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Managing Team and Individual Performance - Assignment Example

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The paper "Managing Team and Individual Performance" is an excellent example of an assignment on management. The performance objective is a goal describing the activities that the organization has to accomplish with a specified duration. Therefore, performance objective tends to express the direction and the extent of achievement that the organization aims to accomplish in every aspect…
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Name Professor Course Date of submission Individual Team and Organizational Objectives Management Concept of Performance Management The performance objective is a goal describing the activities that the organization has to accomplish with a specified duration. Therefore, performance objective tends to express the direction and the extent of achievement that the organization aims to accomplish in every aspect: lower levels, the parts of individuals and teams, and departmental sections that form the organization. In the paper, the researcher will focus on the Extra Mile Care in a bid to illustrate the manner in which performance is applicable within the organization. The organization falls within the domiciliary care; as a result, it assists the patients in need of remaining and enjoying the comfort of their homes with their beloved ones but has no ability of managing on their own and achieving some of their daily activities within the personal. Task 1 The Links between Individual, Team, and Organizational Objectives Normally, the organization and the teams need to work closely to achieve the required objectives. In addition, the link that occurs between the teams, individuals, and organizational objectives is based on the agreed principles and contract for the achievement of common goal within a specified time. Besides, the link created between the team, individuals, and organizational objectives often describe the overall objectives of the organization with the team and organization aim to receive irrespective of the duration: long term and short term (Williams 201). At Extra Mile Care, the combination of the team, individual, and organizational objective aims to ensure provision of the best care services that meets the needs its potential customers. In this case, the potential customers are those in need of its services within the community, a factor that would propel it towards being the best care company within the state. The achievement of such objectives means that the care meets it objectives of offering the best training quality within the care. Besides, it is for such reason that the care established an effective link that occurs between team, individual, and organizational objective. As a result, there is proper alignment of the organization, team, and individual with the overall business plan of the care facility. The objectives of Extra Mile Care are SMART. The objective is specific considering that it deals with specialized care services, measurable as there are various people in need of the services offered, achievable within a defined period, realistic since the organizational clients are seeking the careers offered, and time since there is set limit for the achievement of the objectives. The Selection Of, and Agree, Individual and Team Objectives Human resources are important organizational assets; however, there is need to ensure effectiveness in their operations through selecting the best team. The drive to accomplish organizational desired results, there is need to ensure adequate selection of individuals and team that would propel the organization to meet the required objective. The selection of, agree, individual, and team objective is a process that involves selection of the appropriate human resources to ensure that they carry out their particular duties in effective and efficient manner for the achievement of the required objective. Therefore, there is a need to take an assessment of the teams and individuals based on their competency, skills and knowledge, medical reports, and professional backgrounds. Extra Mile Care values efficiency and effectiveness; as a result, its selection of, agree, individual, and team objective, which is taken seriously by the HR managers. In the care, the process involves getting the right people for the job and achievement of the objectives based on the agreement. In addition, within the care, there is equal access to the staff to ensure uniform achievement of the objective. Considering the nature of the of the organization, its selection of the individuals and team is based on the level of qualification, medical history, experience, age, personal interest for the job, the Criminal Records Bureau Check (CRB), and appropriateness of the skills and knowledge. Moreover, the managers have the responsibility of making sure the selection of appropriate individual or team to spur organizational objectives since failure in the selection of the right personnel could have negative impact on institutional objectives. Areas of Individual and Team Responsibility in Achieving Objectives While selecting individuals and team for a given responsibility, it is important that they understand organizational basic objectives for which they are working. Therefore, the managers have the roles of defining the details of their responsibilities to effective and appropriate contribution of their activities towards the achievement of organizational objectives. The team leaders or the managers are responsible for identification of the individual and team tasks for the achievement of the objectives. This is the stage that the individuals and team know their roles in the achievement of objectives. Within the care facility, the manager outlines the basic roles of the individuals and team for the achievement of the objectives. Within the Extra Mile Care, the responsibilities of the staff involve assisting with medication, laundry, personal care that involve washing, assisting with dressing, and bathing, community access, health and hygiene cleaning, and emotional support. These roles only become the responsibilities of the team and individual only if they agree to undertake them. Task 2 The need to create an environment of trust and support with others Trust is important for the achievement of organizational objectives. In any organization that the managers build trust with the team, there is the creation of workplace setup that encourages the openness in which the workers feel good about their contributions as well as others. Besides, the trusted colleagues play significant roles in assisting people to accomplish their roles. In addition, the workers tend to work hard towards the achievement of the objectives whenever the management treats them with adequate respect, trust, honesty, and trust (Gupta 107). Within the Extra Mile Care, the management realized the significance for the creation workplace encouraging trust and support with the others considering it assists in different ways. These include adequate cooperation between the individual and team, decline in the number of