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Factors Perceived to Cause Work-Related Stress - Research Proposal Example

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The paper "Factors Perceived to Cause Work-Related Stress" is an outstanding example of a management research proposal. Work-related stress is a wide subject that has a huge impact on both parties within a working environment. The main consequences can degenerate into factors such as mental illness for an employee, and issues such as reduced performance or productivity in an organization among other factors…
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Factors perceived to cause work-related stress Student Name: Student Number: Course Code: Institution: 25th March, 2017 Abstract Work-related stress is a wide subject that has a huge impact on both parties within a working environment. The main consequences can degenerate into factors such as mental illness for an employee, and issues such as reduced performance or productivity in an organization among other factors. As such, this study seeks to comprehensively synthesize the models related to work-related stress, and how they influence the contemporary working situations. By reviewing these models, the study will better understand the definitions of the particular strain of stress, the philosophies that it is built upon, and whether organizations understands it perfectly, a situation that can improve their response regardingmanaging its effects in the organizations. The study seeks to identify any factors that might have been disregarded by stress models, but directly or otherwise indirectly influence work-related stress. A structured study will hence be conducted to aid the desired effect. With extensive primary data already in abundance through previous studies, a qualitative methodology will be instigated to gather supporting material. Through the help of a sample group from the institution Vodafone, quantitative data will be accumulated, to further provide a material of reference. The accumulated information will hence be summarized and used to argue the study’s objective. Introduction Stress relating to the work-place has been widely described in varied terms, a norm credited to the difference in fields or schools of thoughts from which the various researchers fit. In the contemporary, a larger section of studies aims at developing a theme that seeks to epitomize stress as a psychological state that is somehow negative in nature. With the impact generated both at personal and organizational levels at center stage, researchers have therefore been able to suppose a link between the said psychological state with a blend of emotional as well as cognitive components. Essentially, stress is constructed and defined through a systematic interaction believed to exist between individuals within their particular environment (Cooper, 1998). Researchers have used emotional reactions generated through the interaction as a basis for elucidating work-place stress. Work-based stress is therefore in light terms, the emotional reaction that might indicate that individuals are problematic with their particular fit in their working environments. To further improve this particular study, it is imperative to compare between the universal understanding of the stress mentioned above, and work-related stress. Stress is generally a consequence of change, and hence the reactions that ought to be either physical or mental in nature are generated. Change in this instance includes life changes, situations and events that transpire in an individual’s life. The concluding factor of the existence of stress is therefore by how individuals counter situations or events that they might develop a negative perception to. A term directly used to describe such a stressful situation is distress. Individuals can also feel oppressed or overwhelmed as a result of stress. Purpose By aligning with various scholarly works, this particular study will not lay focus on the ultimate stress causers or otherwise stressors, but will dwell on its overall nature, consequences and its mitigation. The study will seek to build on the available models related to work-place. The models job demand-control and person-environment fit have traditionally been used when juxtaposing the factors that cause or increase stress in a working environment. This study will build on these two models, but will also seek to improve on certain factors that are not quite clearly explained or emphasized by the two. The models extensively explain the correlation between the environment and individuals. They explain the dynamic connections that arise Due to perceived demand and perceived capabilities. The study identifies that much as they seek to solve and explain the sources of work-related stress, they fail to cover all the factors that are relevant to the study of stress. For instance, they fail to lay emphasis on the elements that are outside of the job environment, but still greatly affect and cause stress. The study therefore identifies that it is essential to accommodate such facts because they are able to breach the confines of a working environment. By building on these theories, this research will not only highlight other external factors that directly cause stress in an environment of work, but will also assist other readers and researchers alike, to explain better other neglected aspects of work-related stress. One particular aspect is the difference in stress levels between different genders in a job environment. That is also an area that is limited or probably not at all addressed by various stress-based philosophies. Based on the aspects discussed above the study is compelled to ask a crucial question; Are all the factors perceived to cause work-related stress covered in the core theories traditionally used in the field? By delving into this query, the study will be able to create a case study that explains the following study questions; What entails work-related stress? What are the immediate consequences? What are the set mitigating factors, and if they are indeed effective? To aid the study, the research will be conducted in an institution that is familiar with working environment that are characterized by high quality demands, deadlines and intensive activities among others. Vodafone was considered as the suitable organization to provide the study a relevant study sample because its employees fit the study’s requirements. The study will also ensure to define key terms relating to the main subject. Terms search as work-related stress will be articulated and differentiated from the general definition of stress. The study will also expose all the available models used in work-place stress studies. The study has identified a few limitations that can to an extent hinder accurate or desired results. One particular fact is the difficulty is measuring stress levels capable of creating a negative effect on the working environment. This comes after considering the factors or aspects within a work environment, and those that are external. The study has identified the externals as factors that are not work-related. These are aspects like, an employee’s life outside of the working environment, personal