity and willingness to work. When employees are provided with high quality of work environment then researches has shown that it has a positive impact upon the motivation of the workers and thus resulted in the improvement in the performance (Chandrasekar, 2011). The research of Chandrasekar (2011) established when workers are productive and willing to exert more than 100% to their work; organisations, irrespective of size, can benefit through increased revenue. The excessive workload also results in the increased stress and affects employees’ physical and psychological health. Under such circumstances, workers require the support from their employers and surrounding to relieve them and increase their productive performance.
The HR of any organisation while selecting job applicants needs to focus that without motivation and poor quality work environment, there will be high attrition rate raising the cost of production. The unavailability of a skilled workforce and the need of adapting new changes have urged many organisation to resort to incorporate training processes so that workers get accustomed to the latest development of the business world (Truitt, 2011). However, this also entails a cost to the organisations and if they are not covered with revenue expectation of the firms, then such investments are futile. Hence, a detailed study on the cost-benefit analysis of each supportive infrastructural improvement needs to be analysed by authorities of any organisation (Truitt, 2011).
The well-being in the workplace is maintained through the interaction between the individual behaviour and the organisational environment. Job satisfaction is a determining factor in inspiring workers so that they can improve their performance. Positive emotions are also considered by many authors as a motivating tool to balance stress and bring about well-being to an organisational environment (Biggio and Cortese, 2013). Transparency in communication strengthens interpersonal relations in a company and mutual respect prevents the chances of conflicts in a workplace. The urge for learning drives employees to either accept or reject a particular challenge. However, there are numerous other factors which act upon the stability of a workplace environment and human resource management is a challenge to the authorities. It is because of the workers the performance of an organisation is decided. If employees are inefficient then the production process suffers and can end up earning only losses (Walker and Deavel, 2007).
Health and emotional well-being are the decisive factors in case of determining the capacity of working productively. Common Mental Disorders (CMD) is associated with the reduction in the productivity of workplace (Chopra, 2009). Many developing and emerging economies are the victims of CMD at workplace. The emotional stability is directly related to the increased risk of CMDs. It is a multifaceted issue and has a negative impact on the organisational environment if the latter is affected with high stress level. In order to improve the situation, collaboration is required from governmental authorities and stakeholders so that well-being of the employees is ensured with promotion of programmes directed towards improvement in psychological welfare (Chopra, 2009).
The skill of an employee is an important attribute that can be developed with specialised and on the job training if an employee has the correct hunger for learning. However, the situation worsens when there is shortage of man-power. It affects the output severely and stalls the progress and sometimes makes it difficult to address emergency projects. This in turn prohibits an organisation from taking up new activities which may be beneficial to the interest of the firm in question. This can result in the shrinkage of a firms’ market and make the path of increasing profit highly difficult. The emerging challenges of the business world present new opportunities which require timely response and failure may adversely affect the growth of the organisation. Though performance requires skilled employees and efficient value chain, yet employees form an important part of the value chain contributing to the production (Berrebi, Martorell and Tanner, 2009).
An increase in the workload results in high stress levels which has adverse impact on the productivity of the employees and this is valid for the high management as well. If the lower level employees are not able to execute their responsibilities properly then it falls on the shoulders of the managers and leaders to complete the task. This can result in lack of focus and subsequently higher rate of errors (Shah, et al., 2011). Life’s practicality is that every individual is under lot of stress generating lot of workload problems which is ultimately affecting the performance of the workers. Globalisation has integrated organisations vertically as well as horizontally; thus, when one firm lacks in terms of its performance, it results in a chain reaction affecting other connected firms (Shah, et al., 2011).
According to the UNESCO report on Arab states, the countries suffer from deprivation of primary education and there are millions who receives poor quality of education. This shows the concern that even though Arab population is receiving some kind of educational training; yet, the quality is such that the next generation of workers are not getting appropriate educational qualification to face the challenges of the world. The scenario in case of secondary and tertiary education is such that there is great deficiency of skilled labour (Rand, 2008).
This paper depicts the work issues persisting in the office of Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Committee of Qatar. Like any other organisation, this public office is suffering from management problem. Here a qualitative approach has been applied so that the depth of this problem can be understood. Since it deals with confidential information of various organisation there is very little information is available which makes quantitative research difficult. Qualitative analysis will help in understanding the issue and provides scope for suggestions to improve the situation. Labour shortage and skill deficiency is a problem that has been there in the economy since the beginning of business transaction. However, the same problem creates different effect upon each organisation; hence, qualitative analysis is suitable to analyse the extent of this issue with respect to this public office.