difficulty relationship through conversion of the workers to neutral, increment in the number of good working relationship, and increment in the loyalty and commitment of the workers. In any lo trust environment among the people, there is a lot of suffering since they are not in a position to their full potential considering that there is inadequate support from the others which hinders growth, corporation, and coexistence. The causes of conflict, and describe strategies to minimize or prevent conflict Conflicted management within an organization is an important activity as it could lead to disorientation of organizational objective. Whenever organizations conflict occur, it is vital that the managers and supervisors with the ability of influencing and affecting the attitude and actions of the individuals and teams might is helpful to focus on identification of the causes and feeling of both parties involved in the conflict (Bohlander and Snell 121). At the Extra Mile Care, conflict could arise several instances including between the colleagues, clients, and competitors. Upon the occurrence of such conflicts, the organizational management focus on the identification of the conflict then find solution then find if the management can do something to solve the issue or seek advice from the superiors. The common forms of conflicts within the organization include inadequate level of trust, differences in personal values, failure to check the objectives, inadequate resources, and participation. The major strategies used in the prevention of the or minimization of the conflict include effective communication, team building, provision of flexible services, participation in the decision making, and ensuring involvement of the workers in management issues. However, it is essential to note that the designed strategies in minimizing, preventing, and resolving the institution would result in the effectiveness and efficiency at all level: individual and institutional. Task 3 Individual and team performance against objectives Effective and efficient achievement of the objectives depends on the adequate contribution of the individual and team. Therefore, it is important that the organization design on the mechanisms of evaluating and assessing the performance of the team and individual employees. Nonetheless, the assessment needs to focus on outcome of the team and individual. Extra Mile Care has predefined mechanisms of undertaking the evaluation including setting the performance objectives, facilitating the review of the employees, assessment of the past performance, establishment of the communication channel, assisting in improving the current performance, development of the human relation skills of the assessors, and assessing the various needs of the workers: training and development. At Extra Mile Care, the management focuses on the evaluation and assessment of the staff and team performance against organizational objectives through the result of their performance. The institution does such through evaluation to know whether the individual or team is meeting the objectives of the organization. Consequently, time, quantity, and cost of the employees are measured. Moreover, the organization systematically evaluates the individuals and team based on the strengths and weaknesses with an aim of setting pre-defined standards of the organization. Generally, the care assesses the outcomes of the team through quality, timelessness, quantity, and creativity cost of the team deliverables. Methods of providing feedback to individuals and teams on performance Any organization that intends to achieve the desired objective, it is important that it focus on regular feedback, which needs to focus on the objective assessments of the performance. However, it is important to note that feedback is discussion that involves people revealing the manner in which another person views the performance and behaviours of the others. Within the Extra Mile Care, the feedback model offered forms the part of the assessment, behaviour, and activity highlighting something that has been properly done. However, it is important that the manager creates the feedback with an aim of ensuring adequate satisfaction of the staff in regards to their objectives and see the manner in which the individuals and team perform against their objectives. The process also involves checking for anything that requires improvement within the organization. In the Extra Mile Care, there are different methods of providing the feedback including the feedback on performance, feedback on behaviour, feedback on information, self-assessment, and verbal feedback to the team, verbal feedback to the individuals, and one-on-one feedback. For Extra Mile Care, feedback is very important considering the nature of the job with the aim of learning methods of improving their performance and suggestions on the activities that would assist in proving the performance of the staff with the aim of achieving the objective. Recording systems for performance assessment for individuals or teams Recording system is important for the assessment of performance and a document within the organization serving as evidence on the transactional activity within the organization. Within the Extra Mile Care, the applicable record system is systematic in nature, periodic, and impartial record the activities of the team or individual in regards to matters involving their current jobs. In addition, there are many processes involved in the recording system of the Extra Mile Care including content analysis, which involves description of the organizational contents that require recording, a file plan that indicates the place of storing the record and the duration of keeping. The process also involves the process for holding the records, which is vital whenever situations such as litigation arise. However, it is vital to note that the unmanaged recording system tend to make the performance of duties very difficult and costly to the organization in regards to time, money, and resources. Task 4 Performance improvement cycle Performance improvement cycle involves a process of designing, measuring, assessing, and improving the performance of the organization strategies. In addition, the major aim of the cycle is to assist the organization meets its goals. In the Extra Mile Care, performance improvement cycle plays an important role in ensuring the achievement of the required objectives. As a result, the care has a determination of continuously improving its performance with the aim of demonstrating quality in the services that it offers. Performance improvement cycle involves four distinct stages: design, measure, assess and improve. Designing is a stage requiring identification of the major aim of the organization thus the design allows the achievement of the objectives. On the other hand, measure is a stage providing a process on how the institution achieves its aims. Assess is a process in which the organization sets its priority on the factors it intends to achieve while assessment of the opportunities enable the organization to rank the priorities. Improvement actions depend on the results from the measurement