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Human Resources Performance and Compensation Management - Coursework Example

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The paper "Human Resources Performance and Compensation Management" is an outstanding example of management coursework. Human resources play an important role in different organizations particularly ensuring that the objectives of the company are met. Over the years, human resources have engaged in a variety of activities that seek to ascertain employees and workers of the value they contain…
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UMАN RЕSОURСЕS: РЕRFОRMАNСЕ АND СОMРЕNSАTIОN MАNАGЕMЕNT Name: Name: Id Number: Subject: AQF Level: Word Count: Executive Summary The human resource is responsible for the consistent revision of company practices to ensure that they enact desirable compensation practices in compliance with the business requirements, regulations and law. Human resources ensure that they determine the needs of the staff while identifying with the methods of task allocation and training. They also prove to be relevant in the organizational operations that include supervision, high performance maintenance and managing the employee payroll activities. The 2modern business scene has witnessed increased changes in the roles granted to human resource managers that require them to display advanced set of skills in terms of the occupational structure that will ensure a utilization of the skills and competencies. Through planning and development procedures, the human resource is able to realize timely and desirable objectives for the business as well as the employees. Table of Contents Human Rеsоurсеs: Реrfоrmаnсе and Соmреnsаtiоn Management Introduction Human resources play an important role in different organizations particularly ensuring that the objectives of the company are met. Over the years, human resources have engaged in a variety of activities that seek to ascertain employees and workers of the value they contain. Employing changes in the operational procedures to act as motivating factors ensures that workers employ positive development procedures that will hasten the achievement of company goals and objectives (Shields et al. 2016). Similarly, in an escalating competitive market it is likely that the company employees identify the relative external labor force changes that are effective in other businesses derailing their ability to work effectively and productively. Arguably, company employees recognize the importance of reward based compensation programs that reflect exceptional performance by ascertaining a shared logic of internal impartiality and fairness. Discussion Performance Management Issue As one of the most capable sectors of the economy, the dental clinic sector is an integrative part of the healthcare system that ensures the health and welfare of the people. However, like any other discipline, the dental health sector operates through a set of procedures that ensures that the operational and performance of each employee is identified and improved through implementing a variety of changes (Delaney and Huselid 1996). Nonetheless, it is likely that the sector experiences a number of performance management issues especially in the operational level. Tasks allocated to employees need to be comprehensive to ensure that credibility is maintained. Lack of consistency and credibility are elements of concern in the dental industry that needs to be approached through conscious evaluation if the human resource management and the business are to achieve desirable objectives (Shields et al. 2016). The lack of credibility and consistency is drawn from a variety of issues that materialize from the management and leadership level to the lowest level of the business. Lack of credibility and consistency as performance management issues are caused by the lack of experienced managers and leaders as well as poor communication skills by the leadership and employees. Managers and leaders who fail to employ positive and credible communication skills may fail to consider the implications to subordinate workers and other employees (Delaney and Huselid 1996). Incompetence during practice implies that the workers do not have to conform to the operational procedures highlighted in the objectives and goals. Once employees fail to understand the importance of performing credibly and consistently, it is likely that the company will face impending failure in most of its operations. Businesses that desire to evaluate the performance of the employees directed to the realization of the objectives often employ performance management procedures (Noe et al. 2006). Credibility and consistency issues that arise between the human resource management and employees interfere with the realization of success. Analysis Of The Performance Management Issue The dental sector is designed to incorporate dependable procedures throughout the delivery of service to ensure satisfaction of the consumers. However, an analysis of the lack of credibility seems to affect the operational procedures that practitioners engage in during their scope of performance. Credible dentists involved in data management and information processing often experience inconsistency during service delivery interfering with the process of performance management. Similarly, workers that fail to ascertain consistency are likely to deliver undesired and inaccurate feedback proving to be a challenge in measuring the success of the business (Armstrong and Baron 1998). Often, mystification and antipathy resulting from failures in reliable delivery interfere with the measurement of performance since it affects interrelated sectors of the discipline. In the dental industry, employees that engage in inconsistent business procedures fail to meet the expected competency levels. The dental sector also requires employees and workers who will maintain accountability of any processes. For instance, processes that require precise approach need to be considered heavily before any decisions are made or actions taken. However, failing to account for results that may be negative or positive renders the performance measurement and management process inaccurate. Human resources need to identify with the abilities and strengths of the workers in terms of their credibility in order to gauge the performance abilities (Colquitt, Lepine and Wesson 2011). As much as performance management through assessing the credibility of the workers is the task of the human resource manager, it is important that the subordinates cultivate positive behavior in maintaining the credibility of their colleagues. Correlated activities evident in the dental sector require continual support in the different areas such a communication, trust and relationship formation that accelerate positive outcomes in the results of any performance management metrics. Need To Change The Current Practices The urgent need to change performance management practices based on the credibility and consistency of employee performance is wanting. Dental