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Kofi Annan Leadership Style - Coursework Example

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The paper "Kofi Annan Leadership Style" is a great example of management coursework. This essay is a discussion of the way leadership has changed within the context of a globalised environment over time. Kofi Annan has been identified as a case study as a leader who has over the years in various platforms of leadership exemplified appropriate leadership and communication styles that can be considered as best practices…
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Leadership Student’s Name Management Professor University Date This essay is a discussion of the way leadership has changed within the context of a globalised environment over time. Kofi Annan has been identified as a case study as a leader who has over the years in various platforms of leadership exemplified appropriate leadership and communication styles that can be considered as best practices. A number of leadership models, styles, competencies and attributes that are closely linked to the globalisation complexities and effectiveness in handling them are considered. The conclusion is that even the local or national leadership cannot fully claim independence from the globalisation pressures. The landscape of leadership is subject to change depending on the globalisation aspects like those relating to global risk, global tempo and global ethics. For sustainability in leadership to be attained, an effective and balanced approach to leadership must be adopted. The global mindset continuum integrates very dynamic processes in skills, knowledge and awareness at various levels. Amidst these heightened complexities and the rapid world-change, the demands of leadership in the globalised environment has rapidly changed. Various efforts to understand shifting needs of leaders that are rapidly changing continues by various groups like those in research and them that are in practice. This is in an effort to bring about a learning and developmental process that is needed for holistic competencies and for the wellbeing of the leaders and those that are being led. The trends in leadership that has earlier been followed are used as a reference point in the seeking of better practice in the current leadership programs. This enhances effective leadership at local, national and international categories. (Voegtlin, Patzer & Scherer, 2012) A self-reflection on the part of a leader helps in the identification of the strength and weaknesses that one was involved in in knowledge and in practice. This self-evaluation in leadership aids in the discovery process as one acknowledges the particular areas that need improvement. This is a set of transformational process that enhances new perspectives in acting and analysis. When there is incorporation of discovery, there is a sense of freedom in leadership and exploration of multiplicity. The sustained discovering is also supported by continued learning from the strengths and the weaknesses of other leaders. This enhances adaptation to the constant flux that is associated with the global marketplace. (Acuto, 2013) The global leadership has been influenced by a desire to learn and share the learning. The challenge encountered in the global environment in which leadership thrives is a chance to learn something new. The learning is both formal and informal in the formation of a global mindset by the leaders. The effective leadership in the current environment involves continuous learning. It involves seeking more knowledge and having a broad scale of sharing and evaluating the leadership knowledge obtained. The best practice in one region may not be necessarily a perfect substitute for another region. Moreover, the various disciplines and the people that a leader will encounter with involve a lot of dynamism. This whole process calls for a framework of continuous study in the effort to ensure that there is relevance in leadership endeavours. Those leaders that exhibit prudence surround themselves with people who are ready to learn on a continuous basis so that they can also benefit from their progressive discoveries (Tuffley, 2012). Humility is needed in the recognition that even the juniors are very critical for their success depending on the information they relay. The global environment needs leaders that exhibit knowledge and orientation. This includes aspects of being active learners, ethical, self-regulative, communicative and appreciative. They have to be negotiators in an effective manner that brings about an effective network and support framework. This will enable them to be appropriate managers of change and innovation. The development of the right people strategies is needed in the categorisation of a leader as strategically placed for leadership. Proper orientation is needed for effectiveness of a global leader. These elements of orientation include change-orientation; curiosity; mindfulness; plasticity of mind; and transcendence. The plasticity of mind entails factors such as having multiple frames, openness, rebalancing of concepts, thinking differently and having relevant flexibility. Various value systems are that calls for fortitude, passion, integrity and right instincts are involved. (Cseh, Davis & Khilji, 2013) This knowledge can be considered in three facets: self-knowledge; the global environment knowledge; and the cross-cultural issues. The awareness of the environment that the leaders are operating in helps them to a great deal in the implementation and formulation of various