and assessment. At such stage, the organization knows the areas that it considers to require improvement and implementation of specified innovations involving redesigning of the process. Any effective management of the individual performance often rests on the management of the performance cycle. The indicators of poor performance Poor performance could affect the performance of the organization. Poor performance is a sign of ineffective job performance, which fails to meet the required standards for the achievement of organizational objectives. Normally, within the organization, ineffective performers tend to lower the development and growth of organizational objectives directly through failing to accomplish their assigned hare of the job; as a result, there is reduction in organizational productivity, which makes it significant to deal with various issues associated with poor organizational performance. Within the Extra Mile Care, the repercussions from poor performance are evident in different ways which the HR manager effective management of these issues to establishing appropriate standards to staff compliance. There are different indicators of poor performance including alcoholism and drug addition, low motivation, insufficient knowledge on their assigned jobs, inadequate mental ability and education, and tiredness, excessive absenteeism, and tiredness of the employees. However, for the managers, poor performance involves inadequate communication regarding the activities of the job, poor feedback mechanism, bullying, and negativity and untrusting attitude. For the organization, poor performance indicators are reduction in productivity, organizational culture tolerating poor performance, changes in the policies without consultation of the workers, and intention threat to the job security. Methods that support performance improvement Performance improvement involves analysis of the problems affecting performance and adequately finding the means of ensuring registration of better performance. In Extra Mile Care, performance improvement involves improving the performance of the individuals or teams for the achievement of objectives in areas that are not meeting up with the organizational goals. Other mechanisms used include appraisals and rewarding the individual for the job properly done. Other methods used in supporting the staff include training the staff to perform to the best of the ability while undertaking the responsibilities; motivation to ensure the workers feel the sense of belonging within the institution, encouraging, and recognizing some their work done (Song 95). It is the culture of the organization to reward the staffs undertaking the roles effectively on a monthly basis in a bid to courage other; with job security, the institution tries to keep the workers willing to stay in their jobs and focus on various provisions including holiday and sick pay. Another method used is salary, which increases after a given period to make sure that it sires its staffs to receive the best salaries. These are methods used in supporting staff; however, the institution ensures that the training cost is justifiable through improvement in productivity and performance. Task 5 The organisation's disciplinary and grievance procedures It is key to have techniques of dealing with the conflicts. The disciplinary and grievance procedures within the organization form the basis of providing clear and transparent methods to deal with the challenges that could emerge within the organization as a component of the working relationship from different perspectives: employee’s and employer’s. Within the Extra Mile Care, the disciplinary and grievance procedure involves a series of set standards for performance and conduct, which the organization reinforces. The major reason behind the disciplinary and grievance procedure within the organization is to ensure equal treatment of the staff in every scenario and making sure that the organization deals fairly and reasonably with such issues. In the Extra Mile Care, the disciplinary and grievance procedure are vital for the organization to the action to take whenever problems arise, enabling the staffs to make the appropriate decisions, setting the rules governing the behaviour of the organization and staffs, solving minor issues without letting them end in the tribunal. The disciplinary and grievances are the established rules and procedures for the promotion of the orderly employment relations, fairness, and consistency in the treatment of the workers and provision of the guidelines for the adhering to the rules. The role of the manager in both a disciplinary and a grievance procedure The major role that the managers play in the disciplinary and grievances procedure is to ensure adequate implantation of the actions whenever necessary in a bid to ensure that the arising issue is resolved through involving other external relevant bodies (CIPD, 2016). However, the managers enforce their powers in different instances including offering verbal warning regarding the minor offenses, giving written warning for the frequent minor offenses, and final warning for the repeated offences. However, to some extent, the manager dismisses the employee if he/she commits a gross misconduct. In the Extra Mile Care, the manager undertakes an investigation on the compliant within the department and when the managers fail to resolve the issues, they forward to senior management for investigation. Summaries of the key aspects of legislation that applies to an organization's disciplinary and grievance procedures The major legislation that is applicable to the organization is the Code of Practice 1 developed in April 2009 with the aim of assisting both the employers and employee deal with the grievances instance within the work setup. The legislations application to the disciplinary procedures include the establishment of the facts in every case, informing the workers of the problem in question, provision of the employees with the opportunity to appeal the decisions of the organization, and holding meetings within the employees with an aim of discussing the problem. However, the legislations applicable to the grievances procedure include allowing accompanying of the employees at the meeting, alerting the employees on the nature of grievances, and holding meetings with the employees with an aim of discussing the grievances, making decision on the appropriate action, and allowing the employees to take their grievances further if unresolved. Works Cited Bohlander, George, and Scott Snell. Managing Human Resources. Thomson South-Western, 2007. CIPD. "Discipline and Grievances at Work - Factsheets - CIPD." CIPD Championing Better Work and Working Lives CIPD, CIPD, June 2016, Accessed 19 Oct. 2016. Gupta, B L. Management of Competency Based Learning. Concept Pub. Co, 2007. Song, Ji H. "The key to organizational performance improvement: A perspective of organizational knowledge creation." Performance Improvement Quarterly, vol. 21, no. 2, 2008, pp. 87-102. Williams, John. Marketing Management in Practice. Elsevier/Butterworth Heinemann, 2004. Read More
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