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Theories of Ethics for Public Sector Managers - Essay Example

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The paper "Theories of Ethics for Public Sector Managers" is a great example of a management essay. The public sectors aim at ensuring the creation of adequate value for the public. However, there are several methods of creating these values including the provision of different goods and services to the public, establishing regulations that guide societal activities…
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Theories of Ethics for Public Sector Managers By: Professor: Class: University: City: State: Date of submission: Theories of Ethics for Public Sector Managers Introduction The public sectors aim at ensuring creation of adequate value for the public. However, there are several methods of creating these values including provision of different goods and services to the public, establishing regulation that guide societal activities, and imposing various regulations on the public to ensure the existence of some order. From such responsibilities, it is notable that duties undertaken by the public sector managers are complex since they have to fulfill the needs of the public. Moreover, it is clear that public institutions are complex due to competition nature and strategies of delivering the services to the public. Form such complexities in the roles of the public managers, the need for ethics in their practice especially during the decision making is evident (Conill, Lütge, & Schönwälder-Kuntze, 2008, 127). Therefore, it is important to analyze critically various theories of ethics and determine the most applicable one in the management of the public sectors. The essay aims at analyzing critically three theories of ethics. As a result, the essays will commence with the analysis of basic theoretical notions in a bid to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the theories within the public institutions. Furthermore, there will be analysis of various concepts including theoretical and practical cases. Finally, there will be presentation of the most applicable theory and applicability within the public sector. Theories of Ethics To some extent, people conflate ethics is with other mechanisms of making choices including religion, morality, and law. Most religions tent to promote decision-making processes considered ethical; however, they do not address full the array of ethical choices that people face. Religion could as well advocate or to some extent prohibit some behaviour considered proper for ethical domains such are sexual behaviours. Ethics is a system involving different sets of value including culture and people’s attitude. Additionally, these sets of values are critical in guiding the actions of people in particular situations (Waddock, 2013, 132). From such point, ethics ensure provision of adequate guidance for what people need to do through focusing on certain values including fairness, justice, and goodness (Harper, 2011, 66). These factors present the nature of ethics, which makes its consideration vital within the public sector. Moreover, there are numerous ethical theories with each presenting a defined notion and structure that guides its application. These theories of ethics include utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue. Considering the utilitarianism or consequentialism ethics, most of the users usually put much emphasis on the achievement of the greatest good for many people. However, most researchers cite that it is important to evaluation the actions according the consequences. In addition, it is important to the most appropriate are those which have the ability of presenting the greatest possible equilibrium of holinesses over unhappiness; with the happiness of each person counting to be equally important (French, 2008, 106). In the notion of the utilitarianism ethics, the act is a person is considered morally if such actions yield good consequence. Furthermore, in such case, good consequent could emerge in various methods such as happiness, welfare, and pleasure. Contrary to the utilitarianism ethics, the deontology ethics justifies an act as the “sense of duty” over the value considered as righteous. In some cases, the ethics is referred to as the “rule based ethics” or the Kantianism owing to the philosopher that promoted it, Immanuel Kant (Kramer, 2011, 188). From the notion of the theory, it holds that the act could be evaluated based its rightness or wrongness or be chosen depending on the form of moral principle applied. Therefore, it is important to note that from the theory, the consequence is never justifiable based on the actions. As a result, according to the theory, it us significant bases the acts on consistent moral behaviours. Another theory is virtue ethics, which depends on the people’s characters instead of consequences or the moral standards. Moreover, the theory emphasises on the moral capacity of people to act in different ways: through depth analysis of the situation or quick reaction (Waddock, 2013, 137). Hence, the virtue ethics focuses on the people’s character reflected on their moral values considered good depending on the circumstance in question: adhering to some moral principles or the good consequence. Theories of Ethics and their Inference on the Public Sector Manager It is important to apply various frameworks of ethics in any situation with an aim of evaluating the action. Nonetheless, ethics presents several impacts on the public sectors considering their roles in the creation public value and implication in the lives of people. Moreover, ethics play important role in guiding the activities undertaken by the public managers while handling different conflicts of interests that usually arise within their institutions (James, 2003, 97). Besides, unethical practices within