The office of Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Committee of Qatar deals with highly confidential matters relating to the financial assets of the firms doing business hence it is very difficult to notify the sources of information. However, during my tenure in this public office I have personally experienced this problem. The workload in this office has restricted each employee’s performance and has made it worse for the senior management to conclude each case. The conclusion has been drawn from the results available from secondary data. The office of Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Committee of Qatar has been chosen for the purpose of research but this problem is common to all the organisation of the Gulf countries. The persistence of skill deficiency among Qatari workers and shortage of labour in the economy have made the progress of daily business slow and brought attention to the current situation.
Data Collection Technique
My association with this public office has provided me with firsthand experience of the difficulties faced by the Sectary’s office. Over the years, we are facing the difficulty of getting skilled employees which has restricted the quick assessment of each case. Hence, this report has been presented with qualitative analysis to ensure that it explains every aspect of the problem with flexibility. Data collection for qualitative data needs to be a well planned process and control should be exerted to gain correct information and scholarly conclusions (Hox and Boeije, 2005). The qualitative information presented here is the reflection of personal experience. This process of data collection saves time and also provides important information containing deeper insight upon the problems and phenomenon under study.
The question of reliability is raised by scholars because of the lack of quantitative information. However, since this report has been the depiction of my personal experience as a working employee in the concerned public office eliminates any doubt regarding the authentication of the information provided in this report while illustrating the skill issues and labour shortage problem faced here. Hence, this paper allows readers to get a glimpse of the firsthand experience of the problems that are faced on a daily basis by the employees and the Secretary as well. However, it is true that primary research is the most accurate way of ensuring correct conclusion yet biases have been noticed in them as well and the use of qualitative analysis saves the time of the researcher while allowing flexibility to carry out in depth research with ample flexibility.
The office of Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Committee of Qatar works in coordination with 15 agencies to supervise the financial sector of Qatar and bring the organisations who are involved in illegal use of their asset to support criminal activities to justice. Since 2013, the office has been active in identifying and prosecuting organisations that are associated with money laundering and illegal use of the resources. There have been many on-site and off-site investigations performed under the supervision of this public office. The secretary office is also responsible for enhancing local and international relations so that Qatar’s financial resources are secured against misuse.
The office of secretary also organises various trainings from junior to senior level so that the staff are well versed with the technical development and improve administrative skilfulness. This training is needed because not only it facilitates efficient working of the public office but it also helps to identify techniques and flaws in a system that are utilised by the criminals to get their required funding from business organisations. Events and workshops at national and international level are organised by the secretary office to acquire more information through greater knowledge sharing with Qatar’s international counterparts in the gulf countries, since they are all suffering from similar issues. Over the years, there has been an increase in the number of suspicious transaction of financial assets reported to the monitoring authority. The smooth running of financial sector depends on the coordination among the 15 agencies that work in collaboration with Secretary Office and Ministry of Finance is also a part of entire operation against criminal organisations. Non-profit organisations are also reviewed because many instances has pointed that often organisations engaged in malicious activities are carrying out their illegal activities by putting up a front of charitable organisations. The 15 agencies can be subdivided into following sections:
Driven by the challenging situation, the public office is continuously engaged in increasing the effectiveness so that there is reduction in the illegal use of money encouraging criminal organisations. The Secretary office is also responsible for enhancing the man-power so that on-site as well as off-site work of Anti Money Laundering Agency can be carried out with accuracy. The supervisors responsible for inspections need to be more cautious regarding the quantity and quantity of their work. The collection and analyzation of data needs to be done so that there is uniformity in statistics across other national agencies.
The main problem that is faced by the public office is that there is less number of job applicants available to hire. The office is in need of enough working hands so that they can execute investigations and other paper work. The next major issue is that the limited human resource that is available is not at all capable of managing such important tasks as they do not have any formal experience. Specialists are required when it comes to managing of tasks as confidential and as important as this. The public office has also introduced training programmes so that they can learn how work is done in the office of Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Committee of Qatar. However, this initiative has also met with problems because those trained employees do not work on a full time basis which implies that they also have to carry out their respective responsibilities in the agency work as well. This in turn brings the researcher back to the first problem of scarce human resource because if they had enough man-power then the authorities would not have to turn towards employing limited part-time workers.
