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Managerial Effectiveness in Public Organisations: Emotional and Intellectual Understanding - Example

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The paper "Managerial Effectiveness in Public Organisations: Emotional and Intellectual Understanding" is a wonderful example of a report on management. The above-mentioned quotation is directly related to the application of managerial skills in reference to Industrial and Organizational Psychology…
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managerial effectiveness in public organisations Emotional and Intellectual Understanding [Author’s name] [Name of the Institution] [Subject and code] [Date of fulfilment] Abstract: In reference to the given quotation, this paper tries to highlight the managerial effectiveness in public organization. The basic content of the paper makes an analytical evaluation of the Managerial emotional and intellectual traits. “Wisdom and maturity, in particular a manager’s cognitive complexity, capacity to think systemically and ability to emotionally self-regulate in the face of threat, play a significant role in determining his/her managerial effectiveness in public organisations.” Introduction The above mentioned quotation is directly related to the application managerial skills in reference to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology makes an attempt towards the development of managerial skills under the influence of emotional and intellectual aspects. Their contribution has been established to serve the developmental purpose of an organization. The attempts are made in the field of improving the particularized managerial performance added by the well-being notion of all those who are connected to it1. According to Farr (1997), an I-O psychologist the estimation of managerial effectiveness can be done through his behaviours added by the kind of attitudes that he carries. These personal aspects are subject to improvement and can be polished by means of hiring practices, various professional training programs and effectively working on the whole feedback systems. The capacity to think in a very systematic order and to achieve success is the core methodological approach that a manager needs to follow. There are many people who suffer a kind of cognitive complexity within and that create chaos in his professional domains. As commented by Bartunek, (1983, pp. 273-284), there is a need for planned and understanding of the situation in the manager. This can be attained by linking the collected concepts of complementarity, with an admixture of cognitive complexity and the processed adult development. Management educations are considerably of great support in the building of a balanced manager in public organisation. In support of this view Bartunek, (1987) further investigates over the cognitive sciences. The purpose is to derive some positive aspect in the process of moulding a manger for perfect dealings in a public organisation. He deals especially with the upcoming concept of schemata; that is to say the structural process of organizing frameworks, in order to understand events. This can illumine professional practices of an organisational development. For Bartunek, through cognitive perspective, there can be an establishment of relationship between various organisational changes and the systematically structured schemata. The researches initiated by Crawford School of Economics, try to justify the aspects of managing managerial skills and applied various theoretical declarations on empirical grounds. The attempts were made in various public service organisations and the outcomes were related to the further development of managerial effectiveness in achieving organisational goals. Industrial-Organisational Psychology The means to deal with the intellectual and emotions categorisation within an organisation there is relevance towards accepting industrial-organisational psychology. These psychological interpretations are dealt to get the accurate kind of working environment, with the boost to deliver the best efficiencies. The application of industrial-organisational psychology has been made applicable in the following domains; Job analysis Individual assessment and psychometrics Performance appraisal/management Compensation Personnel recruitment and selection Motivation in the Workplace Training and training evaluation Group Behaviour Job Satisfaction and Commitment Team Effectiveness Leadership Counterproductive Behaviour Occupational health psychology The experiences and the training that are integral to this field of managing industrial-organisational psychology are helpful in making an individual systematic enough to make the right choice at the right time. The applicabilities are recognised during the job analysis phase, when the candidate makes a section over the type of job he/she wants to do. Studies made in the field of individual assessments and comprehending psychometrics adds more to the performance that a manager delivers. Relevance to the phases of Compensation, personnel proceedings of recruitment and selections are necessary for a managerial cadre. Motivation made within the workplace, added by professional trainings are some of the basic ingredients for managing with groups or teams. There maturity levels that add the sense of satisfaction to the managerial cadre. The inherent sense of counterproductive behaviour is an added advantage to the process of delivering effectiveness in the organisation. There needs to have bold occupational psychology with leadership attitudes. The inherent qualities in a manager are the supporting elements in making effective position within the organisational unit. These elements are the resources that add more to the cognitive psychology of the candidate. The sense of leading some people needs the leadership ingredient. As the Manager proceeds with his maturity level for analysing instances, he/she develops the systematic “process of gaining social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task” (Chemers, 2002). According to Keith, "Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen" (Kouzes and Posner, 2007). The psychological handling of organisational threats and taking risk at the same time is one of the unique perspectives observed among successful managers. The risk assessment capabilities in the manager need to have the insight for identifying the risk, making a full proof assessment, and thereby enlisting the solutions as per prioritizations. It is important that the psychological aspects