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Management Communication and Perception in Human Beings - Assignment Example

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The paper "Management Communication and Perception in Human Beings " is a perfect example of a management assignment. The aspect of thought has a lot of significance when it comes to the use of language during communication. Language can be defined as a unique code used in communication that includes symbols, letters, and words…
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Communication Reflective Journal By Student’s Name Code+ course name Instructor’s Name University Name City, State Date Question A1 According to management communication first edition, the three environmental cues identified include the atmosphere, physical and psychological. In communication, the environment stands out as the most important aspect. Specific environments require specific forms of communication, which implies that a wrong message might be relayed once a method of applicable in one environment is transferred to another environment. In explaining the environment for communication, a type of dress can be used to send a message [Joh01]. A closer look at the three cues would reveal that one who has a better understanding of the environment has a better chance of displaying excellent communication. For instance, consider the atmosphere setting and how it plays in determining the communication approach. When people are believed, a communicator may not use smiles and aggressive messages to comfort. The atmosphere of communication required for such a situation requires different verbal and non-verbal communication from a wedding atmosphere. The physical appearance or movement of people speaks a lot whenever they are communicating. For instance, pointing the finger at someone will indicate a different meaning from a person choosing not to point a finger. In some context, such gestures can be treated as disrespectful depending on the cultural perspectives as will be discussed in the next paragraph. Gestures are very useful when communicating and they involve body movements. Different gestures apply to a different environment and may present a different meaning when used in another environment [Tea13]. The deaf primarily use sign language to communicate, which implies that their environment is very different from other people's environment. Sign language involves both body movement and facial expressions. A normal person may fail to interpret the sign language and in some case communicate the wrong message when attempting to communicate in sign language. Question A2 An audience has a responsibility to the communicator in the same way the communicator has a responsibility to the audience [Ran14]. To elaborate this statement, it is important to revisit the primary component in the definition of effective communication. A simple way of defining communication is understanding and being understood. A social interaction may not be classified as communication in case the speaker fails to send a message that the second party can understand. On the other hand, it may not be regarded as communication if the audience fails to understand the message a speaker is relaying. The idea applies to both verbal and non-verbal communication. On the part of the communicator, the primary aim is to send a clear message to the audience. The primary obligation of a speaker is to ensure that the verbal and non-verbal tools effectively send a message to the audience. A speaker has to choose the best language to use when addressing an audience. According to Millner and Price (2013), the audience has a responsibility to the speaker, which is to understand the message the speaker is presenting. It would be senseless for a speaker to speak to an audience whose interest is diverted is understanding is compromised in one way or another. Despite the fact that the art of the speaker plays an important role in attracting the attention of the audience, the audience has various responsibilities. Question A3 The aspect of thought has a lot of significance when it comes to the use of language during communication. Language can be defined as a unique code used in communication that includes symbols, letters, and words. When these tools are arranged in a specific manner, a certain language is formed, which can be used for communication. When asked if the use of language requires thought, the answer is yes. The first reason why language involves thought is that formation of nay language requires thought. When people communicate using a specific language, they engage the mind in selecting the aspects, arranging the aspect to form words used in communication. Thinking was definitely used to arrange words in a certain way so as to create language and meaning. The theory of expressivism has two main categories which attempt to indicate how thought plays a part in the use of language [Sch08]. The determination of semantics used in the language is a developed after the mind is involved in thinking. An argument against this claim may hold that some words in the language are embedded in the subconscious memory. Any argument against this claim should imply that the mind is functionless when it comes to language [Fra12]. It would be hard to convince people how minds of bilingual, trilingual and multilingual individuals select the words they use to speak. In case the anti-expressivity have their claim right, there is a high chance that a multilingual individual would use words of different languages in the same sentence when communicating to a person conversant in only one language. Question A4: Human life is widely characterized by social interactions where language plays a pivotal role. When human beings tend to engage in social interaction, the aspect of communication is inevitable which makes the use of language mandatory. It has been argued that the use of language in daily lives helps in shaping reality. Language can be used to define people since people of a certain language are likely to be found in a specific area. However, the expansion of globalization has been influential in ensuring that language spreads in most parts of the world. The self concept can be described as the primary ideas held by an individual that are a product of beliefs. To understand if language plays a role in shaping self-concept it is necessary to establish the factors that shape self-concept. Personal identity can be described as a basic component of self-concept. A person who understands himself or herself understands what shapes his or her social life. Factors that shape social life includes culture, tradition, and language of communication. A person speaking a specific language may not identify oneself as a person from a different language. The semantics the two people use in communication are very different, which implies that language shapes up self-concept. According to Bremner and Wachs (2010), people develop notions that they use to differentiate from others. Such notions can be developed when people attach their identity to a specific language such as English. For instance, a person speaking French will be called French, and a person speaking Spanish will be called an Italian. It has been established that such notions remain in the mind of people even in a situation when they learn a second language. For instance, a Spaniard will still consider himself or herself as a Spaniard even after learning the French language as a second language. Such human mentality proves that the use of language is very influential in modeling self-concept. A5: Choose an article or opinion piece from a major newspaper or news website. Analyze the piece according to the five-part structure described I the readings. Do the headlines serve as a good attention statement? Does the piece conclude with a sense of closure? How are the main points presented and supported? The election mood in the US has probably featured in most news pages of around the globe due to the country’s superiority. Many have published their opinions concerning the election itself, its impacts, the candidates and the impacts of the candidates. The New York Times editorial board recently published an article aiming to mock possible Donald Trump deportation nations. Any story touching on Donald Trump must have hit the deadlines either for the right reasons or the wrong reasons depending on the perspective in which the author presents the opinion. For this case in point, the editorial team tends to defend a point that diminishes the planned effort of securing the Mexican border in case Mr. Trump wins the coming elections. It is an interesting article that would attract both the supporters and non-supporters of Mr. Trump. Given that it is published in one of the famous new sites with the contribution of a competent team, the quality was an element to be preserved. The first part of the article is the headline, which was specifically developed for a current situation that most people are following. The world is waiting to witness Mr. Trump as a president and especially in the implementation of the Mexican border wall. Many people around the world expect news on the description of the diplomatic side of Mr. Trump as a president of the US. The topic can be described as a perfect choice equivalent to bait. The authors of the article have developed bait capable of attracting reader’s attention. The topic has all the qualities of creating curiosity in the mind of the reader since it has an element of suspense. The argument presented in the main body was developed to meet the expectation as it presents the perspectives of the author. It is an opinion, which implies that every opinion is right depending on how the author defends it. In this case, the authors prove to be effective communicators in presenting the argument that justifies the topic. The only part that the authors failed to accurately present was the conclusion. The conclusion of the article can be described as ‘too general’ as it has failed to clearly bring out the stand of the authors. Despite the fact that the entire article aims to present negative perspectives on Mr. Trump’s campaign policy, the authors have not made a deliberation on their stand. In most opinion articles, it is expected of the author to present a criticism and later an opinion of what should be done. The format was not used in this paper perhaps due to internal policy reasons used by the New York Times. Question A6 A speaker may not use double speaking as it may confuse a listener especially when the listener is considered to have average abilities. Whenever a speaker opts to adopt the double speaking technique, there is high likelihood for the message to be distorted. Other possible communication ‘crimes’ likely to emerge due to double speaking include justification of wrong doings, alteration of correct meaning and make serious issues appear less serious. Double speaking may be important in situations where sensitive information is to be presented to the audience in a humble way. Question A7 Signposts are important tools that effective communicators or presenters often use to ensure that their audience gets more information. Signposting can be used when beginning conversations and can also be used as a transitional contrivance for