High amount of risk is involved and if the companies at fault are able to infiltrate the employees responsible for investigation then the entire financial system will fail. The Sectary office is required to help all the 15 agencies so that the later can ensure compliance of the 40 recommendations enshrined in FATF by all the companies engaged in any kind of business activity in Qatar (FATF Standards, 2010). The direct result of having the shortage of specialised employees is additional responsibilities on the shoulder of the Secretary, slowing the entire system. However, more important issue is that firms engaged in money-laundering and criminal financing get more time to cover up their illegitimate transactions. The employees lack in their management skills always wait for the Sectary to approve each action and this makes all the responsibilities to be burdened on the concerned authority. Reviewing each step takes time as the laws are to be interpreted at each step and this would have been much easier if they had more skilled supervisors and employees trained to be working for full hours. Office hours are not sufficient to conduct all the meeting related to decision-making. Supervisors are busy with the excessive workloads and many times junior level employees are asked to attend these meetings. Hence, this results in conducting meetings beyond normal working hours directly affecting the performance of the employees whether a junior or a senior level employees. The lack of experience among representatives of the 15 agencies while addressing issues of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing makes these meetings all the more difficult. In the beginning of every meeting, the laws are required to be explained and then specific cases are discussed delaying further proceedings.
The excessive workload without sufficient compensation has further worsen the situation because the limited workers, who are asked to carry out the part-time working of the public office, are not performing their responsibilities willingly and lacks motivation to excel in their work. This lack of willingness among employees makes them prone to mistakes which can cost the nation a great deal. Lack of focus and exhaustion makes an employee physically and mentally weak and under extreme situation they can quit their job further adding to the availability of skilled labour.
The office of Secretary bears enough expenditure and invests much time in training the part-time workers and all of it gets wasted when the authorities are not able to ensure full utilization of their investment. The female population is not given the exposure towards joining the workforce owing to their restricted qualification which adds to the issue of labour shortage.
The State of Qatar is currently facing structural employment and to some extent frictional employment. This has affected the Secretary office, although limited labour is available in the market yet the public office is unable to employ them because they do not possess the required potentiality that can be utilised by the concerned public office.
The survey done by the Oxford Strategic Consulting (2015) showed that most of the Qatari workforces are of the opinion that getting a job in the State is neither too difficult nor too easy, but getting a specialised job is always driven by certain skills. The male workforce prefers to get government jobs, like police and military employment but these jobs require skill beside willingness to serve the country. They only focus on the security of job while selecting to work in public sector. However, working in the Secretary office as a part of the investigating team involves risk and needs skill so that employees can deal with confidential matters corresponding to various firms in Qatar. This is the sole reason in creating structural unemployment in Qatar as the jobs here need specific skill and potential which can be utilised by organisations offering jobs.
Although the Qatari workforce prefers the jobs within the economy, yet they are unanimous that the wage in regards to jobs are not up to world’s standard and require revision so that the economy can retain skilled labour. This stalls the progress of all sectors of Qatar’s economy just like the shortage of skill prevents efficient working of the office of Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Committee.
One of the most convenient ways of generating skill is to train the potential job applicants. However, the problem of labour shortage leads to reduction in the number of job applicants and training cannot solve the problem because one employee is responsible for carrying out duties associated with more than one job role. This causes high chances of mistakes in the execution of all responsibilities since the excess workload creates stress and disrupts an individual’s concentration level.
Qatar is suffering from deficiency of skilled labour. Many business leaders have opted for importing labours from foreign countries which has resulted in the excessive increase in the levels of expatriates in every organisation (Rand, 2008). However, this is not an option for the Secretary’s office because the issues are related to national security; hence, appointment of foreign employees involves trust issues and there has been an established biasness in the country towards employing Qatari population in various decisive positions. Lack of qualifies young population to take up the responsibility of getting employed in those positions has made the problem more acute for Qatar’ public offices. The survey has also revealed that the female population shies away from the responsibility of administrative roles and chooses to work in the service sector. They prefer occupations like, doctors and teaching rather than serving for Qatar’s financial security departments hence contributing further to the problem of labour deficiency (Oxford Strategic Consulting, 2015).
The issues of labour and skill shortage have far reaching consequences. Firstly, since the Secretary office is unable to get required skilled labour, they are trying to work with employees who can only work on a part-time basis slowing down the entire inspection process. The excess burden is transferred upon the Secretary since he or she is the supreme authority having the knowledge of the intricacies of the laws pertaining to anti-money laundering and terrorist financing.