the public sectors by the managers such corruption scandals could have repercussions on the public. Such concept insinuates the criticality of ensuring that public managers uphold the set ethical standards. Consequently, critical examination of the theories of ethics is important. Utilitarianism Theory The utilitarianism theory of ethics is appropriate for the public managers considering that it majorly focuses on the greater goo to significant numbers. From such notion, it is important that the public managers apply the theory in their activities since their decisions have greater impact on the society. For example, the liberal philosopher known as Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) supported the use of the theory within the public sector. Moreover, researchers argue that the utilitarianism theory tends to justify the role played by the central and local governments, which entails satisfying the needs of the public (Harper, 2011, 62). Moreover, considering the desire for competitive values applicable within the public sectors, the theory plays critical role in assisting the public managers in dealing with the various issues associated with prioritization for the achievement of the desired results. There are several instances in the application of the utilitarian principle within the public sectors including the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) which is utilized when evaluating the decisions made within the public sectors based on the consequences such decisions have on the society, specifically in monetary terms. Another applicable situation is the “sin taxes” which plays critical in dealing with goods and services that are disfavoured such health harming goods like alcohol (French, 2008, 99). In such cases, the sin taxes need to address alcohol related products from various perspectives: health, employment, and revenue. Both examples imply that the public managers need to base their decisions on the greatest possible to the public which a principle that the utilitarianism principle depends upon. However, the application of the utilitarianism has several setbacks in the public sector. The theory places emphasis on the consequence while making various decisions within the public domain, which to some extent could contribute, to inconsistency and impracticality. As a result, such stands tend to conflict with the notion that the public managers should make lawful decisions through consistencies. Particularly, the application of the CBA method draw different criticisms as it emphasizes on the monetary value that contributes to the pragmatic instead of rational decisions considering the difficult in quantification of the public values. The sin taxes method tends to discriminate and violate the freedom of choice. These factors conflict with fairness a principle, which needs to be applicable in both the public sectors and delivery of the values. Deontology Theory The deontology theory emphasizes on achieving the objectives by the public managers while upholding the required moral standards. Philosophers such as Dwight Waldo noted the significance of the public managers to subscribing to various obligations, which are in the interest of the public (Kramer, 2011, 182). Moreover, such notions reveal that the public managers need orientation on their roles as outlined in the constitution and statutory guiding the public service. It is vital that the public managers subscribe to various values while applying the deontology theory irrespective of the possible consequences that could arise. The notion portrayed by the theory is incoherent with the basic principles guiding the public sectors. Moreover, the notion presented by the theory also contributes to the consistency with the public decision considering the consistency references outlined within the moral standards which the managers need to consider within their authorities (French, 2008, 152). Moreover, according to the researchers, practically is expressed in terms of formalized regulation. With such practice, the deontology ensures provision of relatively easier methodology for the managers within public institutions in dealing with various ethical circumstances with reference to the guidance within the formalized moral standards. Nonetheless, deontology theory tends attracts numerous criticisms within the public institution. Moreover, researchers also noted that public institutions have competing values to fulfil contradicts within the public institutions. Such point implies that difficulty could arise while making public decisions whenever conflicts emerge. Considering the concept of New Public Management (NPM), conflict with accountability could arise considering the paradigms in the hierarchical structures. Using the theory within public institutions is usually responsible for creation of dilemma among the managers considering that they have to subscribe to both values. Complexities and increased demand within the public segments could exacerbate the possibility of the conflict to occur among the values. Virtue Ethics The virtue ethics theory major emphasizes on morality of the people forming the basis of their character. In such essence, the ethical decisions depend on the inherent characters of people, which compel them to act morally. Based on the theory, while dealing with the ethical decisions, it is important that the public managers refer to both ethical rules and the consequences. However, embracing morality among the managers is vital. Virtue ethics recognizes the significance of integrating both consequence and duty within ethical decisions. Virtue ethics is the suitable for the public managers. Considering the complexities and competing values within the public institutions, the frameworks presents the best approach in dealing with various ethical issues as it allows consideration of both the results and value associate with the