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Fredrick Taylor's Assumptions and Significant Application - Example

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The paper "Fredrick Taylor’s Assumptions and Significant Application" is a great example of a report on management. Taylor's assumption or Taylorism theory is a scientific management method that came into action in the 20th century. Taylorism is an argumentative scientific management point of view, which claims to base its facts on a four principle that stance to maximize job productivity…
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Title Name Task Date Introduction РЕОРLЕ MАNАGMЕNT 2 Taylor's assumption or Taylorism theory is a scientific management method that was came into action in the 20th century. Taylorism is an argumentative scientific management point of view, which claims to base its facts on a four principle that stance to maximize job productivity and efficiency (Baldoz, R., Koeber, C., & Kraft, 2001).Conversely, this assumption is always referred as a scientific management turning point since it claims to support the organizational management objectives and goals previously outlined for an organization management success. Thus, Fredrick Taylor's assumptions adhere to scientific management models to ensure that outcomes are the most appropriate for a competitive firm survival or function. In most organizations, this scientific, efficient production method is widely and effectively used as it serves to use its four principles to provide a framework through which the workers under the proper working tools, initiatives performance recognition and good training best do jobs. On the same aspects, this scientific method provides a high contagious managerial control system that governs and manages workers throughout their working roles and responsibilities (Moe & Smirt, 2012). On the other hand, these means that, Taylor's work explores the theme of economic business efficiency. Analysis presented in this document is helpful in understanding the application of Fredrick's scientific method in the world today, strength and weakness of using this method in the modern technology advancing world and criticisms portrayed. This document further evaluates the effectiveness of Taylorism theory as compared to the other available work management strategies. Fredrick Taylor as the father of scientific management methods that were the benchmark of the Taylorism theory contains a workplace idea that shapes and models the modern. His assumption of rationing work into smaller simpler segments to achieve the institutional prosperity in terms of productivity and cooperation influenced by management and production models is one of the key concerns in world economic historian today (Moe & Smirt, 2012). This one-man effort provides a philosophical shadow in production and management practice that is scientifically build to remain alive as the world economic evolves in terms of production flexibility, industrial rest-ruction and informational technology. Taylor’s assumptions and significant application. Taylor’s functional assumption about the functional concept of management explores across the division of labor in all managerial institutions, work specialization, and professional orientation to certain specific jobs (Moueliz, 2013).His effects that made the foundation of scientific management that serves to provide functional concept of workshop management, also recognized today as the foundations of accelerated development of scientific organization worldwide. Thus, this significant contribution identifies him as the father of scientific management. He defined managerial principles that aim to optimize work fragmentation especially through minimizing the skills requirements for specific jobs achieved by training workers to correctly perform their duties and responsibilities (Baldoz & Kraft, 2001). On the same note, this principle was to be achieved through continuous monitoring of the worker's performance to determine whether correct procedures were used during work implementations. Though this assumption was rather authoritative, it ensured enough provided support for eliminating interruptions and a good formulated work plan. Fredrick went ahead to provide another work assumption that is of value today, and he separated work execution from work planning that aimed at selecting the best-suited individual for a specific job. On further analysis on this claim, it means that, Fredrick separated indirect labor from direct labor thereby planning and designing work according to worker's abilities and work demands Moe, K., & Smirt, R. E. (2012), He further nullified that standardized methods were to be reinforced during work performance. With the same idea, he advocated a replacement for the rule of the thumb productivity idea with more relevant principle that constituted precise measurements that provided standardized methods for work performance and supervisions. Conversely, Fredrick introduced a motion study and time principle that is also applicable today; this principle advocated a maximized work performance by shielding work implementers from distractors that limit job performance (Moe, K., & Smirt, 2012).work cost was to be more accountable and with specific design. Job payments were to be achieved by performance or wage determination principle that ensured reward system implementation, techniques and punishments to reinforce its utilization. On broad aspects, it means that manager and workers duties are clearly