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Police Development and Centre of Excellence - Australian Federal Policy - Case Study Example

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The paper 'Police Development and Centre of Excellence - Australian Federal Policy " is a good example of a management case study. From the analysis of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the ACT, is has been established that despite the fact the organizations have done tremendous work in delivering protection and other security services to the community, there are some underlying challenges that need to be addressed…
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Project Implementation Plan: Police Development and Centre of Excellence Student’s name: Instructor’s name: Course code: Date of submission: Table of Contents Introduction 3 Part A: The Project 3 1.Description 3 2.Justification 5 3.Affected operation process/procedure 6 Part B: Evaluation of the Impact 6 1.Scope 6 2.Evaluation of impact 7 Part C: HR Implementation Planning 9 1.For target and responsible staff 9 2.Salary adjustment 11 3.Contingency Planning 11 Conclusion 12 References 14 Appendix: Impact Analysis of operation procedure/process on 15 Introduction From the analysis of the Australian Federal Policy (AFP) and the ACT, is has been established that despite the fact the organizations have done a tremendous work in delivering protection and other security services to the community, there are some underlying challenges that need to be addressed. This is particularly from the aspect of Strategic Human Resource Management. For instance, AFP does spend a lot of financial resources in the training and development programmes in order to make their workforce more competitive in discharging their duties to the people of Australia. A part from this, it has been found that innovation in employee training and development and succession plan in ACT remain thorny issues that need to be addressed if the organization is to be effective and efficient in discharging its duties. It is for this reason that the project of starting a Police Deployment and Centre of Excellence has been proposed. Part A: The Project 1. Description Name of the Project: The project to be initiated is called the Police Deployment and Centre of Excellence. Goal of the Project: The aim of the project is to help the AFP to carry out a regular study of the policy operations with the aim of understating how the capacity of its officers of serving the public can be enhanced. In simple terms, the project is actually a research centre that both study and evaluates the performance of both the AFP and ACT and make recommendations on the required training needs and performance standards. Manager: The project will be managed by a professional who has a wide experience and knowledge about the police operations. The preference should be given to an external manager. This is to ensure that any study and recommendations made about the operations of AFP are not biased in any way. Group members: For the sake of accountability, transparency and support, different groups will be allowed to take part in the project implementation. Among the member groups to take part in the project are: the public representatives, the civil rights activities, the government representatives and the business community among others as shown in the diagram below: Diagram 1: Project model showing the different people and process that will be affected Period: The project should exist as long as the AFP exists. This is because the demands of the public continue to change and therefore the need to continue with regular studies to determine the best police training and development programmes that are effective. 2. Justification The demands for the AFP to be more effective will continue to emerge. This is because more crimes such as drug and human trafficking, smuggling of arms, terrorism and money laundering among others will continue to emerge and even in a more complex form that requires high proficiency from the AFP to be able to solve them. The project in this case therefore will help carry out an extensive research on the best mechanisms that the police can address them. This is because a part from recommending the employee training and development areas, the centre will also promote investigation and intelligent data access (O’Brien, 2008). Operational Needs: This project is considered necessary because it will help the Australian Federal Police to: enhance efficiency in its training and development programmes, encourage creativity and innovation in problem solving and facilitating communication among all departments of AFP including ACT. This is possible because effective and efficiency will be a matter of consideration in the project (Phillips & Gully, 2014). Benefits for the Organisation: The benefits that the AFP is likely to gain from the Police Deployment and Excellence Centre include: enhanced exchange programmes, intelligent data access, enhanced correspondence with the public and innovation which a long way in aiding the process of service delivery to the general public (O’Brien, 2008). Benefit of Employee: The employees that will be affected by the project are the police officers working with AFP and ACT. The benefit that accrues for them from the project is high quality training and development programmes. The project will also help protect the employees’ rights while addressing their working related concerns (Phillips & Gully, 2014). 3. Affected operation process/procedure Different operational procedures in the AFP are likely to be affected and they include: workforce planning, learning and development, career development, workplace diversity and service delivery to the public. To start with, the project will help determine the required number of staff that could provide adequate security services to the public as argued by Kramar et al (2011). In addition to this, the project will also determine the employee learning and development needs in reference to the shared values of the AFP. Further, the project will also be of great use in working out the modalities of successful succession plan. This is important for career development among the officers working with AFP. Also in the AFP there is also an aspect of diversity. This will be addressed in the context of diversity management and equality among all the staff of AFP. Finally, and also very important is service delivery and which is paramount for AFP. The project is likely to enhance the speed and the level of quality of services discharged to the public. Part B: Evaluation of the Impact 1. Scope The various department of AFP that will be affected by the project include: Human resource, governance, information and communication, operations and training development. In