act as per the demands of the organisational goals, rather than on any ethical or emotional considerations. There is the need for coordination within the mind of the manager to being in economical applications through respective resources, in order to minimize, then monitor, and ultimately control the aspects of probability and the necessary impacts of various unfortunate events (Douglas, 2009). The maturity and the experiences collected by the manager should have the capability to foresight the probable risk in a developmental project. Preparations for the levels of uncertainties in financial markets too need special speculation. Through his/her wisdom and systematic planning the manager should have back-ups for project failures, or any kind of legal liabilities. Assessments related to the consequences of credit risk, unpredictable accidents and natural causes or some kinds of disasters are also important aspect to be dealt through his/her collected experiences. These are some of the preconceived notions that the managers need to create within themselves. Their assessments and foresightedness are created within their self through some rigid compromises that they undertake while transforming their mind. Their psychological pressure within the organisation is such that they cannot let go of the developmental proposal that they consider to be a well planned structure. Both physical and psychological scrutinisations of these developmental proposals are the basis for estimating the effectiveness of the manager within the public organisation. This is the reason that he/she should authenticate and particularly establish the resources that can make the organisation grow at its best way. The levels f maturity and the capability to finalise the proposed plan is the skill that makes the manager well established personnel within the organisation. Their systematic ventures and the determination to work as pr the social as well as corporate norms bring in dual management capability of their psychology. The transformational phases are regular in them and that gives their minds to grow with specific mark of creating innovative business strategies. Dealings with his/her cognitive complexity is probably the most complicated task that a manager needs to undergo. However through this transformation and acceptance, he/she gets the opportunity to gain the capacity to think in the most systemic manner. There is also the growth in him/her to utilise the ability to manipulate and restructure his/her emotional and self-regulate aspects. These are the developments that add more to the capacity of handling risks and facing threats within the manager. Theory meeting Practice Denhardt, (2009) forwarded many theoretical structures for managing human behaviour. These theoretical approaches were directly related to the application managerial behaviour in public and nonprofit organisations. The approaches were made in reference to the characteristic feature of being a uniquely potential identity of a manger. This approach built the bridge between knowledge and the ability of implementing the knowledge on empirical grounds. There were declarations related to the exposition of self-reflection and application of related practices in the same field. Senge (2006) made an attempt to bring in the relation between public administration and the relevant course of management. The approach has been made to bring the emotional aspects of the manager under analytical purview of intellectual application. This can be achieved through creative interweaving process of attaching theoretical dimensions with the practical application in public sector organisational behaviour. Behn, (1995) forwards a discussion related to the core factor of managing managerial behaviour. He rather supported the fact that emotional and the intellectual applications usually results nowhere, if not planned properly. Planning is a characteristic feature that focuses the individual trait of wisdom and maturity. Appropriate planning towards the process of achieving a goal and attaining relevant success makes a manager a well-established entity in a public organisation. Appropriate planning depends a lot in making the right decision in the right time. In this reference, it is noteworthy to mark the analytical purview of Klein (1999). Klein attempted in discovering the intellectual process that makes a manager decide over a particular sequence. For him the approaches of cognitive psychology applied by various professions, including fire commanders, paramedics and fighter pilots are the basis of decision making capacity. These people make decision on the basis of their wisdom and the balanced level of maturity2. As they deal with risks, their decisions matter a lot to public and thus needs appropriate calculations with enough foresightedness. There is always a demand for accurate risk management calibre in managers of public organisations. The approaches of dealing with risks make them and their working styles effective in the society. This aspect has been highlighted by O'Donnell & Shields (2002, pp. 435-457) in reference to behavioural and performance management in the ‘Australian Federal public sector’. These authors explore the various levels of employee responses to specifically identified individual performance management. The practices are marked under two culturally diversified and dissimilar agencies working for federal public sector. These are marked as the Department of Finance and Administration (DOFA) and the Australian Defence Force (Army). These researches selected these two different domains and experimented with their ability to manage organisational demands. It has been discovered that in DOFA, system processes and outcomes were relatively dissatisfactory and could not reach the high employee expectations created by the management discourse. On the contrary in the ADF, the expectations are discovered to exist in less inflated, and are respectively under constrain of promotion-based rewards. These analytical descriptions bring in relevant doubts to individual performance of the managers. The levels of organisational achievements and proper maintenance of derivative positive psychological contract thus needs close attention to meet the demands of fully ranged causal factors within the public organisation. These factors are very much inclusive of human resource practices, along with the implementation of various modes of organisational communication. The approach led by Qudrat-Ullah,, (2007) in terms of applying cognitive psychology in a professional manager, deals with