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To What Extent Does Personality Predicts Employee Performance - Coursework Example

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The paper "To What Extent Does Personality Predicts Employee Performance" is a good example of management coursework. Employee performance is a new organizational management concept. As such, organizational management has instituted appropriate structures and frameworks to recruit, develop and retain appropriate human resource in the market…
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Human Resources Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Question 3: To what extent does personality predicts employee performance? Introduction Employee performance is a new organizational management concept. As such, organizational management has instituted appropriate structures and frameworks to recruit, develop and retain appropriate human resource in the market. As such, it is imperative to determine the factors influencing employee performance in order to facilitate efficient management structures and systems. Among the wide range of influencing factors are the personality traits. Research studies such as one developed by Ismail, Mohamed, Hamid, Sulaiman, Girardi and Abdullah (2011, p.171), argued that employees’ personalities implicated on their job performances. In this case, Harris and Lee (2004, p.56) stated that the employees individual personalities can be evaluated based on the traits theory in the market. As such, this essay reviews the extent to which personality traits influence employees’ job performance levels. As such, the essay evaluates how each of the five personality aspects implicates on the overall employee performances. Emotional Stability An individual emotional state is described as the respective individuals’ state of mind. As such, an individual’s state of mind influences their decision making model. Judge and Erez (2007, p.547) conducted a study to evaluate the influence of an individual emotional stability on their respective decision making processes. In this regard, the study evaluated the concepts of decision making speed and quality. The study developed a hypothesis that emotional stability influenced decisions quality. In its analysis, the study established that indeed individual decision makers’ emotional stability influenced the rate and quality of their developed decisions. In this regard, the study established that emotionally stable decision makers were firm on their decisions and often acted decisively. As such, the individuals were uneasily distracted by criticism or opposition and often stood firm to defend their decisions. Therefore, he study concluded that such individuals would be relied upon to develop urgent and quick but hard decisions. On the other hand, a review by Benson and Dresdow (2003, p.998) established that individuals with emotional instability were poor decision makers. As such, the individuals were characterised with the neuroticism, a condition characterised with fear and anxiety. In this regard, it argued that such individuals were open to criticism influence. Such personalities relied on third party feedback influence to formulate decisions. Consequently, they faced an increased risk of changing their decisions. Thus, this discredits them as rational and reliable decision makers. Organizational employees fall into these two categories either as emotionally stable or unstable. Emotionally stable employees are good decision makers in organization. Thus, such employees fit in into organizational management positions. A review by Lakomski and Evers (2010, p.443) argued that emotionally stable employees served as good organizational managers and leaders In this regard, they have the authority and moral capability to develop organizational policies and enhance their execution by the respective stakeholders. Consequently, the performance of emotionally stable employees is significantly enhanced. On the contrary, emotionally unstable employees result to poor organizational performances. Such employees have a low concentration capacity and are often distracted by external forces. Mathieson (2007, p.272) stated that emotionally unstable employees are in most cases demotivated by external forces. As the motivation laws under human resource management dictate, demotivated employees productivity is significantly reduced. Therefore, an emotionally unstable employee is relatively unproductive and often lead to slow organizational decision making process in the market. Based on this analysis, it is evident that personality trait with respect to individual employees emotional stability levels influence their ability to make relevant organizational decisions as well as implicating on their overall motivation levels. Thus, in developing an ideal staff base, organizations should develop recruitment, training and employee development programs that focus on their emotional stability and seek out to remedy the challenge through employee emotional stability enhancement. Conscientiousness The trait theory argues the Conscientiousness as one among the major personality traits influencing individual performance and activities. The trait is an imperative aspect that determines and dictates the overall individual behaviours’ and nature and approach to issues. Therefore, the various aspects and levels of individual Conscientiousness influence their performance differently both at an individual and organizational job performance levels. A study developed by Pless and Maak (2004, p.131) sought to evaluate the role of individual perception and regard for efficiency to their overall job performances. The study established that individuals’ perception on efficiency varied, with some committed to efficiency and perfection despite the resources and time invested to achieve such outcomes while others registered increased concern on the utilization of organizational resources and establishing a balance between efficiency and organizational resources utilization. Based on this analysis, the study established that individuals concern and balance between perfection and organizational resources influenced their performance. On one hand, individuals with a regard for efficiency in both resources utilization and quality outputs serve as better organizational employees. To this effect, Aboyassin (2008, p.256) argued that individuals with an established balance between quality and resource application often served as efficient