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Management Principles - Assignment Example

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The paper "Management Principles" Is a great example of a Management Assignment. An individual who impacts on other people to attain a particular objective and directs the organization in a coherent and cohesive manner can be considered a leader (Winkler, 2010). Leaders implement this process by leveraging their skills and knowledge of leadership. …
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Name: Topic: Management Principles Institution: Date of submission: Instructor Management Principles An individual who impacts on other people to attain a particular objective and directs the organization in a coherent and cohesive manner can be considered a leader (Winkler, 2010). Leaders implement this process by leveraging on their skills and knowledge on leadership. In today’s constantly changing and competitive environment, organizations need to be flexible so as to react to the changing conditions. Specifically, those in senior management and leadership positions have to be quality leaders who can manage the organization effectively and bring desirable benefits. Due to the unique demands that organizations have to meet, managers have to be knowledgeable on how to best managers such organisations effectively, by selecting the most suitable leadership, to ensure continued performance and improvements. Question 1 The situational leadership model does not support the ‘one size fits all' approach to leadership. Varying levels of leadership and management are needed depending on the situation. Leaders have first to identify their most vital priorities and responsibilities. Additionally, leaders have to consider the level of readiness their followers have by analyzing their willingness and ability (Fairholm, 2009). Depending on the identified levels if these variables, leaders should implement the most appropriate leadership style in line with the prevailing situation. Different situations require different leadership styles and approaches. They include directing, supporting, coaching, and delegating. Directing This approach to leadership is the most suitable when the followers have little ability and low willingness for the tasks assigned to them (Lussier, 2012). When members are unable to do the job and are afraid or unwilling to try, then the leader has to adopt a highly directive role. Directing expects those in charge to explain the functions and roles of the members, and carefully watch over their activities. The communication is this kind of leadership is one way, and that in charge makes the decisions. If the leader is more concerned about the relationship in such a situation, the members will be confused about the available options and the action to be taken. When serious issues arise, or there are dire consequences for unsuccessful for improper implementation of the task, directing is the most appropriate type of leadership (Fairholm, 2009). The leader upholds a directive role to make sure all the required actions are concluded. Supporting This leadership style is the most suitable in when the followers exhibit low willingness, but high ability to carry out the tasks handed to them. This approach to leadership works when the followers are capable of doing the job, but show lack of commitment or they refuse to do it. The leader does not have to show them what to do, but rather should strive to investigate why followers are reluctant to work, and encourage them to cooperate. For supportive leadership to work, the leader should motivate and build the confidence of people. Clarification and explanation of the task to the followers does not matter in this situation because the followers already have an idea of what is expected of them, but lack the incentive to act. Coaching This leadership approach is best suited in situations where the followers exhibit a high willingness but low ability for the responsibilities at hand. Just like directing, also coaching requires leaders to explain tasks and roles clearly, but the leader inquires for suggestions and ideas from the follower. The leader's prerogative is decision making but the communication is, usually, two-way. Follower who needs coaching requires observation and direction since they are lack the necessary experience. However, they also need praise and support in order to build their confidence, and participation in the decision-making process to restore their dedication. While coaching, the leader listens, advices and helps the follower to attain the required skills in order to carry out tasks autonomously. Delegating Delegating as an approach to leadership is most appropriate when followers exhibit high willingness and high ability (Lussier, 2012). Leaders should depend on delegating in situations whereby the followers are capable of doing the job, and they are motivated to carry it out. A leader has to have a tremendous amount of trust that the follower will perform well since the follower requires little support or supervision. The leader is still involved in decision-making and problem solving, but the implementation is, usually, left to the followers. In this approach to leadership, the follower has more control. Thus, he is obligated to communicate information to the leader (Lussier, 2012). At this level, followers require little praise or support from the leader. However, just like with anyone, occasional recognition