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Creativity and Innovation Management - Assignment Example

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The paper "Creativity and Innovation Management" is an outstanding example of a management assignment. Creativity is a phenomenon that involves the creation of something new. In business, creativity is important in terms of innovations and it is aimed at ensuring that the business is competitive. A new business requires creativity for the purpose of ensuring that competitive advantage is achieved…
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Creativity and Innovation Management Name Date Course Creativity and Innovation Management Question 1 Creativity is a phenomenon that involves the creation of something new. In business, creativity is important in terms of innovations and it is aimed at ensuring that the business is competitive. A new business requires creativity for the purposes of ensuring that a competitive advantage is achieved. The key elements of creativity are essential when starting a new business. Action is the most significant element of creativity (Adair, 2009). This mainly involves the act of creation that is responsible for the creativity. When starting a new business, action is usually important as it ensures that the ideas are put together, hence leading to the development of business ideas. Action is also involved the hardwork behind the scenes that leads to the success of the new business. Connection is also a vital element of creativity and it involves bringing together the different thoughts. It is through connection that important decisions can be made regarding the new business. Expressing the creativity may also be a difficult process in terms of business. This is because the expression may determine whether the creativity is unique or not. This requires an important element of creativity which is deviation. Deviation is the unique expression of a creation. This plays an essential role in ensuring that the new business is unique from the others and hence gaining a competitive advantage. Creativity is thus important for a new business and the level; of creativity determines whether the business will be successful or not. Key models are also important in terms of evaluating creativity. The four Cs is an important model that is used for interpreting the experiences, insights and actions in relation to creativity. However, for a mew business, evaluation of creativity is a critical process that requires various concepts in order to fully evaluate the creativity. The creativity quotient can be used to measure creativity of an individual in relation to the business ideas. This measure is important in determining the uniqueness of the new business idea. The psychometric approach is also useful in evaluating the creativity of a new business. Fluency is a key concept that is used to determine the relevance of the ideas that have been generated during the process. This is important in determining how unique the business idea is. The originality of the creativity is also important during the process of evaluation. This is aimed at ensuring that the creative ideas have not been copied from the other businesses. Copying the ideas has a negative impact on the creativity as it may impact negatively on the competitiveness of the business (Michalko, 2006). The amount of details in the response is also an important concept that is useful during the evaluation of creativity. Self confidence is also an important aspect that can be used during the evaluation of creativity when using the social approach. The risk taking measures of the creativity are also important during the evaluation and they are useful in determining the success of the new business. IBM is one of the organizations in the world that mainly relies on creativity and innovations. The organizational culture of the company encourages the employees to be creative and innovative. Through the use of the creativity quotient, the individuals who established the business were quite innovative. This is because of the uniqueness of the business ideas that led to a competitive advantage and hence the success of the business. Using the concepts of fluency, the business ideas for the company are quite relevant. This is because it considered the different aspects and requirement customers and hence the uniqueness of the business. In terms of originality, the business ideas are quite original which also contribute to the uniqueness of the business. The use of original ideas played an essential role in distinguishing the operations of the business. The business is quite unique in the industry and it has been able to attract customers due to the originality of the ideas. Creativity is thus important in terms of ensuring that a business is unique and hence attracting the customers (Thompson, et al, 2013). The business is also detailed which is important in ensuring that it is unique in the market. The detailed nature of the business plays an important role in ensuring that the business attracts more customers. It is also important to note that the ability of the business to put in place innovate ideas is also important in ensuring that it capitalizes on the opportunities in the market. This is also an important aspect of entrepreneurship. Question 2 The self assessment of the entreprenual skills is important in determining the ability of becoming an entrepreneur. The Johari window will be used for the purposes of the assessment due to its efficiency. During a seminar attended, I was able to learn more about problem identification through the Johari window. Stating the problems as a positive question is important in terms of self assessment on the entrepreneurship skills. Understanding the problems is also useful during the self assessment at increases the levels of accuracy. Through the use of Johari windows or self assessment I was able to learn about my entrepreneurship skills in relation to my personality. I always find new ways of solving problems an indication that I am capable of developing creative thinking skills. Planning and research is an important aspect of entrepreneurship (Scarborough, 2011). This is because the process of planning and research are important in determining the ability to use the information gathered in order exploit an opportunity. I am capable of finding and using information regarding the business opportunities. According to the entrepreneurship theories, decision making forms an important aspect of entrepreneurship. This is because the ability to exploit an opportunity is dependent on the types of decisions made. In most cases, I usually study my options before making a decision. In terms of organization, setting priorities is important. I