changes. This is in the different leadership capacities of their operation. The willingness and enthusiasm to learn and to have a widespread category of interaction with various concepts will broaden the leaders’ effectiveness in their spheres of influence. Knowing the value systems of the area of operation for a leader is of great essence. It helps in the determination of an extensive strategy of relations at all levels of the leadership framework. (Stehlik, Short & Piip, 2014) In consideration of future management of organisation, there are efforts to rethink the leadership processes and the management structures in a way that significantly covers the knowledge-societies, connectivity, globalisation and their uncertain and complex environment (Reddy & Pillay, 2012). The development of able leaders focuses on their productivity and on their enhanced performance. The effectiveness of a leader in their tasks, therefore, indicates a lot on an early inclination to appropriate mode that is holistic in its approach. This means that there is further step beyond identification of definitive traits that successful leadership is associated with. These identified leaders must be properly engaged so as to reveal adaptation to the global environment that leadership is progressively being identified with (Gregory & Willis, 2013). Traditional notion of leadership in terms of people positions in a hierarchical structured organisation need to be revolutionised to cover intelligence in responding to the global needs. Leadership need to focus on different levels and different units in relevance. They are the people to give the vision and direction to the people they get involved with. They are to act authentically and be very clear on their values. The global environment reveals a need to having the people recognise the shared governance in the particular environment. The balance between task and relational orientation is very vital. This will be enhanced with a greater openness to various aspects that will come up in the process of leadership. The global leadership will entail negotiation, development of political skills where power is a central theme, shaping the power dynamics that affect the processes of leadership and understanding the patterns of leadership and conflict that have been adopted over the years. (Sotarauta, Horlings & Liddle, 2012) The involvement of cognitive domain involves multiple frameworks. Some of the practical insights that emanates from the cognitive complexities in leadership include: usage of data by leaders to challenge the cognitive frameworks and creation of dissonance that shifts people from a status quo; development of leadership in stages and over time with different outcomes that are realised; identification of mistakes and learning from them in an effort to have a greater developed cognitive complexity; management of complexity and ambiguity in bringing about a higher meaning for others; having perceptions of effectiveness in the cognitive frameworks that is aligned between the leaders and the followers; involvement of diverse perspectives relating to the value attached to specific frameworks; and usage of multiple cognitive frameworks related to better decision making. (Jones & Truell, 2012) There are appropriate leadership competencies and skills that are progressively involved in the effort of having leaders to effectively engage themselves with the globalisation concerns. There are various tensions that are associated with numerous challenges in leadership. Issues regarding to social corporate responsibility, bribery and corruption, for example, must be addressed exhaustively by organisational leaders (Oosthoek & Gills, 2013). There are also other aspects like those of environmental and business sustainability, climate change, infrastructural suitability and personal data confidentiality that these leaders have to concern themselves with. With such aspects to handle, the leaders that are to be effective must reveal a high degree of creative and transformative leadership based on mindsets that are global, innovative and strategic. The global environment in which they operate in is also inhabited by a number of global risks. These risks include natural disasters, pandemics and terrorism. This threatens the security, peace and health at an international level. The proper response is needed demanding decision making from vigilant and proactive leaders who are able to enhance viability and sustainability. (Soliman, 2012) Leadership models, styles, competencies and attributes are closely linked to the globalisation complexities and effectiveness in handling them. The domestic leaders cannot fully claim immunity from the globalisation pressures. The landscape of leadership is subject to change depending on the globalisation aspects like those relating to global risk, global tempo and global ethics. The economic landscape, for example, must respond to the issues of free-market capitalism and cross-border acquisitions and mergers. There is a progressive convergence of the leadership ideologies as the scope of leadership expands in coverage (Kutner & Armstrong, 2012). The successful leadership competencies can just be identified with the ability to satisfactorily respond to the concerns of globalisation. When various forms of managements are experiencing a rapid competitiveness and international growth, the appropriate leaders are those who are able to respond at a rate that can be able to handle the rapid changes in order to avoid negative shock that the particular organisation would be otherwise identified with. Recruitment