is recommended. Question 2 Hiroshi Okuda was a transformational leader. He exhibited four main characteristics that are associated with transformational leadership. Hiroshi was inspirational, charismatic, and considerate and exhibited intellectual stimulation. As a transformational leader, Okuda was inspirational. Inspirational leaders motivate workers to go beyond their self-interest. Inspiration relies on the ability of the leader to communicate and clarify the vision to the staff and motivate them. Workers in organization must at all time work toward achieving the vision. One of the unique characteristics of transformational leadership is its ability to provide purpose and to mean for responsibility, goals, ideals, and objects to the followers. In this respect, Okuda worked with the designers at Toyota and helped them increase the speed at which vehicles went from concepts to the real product in the market. The use of slogans and symbols can be useful in simplifying complex messages to the staff. The subordinates are willing to commit their time and effort in carrying out their duties, are optimistic about the future, are encouraged, and they have a firm belief in their abilities. Intellectual stimulation can be described as the extent to which the leader challenges the norms (Winkler, 2010). Solicits followers’ thoughts and takes risks. Leaders who exhibit this leadership style encourage and stimulate creativity in their followers. These leaders cultivate and develop individuals who reason independently. Unprecedented or unexpected situations are perceived as a learning opportunity by such leaders. For instance, when many people at Toyota put into consideration the scrapping of a project to build a manufacturing plant in Taiwan, Okuda thought differently. He viewed the obstacles presented by the Taiwanese government as learning chances. Consequently, he was successfully able to lobby for the facility. Leaders who show intellectual stimulation also allow their followers to inquire about various aspects of their task and contemplate on the best formula to tackle issues (Lussier, 2012). In addition, transformational leaders who show intellectual stimulation view learning as a value. Individual considerations tend to relate interpersonal skills. Leaders can show concern to the followers' development through delegating duties that provide the employees opportunities to develop. For instance, Okuda showed individual consideration by promoting several outstanding performers to higher managerial levels thus providing them with the opportunity to grow. Leaders who are considerate can easily identify the needs of individuals and know what motivates them. On the other hand, empathy and insight enable leaders ensure that all the individual goals and organizational goals are achieved simultaneously. As a transformational leader, Okuda was charismatic. Such leaders tend to motivate their followers to surpass the set performance standard and also to put the interest of the organization before anything else (Nohria et al, 2010). In order to attain this, the followers must identify the value that their leader holds, and the vision of the organization. This is however directly dependent on the leaders’ show of concern to the workers. Thus, transformational leaders tend to change the organization by showing to the employees, the importance of change. Question 3 Transactional leadership Transactional leadership focuses on the importance of supervision, group performance and organization. Transactional leadership involves the promotion of compliance through rewards and punishment. Unlike transformation style of leadership, transactional leadership style aims at keeping things the same rather than prioritizing future change. Transactional leaders are keen to observe the work of their followers in order to identify deviations and faults. This leadership style is well suited in emergencies and where projects need to be implemented in s specific manner (Lee, 2012) Transactional leadership style is based on the simple level of satisfying needs. Leaders who employ this approach utilize an exchange model, whereby rewards are given for positive results or good work. Conversely, leaders who exhibit this leadership style can also punish followers for negative outcomes or poor work until corrections are made. Transactional leadership emphases on needs at a lower level by focusing tasks performance. By managing each portion of the work individually, transactional leaders can achieve effectiveness in getting specific done. Transactional leadership style is concerned with processes instead of revolutionary ideas. Transactional leaders concentrate on both contingent positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement (Barker, 1992).  