defined for achieving efficient performance to minimize the time required for training and planning. Organizational and individuals behavior application. Taylor’s contribution to the modern organizational management today provides an organizational; behavior as a way of thinking and acting. This scientific theory is not only analyzed through its main prices but also its entire effects in the organizational behavior. To analyze this point clearly, it, therefore, means that, this theory motivates employee’s behavior towards their work performance to work as team effective team members as their roles are clearly defined. Trained works as defined by the Fredrick theory will further motivates workers to lead and inspire others in making effective decisions that are of economic productivity (Baldoz & Kraft, 2001). On the other hand, standardized methods and defined roles aids in today’s managerial systems by managing organizational conflicts productively, promotes effective communication within and outside the organizations and helping workers to become more critical and creative thinkers when it comes to innovation. Thus, workers apply the scientific management methods to explore the diversity that in return enhances organizational performance through securing and creating commitments to share work experiences and values in addition to using managerial politics and powers constructively and ethically. Fredrick assumptions on work influences organizational behavior especially in the modern world through the techniques and methods needed to maximize productivity. Organizational use this assumption today to choose effective tools, suitable skills, strategies and ideas for managing the organizational management behavior. For example, identified professional skills are critical requirements in managerial governments in the modern countries. On similar accounts, it means that the managerial institutions used by the governments effectively use Fredrick’s assumption in all managements programs such as coordinating activities, planning, budgeting, monitoring, guidance and evaluation techniques (Moe & Smirt,2012).. Thus, the government institutions will wide initiatives those individuals with best abilities with required skills to positively influence, manage and motivates its employees through effective communication, result in focus and action orientation as proposed by Fredrick’s theory early 20th century. In the public sectors today, the assumptions are still relevant in use, Fredrick’s managerial guidelines help managers in the public sectors to understands and manage the working behavior. It, therefore, means that the managers will use Fredrick scientific, managerial guidelines to influence all interpersonal and group levels behavior toward maximum economic productivity. Hence, the public managers will use the principles to manage and initiates interactions between all public sectors representatives and groups shaping the public face of the public sector (Moueliz, 2013). In other words, means that the public sector productivity will change through effective training that changes the worker's behavior in response to knowledge and work experiences. The knowledge of Fredrick’s theory today enable the organizational managers to thoughtfully and consciously choose a theory to enhance effectively in their organizational context by using scientific management principles as a reference point. On critical evaluation on Taylor’s contribution and managerial approach, all the influences caused by the scientific managements on the contemporary organizations come up clearly. This assumption indicates that Taylor claim an interrelated and complete system. In other words, emphasis placed on increasing work productivity from the individual worker is achieved through design managerial institutions and programs. Division of labor Taylor's assumptions on the division of labor that maximizes productivity through defining specific measurements and training, performing roles and responsibilities still live today. On the other hand, though apply diversification and evolving market structure and the organization, this best way assumption can be hardly. For this case, as market business structures or institutions may choice to adopt mass production strategies that are significantly different from optimal method of production that at the final resultant goal, the best way of productivity and quality as advocated by Fredrick is their target. Division of labor is a specific indication of scientific management, his approach on choosing the best skills suited for specific jobs that also requires minimum skills is used today is a duplication of Taylorism theory. Taylor's philosophy of division of labor serves to provide a rationalization on the working guidelines and procedure in the modern world (Moueliz, 2013). On similar perspective of Taylor's principles application, clerical emerging characteristics today and production, highly productive labor is of much notice and the most-remarkable modern society features. In the modern homes and families that serve as workplaces, division of labor is effectively used and applied in performing duties and responsibilities, that also an integral part the larger economy. In other words, it implies that scientific management advocated by Taylor serves the entire society from homes to the outside word. Division of labor principles applies in many theoretical explanations such as solving the question of gender equalities on economic conflicts matters that touches economic work force and