addition to this, the project will also affect various managers and employees. This is because the project is likely to recommend on various succession plan and deployment programmes. Among the senior officials in the AFP and ACT that are likely to be affected by the project include: Deputy Commissioner of Operations Michael Phelan, Chief Operating Officer Mr. Andrew Wood, Manager Human Resources Shane Connelly, National Manager Policy and Governance Justine Saunder and the Chief Information Officer Chris Black. In addition to these, the staff and officers working in these departments will also be affected as a major deployment process that will open room for major reforms in the AFP and ACT (ACT Policing, 2012). All the staff working with AFP and ACT will be doing that on permanent basis and their salary will be determined based on the market rates and the role of a staff member. However, this will be done in reference to the work performance which will be a measure of one’s input. The structures in the AFP and ACT will also be changed in order to accommodate the new changes to the service. Finally, the terms of all the staff will be specific to the role played. However, this must be done in accordance to the shared values of the force which include integrity, trust and commitment. This must be a must show for every staff working for AFP and ACT. 2. Evaluation of impact As indicated in appendix 1, there the project is likely to impact on various departments, groups and individuals. This is because it’s most likely to change the traditional operations and procedures. Among the leading people and areas that the project will cause some impact include: superiors, workgroups, job responsibilities, knowledge, ability skill and competence. Superiors: The superiors in AFP include the commissioners, the heads of various departments, the managers and the police commanders. With the project in place, the superiors’ role and responsibility will change in order to accommodate the required changes in the workplace (Noe & Winkler, 2012). This is because superiors will have the responsibility of creating a new culture where quality services to the public remain a top priority. This is because any change to be undertaken greatly depends on the goodwill of the staff which directly affects their commitment. Workgroups: In the AFP there are various workgroups. Among the groups are: organized crime groups, crime operations, intelligence, international development group, counter terrorism, protect, aviation and high tech crime operations among others. With the new project, the recommendations are likely to be made which may require their restructuring, merging, relocation and change of locations as well as change of responsibilities (Noe & Winkler, 2012). This is to ensure that their tasks correlate well both with the values of AFP and the public demands. Work locations: Currently, the head offices of AFP and ACT are situated in Canberra with other major offices in such cities as Adelaide, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Brisbane among others. However, with the increasing demand for security services and other protection from the public, the project will initiate major relocations of the AFP and the officers in charge to various parts of the countries and more especially the marginalized where crimes on the rise. This is particularly important in ensuring that the services of the AFP and ACT are maximized which is a good when it comes to utilization of the national resources (ACT Policing, 2012). Job responsibilities: In the AFP and ACT there are different officers performing different roles. However, it is expected that with the change in the job responsibilities, they will be more accountable to their duties. This is because they will be required to deliver services that best serve the interests of the public at minimum cost (Noe & Winkler, 2012). This is part of the performance management initiatives that are aimed at eliminating of any wastes or laxity that may be available in the AFP. This is because with change in job responsibilities, individuals will be able to work together in solving various challenges, sharing working and delegating any important duties that may exist both in the AFP and ACT. Knowledge, ability, skill and competencies: One important feature that is associated with the use of the project is the enhancement of innovation and creativity in the workplace (Kramar et al 2011). This is to say that new and advanced use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will be used in the workplace to facilitate information sharing, intelligent data gathering and communication. In this regard therefore, it is therefore important to note that the employees have the right knowledge, skills and competencies that are required in using the facilities to serve the public interests. This therefore calls for the need to have in place mini employee training programmes in order to equip them with the required skills and competencies that are applied in using the new ICT devices available in the AFP and ACT. Part C: HR Implementation Planning 1. For target and responsible staff The responsible staff: The implementation of this project will entail all levels of staff. In the AFP and ACT there are several ranks. The ranks that are there in the AFP and ACT include: police recruit, constables, senior constables, sergeant, superintendent, commander, assistance commissioner, deputy commissioner and the commissioner (ACT Policing 2012a). All the officers have a role to play in the project implementation. The involvement of the senior officers will be to create a culture that promotes the organisation’s values (Zatzick and Iverson, 2006. The middle-level managers will also be playing the role of interpreting the organizational strategic goals. On the other hand, the junior staff will be playing the ground work of ensuring that what has been interpreted is implemented to the rather. However, important point to note in the project implementation plan is that some professionals and other public representatives will be involved. Their role will be to give insight of what the public demands and what the Police Deployment and Excellence Centre will be doing in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in its operations. The diagram below shows the possible roles that will be assumed by the Human Resource. Diagram 2: A model showing the possible roles the HR will play Schedule: The duration the project takes will affect the operations of AFP and ACT. This will be a major consideration. The project implementation is expected to go through five main stages before it is actualized and is put into use. The five stages that the project will undergo include: staff training to help acquire the necessary skills and competencies, systems set up in order to lay a platform for the project, migration of the old police operations and finally, the project will end by transferring all the operations from the old systems to the new systems (Tung, 2006). The target of the schedule is to ensure that the project will implemented in a period of five years. This is because each of the outlined stages are expected to take one year and therefore the whole implementation of the project is expected to come to the end in the year 2019. The reason for taking a relatively longer period is because of the anticipation that on the way there might be unpredictable challenges that must be addressed. 