When the inspection activities get stalled it gives opportunities to the criminal groups to cover their tracks more securely making the whole exposing process much more difficult. Using less skilled workers result in shifting of decision- making responsibility to the senior authority adding to their workload causing delegation almost futile. The risk of having miscalculated statistics is highly dangerous not only for the organisation but also for the firms whose investigation is being carried out. The excessive workload has a direct effect upon the stress level and distracted employees not only affect their organisation but also endanger national financial security. The performance of an employee is dependent upon his or her physical and psychological health and excessive workload not only affects their motivation to work but also stalls the growth of an organisation. The work done by Secretary Office will require careful and responsible employees who possess the capability of taking decisions which is difficult when there is only handful of inexperienced workers trying to cope up with high workload.
The greatest resource of Qatar is its people but is in need of specialised management to further develop their potential. The mismatch of skill and job requirement can only be alleviated with development of skill among the young generation of Qatar. They need suitable qualification that can bridge the gap between job and an aspiring job seeker. The realisation of this gap has resulted in the adoption of various reforms in the educational institutions that are responsible for cultivating the required potential among individuals. The limited jobs available in the public sector add further to the unemployment problem but in order to get the best of those limited opportunities require specific skills. This requires transformation in the educational system of Qatar. The government of Qatar has coined a new term “Qatarisation” to introduce their objective of providing placement of the fresh graduates obtained educational training under structurally transformed educational system (Berrebi, Martorell and Tanner, 2009). This gives added advantage to the Qatari youth and also provides the much needed relief to the employers whose businesses are at stake due to labour and skill deficiency. The dependence on the expatriates can be reduced when a well educated Qatari workforce is ready with knowledge and skill.
The human capital available in the economy requires an education system which will first identify the national goals and then incorporate changes in its structure that not only improves primary education, but also makes the secondary and tertiary education more efficient. The empowerment of Qatari youth can help in realising nation’s vision. This transformation will generate more labour which will solve twin problems, one labour shortage in the organisations and secondly, it will develop the required potential among the future workforce of the economy. An economy with more number of engineer, doctors and administrators will certainly result in greater productivity for the economy of Qatar.
The office of Sectary is also in need of full time employees who can receive proper training prior to their joining. This not only will help in delegation of responsibilities because the type of work carried out by this public office will require specialised training which cannot be provided by any educational institute. This does not imply that educational transformation is not required because a more qualified individual will be having greater analytical sense that can be utilised by the organisations like the Secretary office. Training will only be needed for learning the working within the organisation and how each law concerning the subject will help while investigating financial assets of a company. Better and higher education has a direct impact upon the intellect of an individual; years spent in schools and colleges develop the potential of an individual so that when faced with particular scenarios, he or she can adapt and learn quickly.
The female population should be encouraged so that they can also attain education and correspondingly assume the important positions in a corporate world. Although they may not be suitable for on-site investigation but their potential can definitely be utilised while assessing the off-site inspections. They can also help in analyzation of statistical information pertaining to financial data of any chosen organisation.
Explaining every time the laws and policies related to anti-money laundering and use of financial assets in supporting criminal activities is waste of time. However, it becomes necessary to remind the intricacies of the laws that need to be kept in mind while discussing financial transactions of any particular firm.
This paper has taken a qualitative approach to explain the causes of work issues experienced in the office of Secretary of National Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Committee of Qatar. The most striking feature noticed in the economy of Qatar as well as in the chosen organisation is the deficiency of labour and skill in the workforce. The employment statistics shows that majority of the positions are filled with expatriates in the country of Qatar. This high dependency has resulted in deteriorating the prevailing condition of Qatar’s youth population.
The primary cause of shortage of labour and skill is inter-related and the effective response to the challenging situation is the development of a more efficient education system that allows the formation of required skill among the Qatari youth who will be responsible for managing the reigns of Qatar’ economy. There is need for improvement in the primary, secondary and tertiary level of education so that the economy gains in number of engineers, doctors, researchers, etc. Proper encouragement should also be given to the female population of the country so that they can also come forward and assume administrative roles. Another concern that came up was the reduced wage rate prevailing in the market irrespective of sector in which an individual is working. This creates pressure upon the employee to look for other economic market that are offering higher wage rate making it further difficult to get skilled national labour. Providing wage at par with the world standard will generate greater willingness to work among Qatari population.
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