educational differences. Specific tasks and responsibilities that best defines an individual's ability to perform the duty can also mean that, large duties or tasks are divided into small simpler units for effective performance or the available tasks to be shared effectively and efficiently to increase production. Direct control and standardization. Standard rules and measurements provided in the scientific management theory or Taylorism mainly aims at identifying the best-managerial practice and workers regulations with efficiency still lives today. Thus, Taylorism controls system in action in the modern society. In the modern managerial system, manager's design and allocate responsibilities, supervise and evaluates job performance effectively without much consultation as a result of separate conception and execution regarding management in the modern world (Moe & Smirt,2012). In other words, Taylor’s efficiency principle of managerial rationalization constructs strict rules and standardized systems that defined duty responsibilities and communication channels. On further analysis and evaluation, complete direct control alienates workers as the principle denies employees with their freedom rights and self-determination towards performing their jobs effectively. On similar approach, mechanic structure, designs jobs to be consistent and coordinated using strict rules and instructions that are obeyed and accepted by all institutions. Direct control measures apply in the contemporary organization where in high public accounting ranks supervises the lower ones as well as junior accountants working under the direct guidance of senior ones. Hence, direct control mechanisms maintain efficiency by safeguarding the quality of performance. To a broader extent, direct control and standardization philosophy is effectively used where urgent business requirement is needed. This advocacy sets a greater hand of best practice diffusion that initiates standardization for attaining a competitive advantage. Therefore coordinating high scale activities scale and implementing strict regulations safeguards managerial business reputation. To achieve this objective, strict measurements combine with effective organizational structure that always integrates and decentralize operations to construct innovation and flexibility (Perkins, S., & Arvinen-Muondo, 2013).Otherwise, criticism on standardization and direct control measures indicates that business organizations are exposed and vulnerable to external complexity. Hence, this limitation of standardization in today's growing society must be forgone for continuous and prosperous business organization. Scientific training and selection. The processes of worker’s selection, performance, organizational development and appraisal use Fredrick principles as a relevant point of reference in the modern society. In the modern knowledge-based economy, skills based on talent links the most-valuable asset of business organizations and other institutions to reach effective market competition. Thus, high effort is devoted in selecting the right person suited for a specific job (Moueliz, 2013). The job selection criteria introduced by Fredrick such, as communication skills and competencies are one of the key factors used today in job recruitment department all over the world. In addition to scientific selection, scientific training provides more efficiency and productivity in the modern society (Perkins, S., & Arvinen-Muondo, R, 2013).Companies and business institutions encourage the use of developed knowledge and skills to their employees and initiates training positively as related to performance promotion that motivates their employees to training. Its worth is noting that, Taylor's efficiency idea used in training that incorporates flexibility and acuity for workers to compete effectively in the current complex global market. Payments as motivators Taylor payment scheme advocated by Taylors portraying human nature as a self-interest being that requires motivation through providing high wages to achieve efficiency and productivity is still of value today (Jaccard, 2013).Most firms such as food production firms base on his theory to impose mo0ney as a motivational factor for increased production, hence implementation of incentive-based payment system that was also advocated by the Fredrick theory. To give a common example on the application of this principle today, is the sales bonus used today as one of the most-crucial factor to reflect a high target of performance in the end. In the modern society, various techniques such as job enrichment and teamwork are used to improve and shape personal commitment. It, therefore, means that money payment, as a motivating factor cannot be ruled out for shaping personal behavior towards work performance. For instance, when we look at the Japanese system of payment, bonus assessed on cooperation are approximately 50% of wage presentation (Baldoz & Kraft, 2001). Thus, money as a motivating factor is flexibly used according to Fredrick's organization strategic principles. On the similar accounts, money factor is an important motivator for the modern people. High achievers or performers at any field indicate a high self-efficiency after using money as a motivating factor. It means that in the modern society, money payment is more crucial than other valuable competing human resources are for managerial organizations. However, this idea of motivation is currently narrow-minded, as money emphasis will lower the worker's intrinsic