of leadership that is deemed as strategic is therefore that which among other aspects includes the consideration of a globally enhanced leadership framework (Rego, Cunha & Clegg, 2012). This help in the proper enhancement of the security and the wellbeing of the involved groups. The consolidation of the different efforts that relates to the integral parts of an effective management framework cannot therefore, be separately considered from the globalised environment. The heightened and ongoing threat that relates to the openness in the operating environment reveals the need for a focused leadership. In addition, there are cases of opposing viewpoints that can be harmonised if the approach taken is open to the trends in the global environment. (Short, Stehlik & Piip, 2014) When considering the need to have proper adoption of attitudes, standards, institutions and strategies in the leadership concerns, the aspect of interrelationship in the global affairs is of key consideration. The organisation needs to know how to effectively respond to the various demands relating to factors like unprecedented growth in the science, technology and transportation. The drive of technology brings about a great need to strategically respond to the changing environment. The leadership that does not integrate proper technology in its framework suffers greatly since the efficiency of service and production in relation to other institutions is highly challenged. The IT, for example, when effectively handled ensures that there is a very quick processing of information which can be circulated to the world very rapidly. The production companies, for example, can benefit greatly with their marketing leadership various IT enhanced means like the social networks to market their brands. This will increase the popularity, sales and profits that the brand is associated with (Noyes, Masakowski & Cook, 2012). If such an organisation is to stick to the traditional means of marketing, it will assuredly be subject to failure. There is speculation that the leadership adaptation to the global environment will still expand in its scope. The future business leadership must consider aspects that go beyond the national concerns to the international ones. The prevailing attitude of leadership in an effort to have able leadership framework is in the benchmarking the best practices in the current leadership. In addition to this, there is the need to have a proper interactive system that can change the framework of leadership the global situation demands (Rigoni & Saitta, 2012). The literature and various other professional mechanisms like having an analysis of the global trends need to be found in the prediction of further changes that are to be expected in leadership resulting from the globalised environment. The dynamics of leadership will therefore be placed at such a position to get over mediocrity in the conceptualisation and practice. Creative capacities in leadership essentially call for an extensive coverage. The progressive development of leadership has in its foundation a multifaceted approach as the global environment demand. The culture of the company or any other organisation need to be exposes itself to the changes that are there in leadership. The leadership styles adopted will need to be the one that is most responsive to the changing times. The leadership will need to involve an extensive framework that covers all other aspects of management. Satisfaction is sought from all the involved parties. The leadership development should, therefore, be viewed as a complex matter that must cover broad issues at a national and international level. The governing of the framework of leadership both in theory, training and practice is in a broader context a response to the complexities affecting an organisation or the area of leadership from a local, national and international perspective. The legitimacy of the leadership stems from its integrity and impact in the global environment. (Olsson, Hourcade & Köhler, 2014) Kofi Annan is an exemplary world leader. He exhibits very many traits of good leadership. The leadership style he adopts incorporates transformation and charismatic leadership. He was born in Kumasi, Ghana in 1938. A number of his family members were leaders and this formed a foundation for his leadership. However, other experience he has had over the years has made him to have a better leadership system. He has worked as the seventh Secretary General to the United Nations between 1997 and 2006. The traits of leadership that he exemplifies include: being tolerant to frustration; enthusiastic; warm; assertive; trustworthy; and self-confident. He has a sense of humour which enhances a leader in resolving of conflict, dissolving tension and raises the approachability. The people-oriented approach qualifies him as able to capture the real needs of people and approach them appropriately. (Michel, 2013) Kofi Annan Kofi Annan was the first black African to be elected as the Secretary General. He was choosen at a time when the Un had a lot of challenges. He had a great task in the management of finanaces, creating clearer lines of responsibility and streamlining beaureacracy. He has exemplified commitment to various needs like establishment of the UN Millenium Development Goals and I mobilising the intenationa communities in various projects like combating HIV/Aids. Earlier, he had been in the UN as an administrative officer of the World Health Organisation in 1962. Other commitments throughout the years include: working in the UN’s headquarters in New York; Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees; the UN emergency force in Egypt; and tehe UN Economic Commission for Africa. (Stamnes, 2012) The various other tasks that he has been given as a leader in this term include: being the UN special reperesentative in overseeing transition to NATO led contingency from the UN protection force in Yugoslavia, leading Bagdad negotiations over humanitarian releif sale of oil and repatriation of just under 1000 international staff. Kofi Annan has a well communicated and implemented vision in his manner of leadership. The components of strategic leadership that he exemplifies include having a high-level cognitive activity, gathering multiple inputs, anticipating and creating a future, revolutionary thinking and creation of a workable vision. He has had an explicit framework directed towards a vision of maintaining peace and aid. (Michel, 2013) Kofi Annan has also excelled as a charismatic leader. His way of expressing his ideas is very articulate, expressive, imaginative, colourful and open. His speech explains situations in a way that is understandable. There is an appeal to imagination and intellect through well selected analogies revealing a highly emotional message that calls for action. An example of such a speech is the one he gave at the World Economc Forum which was centered around the need for corporate leadership in the world to function with an international mindset and also on globaliasation concerns. As a transformational leader, Kofi Annan has successfully sought the reformation of many sectors like the UN both internally and externally. He has been a strong supporter of equality, freedom and justice at all levels. This is majorly through seeking establishment of ideals for the society and the organisations. (Marquardt, 2012) As this essay has identified, the leadership that is successful will be that which exemplifies the concerns of the globalised environment in which it exists. There are efforts to rethink the leadership processes and the management structures in a way that significantly covers the knowledge-societies, connectivity, globalisation and their uncertain and complex environment. The development of able leaders focuses on their productivity and on their enhanced performance. Kofi Annan has been identified as a leader whose leadership and communicative styles is exemplary and can be benchmarked as best practices. His leadership style reveals a general sensitivity to the various leadership concerns globally. References Acuto, M. (2013). The new climate leaders. Review of International Studies, 39(04), 835-857. Bergmann, S., & Sager, T. (Eds.). (2012). The ethics of mobilities: rethinking place, exclusion, freedom and environment. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Cseh, M., Davis, E. B., & Khilji, S. E. (2013). Developing a global mindset: learning of global leaders. European Journal of Training and Development, 37(5), 489-499. Gregory, A., & Willis, P. (2013). Strategic Public Relations Leadership. Routledge. Jones, D. N., & Truell, R. (2012). The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: A place to link together and be effective in a globalized world. International Social Work, 55(4), 454-472. Kutner, L., & Armstrong, A. (2012). Rethinking information literacy in a globalized world. Marquardt, M. J. (2012). Global leaders for the twenty-first century. SUNY Press. Michel, N. (2013). Two cases in perspective: boundary delimitation in the Bakassi Peninsula and criminal accountability in Kenya (interview with HE Kofi Annan). Diplomatic and judicial means of dispute settlement. Nijhoff, Leiden, 281-290. Noyes, J., Masakowski, Y., & Cook, M. (Eds.). (2012). Decision making in complex environments. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Olsson, L., Hourcade, J. C., & Köhler, J. (2014). Sustainable development in a globalized world. The Journal of Environment & Development, 23(1), 3-14. Oosthoek, J., & Gills, B. K. (Eds.). (2013). The globalization of environmental crisis. Routledge. Reddy, M., & Pillay, P. (2012). Review of Leadership Curricula at Selected Higher Educational Institutions: A Public Management Paradigm. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (p. 355). Academic Conferences Limited. Rego, A., e Cunha, M. P., & Clegg, S. R. (2012). The virtues of leadership: Contemporary challenges for global managers. Oxford University Press. Rigoni, I., & Saitta, E. (Eds.). (2012). Mediating cultural diversity in a globalised public space. Palgrave Macmillan. Short, T., Stehlik, T., & Piip, J. (2014). Building Leadership Capability: What It Means for Rail Organisations. In Workforce Development (pp. 187-209). Springer Singapore. Soliman, F. (2012). Attributes of innovation leaders. Handbook of Research on Enterprise, 2. Sotarauta, M., Horlings, I., & Liddle, J. (Eds.). (2012). Leadership and change in sustainable regional development. Routledge. Stamnes, E. (2012). The Responsibility to Protect: Integrating gender perspectives into policies and practices. Global Responsibility to Protect, 4(2), 172-197. Stehlik, T., Short, T., & Piip, J. (2014). The challenges of leadership in the twenty-first century. In Workforce Development (pp. 193-211). Springer Singapore. Tuffley, D. (2012). Optimising virtual team leadership in global software development. Software, IET, 6(3), 176-184. Voegtlin, C., Patzer, M., & Scherer, A. G. (2012). Responsible leadership in global business: A new approach to leadership and its multi-level outcomes. Journal of business ethics, 105(1), 1-16. Read More
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