am capable of setting priorities depending on the benefits that that each of the priority presents. This usually play an essential role in terms of ensuring that I make decisions that have positive impacts on process. According to the enterprise catalyst theory, oral communication is important for an entrepreneur. This is for the purposes of ensuring that the ideas can be communicated effectively. My oral communication skills are excellent which has always played a significant role when communicating my ideas to other people. An entrepreneur has to work with different people or team for the purposes of achieving certain goals and objectives (Morris, 2012). In terms of teamwork, my skills are good as I am able to assemble a team and motivate the team members for the purpose of ensuring that the objectives of the team have been achieved. Marketing skills are also important for an entrepreneur. This is because entrepreneurship involves the commercialization of the unique ideas. I am also able to identify and use the business forms for the purposes of record keeping. This involves different types of records that are useful in the business process. On the other hand, I am also able to set both the long terms and short term goals which are required for the purpose of entrepreneurship. In terms of business management, I am able to mange the people effectively and assign duties to the team members or employees. The business skills are useful and it also determines the ability of becoming a successful entrepreneur. The results of the general measure of enterprising tendency indicate that I am a good entrepreneur. However, I need to improve on some areas for the purposes of ensuring that my skills are fully developed and enhanced. Through the use of the concepts of Johari windows, I have identified my problems involves adapting to change, time management, risk taking, trying new methods and use of technology. The following is the development plan based on Johari windows. Areas of development Causes Benefits Timeline Adapting to change Lack of proper change management skills. Adapting to change is important as entrepreneurship does not necessarily require the routine practices. Training and development will be required. After 2 weeks. Time management Lack of training on time management and tight schedule. This area is important as a lot of activities are usually required of an entrepreneur. I intend to undergo some training on the concepts of time management. After 4 weeks. Risk taking Fear of losses. This is important for an entrepreneur as risk taking is a must. The training and development will be useful in terms of ensuring that I am able to make courageous decisions and take risks. After 5 weeks. Trying out new methods Always following a particular routine. This is also important for the purposes of ensuring that I am able to generate ideas as opposed to sticking to the usually routines. After 6 weeks. Use of technology Lack of proper training on technological concepts. The current trend in entrepreneurship indicates that technology is useful in the entrepreneurship process. This is because innovations will require the use of technology. I will have to undertake some training on the concepts of technology and its application in entrepreneurship. After 8 weeks. Question 3 Nokia is a multinational corporation in the telecommunication industry and it is commonly known for the production of mobile phones and software. Currently, the company is facing a lot of difficulties despite its past success. The company has been forced to withdraw some of its products in the market due to the inability of the products to compete. Symbian Operating system was a Smartphone that had been developed by the company to compete with Apple and Samsung. However, the company was unable to compete and the products were unsuccessful in the market. The company had to abandon the development of the Linux phone in favor of the widows phone in order to compete with the other brands in the market. By 2013, the company had laid off about 24,500 employees worldwide. Currently, the company has also closed down most of its plants and distribution centers including that of Japan (Cord, 2014). The company is also intending to transfer 715 jobs to the subcontractors. This is an indication that job cuts will still be experienced in the company. Although the company was once vibrant and profitable, it is currently making losses as its products are performing poorly in the market. The market share of the company has also reduced by about 40%. In the second quarter of 2011, the company posted a loss of 368 million Euros. In the second quarter of 2013, the company also posted an operating loss of £ 98.8 million. The company is currently facing a lot of challenges which has impacted negatively on its performance in the market. Innovations and creativity plays an important role in the telecommunication industry. This is because of the constant change in technology. The changes in technology also lead to the changes in the demands of the customers (Prahalad, 2008). Nokia failed to consider the aspects of innovations and creativity in relation to the market trends. This impacted negatively on its performance as other companies that were more innovative became successful. Although the company was performing well in the market, it failed to produce innovative products in the market and hence the poor performance in the mobile phone industry. According to the entrepreneurship theories, innovations play an important role in terms of satisfying the need of the customers. Identifying an opportunity and capitalizing on it is also important in terms of entrepreneurship. Although Nokia had all the resources to conduct research and identify opportunities, it failed to do so. This had a negative impact on the competitiveness of the company as the competitors were utilizing the opportunity. The long term plans of the company did not consider the fast rate of technological change and the company ended up investing huge amounts on products that were only required for a short time in the market. It is also important to note that the company did not put in place measures to safeguard it against the high expectations of the customers. On the other hand, the company continued producing the same type of products for a long period of time and hence its failure in meting the demands of the customers. The originality of innovations is also an important concept in the competitive market. Some products of the company were imitation of existing products from the competitors. This impacted negatively on the public image of the company and hence the poor performance of the products in the market. Nokia could however develop in future if it considers embracing innovations. The