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Cross-Cultural Management in Relation to Singapore and Canada - Term Paper Example

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The paper “Cross-Cultural Management in Relation to Singapore and Canada” is an intriguing example of the term paper on management. Cross-cultural management basically deals with the way different cultures are able to interact and co-exist amicably in relation to business (Hofstede, 1980). This comes about with the existing behavior of people from different cultures…
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Cross Cultural Management in relation to Singapore and Canada 1 Executive Summary 1 1.0 Introduction: 3 1.1 Structure of Report: 3 1.2 Background of the study: 4 1.3 MBI Framework: 5 2.0 Cross cultural Management in Ghana and Singapore 5 2.1 Management in Ghana 5 2.2 Approaches considered in Management in Ghana: 6 2.2.1 Responsibilities of a Manager 6 2.2.2 Responsibilities of Employees 7 2.2.3 Response to cross cultural Management 7 2.2.4 Response to time in Management 7 2.2.5 Aspect of teamwork 8 3.0 Comparison in the Cross cultural Management between Ghana and Singapore 9 4.0 Health and safety issues to be considered in Ghana 11 5.0 Methods of Curbing down these Health Issues 12 6.0 Recommendations: 13 7.0 Conclusion: 15 Bibliography 15 Cross Cultural Management in relation to Singapore and Canada Executive Summary Cross cultural management basically deals with the way different cultures are able to interact and co-exist amicably in relation to business (Hofstede, 1980). This comes about with the existence behavior of people from different cultures. On the other hand culture is basically regarded as a behavior by a particular group of people which arises as a result of common beliefs, language patterns and many others. Management is also viewed as the art of having particular activities by having others do so using the necessary resources. This is very relevant especially as far as team building is concerned for purposes of productive work. The major purpose of this paper is to make an analysis of how different cultures interact in business, the different conflicts that arise due to the existing differences in the way of operation, and how best these conflicts can be handled or done away with in relation to this paper, reference is made to the situation in Ghana. More to this, a comparison is made in relation to the market status of hawkers in Singapore. The findings resulting from research on cross cultural management in Ghana, it can be concluded that the country is one that is of a hierarchical nature, which means that usually the people in management are not questioned. According to the research findings, it was noted that between the periods of 1968 to about 1969, the conditions that the hawkers were operating under were very poor. Reference here was made to the hygiene, building, quality of commodities that is food being sold out to the public and the pollution that was caused to the environment due to the poor disposal of wastes. However, the findings show a gradual change in the operations and the quality of commodities due to the participation of the government, involvement of other organizations for instance, the Ministry of Environment, Jurong town cooperation and the Housing Development Board. More to this, some recommendations have been come up with to improve on the cross cultural management in terms of trade for example training of participants in a number of skills inclusive of cross cultural communication so as to help different people in business to have the same language and understanding irrespective of their differences. In addition to this, the government of Ghana has got involved in the active enforcement of existing rules for instance making sure that, all stall holders have got licenses which facilitate their operations in the market. This helps in reducing the many conflicts and illegal actions that some of the hawkers had originally adopted. It has also improved the conditions of operating as well. 1.0 Introduction: 1.1 Structure of Report: This report majorly focuses on the way conflicts can be minimized in cross cultural management situations that arise when carrying out business across borders and within the country itself due to the existence of multiple cultures. For this particular case, reference is made to Ghana as a case study in relation to Singapore’s new market’s situation; secondly the approaches that are adopted in order to handle issues that arise as a result of conflicts arising from such a situation are given. The case study mainly used here is that of the New Markets Inc in Ghana. Originally these were called hawker markets, although today a new name has been adapted that is Pedestrian Civilized Hall since the original name seemed very uncivilized. Basically what the report covers is the area of study which is Ghana and a comparison is made to the situation of hawkers in Singapore. Further still, a discussion is made regarding the different problems in existence relating to operation of businesses, solutions obtained to curb down the same and finally, the recommendations made to this effect. 1.2 Background of the study: This has become a widely discussed issue today. This is because of the increasing global changes which have also impacted on the businesses and markets across different countries and culture (Adekola, 2007). This has brought about a number of changes and developments as far as relationships in the economic field are concerned. With this, there has been a shift from individual country trade to crossing borders. As a result of this it is noted that since there is a mixture of a number of cultures, there may exist many differences which need to be dealt with. The economic revolution has pushed the business managements to make use of all the experts in the field of business, this being in a bid to meet the needs of all the different people across borders of the world (Sawadogo, 1995:281). This has been useful especially in reducing economic imbalances across different nations in the world. During this study, MBI framework was utilized to analyze the data that was found. Important to note that, for the management experts to be made use of, it may require a process of training the experts. This enables each and every one of them to be able to adapt to the cultural behavior in another culture, way of operation which helps in doing away with some of these conflicts which would arise. For one to become an expert in matters