the latest theoretical developments. The discussions lay emphasis over the challenges for making a decision, created by modern and complex world. There are the principles underlying every level of complex decision making instances. The sequences refer to the position of a manger in handling uncertainties under the pressure of dynamic environments and diversified modelling approaches. Accurate decision leads the manager to a status of being a leader in the public organisation. As his skills and intellectual capability gets recognised the responsibilities increases. Hesselbein and Goldsmith (2006) analyses the leadership credibility of a manger in their ‘The Leader of the Future 2’. With twenty-seven insightful essays, these researchers celebrate the sense of wisdom in a manager. There is an outstanding emphasis made over the application of unique vision of leadership to meet the public organisational needs in the future. The models of upcoming leaders are pacified in terms of appropriate distribution of personal and professional lifestyle; emotional and intellectual decision making resources; and above all the capability to grow with appropriate timing and foresightedness have been well acknowledged. While making this approach a full proof entity it is worth to consider the aspect of dynamic and systematic implementation of a manger in dealing complex systems. Sterman (2000) emphasised over the process of learning about complex systems within a public organisation. His declarations are all directly related to the exposition of a manger in terms of his innate qualities and the application of the features that he attained after professional training. Use of system dynamics to solve the various business and public organisational problems is the core concern of Sterman’s research. For him system dynamics has been made applicable to both current and futuristic approaches for attaining organisational problems and thereby solving them at professional level. It is here that the demand for a balanced managerial entity is expected to act on practical field. The managers under these credentials are expected to show their capacity to think in the best possible and systemically structured way. Their ability to handle emotional and self-regulated instincts is detected for the achievement of the organisational goals. Their effective persuasion in the field of facing threat and risk are scrutinised. Appropriate declarations and display of these qualities makes the manager the pivotal character in determining his or her managerial effectiveness in public organisations. Personal Experience Illustrating personal experience in the application of managerial skill in public organisation for an effective consequence brings in enough confidence in the manager. There are many personal instances faced by a manger in the field of managing and deciding over some over the major decisions of the organisation. In reference to the above mentioned discussions, I would like to refer to an instance when mu Manager insisted our origination for an International expansion. This was a weird suggestion as the organisation was under the pressure of recession. There were many interrogations and meetings help regarding this proposal. The Manager was firm with his decision and was sure that an international expansion of the organisation will add more profit able aspects to the business. Being a Small Scale Enterprise, it was hard to manage with the organisational resources abroad and thus the oppositions were firm against my Manager. I must admit that my Manager is an absolutely solved and balanced person. He is equally matured and understands the value of his declarations. He is a research oriented man and makes his decisions with absolute foresightedness. His proposal was denied in every level and even his subordinates thought it to be an impossible task. My manager was determined to make a presentation, especially to the financers. As he already had a good hold over the developmental strategies of the organisation; he was given a chance to make a presentation in front of the member associates. The presentation was done in front of the financial partners and the project seemed interesting to them. The basic idea of the presentation was to export our electronic goods to India. As India is an emerging market destination for almost all the bigger and branded electronic companies, it was hard to establish our Small Scale products in the scene. Our Manger proposed for an Online Selling system. The presentation was accordingly accepted and the risk to export our goods to India was approved. It was to everyone’s surprise that the business flourished within six months in a very incredible manner. This particular success of my organisation clarifies that the ability of personnel selection in a manager of public organisation is very important. The capacity for personal selection adds the systematic process within the organisation for hiring and thereby promoting business strategies. It is through an absolute means of personnel selection system that the organisation can employ various kinds of evidence-based practices. This further supports in determining the qualifying characteristics of the manager. It is through the adoption of well structured personnel selection, that a manager can involve new concepts and individuals for the promotion of the organisational goals. It is a feature that adds towards the development of an organisation in every possible way. The capacity of personnel selection can be detected through some tools. These tools are also the means of polishing a particular manager in the relevant field. These common selection tools for a better personnel selection procedure include ability tests. These tests are very much related to the examination of cognitive, added by physical and then the psychomotor of a managerial candidate (Lahey, 1988). A manager thus needs to be an efficient leader and must qualify knowledge and personality tests. He is a resource that can qualify every structured interview through systematic collection related information schemes. There is a need for Growth Edge in the activities initiated by a manager in a public organisation. This particular growth edge is the most advantageous factor in the establishment of hi/her effectiveness in the organisation. Innovation and cutting edge ideas are the core ventures that support the skills of a manager. Acknowledgement to experience is recognised well through Robert Kegan’s theory. Kegan (1982) forwards the strategic input necessary in the developing skills of a manager. The application