company should invest in research and development for the purposes of enabling it to come up with new products that are in line with the demands of the customers. On the other hand, it is also important for the company to encourage its employees to be creative and innovative (Drucker, 2007). This will ensure that the company is able to develop new products and hence competing effectively in the market. Entering into a partnership will also be useful to the company in terms of ensuring that its products are sold widely to the customers. This strategy will be useful to the in ensuring that the company is able to perform well in terms of profitability and hence improve on the revenue collection process. It is also important for the company to consider embracing the technological concepts when developing its products. This is because of the constant changes that the industry usually faces. The company should ensure that it uses the latest technology during the development of its products. Each product of the company should be developed with the consideration that it may not last long in the market. Question 4 The problem to be solved involves the creation of a new and more creative business model for ICE. The currently business model that is being used by the organization can be classified as direct sales model. This model involves marketing and selling products directly to the customers. On the other hand, the organization usually engages directly with the customers by visiting their locations or offices for the purposes of offering their services. This usually involves demonstrations that involve the personal contact with the customers. On the other hand, the company usually makes appointments with the clients for the purpose of offering their services. This model is however not creative. This is because it is not efficient and it is time consuming. A lot of resources are also used during the process of visiting the clients and offering the services. A creative model will therefore play an essential role in solving the problem that is faced by the organization. The model should be able to solve the problems facing the company by ensuring that minimum resources are used and the operations of the organization are efficient. On the other hand, the new business model will enhance creativity within the organization in order to enhance its operations. In the new business model, the target customers for the organization will include the community members, individuals, companies as well as learning institutions. Technology has to be used by the organization in terms of connecting with the customers. On the other hand, the organization should focus on producing demonstrations that can be used by the customers before making decisions regarding the services of the company. This will play an essential role in ensuring that the customers do not necessarily have to visit the organization. On the other hand, the technology can be useful to the organization as it will ensure that the organization is connected to the clients (Ricart, 2010). During the demonstrations, the organization should also ensure that it uses the technological concepts for the purposes of enhancing the quality of its services. The relationship with the customers should also be enhanced by providing a feedback mechanism. This will ensure that the organization is able to enhance its public image and maintain a good relationship with the customers. A feedback is also important for the ensuring that any customer who is not satisfied can reach the organization (Teece, 2010). The use of online means to enable the customers to access the services of the organization will also be important. This is important in ensuring that the services of the organization can be offered through Skype or video conferencing. This model will be useful to the organization in terms of reducing the costs that are usually incurred during the process of travelling. The organization should also consider accepting online payment for its services. The use of technology will also play an essential role in ensuring that the organization is able to attract customers from oversees. The use of the model will therefore impact positively on the growth and development of the business. The charges for the services of the company should also be reviewed and it should be dependant on the type of customer. Free services should also be provided by the organization to community members and learning institutions on particular days. This will play an essential role in building the public image of the organization and hence contributing to its success. The use of creative models is important for ensuring that the organization is able to meet its goals and objectives. This is also important in ensuring that an organization is able to meet its challenges in terms of managing its operations. Changing the business model is also important incase the existing model is not producing the desired results. A creative business model also ensures that an organization is able to meet the demands of the customers in an efficient manner and hence impacting positively on the relationship with the customers. Implementation plan Activities Time line Development of the information technology infrastructure. After 1 week. Training of the employees on the new concepts. After 2 weeks. Developing customer care department and feedback mechanism. After 3 weeks Development of the new online payment system for the customers After 4 weeks. Purchasing the technological tools for the purposes of enabling the organization to make demonstrations online After 5 weeks. List of References Adair, J, 2009, The Art of Creative Thinking: How to be innovative and develop great ideas, Kogan Press. Michalko, M, 2006, Thinkertoys: A handbook of creative-thinking Techniques, 10 Speed Press. Thompson, L, et al, 2013, Creativity and Innovation in Organizational Teams (Series in Organization and Management), Psychology Press. Scarborough, N, 2011, Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management; Global Edition, Pearson Education. Morris, M, 2012, A practical Guide to Entrepreneurship; How to turn an idea into a profitable business, Kogan Page. Cord, D, 2014, The Decline and Fall of Nokia, Helsinki: Schildts & Söderströms. p. 202. Prahalad, C, 2008, The New Age of Innovation: Driving Co-created Value Through Global Networks, McGraw-Hill Professional. Drucker, P, 2007, Management Challenges in the 21st Century, 2nd Edition Butterworth-Heinemann. Teece, D, 2010, Business models, business strategy and innovation, Long range planning, 43(2), 172-194. Ricart, J, 2010, From strategy to business models and onto tactics, Long Range Planning, 43(2), 195-215. Read More
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