related to cross cultural management, he or she needs to acquire skills for example the soft skills which are very helpful especially in giving the expert an insight of the social values, approaches, and modes of operation in a different culture(Jackson,2004) 1.3 MBI Framework: This in simple terms can be looked at as Mapping, Bridging and Integrating. This frame work today has been adopted in different states, continents and some of these include Asia, China, Ghana and many others, to mention but a few(Distefano,2000). Looking at the mapping part of the analysis framework, it is helpful especially in understanding the cultural differences and values, the different ways through which thinking is done and other similar factors. On the other hand, the Bridge is used during the process of communicating these differences and devising means of incorporating them in the management so as to resolve them. Finally, the integration is important as far as coming up with new ideas is concerned depending on what opinions have been attained (Hofstede, 1980). 2.0 Cross cultural Management in Ghana and Singapore 2.1 Management in Ghana Ghana is a country that is located in West Africa. This country has got a number of languages that include Twi, Ga Hausa and many others which make it a multi-linguistic nation with many cultural differences (Kanungo, 1990). The kind of management that is done in this country that related to Hoftstede which is related to inter cultural dimensions (Hofstede, 1980). It is very important to note that different cultures have got different ways of handling issues and there is usually a distinction in the opinions that they have regarding different matters. All human races exist along with a number of differences, which necessitates education regarding cross cultural management. The aspect of cross cultural management portrays clearly, how management is done across nations, how leadership is viewed and this will be discussed elaborately in the subsequent paragraphs as per the Ghanaians. Cross cultural management is viewed as the study of the different behaviors that are exhibited by people from different cultures which also cuts across to the business sector (Adekola, 2007). The global rise has necessitated an intermingling of cultures since ideas can be borrowed from one culture which may lead to productivity if properly utilized when carrying out business. With this, companies are to be given many considerations and how the managers are able to run the different activities. However, it’s important to note that, no matter how many different cultures may appear to be similar and perhaps from the same region, to some extent leadership and management may differ in behavior and attitudes (Abdallah, 2001). 2.2 Approaches considered in Management in Ghana: 2.2.1 Responsibilities of a Manager A number of issues related to this are given much emphasis that is, the duties of a manager, the ability to make decisions, the cultural approach in relation to time and many other factors that are relevant concerning the issue of cross cultural management. Looking at the way business is handled in Ghana, the managers are given due respect and in this matter, preference to business associates is usually made to those persons that are known to them, rather than strangers since there is a strong belief of amicable dealing and management. This is also made evident in a common saying in Ghana which states that, if a king is to have a successful time of leadership, then he or she should have good counselors (Amouko, 2009). 2.2.2 Responsibilities of Employees More to this, companies have the belief that it is important for each party to have a specific role which is very necessary in leading to productivity (Ozemenbhoya, 2011). This is to the effect that each and every person does the role that has been assigned to them. In most cases, many people in places of management usually take those people who are below them to be inferior, however this is not always the case since every persons part in the business is crucial. In the situation of Ghana, it is noted that no matter the high regard given to the managers, there is always concern for the employees even beyond work limits. 2.2.3 Response to cross cultural Management In addition to this, Ghana has shown a lot of positivity concerning the global changes and the rise in business which has called for a lot of intercultural relations. Important to note is that although this is viewed as change that may come along with a number of risks, learning has been emphasized so as to help individuals and other participants to be able to venture in the intercultural business relations. To effect this, companies in Ghana while trying to hold operational meetings, there is a lot of sensitivity given to the different existing and the beliefs thereto. This is because due to the cross-cultural management, Ghana uses a number of expert managers from different countries and cultures altogether. 2.2.4 Response to time in Management It should be noted that Ghana as a whole gives regard to time and attaches a lot of value to it. With this, there has been a lot of flexibility especially when making schedules of different activities of the company, when making business plans and also when it comes to adapting to deadlines. However with the global rise in business that has facilitated intercultural relations, Ghana has been in position to adopt strictness concerning the aspect of time and running of company matters. Businesses in Ghana are looked at as appearing in a very hierarchical manner, this means that the right to make decisions is in most cases usually placed onto the party with the highest level of authority (Jones, 1997:385). Here usually, the decision that is made by the managers is taken to be final and there is no reason for attaining consensus from members that are in subordinate positions. However, it’s important to note that adoption of cross cultural management necessitates a leader to also take the employees with much regard .In cases where such persons, have faulted, reasonable means should be taken into consideration when handling these issues so as not to offend the employees. 2.2.5 Aspect of teamwork The companies and businesses in Ghana usually also give much preference to teamwork’s. There is usually effective communication across all the team members, here everyone’s opinion and role is usually taken so importantly. In most cases, the major role of the manager is to make a proper distribution of roles throughout the whole team and responsibility is left upon each to play their part. For this reason, to successfully have cross-cultural management done, it is important that each individual puts to use their talents to the best of the whole group. 