and extended family issues, and personal or unique behaviors within individuals among other issues. Another limitation is the limited information provided by work-related stress philosophies regarding how different aspects such as gender, age and personalities can affect the way work-related stress is defined. Various philosophies providing great focus on perceptions and reactions of individuals against work-environment aspects. As such, some crucial aspect is left out. The study group might also pose a limitation if the information they provide is not the study’s desired outcome. This will arise if participants decide to withhold crucial data or information. Literature review Stress is defined as a negative reaction that stems from the nature in which individuals perceive numerous aspects within an environment in which they fit (Schuler, 1980). It is also defined as a stimulus reaction or response that is characterized by a sense of powerlessness to cope. Stress is deduced in varied studies as a state. Individuals considered as stress influenced are said to behave in a different way as opposed to when they are in a rationally calmer situation. Resource demand-control as a theory depicts work-related stress as a factor affected by two sub factors mainly; job control and psychological job demands. According to Karasek (1992) the aspect of psychological demand is dependent on factors like role conflict and time pressure, matters that are encompassed in a workload. Job control is in parallel defined as the sense of ability individuals have over their respective work activities. The two underlying factors that provide foundation to the job control aspect are skill discretion as well as decision authority (Karasek, 1992). These terms explain the staffs’ ability to decide on matters relating to their jobs, and their levels of skill-set in display during a job. The theory further stipulates that employees, who find themselves in low control environments but with high demands, are exposed to psychological strains, work-place stress and can over time develop poor physical as well as mental health. Researchers majorly use the theory above to therefore define work-related stress as the stress that is degenerated by work. The gap perceived to exist between job demands and the power to cope by individuals, is the basis upon which job-related stress is founded (Schuler, 1980). Key causes comprise of the following; deadline, anxieties, real pressure and threats et al. these and more aspects ensue in a working environment, and are therefore subject to the perception of the individuals within the very environment. Person-environment fit is a philosophy that has also been widely used in giving basis to work-based stress. Parallel to the other philosophies relating to stress, this theory also identifies a gap or misfit between an employee’s ability, resources and skills, against the working environment demands as foremost among stress causers. According Schuler (1980) the environment is central to the nature in which individuals react to work situations as well as events. The authors also stress that the lack of fit as a sense can arise when employees conclude that either their personal needs are not sufficiently met, or they are incapable of handling job demands, or a blend of the two. According to the effort-reward imbalance philosophy, the effort spent by an individual is dependent on the rewards that would be in return provided (Cooper, 1998). These returns can take various forms, among them, career opportunities and money et al. the theory simply stipulates that a state of imbalance which is create when rewards are perceived not to match with effort spent, stress in generated. The theory is mostly applicable when for instance; employees feel that they have over committed to manage demands or when employees have limited options in relations to their job opportunities, and finally when employees are lured into accepting the imbalance through factors such as incentives in the work-place. The transaction model is also parallel to the other philosophies. Like the others, it explains the connection between the environment and employees, but further brings to play a supplementary emphasis on the psychological mechanisms related to the stress process. The employee environment connection is defined by transaction model as dynamic. In addition, the model delves further into the cognitive assessments made by employees, regarding demand perceptions and the mix between these demands and the perceptions on skills and resource capabilities. When the perceived capability of individuals is deemed to exceed that of the perceived demands, stress is bound to occur (Cooper, 1998). Based on the number of philosophies discussed above, the study can conclude that stress is a state that is as a consequence of varied factors. The study also can confirm through the various research works that the state is not necessarily permanent, rather it is temporary, and can differ from individual to individual. Literature relating to stress also explains the consequences of work-related stress. A deeper understanding of its aspects and consequence therefore, assist in the formulation of the approaches that are crafted to manage and even prevent stress. Among other stressors, work relationships, organization structure, career developments and the interference from home. The resultant stress reactions are manifested when individuals are subjected to risk factors while in the working environment. According to studies these factors can take various forms of nature. Theses natures might be cognitive, emotional, psychosocial, physiological and behavioral. The responses therefore also take similar forms that are summarized as emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physiological responses. Cognitive responses are associated with factors such as forgetfulness and reduced attention. Emotional responses encompass a feeling of irritation and nervousness. The behavioral reactions are characterized by impulsive aggressiveness and increases rates of mistakes. Finally, physiological responses are characterized by hyperventilation and an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Evidence generated through various researches indicates that permanent damage can occur when the consequences are stretched over long periods (Folkman, 2013). Some damage can also be irreversible. The consequences, if not managed properly can create a hazardous working environment (Singh, 2000). The organization’s health and the health of the employees are directly influenced by these consequences. To manage stress consequences, organizations use framework designed to manage and if possible, eliminate work- related stress (Giga et al., 2003). These frameworks comprise of a number of actions and strategies that dictate the way preventive measures are administered. In the contemporary, the common methods use to prevent work-related stress are categorized into three levels. These levels can be described as primary, secondary, and finally tertiary. These levels provide a range of intervention levels that can be used as stress a preventive strategy. The organizational level is tasked with realizing aspects that can be modified