Rewards such as compliment are given when objectives achieved ahead of time or in order to keep subordinates motivated so that they can step up their performance throughout the completion. Contingent punishment such as suspensions can be handed to subordinates when the quality or quantity of performance and production falls below the expected standards. Punishment can also be given when objectives are not met. Transformational Leadership Transformational leadership can be described as a leadership approach that stimulates change people and social systems (Lee, 2012). This is the leadership style that Hiroshi Okuda exhibited. For instance, Okuda was able to implement some drastic changes at Toyota within his first 18 months as the president. He justified his aggressive style to the need to change the company that had become lethargic. Transformational leadership creates positive and valuable change among the followers with the aim of growing followers into leaders. Transformational leadership improves not only morale and motivation, but also performance of followers by utilising various mechanisms (Lee, 2012). For instance, Okuda was able to improve the speed at which concepts from the designers at Toyota reached the market. These mechanisms include linking the identity of the follower with the mission and the combined identity of the organization; challenging followers to be responsible for their tasks, acting as a role model to the workers so as to inspire them, and understanding the strong and weak points of their followers so that tasks can be optimized for them. Transformational style of leadership mainly encompasses the ability of the leader to incentivise followers so as to be able to rise beyond their personal goals (Nohria et al, 2010). Transformational style of leadership is perceived to stem from the personal values that one holds. In this approach to leadership, leaders are inclined to go beyond the common transactional form leadership and are largely characterized as visionary, articulate and are capable of instilling confidence in individuals. Therefore, transformational leaders are capable of motivating followers to surpass their usual performance and objectives (Winkler, 2010). Transformational leaders achieve this by changing the values, beliefs and attitude of the followers. They tend to encourage their colleagues and workforce to contribute creatively in the workplace through the use of positive motivation (Bass, 1998). Question 4 A radical change in leadership is necessary to turn the company around when it is in a crisis. When the companies are faced with difficult circumstances, leaders have to be prepared to step in and show the way whilst getting involved. Leaders need to learn how to apply the right kind of leadership at the right moment and be aware of the implication that each leadership style might have. For example, contrary to the beliefs of most people, empowerment is not always the most appropriate style to use when the company is in a crisis (Bass, 1998) When a company is experiencing difficulties, it is not prudent to lead people, in the same way as they were led in the past. Leaders need to be ready to embrace change by leveraging the talents and skills of employees within the firm to achieve optimal performance (Bass, 1998). Thorough leadership styles such as delegation, a leader can be able to call upon the most skilled, knowledgeable and highly qualified workers to use their capabilities in order to bring about change and revival the company when it is in a crisis. In this respect, leaders must understand the importance of using different leadership in an appropriate and effective manner. Change of leadership is vital when things are not working out as they ought to be. Leaders should constantly be aware of the fact that there many other styles of leadership than their preferred leadership styles which they may consider as natural is not always the best for the situation the company is facing. Leadership should be flexible rather than rigid. The leaders need to be able to balance between flexibility and without appearing ambiguous, weak or unfair (Bass, 1998). In conclusion, Leaders must have a clear comprehension of their character in terms of what they are capable of doing and what they know. Followers are they key determinants of the success or failure of a leader and not the leaders themselves. For a leader to be a positive achiever, they must be able to convince members of their worthiness as a leader. Followers are a critical factor in leadership. Different individuals require different leadership styles. For instance, a person who is motivated requires a different leadership approach compared to a person who lacks motivation. Therefore, leaders must use their judgment and choose the most appropriate style of leadership and course of action depending on the prevailing situation. Bibliography Barker, A. M. (1992). Transformational nursing leadership: a vision for the future. New York, National League for Nursing Press. Bass, B. M., 1998. Transformational leadership: industrial, military, and educational impact. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Dubrin, A. J. (2011). Leadership: research findings, practice, and skills. Mason, OH, South-Western Cengage Learning. Fairholm, M. R., & Fairholm, G. W. (2009). Understanding leadership perspectives theoretical and practical approaches. New York, Springer. Lee, D., 2012. The Role of Transformational Leadership Styles in the Home Health Care Industry. 1(1). Lussier, R. N. (2012). Management fundamentals: concepts, applications, skill development. Mason, Ohio, South-Western. Nohria, N., Khurana, R., & Anand, B. (2010). Handbook of leadership theory and practice an HBS centennial colloquium on advancing leadership. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business Press. Slavkin, H. C., 2010. Leadership for health care in the 21st Century: A personal perspective. pp. 1-40. Winkler, I., 2010. Contemporary leadership theories: enhancing the understanding of the complexity, subjectivity and dynamic of leadership. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. Read More
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