3.0 Comparison in the Cross cultural Management between Ghana and Singapore Just like in Ghana, there is no much difference in regard to Singapore’s business management. Almost similar factors are put into consideration which gives the two a small distinction. Business in Singapore is usually looked at as a very formal aspect which is guided by a number of rules and usually necessitates observation of protocols. Here, much consideration is given to a group setting than just individuals thus as one is carrying out their business there is need to put into consideration the effect on the rest of the group. This bridges relationship between those carrying out the business and the community as well. For instance in relation to the case study given of the New markets Inc, government had concern due to the effect that was caused by the pollution of the people with businesses in the locality. With this a number of laws were come up with concerning disposal of wastes. Looking at this with regard to the MBI framework, the differences that were mapped were the ways through which people were operating business, leadership, production and many other factors. The major issue that was come up with was the effect of the poor sanitation on the business of the hawkers. What the government did was to make a communication of how these issues were affecting operation and this was integrated in the policies by government coming up with policies, for instance issuance of licenses, coming up with ways of disposing wastes. These policies were integrated into the system of management and this made the hawkers easily adhere to it since it had been decided upon by top authorities. This is very important especially that people are also given an opportunity to give their views concerning the issues that are in contention, which shows that there is value attached to the role of each individual. A number of meetings were held where the hawkers were given an opportunity to air out their grievances in relation to the issues that were in contention. With this application of cross cultural management betters the management thus leading to productivity, since a relationship is created between the superiors and the persons subordinate to them. The duty of the manager in the setting of Companies and businesses in Singapore is usually to ensure that each person in the particular organization is attached to a specific role thus what he or she does is to make sure that each performs their role. As much as the managers in Singapore take the lead in management, they also always make preference towards the needs of the individuals in the company. This encourages a lot of teamwork which also enhances cross cultural management since ideas and cultures are adopted from different culture that may be of great advantage. More to this, just as in Ghana, while carrying out business transactions, high regard is usually made to the time schedules and deadlines especially when going about with the different activities and companies (Leung, 2003).Therefore for cross cultural management, there is need for one to put in a lot of ability so as to be able to meet the deadlines scheduled for a given transaction. An example of this is the plan that was made by the Government of Ghana in 1968 to put up hawker centers which were in existence as soon as 1970.This also enhances business management and production as well. This is because different cultures operate differently; therefore it is usually good to acquire knowledge on the approaches by those cultures. In regard to the decision making, since the management in Singapore is usually hierarchical this does not make it different from the situation in Ghana (Samora, 2009). Hence, the person in the position of leadership is the one entitled to make the decisions hence the opinion of the members that are subordinate are not usually given much attention. Hence this usually comes into play only when the members of the group come to a common agreement concerning what has been said by their superior. This is also noted in the case study made the New markets Inc, where the government and different authorities for example Ministry of Environment which came up with rules which were adhered to by the subordinate business men and women. The businesses in Singapore give much regard to teamwork since there is much value attached to the roles played by every individual. It’s usually important for the manager to create a good working environment for his employees thus facilitating working as a team. The cross cultural management thus emphasizes that the managers should respect the employees as well and thus corrects them in a proper manner in case of any wrongs committed by them. 4.0 Health and safety issues to be considered in Ghana It is important to note that much as businesses can be operated in any place, if one is to become productive, there is need to have a good operating condition. In most cases, there may be interruptions which affect how the work is done. Important to note is that, much as Ghana exists as part of the 183 member states of the International labor Organization, to some extent it has not been able to enforce some of the rules strictly which has led to persistence poor working conditions, This is a very serious concern because, it may not only be the employees that are affected but in the long run their families and the community as a whole (GNA, 2012). With this, there is need for the traders or people to very cautious while carrying out their activities. In Ghana, there are a number of health issues that need to be dealt with so as to improve on the working conditions for both the business men and women (hawkers), and for the people that are consuming the products which are in this case mostly food stuffs. In Ghana, it’s noted that most of the existing diseases are endemic. This usually results from poor preparation of the foodstuffs and the water which is to be consumed by the customers. This therefore calls for great hygiene on the side of hawkers, while preparing these foods up to the last minute when they are bought by the customers. In addition to that, since most of the hawkers in these markets deal in foodstuffs, a number of food related diseases are very common in Canada for instance diarrhea and other infections since most of the foods in the markets have bacteria (GNA, 2012). More so, the foods that cannot be peeled or cooked carry along these bacteria’s. This too calls for a duty of care by the traders towards the customers so as to ensure that all they sell to them is very safe for their health. More to this, there is a big issue concerning the disposal of wastes by the hawkers which is done in appropriate manners. Some of the companies that have been entrusted to carry out these roles have also been noted to dispose of wastes next to the trading areas which have affected the hygiene in these places. All these affect the businesses since few customers can commit to consuming such products. 