conversation. Equally, signposting has often been used as an effective tool for closing conversations. In public speaking, signposting is an important tool for elongating the concentration span of the audience. Question A8 Speech with jargon word can be hard to understand especially when the field is new to the audience. An example of a document with such words is the article authored by Edwards (2014) in the business insider. Some words used in the artice include Flint center, nimble, mere cul de sac, Apple Newton, mobileme and Mac (OS X Yosemete). The origin of these words may be hard to establish but the authors explanation can create an idea of what these words mean. Question A9 Self-concept is an important determinant when it comes to writing as a person stands a high chance to express personal ideas and opinions in writing. The nature in which people may express opinions and ideas is affected by self-concept. Apart expressing known facts, writing that requires personal opinion is affected by self-concept. People may share self-concept but may not use the same words or examples to express similar opinions. Question A10 More concerning self-fulfilling prophesy can be derived from the field of psychology. Psychology primarily dwells on studying and enhancing understanding of the performance of the human brain under different situations. Psychologists have been keen to study how the behavior of other people can be easily predicted basing on expectations. For instance, positive attributes and behavior often lead to positive outcomes and the vice versa is also correct. Therefore, psychology has played an important role in understanding self-fulfilling prophesy. Question A11 Perception in human beings plays a vital role in expanding as well as limiting the views of people. When people perceive they, use the subconscious memory which implies that the expansion and limiting of view is relative. While in some people, perception may limit the views, in other people, perception may expand the views. The main reason behind these differences is that people perceive things in different ways. As stated before, perception emerges from the subconscious memory and therefore not easy to choose a perception. Question A12 Interruption has been identified as an important tool for seeking clarification while listening without interruption has its own benefits. The situation makes the act of interrupting a speaker to have both negative and positive impacts. Whenever the audience fails to interrupt the speaker, the speakers flow is maintained. On the other hand, the audience may fail to get clarity of some elements the speaker may have failed to expound. Question A13 Interruption may not come in a positive way especially when it comes in the form of psychological noise. Psychological noise can make a speaker lose ground and even loose the intended message. To be able to deal with psychological interruption, a speaker has to maintain calmness and not fall for the bait. These kinds of interruptions can be annoying and good bait for short temper. However, calmness can be used to ensure that the noise fades away and pick from the point interruption began. Question A14 Some emails provided in the reading of sub-module can either be used or not used as an official message to a lecturer. In writing messages, one has to establish the grounds upon which the letter is written. In case the letter is written on professional grounds, the format and the language of addressing should also be formal. However, not all forms of communication to a professor may be formal considering that other relationships such as family relationships may also exist. This other relationships other than the professional relationship can be make communication needs to be professional or unprofessional. Question A15 A speaker is always directed by the type of audience to be addressed and this affects the type of words to be used in delivering a message. In situations where examples are needed, the type of audience also dictate the types of examples to be used by a speaker. For instance, the words used for adult audience may not be used for addressing a young audience. More so, the aspect of language proficiency of the audience can also have a major influence in the word choices of a speaker. Culture of the audience is another determinant of the choice of words a speaker can use Question A16 First Name Address Physical address Contact Date Dear sir/madam, Second Name Address Second Physical address Second Contact I am writing to provide further clarification on tourism packages that or company offers to help you make an informed choice. We are very culture friendly and our company has a great understanding and respect to the Arabic culture. Our packages will include accommodation of your own choice including house designs and food. We would be glad to send this letter with a flyer of the extra packages for you and your family We look forward for your visit. Best regards (title) Name. Question A17 First Name Address Physical address Contact Date Dear sir/madam, Second Name Address Second Physical address Second Contact RE: Proposal for new product line Our growing company is glad to inform of its intention to introduce a new product to you. Our company has always had a culture of presenting our customers with the best of products and services. We treasure long-term relationship ships and it is for this reason that have considered a new product for your company. Our flexibility has often accepted a two way approach to creation of new products and will be communicated to you in due course. We would also appreciate proposals from your company and further discussion