2. Salary adjustment Simulation of salary adjustment: Because the roles and responsibilities of different staff members are likely to change, the focus will also be on the salaries is to try and determine if the current salaries really reflect the individual input (Zatzick and Iverson, 2006). To determine this, a small sample of the police officers will be taken and whose salaries first will be decreased by 30% with change in their roles and then another sample the salary increased by 30%. This will help determine the response of each group in terms of work input. This will help determine what the management should do in relation to salary adjustments in order to optimize production. Required action of intervention: Since output is of great importance, the management must have a recommended package that will be proposed to the staff as indicated by Kramar et al (2011). This is to make sure that there are no counter reactions from the staff that will hinder the implementation of the project. 3. Contingency Planning Legal action: From the project perspective, it is expected that there are possible legal risks that are likely to interrupt its implementation and operations. One important legal risk that this project is likely to face is copyright (Tung, 2006). This is because different software is to be used and some of which need to be protected for copying. So, important in this case is to register the software used in order to protect them from intrusion and any legal actions. Security planning: One important aspect of security that will be dealt with in the project, is hacking of the systems. This will be avoided by installing the right firewall and also in limiting the persons who should access the systems that have been installed. This will bar individuals with malicious intentions from accessing any secret information about the project on Police Deployment and Excellence Centre. AFP and ACT interruption planning: With the proposed changes in the organization systems as a result of change in responsibilities, roles, relocation of staff and establishing new offices among others, there is a high possibility that the operations of the two institutions will be affected. However, to avoid an interruption beyond the required levels, notice of changes will be made in advance alongside ensuring there are back-up centres that will address the public interests incase the interruptions are enormous (Zatzick and Iverson, 2006. Alternatives for various scenarios: Various scenarios are possible from the project. First and most important is the resistance of the staff. This is because with the project in place, various recommendations are likely to be made which may impact on the culture of AFP and ACT. This will be handled by involving the various stakeholders in the project from the initiation stage. Also, breakdowns in systems are also likely. This could be handled by putting back-up systems in place. Finally, shortage of skills and competencies are likely to be experienced. This problem could be addressed through outsourcing as the two institutions continue to build on their capacities as indicated by Iverson and Zatzick, (2007). Conclusion This project implementation plan has been as a result of the findings of the analysis of the AFP and ACT and their operations. The analysis had shown that despite the fact that the two institutions have performed above average, there are stills needs and that are related to employees that need to be addressed. These needs include: workforce planning, learning and development, career development, workplace diversity and service delivery. For this reason, the report on project implementation plan has addressed various aspects that will see the project of Police Deployment and Excellence Centre used as an initiative to these changes. Among the areas that have been covered in the report are: description of the project itself, evaluation of its impact and Human Resource implementation planning. References ACT Policing 2012, Human Resources, viewed 10 April 2014, ACT Policing 2012a, Recruit training, viewed 10 April 2014, Kramar, R., Bartram, T., Cieri, H., Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. 2011. Human Resource Management in Australia, McGraw-Hill Australia, North Ryde, NSW. Noe, R. A. & Winkler, C., 2012. Training & Development. 2nd ed. s.l.:McGraw-Hill Education (Australia) Pty Ltd. O’Brien, N. 2008, AFP training program gets results, viewed 10 April 2014, 27.html. Phillips, J. & Gully, S., 2014, Strategic staffing. 2nd ed. s.l.:Pearson Education Limited. Tung, R. L. 2006, Managing cross-national and intra-national diversity. Human Resource Management , 461–477. Iverson, R. D. and Zatzick, D. 2007, High commitment work practices and downsizing harshness in Australian Workplaces. Industrial Relations, 46(3): 456–80. Zatzick, C. and Iverson, R. D. 2006, High-involvement management and workforce reduction: competitive advantage or disadvantage? Academy of Management Journal, 49: 281–303. Appendix: Impact Analysis of operation procedure/process on Dept: Position: # of Employees Aspects of Impact Changes Yes/No Description of Changes Before After Superior Yes Most of the superior positions are not market oriented Superior positions to be created based on the need. Work unit yes There are several units most of which are not effective Integrating some of the units in AFP. Work location yes Fixed work locations Spread of work locations Responsibility Yes A few individuals are responsible Every member in AFP will be responsible of his actions Required competency yes There is no creativity and innovation in training. Enhance creativity in employee training and development to enhance their competencies. Performance std yes Performance standards are generalized Performance standards will be individual based. Salary • Fixed no • variable Yes Salary fixed for all ranks in the AFP and ACT. Salary will vary based on role and individual input. Job support Yes No clear guidelines on how both the staff and their families are supported. Support of all police officers and their families. others NO Read More
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