5.0 Methods of Curbing down these Health Issues The government of Canada has not sat down in silence to simply watch what is going on but has rather gone ahead to put in efforts to see a way of handling these health and security related issues in the workplaces. The Government has adapted a number of laws that act as guidelines to the people that are carrying out the different businesses. These laws act as regulations not only to the employees but also to the employer since it’s for both their good. The people that are employers are expected by the Ghana Labor Act 2003, to make sure that none of their employees is affected by situations that are arising from hygiene issues. However; a duty is also placed on the employees to make sure that they do work within the expectations of the guidelines that are given to them. 6.0 Recommendations: The Government of Ghana should become more involved in the country’s activities including the trade activities. This is because whatever affects the community affects the government too. In this case, the government should strictly enforce all the rules that have been put in place as guidelines for the hawkers; For instance, dealing with the issue of licenses of operation. Committees should be put in place to ensure that none has violated this can operate. These committees should be widely spread all through the markets for purposes of effective enforcement. More to this, the committees put in place should be well facilitated by the government to enable their active participation in the trading activities. With this, these committees should be formed amongst trading associations so as to be able to make reports on illegal acts that are done within the markets for example regarding the aspect of disposal of wastes by the traders In addition to this, the government of Ghana should also the use of other experts in management that may also be originating from other counties and cultures. This expert will give business advice to the government as well as the traders which will help reduce these issues, which in many cases arise as a result of ignorance. This makes it easy for the government to come up with the relevant policies regarding a particular situation that may be affecting the business. The expert managers should also be trained in cross cultural communication. It is important to not that much as countries or cultures may be closely related; there is always a difference in the way operations are carried out depending on a particular culture. Therefore, for cross cultural management to be effectively used in management, the experts need to be properly trained so as to adapt to the social values, cultures and probably language as may be used by another culture where he or she may be required to operate. In addition to this, cross cultural management also necessitates a number of important skills for instance being in position to adapt to the different cultures positively. More to this, the managers should be motivated by being issued with rewards incase of good leadership. Since most of the activities and decisions are dependent on them, rewarding them for the hard work would be of help so as to enable them to put in extra efforts even when running company activities. This has become very common in Ghana and it has led to productivity. This is because in most cases, these experts have migrated from their countries and are thus selling their ideas to another country. 7.0 Conclusion: The aspect of cross cultural management is a very widely discussed issue today. This is because of the change in the trends. The global rise in the field of business has necessitated sharing of both the tangible and intangible resources. This has been done in a bid to reduce the economic imbalances across the globe, which has encouraged the use of management experts from different cultures. Although it has yielded positive results, it comes along with a number of challenges for instance adapting the behaviors of a different culture, slow progress no matter how productive it may be in the long run. It is important to note that different countries go through different challenges as regards business and management. However, there is always room for one culture to borrow ideas from another that may be useful and yielding the desired results, which today has been the result of the cross cultural management. Bibliography B.S, A. A. (2007). Retrieved 05 24, 2012, from http:books/ Broaweys, M. J. (2008). Understanding Cross cultural Manage ment. London: Prentice Hall. Distefano, J. (2000). Retrieved 05 24, 2012, from www.gender value with diverse teams. Distefeano, P. J. (2010, 11). Retrieved 05 24, 2012, from G, H. (1980). Culture's Consequences:International Differences in Work Related Values. London: Beverly Hills Ca-Sage. G, S. (1995). Training for the African Mind. Journal of Intercultural Relations , 281-293. GNA. (2012, 02). Occupational Health and Safety in the Informal Economy. OHS News letter . J, A. D. (1997). Cross-cultural differences in upward ratings in a multi-national country. International Journal of Human Resource Management , 385-401. Larry A Samora, R. E. (2009). Communication between Cultures. USA: Wadsworth publishing co. Leung, D. T. (2003). Cross cultural Management:Founadations and Culture. USA: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Mead, R. (1992). Cross Cultural Management Communication. London: John Wiley& Son. Ozemenbhoya Donald Ewanlen, F. A. (2011). Achieving Unity in Diversity Through Cross Cultural Management of Resources. Retrieved 05 24, 2012, from www.swdsi.Org/swds/2011/2011-SWDS Proceedings/paper. R.N, K. (1990). The Need for Indigenous Management in Developing countries. London: Routledge. T, J. (2004). Management & Change in Africa. London: Routledge. Thomas, D. C. (2008). Cross Cultural Management:Essential concepts. USA: Sage Publications. Read More
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