of leadership qualities and a polished and balanced status of emotion and intellect are the chief features of these strategic inputs. Kegan (1994) further supported the efficiency in the completion of a task. This includes the risk management qualities added by the efficiency and courage to take a risk. Admixtures of these qualities in a manger are considered snapshots for developmental possibilities. Kegan also considers these mechanisms as the sources for assisting sequences that leads to ‘greater complexity of mind’. A choice to deal with the complexity of mind needs enough resources and planning within the individual and that is the reason that handles the intellectual decision making capability in a manger for absolute effectiveness. The experiences that i have collected in my organisation, made me learn that in order to gain accurate levels of efficiencies for an effective managerial impact, the manager needs to undergo proper professional training. In this respect Fitzgerald and Berger (2002) makes certain empirical declarations. According to them the manager should be undergo a well planned "executive development" process. In order to meet the competitive scenario of the international market, the managers must gain the touch of performing with superior talent. There is a need for exhibiting excellence in the relevant field. Being extraordinary and having the boldness for risk and innovation are the factors that establish his/her effectiveness in the public organisation. Meeting challenges on day to day basis and to maintain equal amount of sophistication within the public organisation is the task that the managers need to accept. There are possibilities for provocative arguments and illogical declarations. However the basic foundation to meet these hurdles should be managed in the best possible way. Conclusion Eventually it can be concluded that there is enough scope for making assessments on the basis of value. To value judge a particular plan, it is important to lay emphasis over self recognised and analytical expeditions. The ethical notions definitely need specific understanding, but to make a decision on the basis of intellectual analysis is the mark and the route for organisational success. The application of intellect in managing a public organisation thus needs innate qualities. These qualities further need support of professional trainings. The psychological aspects of dealing with organisational threats are one of the chief characteristic features of a balanced manager. However these aspects are better attained through the attainment of experiences. With the essence and the efficiency of leadership characteristic the manager can lead his subordinates. But by the assessment of risks and the application of accurate formulisation with the organisation, the manager can attain appropriate effectiveness. The theoretical application of various models can definitely support the growth of the individual in the organisation, but to establish his effectiveness, it is important that the manager can deal with some extraordinary aspects of organisational deals. Making a right decision and to give the right judgement in an organisational planning is a considerably a tough job. It is a skill that needs the groundings of appropriate assessment with levels of maturity and experiences collected in the same field. References Chemers, M. M. (2002). Cognitive, social, and emotional intelligence of transformational leadership: Efficacy and Effectiveness. In R. E. Riggio, S. E. Murphy, F. J. Pirozzolo (Eds.), Multiple Intelligences and Leadership Douglas Hubbard "The Failure of Risk Management: Why It's Broken and How to Fix It" pg. 46, John Wiley & Sons, 2009 Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., & Aristigueta, M. P. (2009). Managing human behavior in public and nonprofit organizations (2nd ed.). LA: Sage. Fitzgerald, Catherine (Edt.), Jennifer Garvey Berger. (2002) Executive Coaching: Practices and Perspectives. Davies-Black Publishing; 1 edition Hesselbein, Frances (Edt) and Marshall Goldsmith. (2006) The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era (J-B Leader to Leader Institute/PF Drucker Foundation). Jossey-Bass Kegan, R. (1982). The evolving self: Problem and process in human development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Kegan, R. (1994). In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Klein, G. (1999). How people really make decisions. Excerpted from Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Kouzes, J., and Posner, B. (2007). The Leadership Challenge. CA: Jossey Bass Lahey, L., Souvaine, E., Kegan, R., Goodman, R., & Felix, S. (1988). A Guide to the subject-object interview: Its administration and interpretation . Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Laboratory of Human Development. Qudrat-Ullah, H. (Edt.), J.M. Spector (Edt.), P.I. Davidsen (Edt.). Complex Decision Making: Theory and Practice (Understanding Complex Systems) Springer; 1 edition (November 16, 2007) Senge, P. (2006). Systems citizenship: The leadership mandate for this millennium. In F. Hesselbein & M. Goldsmith (Eds.), The leader of the future 2 (pp. 31-46). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Sterman, J. D. (2000). Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill (Chapter 1). Journal Sources: Bartunek, J. M., First-Order, Second-Order, and Third-Order Change and Organization Development Interventions: A Cognitive Approach, The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 23, No. 4, 483-500 (1987). DOI: 10.1177/002188638702300404 Bartunek, J. M., Gordon, J. R., & Weathersby, R. P. (1983). Developing 'complicated' understanding in administrators. Academy of Management Review, 8, 273-284. Behn, R. D. (1995). The big questions of public management. Public Administration Review, 55(4), 313. Crawford School of Economics and Government 13 Crawford School of Economics and Government CRICOS Provider Number 00120C O'Donnell, M., & Shields, J. (2002). Performance management and the psychological contract in the Australian Federal public sector. Journal of Industrial Relations, 44(3), 435-457. Electronic Sources: Building Better Organizations: Industrial-Organizational Psychology in the Workplace. Brochure published by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. [Retrieved on 10th of Sept. 2009] Farr, J.L. Organized I/O Psychology: Past, Present, Future, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Inc., St. Louis, April 11, 1997. [Retrieved on 10th of Sept. 2009] Read More
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