companies often set objectives at the beginning of any financial year that requires concise and structural approach. However, if employee performance is below the desired standards, it is likely that achievement of goals will be derailed (Delery and Doty 19960. Most companies desire growth especially through the acquisition of more clients. Building a plausible and reliable brand is among the major factors that will propel success. However, failing to ascertain credibility breaks the trust of the consumer as well as the employee that results to failure in business. Dentists and practitioners who cannot account for their practices fail in their duties making it difficult to evaluate the performance ability of the company. Employees need to consider the importance of fulfilling personal goals as well as organizational goals through aligning their performance abilities. In the contemporary business industry, it is likely that employee performance is associated with the performance abilities that are evident in employees. Linking performance management and performance pay is among the issues that create a need to improve the current performance measures and abilities of the workforce. Motivating employees through compensation and better pay enables the improvement of performance in an increasingly competitive industry (Huselid, Jackson and Schuler 1997). Dental clinics that ensure employees are paid better and experience remuneration incentives are likely to seek better performance compared to practitioners that are not entitled to such encouragements. The need for consistency arises owing to the contemporary business procedures, models and theories such as annual compensations and pay rise that are implemented in the human resource management level. Evidently, performance management can be modeled convincingly as systems to enable dentists understand issues at stake. Compensation Management Issue Compensation management issues seem to be a contributing factor to the success of most of the modern companies considering the increased nature of competition in different economic levels. Human resource managers are actively involved in the determination of a remuneration and compensation policy that dictates how workers in any dental clinic will be paid (Henderson 1982). They encounter a variety of challenges when it comes to designing competitive and fair programs that will reward and recognize employees. Most of the programs steer towards ensuring that the company maintains skilled and expert employees geared towards achievement of the company objectives. Among the major issues, that human resource managers have to offset is implementing employee performance measures and systems that will enable them identify the most appropriate course of action (Shields et al. 2016). Compensation issues are visible from the recruiting stage where managers are forced to evaluate the levels of performance, skills and other factors blending them into the compensation plans. The dental industry is among the sectors that enjoy desirable recognition and reward in the recent years owing to the role they play in the welfare of the consumers. In this case, human resource professionals identify strategies that will ensure practitioners are adequately motivated to ascertain positive performance measures (Baker, Jensen and Murphy 1988). A major issue that has created significant debate is the ability of human resource managers to offer increased salaries and better compensation values yearly to various employees. Often, dentists receive merit increase based on the annual merit pay cycle that recognizes additional efforts by any employee. However, the issue is of great concern considering the scope of effect it covers in terms of evaluating the performance measure systems. In some cases, merit increases in the pay are associated with promotion of the employee owing to a number of factors that differentiates the employees at the same job description level. Most of the remuneration incentives offered to dentists are dependent on achieving performance objectives. Once employees prove their capability in handling tasks, it is likely that the company will work to improve their skills through training to ensure successful attainment of the goals of the company. In most cases, promotions granted to workers who display a higher affinity to deliver over their allocated tasks is considered as a positive move towards improving the company assets. A promotional amplification in income will accordingly mirror on the workers expertise, level of enhancement in tasks, current wages relative to others a parallel pay level and an aptitude to execute the obligations of the dental occupation (Prendergast and Topel 1993). In this case, the human resource manager is likely to identify a training program that will ascertain a continual nature in the performance. Analysis Of The Compensation Management Issue An analysis of the compensation management issue offers insight on the level of activities in the dental industry. Motivation through annual compensation and pay rise reflects positively to the actualization of the company objectives, as more dentists will concentrate on their duties in relation to the reward. Similarly, financial compensation offers some form of actualization in the dentists considering the ability of human resource managers to stimulate their performance through monetary incentives (Nalebuff and Stiglitz 1983). In such cases, it is more likely for companies to ensure retention of its employees as they focus on improving the operations of the business. Dentists also acquire a level of competitive advantage over other businesses in the market in terms of annual compensation and pay rise. Creating value also enables creative and innovative performance as dentists will be encouraged to work towards implementing the business goals. However, a lack of annual compensation lowers the morale and ability of the workers to perform rendering the business unable to achieve. Need To Change The Current Practices The need to review current and annual compensation prices is wanting considering the distinct role assumed by the employees. As they facilitate business activities, the need to improve the skills and abilities emerges as an area of concern owing to the fact that qualified employees know the expectations that the industry places. A need to change the current annual compensation system also arises because of the increasing desire to maintain the morale and satisfaction of the employees (Nalebuff and Stiglitz 1983). Desirable and better performance values cannot be achieved entirely. The need to dominate the dental industry will require human resource managers to reward and encourage peak performance in the employees. This will ensure the attainment of internal and external equity in terms of performance and competitiveness. Recommendations That Contribute To Improvement And Change Obtaining enhanced changes in the performance measures require a succinct structural approach if the dental sector is to familiarize with actualization in consistency and