for a new product your company would prefer. It is our desire to improve this business relationship and expand our business prospects. We look forward for your understanding and co-operation. Best regards (Title) Question A18 The product to be produced is a marketing website that will be used by companies to market their products. The products will be customized to accommodate the various needs of every targeted company. The targeted companies include companies in the automobile industry and two companies in the real estate industry. The program is likely to enhance the ability of the companies to reach out to many customers as well as enhance communication. The product will also facilitate e-payment systems for convenience. Question A19 Many employers prefer short resumes since most of the elements are a common in resumes. For instance, the area of abilities and motivations, the adjectives used in one resume can be similar to another resume. However, in some unique situations, longer resumes may be accepted especially in the field of law or where the candidate has substantial experience to proof before a panel. Question A20 A speaker can prepare speech for a diverse audience after understanding the diversity in the audience. Diversity can be inform of gender, age, culture, political opinion, religious affiliation among others. Once a speaker understands such diversities, he or she is able to develop a speech that avoids touching on these sensitive areas that can upset a section of the crowd. A speaker must develop a bias free speech for the benefit of the entire audience and also as a means of avoiding noise psychology. Question A21 Rhetorical situations provide a speaker with a unique way of involving the audience in critical thinking, evaluation of issues, analysis and interpretation. A speaker can always consider such situation to determine whether the audience is ardent or unresponsive. However, such situations can only apply when the audience is intelligent. However, in situations where the speaker lacks adequate understanding of the audience, rhetorical situations are discourage as it may affect conveyance of the message to the public. Question A22 The topic of tattoos has been a sensitive topic for most people in the current era. The approach of presenting a talk to the middle class on such topic would be to present the advantages and disadvantages and disadvantages of the tattoos. The talk will also include what the moral society holds against or for tattoos. For instance, the Bible discourages tattoos and that is the stand that Christians should consider. When giving a talk on the same topic for college students, the talk will mainly aim to trigger critical thinking. The children will be presented with situations that require them to weigh the options and reasons for having or not having tattoos. For instance, the audience will have understood the meaning of tattoos, origin of tattoos, facts, history, the negatives and positives. Question A23 Organizing a presentation must always involve ethics since the audience will have either a formal or informal opportunity to judge. Lack of ethics in a presentation might be the main reason for the audience to divert attention and the vice versa is also correct. Speakers who adhere to ethical values are always considered adorable by the audience. Ethical consideration also convinces the audience that the speaker respects their presence. Question A24 One of the most adorable speeches was provided by the former British Prime minister, Cameron, when announcing his resignation as a prime minister. The speaker was keen to present the purpose of the speech which was a decision. The speaker further went to thank the British citizens for performing their democratic responsibility to vote for the Brexit. Cameron then went further to state his personal reasons for resigning and further provided a conclusion. Cameron’s speech can be considered as a political speech with certain aspect of economy. Question A25 The internet technology is the most important technology that has transformed lives today. Internet security concerns and impacts of the internet are the two major topics to be considered for speeches. The approach to speech will be a direct approach that will start by stating the purpose of the speech. The contrast organizing principle and the chronological principles will further provide the criteria to be used. Bibliography Bremner, J. G., & Wachs, T. D., 2010. The W iley-Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development, Second Edition . New York: Blackwell Publishing. Chase, R. S., & Shamo, W., 2014. Elements of Effective Communication: 4th Edition. Salt Lake: Plain & Precious Publishing. Frapolli, M., & Villanueva, N., 2012. Minimal Expressivism. Retrieved from Dialectica Vol. 66, No. 4, pp 471-487: Hinton, A., 2014. Understanding Context: Environment, Language, and Information Architecture. Carlifonia: O'Reilly Media. Johlke, N., & Duhan, D., 2001. Testing Competing Models of Sales Force Communication. Retrieved from The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 21(4), 265-277: Lund, N., 2014. Language and Thought. New York: Routledge. Millner, A., & Price, R., 2013. Ethics in Public Speaking. Retrieved from Public Speaking Project: New York Times Editorial Board., 2016. Donald Trump’s Deportation Nation. Retrieved from New York Times : Schroeder, M., 2008. Expression for exprevists. Retrieved from Philosophy and Phenological Research: Team FME., 2013. Effectiive Communication: Communication Skills. Retrieved from Management e-books: -effective-communication.pdf Read More
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