employees and organizational managers. Such individuals can be relied upon to implement organizational policies for maximum gains. Organizational employee performance is based on their ability to enable shareholders value maximization. Thus, based on efficiency regard, it is apparent that organizational employees performance varies based on their efficiency regard. An additional aspect of concern and distinguishing on employee job performance under Conscientiousness is the concept of planning. Koufopoulos and Chryssochoidis (2000, p.376) conducted a study to evaluate the role of planning in enhancing individual employees performance. The study established that individuals with elaborate planning procedures registered increased performance rates than their random peers. The study concluded that Conscientiousness employees allowed for the implementation of strategic management concepts that advocate for planning and pre execution analysis of organizational policies and strategies. As a majority of theoretical arguments reveal, strategic management adoption is a prescription for increased performance. Therefore, individual acceptance and application of strategic management planning influence their performance levels. As such, this analysis establishes that individuals with a high regard and acceptance levels for strategic management exhibit increased job performance levels. A review on spontaneous aspects as a human resource trait established that although such individuals are good decision makers for emergency issues, their decisions are ill informed and often unsuitable for organizational benefits in the long run. Therefore, an analysis on the extent to which individual employees personality influence their ultimate performance establishes that Conscientiousness plays a significant influencing role in the overall individual job performance rates. Extraversion and Introversion This was a human personality coined and developed into popularity by Carl Jung. In this argument, the author argued that human beings depicted two apparent traits namely extrervertism as well as introverts. Yang (2011, p.274) conducted a study to evaluate the distinguishing traits by extroverts. In its analysis, he study established that due to their talkative and outgoing nature, extroverts were increasingly aggressive in their decision making processes. The study concluded that due to these traits, extroverts were increasingly influential. Therefore, if such individuals serve as an organizational workforce they are likely to serve as motivators to other employees. Motivation theories such as the Herzberg motivation theory argue that human resource productivity increases with increased positive influence. Thus, extrovert personality traits enhance increased performance for the individuals as well as other organizational employees at large. However, a study by Hetty and Euwema (2007, p.433) established that organizational employees possessing this trait had the potential for incitement. As such, such employee traits posed a demotivation risk to the overall organizational workforce. Additionally, their confrontational nature exposes them to the risk of increased conflicts. Landry and Vandenberghe (2009, p.8) in a study to evaluate implications of conflicts to employee performance established that conflicts reduced the overall employee productivity levels. In this case, the extrovert employees are at the risk of reduced job performance due to the eventual diversions from their core responsibilities. On the other hand, Carl argued that the second human trait was the introvert trait. Introverts are increasingly reserved and less consultative. An analysis of the human trait features established that the personality traits increases their decision making process. Due to their reduced consultations, introverts are decisive and less influenced by external demotivating factors. Therefore, the introverts’ performance is bound to increase their job performances. However, a major limitation to the implementation of these issues establishes that the lack of consultation by the introverts reduces the chance for their sharing of ideas. As such, the introverts lack the opportunity of sharing knowledge. Ford (2006, p.571) argued on the need for sharing and consultations in respective organizations. In this regard, the authors argued that sharing between organizational employees facilitated increased knowledge and up to date skills. Moreover, sharing enhances the development of an organizational culture, an imperative tool in facilitating eventual organizational success rates. Therefore, introverts lack of consultations in the market exposes them to the risk of reduced market performance in the industry. Therefore, based on this concept, it is apparent that personality traits differentiating individuals as either introverts or extroverts influence their decision making process influencing their quality and eventual compatibility with the respective organizational goals and objectives. Innovation Innovation is inherent human trait among human beings. As such, the level and nature of innovation varies between individuals. In a bid to evaluate the role and influencing factors that enhance individual innovation aspects. In its analysis, the study suggested that individual innovation levels were greatly implicated on by external factors such as experience and cultural background. In this regard, the study concluded that the presence of such diversities among individuals influenced their work related performances. On one hand, workforce experience increases the overall individual innovation and creativity. Mary and Murray (2007, p.81) established that individuals with an increased working experience posses a wider perception scope. Consequently, such wider perception allows them increased objectivity in decision making processes. Eventually, this exposes them to increased alternatives in resolving conflicts and organizational challenges. Decision making efficiency is based on the existence and application of varied strategic alternatives. As such, an experienced workforce has an increased potential for creativity. This argument is supported by a logical empirical analysis developed by Gill, Sharma, Mathur and Bhutani (2012, p.193). The authors argued that experience increases the overall individual creativity through an increased scope of perception. Although creativity is an imaginative concept that relies on abstract and ideas, the imagination scope is developed and determined by past