ethical decisions. Moreover, the theory also tends to propose the contextual decision making which requires the managers to base their decisions on the moral values and relate them with specified situations such as social life on they derive the decisions (James, 2003, 102). The commonly used example is the Harm Reduction Programme (HRP), which is a health policy used with the US and Canada that cites that strong ethical foundation is applicable within the social consequence and characters. Nonetheless, application of the theory by the public managers has various challenges. The theory views that morality is embraced within people’s characteristics, which determine the ethical decisions. The theory depends on the character of a person implying its applicability to individuals instead of organization. Moreover, the ethical decision made within the notion of the theory might be difficult to evaluate which makes ethical conflicts even a challenge to address. As a result, application of such theory contributes to difficulty of exemplifying institutional ethics. Although the theory considers both morality and consequence, the outcome of the decision might be as good as the intention. For example, several researchers on HRP suggest that to some extent states support illegal activities that motivate use of drugs. This is a main concern considering the wider influence of the managers’ decisions. Recommendation: Best Theory and Practical Implementation It is clear that deontology is the most applicable within the public sectors. The theory requires the application of moral standards, which also form the basis of ensuring consistency in ethical decisions. Moreover, such notion also aligns with the desired ethical decisions applicable within the public institutions. For practicality, it is important to express various forms of formal regulations which provide clear guidance on the values that the public managers needs to consider while considering ethical decisions. Considering the complications associated with implementation of the theory, it is important to adopt various positive aspects of other theories with an aim of maximizing its application within the public sector. For instance, it is vital to state both the guidelines and values while making decisions. Such guidelines would contribute to workability of the ethical value and ensure that the managers make ethical decision specifically when conflict arises. To some extent, such approach applies the utilitarianism theory while dealing with ethical circumstances. Although the utilitarianism theory focuses on the result, this approach deals with the value. In addition, guidelines and written ethical values might be insufficient within the public institutions. Researchers note that most written regulations are usually inappropriate for non-conducive organizational setups. Hence, adoption of the virtue ethics, guidelines, and written require adequate internalization by the public managers. In practice, such could be evident in various forms including code of ethics workshops and ethics audit. Furthermore, some researchers also argue that besides such practical approaches, leadership is vital for internalization of the public institutions. In such essence, it is important that organizational leaders build ethical values effectively within the institutions. Conclusion There are several complexities faced by the public managers while executing their responsibilities arising from differences in values and conflicts, which require consideration. Complexities also occur due the nature decision made within the public sectors. Due to such natures, ethics play critical role among the public managers in guiding their decisions. There are basic theories that the managers need to subscribe to virtue ethics, deontology, and utilitarianism. Although each theory has its strengths and weaknesses, it might be difficult for the managers to apply a single theory. A given theory might be preferred than others considering additional mechanisms of adopting positive aspects of other theories. From such perspective, deontology is best applicable for the public managers since the theory aligns with the concept of most public managers, which require them follow, their duty. In addition, while following their duties, it is important that the public managers consistently refer various set of values within the moral values. To ensure maximization of the practicality, the managers need to integrate the implementation of deontology with other theories. For example, application of various ethical guidelines, audit, and workshop could beneficial to the managers especially while desiring to make ethical decision. Furthermore, leadership is important in internalization of ethic into the culture and system. Such integration would assist in maximizing the deontology theory while making ethical decisions. References Conill, S. J., Lütge, C., & Schönwälder-Kuntze, T. (2008). Corporate citizenship, contractarianism and ethical theory: On philosophical foundations of business ethics. Farnham, England: Ashgate Pub. Co. French, R. (2008). Ethical Decision-Making from a Consequentialist Perspective: A Study in Philosophical Ethics. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press. Harper, P. T. (2011). Business Ethics Beyond the Moral Imagination: A Response to Richard Rorty. Issues in Business Ethics, 4(2), 57-79. James, C. (2003). Economic Rationalism and Public Sector Ethics: Conflicts and Catalysts. Aust J Pub Admin, 62(1), 95-108. Kramer, M. H. (2011). The ethics of capital punishment: A philosophical investigation of evil and its consequences. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Waddock, S. (2013). Wisdom and Responsible Leadership: Aesthetic Sensibility, Moral Imagination, and Systems Thinking. Issues in Business Ethics, 3(4), 129-147. Read More
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