to eliminate stress sources. A quick intervention assists in reducing a negative impact or the level of exposure. Secondary levels focus on educating the labor force on how to cope with stressors and other factors that can directly affect an employee in relation to work-related stress. This strategy is employed to ensure awareness, equip employees with skills, and support the work force by offering resources that can improve the way employees deal with stress. The tertiary level emphasize on the reactive strategies that are put in action when situations where individuals face ill-health as a consequence of stress arises. The strategy involves a curative approach that is aimed at correcting or treating affected individuals. Despite the adoption of these strategies, studies indicate that organizations must develop a comprehensive approach that encompasses a wide range of fields. A comprehensive approach that connects both psychological as well as organizational hazards must employ the use of a combined, as opposed to handling the levels of intervention separately (Singh, 2000). The comprehensive approach must also combine the other frameworks and develop a dynamic approach that will assist an organization to analyze effectively, the real issues that cause work-related stress in their various organizations. The designs must also be custom made for their respective organizations. This is because factors differ based on the nature of work and the labor force. As a consequence, the nature of job demand can vary, and hence a factor that will also influence employee perceptions towards work-related stress. Methodology The study will employ a mixed method methodology. This will assist the study to accumulate sufficient information or data that is relevant. The mixed method will allow the study to gather both quantitative and qualitative information. To accumulate sufficient qualitative data, the study will acquire primary data through a systematic review. The systematic review, which is also literature review based, will assist in narrowing down on the main subject. A search strategy that is systematic in nature will save on both the aspects of money as well as time. A due process which will involve validity assessment, interpretation as well as presentation of the resulting data will be central to the success of the process. The data search will only border on the models that form basis for work-related stress. The gathered data will be subjected to meta-analysis. This style of statistical analysis will ensure the resulting information is accurate and consumable. The study will through a randomly targeted study sample, gather quantitative data. A targeted sample of at most 100 participants will be engaged in the study. The employees belonging to the telecommunication institution Vodafone will comprise of both genders. A specific IT department section of the institution will be considered because of its suitability to the research. To counter the systematic approach employed in acquiring primary data, the study will focus more on open ended questionnaire approach to ensure a balancing act. Since the systematic approach will dictate a data such that is specific, open ended questions will help to attain quantitative data that is more comprehensive. The questions will assist the study to acquire a true perspective of the employee perspectives. The study will settle on a qualitrics online questionnaire to collect data. This process is favored Due to its various qualities. The design will save the study a lot of funds Due to its cost effective aspect. Besides its cost effectiveness, it improves the chances of collecting quality and accurate data. It also provides the study a platform through which data can be accessed in real time, stored for both present and future consumption, and offers easy means of analyzing collected data. The design’s flexibility and convenience to both the study and the participants makes it suitable for the study. The design will save the study much time Due to its rapid deployment nature. Finally, this design will eliminate the need for an interviewer, hence improved chances of collecting relevant ant quality data. Interviewers have in the past been found guilty of response influence, either by choice or oblivious. The platform will enable participants to respond freely, and hence can disclose personal information that would have otherwise been problematic. Despite positive advantages, the design might also limit the study. An online platform will dictate that there is a reduced sampling as well as respondent availability. The absence of an interviewer might also lead to the generation of less reliable data. This is because interviewers have the ability to probe or clarify, and hence improved data reliability. The gathered data will be easily analyzed using the inbuilt system tool. The system’s features allow for customization of data. The customized data will be exported to a CSV and after following relevant procedures, a visualization of the results will be presented. Significance The basic reason for this particular study is to bridge some of the gaps realized in the models of work-related stress. By laying emphasis on contemporary factors affecting the dynamic relations regarding employees and the work-place, the study seeks to generate more factors that are less or completely not addressed in the traditional models. The desired effect is to especially shed light on neglected factors that indirectly cause stress within a job environment. Organizations can benefit greatly from this study, accepting and considering factors that had not been considered before, as aspects that increase the effect of stress in the working environment. By beginning to consider these additional factors, organizations can better equip themselves to manage stress effects. Organizations can also develop new strategies aimed at countering any new forms or trends that are identified as stress causers in the organization. A major issue for instance is the use of cell phones within the working environment. With an ever increase in the desire to use personal cell phones, a policy that bars staffs from accessing their gadgets while on duty can easily become a source of stress on the part of employees. This study can influence future like studies to explore more on matters that are not addressed in a proper contemporary situation. references Cooper, C. L. (Ed.). (1998). Theories of organizational stress. OUP Oxford. Folkman, S. (2013). Stress: appraisal and coping (pp. 1913-1915). Springer New York. Giga, S. I., Cooper, C. L., & Faragher, B. (2003). The development of a framework for a comprehensive approach to stress management interventions at work. International Journal of Stress Management, 10(4), 280. Karasek, R., & Theorell, T. (1992). Healthy work: stress, productivity, and the reconstruction of working life. Basic books. Schuler, R. S. (1980). Definition and conceptualization of stress in organizations. Organizational behavior and human performance, 25(2), 184-215. Singh, J. (2000). Performance productivity and quality of frontline employees in service organizations. Journal of marketing, 64(2), 15-34. Read More
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