credibility of its activities. To deal with the performance executive issues, human resource managers need to utilize their cognitive skills in blending tactical goals with employee ambitions (Despres and Hiltrop 1995). This offers the staff with an opportunity to appreciate the proposition of the idea. Once the goals are construed across all levels, it is likely that the dentists realize performance discussion with their associates as well as the human resource managers. As employee conversations improve, the human resource management needs to focus on the constructive model of refining a recurrent performance dimension structure. This is achieved through building constant communication channels between the employees and management to be able to work as a team towards the achievement of goals. As much as improving on the compensation issues proves to be relevant in most dental institutions, most businesses fail to determine a method of approach to counter the challenge. While the annual compensating policies may steer certain levels of performance improvement, creating satisfaction should be a core aspect of consideration. Human resource managers need to listen to the employee perception regarding the rewarding system owing to the different levels of understanding by the management (Despres and Hiltrop 1995). Rumor and biased information regarding the competitive levels that other organizations offer in terms of compensation and rewards pose significant effect to the employees. Carrying out survey on the external environment will offer a guideline on the probable course of action that human resource managers should take. Considering that, compensation patterns are trends in data which highlight a potential strength or concern, implementing market comparison as well as internal assessments ensures that an overview of the employee desires are interpreted concisely. Benefits of Change Human resource management may consider changing the performance management practices in the dental clinical industry owing to a number of benefits. A good management performance system works to ensure that the workers as well as the management team improve in handling and performance of tasks. Among the benefits that are accrued from positive and improved performance management, include employee retention, loyalty and positive compensation and rewards (Shields et al. 2016). It is possible to achieve better results from employees that are motivated to perform better in their stations. Better productivity is visible once the human resource assures its employees that they are valued. Similarly, better performance systems in the dental field are likely to ensure that the practitioners overcome any barriers to communication that may interfere with the credibility in performance. Furthermore, it is possible to ascertain accountability among workers since focusing on performance will improve the consistency of the team. Annual compensation and pay rises may also become positive influencers to the attainment of company objectives. As the need to achieve self-actualization in the dental industry rises, employees experience increased satisfaction once they get rewards because of services offered. Rewards such as pay rise attract and motivates positive performances therefore enabling the business achieve timely objectives as desired. Similarly, once the compensation and pay systems are incorporated into the business, it is likely that consumer satisfaction will be achieved owing to the fact that people will associate their success to a company that is recognized for its value on its employees (Baker, Jensen and Murphy 1988). Compensation and pay rises that are experienced through different forms such as training and education also enable practitioners to maintain an increasing state of learning and development therefore raising the need for better performance measures. The business is likely to increase its confidence over competitive companies therefore propelling the need to issue better rewards and compensation programs for its employees. Conclusion The human resource management teams are responsible for the supervision and design of compensative programs that are intended to yield desirable results in employees. Evidently, employees deliver better results when motivated with rewards and recognition by the management particularly in the dental clinic sector. Practitioners often dedicate long hours and passion in the work they do and failure to recognize such efforts may lead to substandard practices as well as undesirable results. Among the factors that human resource managers seem to concentrate on include the performance management issues and compensation management issues that often arise during the course of work. An analysis of the issues reflects that there is an urgent need to review the current systems owing to the impending benefits that may be accrued. However, it is important that the dental sector approach the issues decisively in order to make desirable and dependable solutions. ReferencesTop of FormTop of FormTop Armstrong, M. and Baron, A., 1998. Performance management: The new realities. State Mutual Book & Periodical Service. Baker, G.P., Jensen, M.C. and Murphy, K.J., 1988. Compensation and incentives: Practice vs. theory. The journal of Finance, 43(3), pp.593-616. Colquitt, J., Lepine, J.A. and Wesson, M.J., 2011. Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace. McGraw-Hill Irwin. Delaney, J.T. and Huselid, M.A., 1996. The impact of human resource management practices on perceptions of organizational performance. Academy of Management journal, 39(4), pp.949-969. Delery, J.E. and Doty, D.H., 1996. Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurational performance predictions. Academy of management Journal, 39(4), pp.802-835. Despres, C. and Hiltrop, J.M., 1995. Human resource management in the knowledge age: current practice and perspectives on the future. Employee Relations, 17(1), pp.9-23. Henderson, R.I., 1982. Compensation management: Rewarding performance. Reston Pub. Co.. Huselid, M.A., Jackson, S.E. and Schuler, R.S., 1997. Technical and strategic human resources management effectiveness as determinants of firm performance. Academy of Management journal, 40(1), pp.171-188. Nalebuff, B.J. and Stiglitz, J.E., 1983. Prizes and incentives: towards a general theory of compensation and competition. The Bell Journal of Economics, pp.21-43. Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B. and Wright, P.M., 2006. Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. Prendergast, C. and Topel, R., 1993. Discretion and bias in performance evaluation. European Economic Review, 37(2-3), pp.355-365. Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., Mclean, P., Johns, R., O'leary, P., Plimmer, G., & Robinson, J., 2016. Managing employee performance and reward: concepts, practices, strategies. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Top of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of For Bottom of Bottom of Bottom of Form Bottom Read More
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