experiences as well as training levels. Therefore, based on this analysis, it is apparent that individual personality traits influence their creativity and imagination, an imperative aspect in human resource management. Employee performance is based on appropriate decision making structures through unique resolutions development. Thus, creativity forms the difference between good and bad decision makers. Therefore, this analysis argues that the variances in experience and creativity increase the overall employee performance. Thus, the creativity personality trait implicates on employees decision making process. In addition, an influencing personality trait on individual employees’ job performance is beliefs and moral values. Individuals have diverse cultural and occupational background. Cultural diversities yield increased moral perspectives’ among individuals. A review developed by Kantor and Weisberg (2002, p.689) established that employee ethical perceptions such as the deontological and utilitarian approaches determine the eventual employees performance and action issues. Based on its analysis, the study concluded that employees’ ethical perceptions influenced their performance and code of activities in their respective organizations. Thus, employees personality traits based on their innovative and creativity natures influence their job performance levels. Conclusion In summary, this essay evaluates the extent to which the personality traits implicate on the overall employee performance. In this case, the essay seeks to evaluate the role and nature through which respective personality traits implicate on the respective employees performance. In its analysis, the essay basis its theoretical argument on the personality trait theory. The essay reviews aspects such as emotional stability, Conscientiousness, introversion and extraversion traits as well as innovation. On one hand, a review of the emotional stability personality trait establishes that the emotional stability levels implicate on the employees decision making frameworks. Moreover, an analysis on the Conscientiousness personality trait establishes that the level of effectiveness and strategic planning application influences an individual’s performance. In addition, the essay establishes that the introvert and extrovert personality traits influence individual employee performance levels. On one hand, the introverts have been established as decisive but defiant of sharing, an important aspect in employee appraisals and continuous improvement process. On the other hand, the extroverts are established as consultative and open to increased performance. Finally, the essay establishes that creativity and innovation levels influence individual performances. Consequently, this essay concludes that personality traits influences present and predicted employee performances. References Ismail, A., Mohamed, H.A., Hamid, N.S., Sulaiman, A.Z., Girardi, A. & Abdullah, M.M.B. 2011, "Relationship between Performance Based Pay, Interactional Justice and Job Satisfaction: A Mediating Model Approach", International Journal of Business and Management, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 170-180. Harris, E.G. & Lee, J.M. 2004, "Illustrating a Hierarchical Approach for Selecting Personality Traits in Personnel Decisions: An Application of the 3M Model", Journal of Business and Psychology, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 53-67. Judge, T.A. & Erez, A. 2007, "Interaction And Intersection: The Constellation Of Emotional Stability And Extraversion In Predicting Performance", Personnel Psychology, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 573-596. Benson, J. & Dresdow, S. 2003, "Discovery mindset: A decision-making model for discovery and collaboration", Management Decision, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 997-1005. Lakomski, G. & Evers, C.W. 2010, "Passionate rationalism: the role of emotion in decision making", Journal of Educational Administration, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 438-450. Mathieson, K. 2007, "Towards a Design Science of Ethical Decision Support", Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 269-292. Pless, N. & Maak, T. 2004, "Building an Inclusive Diversity Culture: Principles, Processes and Practice", Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 129-147. Aboyassin, N.A. 2008, "Managers' belief in employees' job and psychological readiness and employees' participation in decision making: A comparison between American and Jordanian managers", International Journal of Commerce & Management, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 252-266. Koufopoulos, D.N. & Chryssochoidis, G.M. 2000, "The effects of an uncertain country environment upon leadership and strategic planning practices", Strategic Change, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 379. Yang, F. 2011, "Work, motivation and personal characteristics: an in-depth study of six organizations in Ningbo", Chinese Management Studies, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 272-297. IJ Hetty, v.E. & Euwema, M.C. 2007, "Who is offering a helping hand?", Journal of Managerial Psychology, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 530-548. Landry, G. & Vandenberghe, C. 2009, "Role of Commitment to the Supervisor, Leader-Member Exchange, and Supervisor-Based Self-Esteem in Employee-Supervisor Conflicts", The Journal of social psychology, vol. 149, no. 1, pp. 5-27. Ford, N.J. 2006, "The development and evaluation of an information technology support system to facilitate inter-organizational collaboration in HRD", Journal of European Industrial Training, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 569-588. Mary, L.R. & Murray, J. 2007, "Collaborative Decision Making In Urban Regeneration: A Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective", International Public Management Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 79-101. Kantor, J. & Weisberg, J. 2002, "Ethical attitudes and ethical behavior: Are managers role models?", International Journal of Manpower, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 687-703. Gill, A., Sharma, S.P., Mathur, N. & Bhutani, S. 2012, "The Effects of Job Satisfaction and Work Experience on Employee-Desire for Empowerment: A Comparative Study in Canada and India", International Journal of Management, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 190-200. Read More
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