motivators. Scientific management advantages This theory serves to increase in production that serves to maximize on managerial productivity widening the profit margin. In addition to increased productivity, performance inaccuracy is decreased that benefit the managerial systems by reducing production cost by selecting best workers and proving effective training. Autocracy is always decreased by the scientific management principles implementation (Perkins & Arvinen Muondo, 2013). Pay system that serves as motivating factors provides an initiative that always maximizes productivity that provides workers with high wages. Working method and control guidelines provided by the scientific methods advocated by Taylor assist the modern society in developing managerial methodology, training supervision and recruiting employees for specific tasks. Scientific management’s disadvantages Scientific management system is relatively expensive, as it requires huge investments to be implemented during planning, standardization, training and studying work (Casson, M., & Rose, M, 2014). On the similar accounts, it means that, many costs will be incurred before the real production that lowers the profit margins. In a broad aspect, financial loss probabilities threaten the firm’s existence. On the other hand, lack of flexibility and work monotony caused by excessive specialization limits the employee's initiatives. This assumption and scientific claim, therefore, means that boredom of work created by division of labor and lack of flexibility increases chances committing inaccurate and fraud work to the current self-dependent society. Non-democracy created by scientific management system due to restrictions and directs controls in modern society weakens most of trade union through fixing and predetermined management systems. Conversely, it means that, competitive and balanced economic growth will be hindered causing economic deterioration (Jaccard, 2013). Unemployment is also an emerging factor created today by scientific Frederick's principles of using the best tool and employees that force firms to replace their workers by most-efficient men or by machines that perform their duties better and efficiently. Rapid flexibility and overworking with speed that is advocated by the scientific management provides adverse health effects to employ that causes long-term reduction on their performances that have negative imp[acts in today's economy. Frederick Taylor defines management as a science that requires concerns to be studied. He set principles that basing on facts on motivational theory by applying statistical techniques in productivity. Many industries use Fredrick theories as a reference point that provides guidelines and strategic methods for success because it is a perfect system that is scientifically proven, however, its contributions to the larger society as a controlling and measurement of efficiency cannot be denied. This scientific claim should be therefore admitted that, other management theories could not overstep the influence of scientific management used today to learn managerial organization though faced by criticism (Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, 2013) As other management scholars say that, the principle of scientific management system is not a failed one, but a set of organized directive principles that are quite informative and managerial influential in terms of role and function of management today. Fredrick's assumptions such as such as the division of labor, without eliminating out scientific selection of workers and training create the modern society features. Conclusion Conversely, efficiency is the enduring basic need of all managerial organizations today, Fredrick preoccupation on efficient use of resources is currently the driving force behind the evolution of subsequent management theories that lead to the root of practice management. In other words, Fredrick contributions extensively and deeply influence the modern management systems today, as it is institutionalized entirely in all Contemporary Corporation and ideologically embraced in modeling the modern society. Thus, organizational behavior shaped by the theory in terms of efficiency, measurable, regulatory and predictability throughout the modern evolving technology. However, its limitation and criticism of dehumanization and inflexibility in implement ion or managerial application require modification in current technology changing system. Bibliography Baldoz, R., Koeber, C., & Kraft, P. (2001). The critical study of work: labor, technology, and global production. Philadelphia, PA, Temple University Press. Casson, M., & Rose, M. B. (2014). Institutions and the Evolution of Modern Business. Hoboken, Taylor and Francis. Jaccard, M. (2013). The objective is quality: introduction to quality, performance and sustainability management systems. Boca Raton, Fla. : London, EFPL ; Taylor & Francis [distributor] Moe, K., & Smirt, R. E. (2012). Building systems: design, technology, and society. Abingdon, Oxon [England], Routledge. Moueliz, N. P. (2013). Organisatn & Bureaucracy Ils 157. Hoboken, Taylor and Francis. Top of Form Perkins, S., & Arvinen-Muondo, R. (2013). Organizational Behaviour People, Process, Work and Human Resource Management. London Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2013). Human resource management: functions, applications, skill development. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications. Bottom of Form Read More
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