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Fire Safety Designs Solutions with the Architect and Building Control Officer - Assignment Example

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The paper “Fire Safety Designs Solutions with the Architect and Building Control Officer” is an impressive example of the assignment on management. On appointment to the position of fire officer, it is adept to be up to date, without proper fire fighting and control strategies; the organization would lose great value in case of such accidents which are inevitable in such situations…
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Running Head: FIRE PROTECTION Fire Protection Insert Name: Insert Course Title: Insert Instructor’s Name: Date: Discuss fire safety designs solutions with the architect and building control officer. On appointment to the position of fire officer, it is adept to be up to date, without proper fire fighting and control strategies; the organization would loose great value in case of such accidents which are inevitable in such situations. The report is aimed at determining the best way to deal with and protect life and properly against fire accidents However, the kind of function undertaken within building is a determinant on the best ways to guard the building against fire, as in the care of the organization in place, arts and entertainment requires a source of power for both lighting and instruments being that most of the instruments currently requires electric energy (Delmar, 2004, p. 21). With the technological advancement in the area, it is needful that the thereof us meet to discuss the necessary alterations that could be done to increase the protecting against risk of fire within the organization. In order for the organization o be safe from fire, we do not only need to concentrate on the building but also the surrounding area which depicts a lot with respect to organization insecurity. In the resent cases of fire within organization, we realize that more than 40% of the risks incurred are as a result of external sources of atrocities which causes a lot of damage to organizations du to ignorance and lack of concern in the obvious issued that could b avoided at extremely low costs (Richard, 1998, p. 18). From the organizational tour a few hours ago which was aimed at determining the base of our discussion, in accordance to my area of study and operation, the field of emergency requires quick response o problems with determination of not only a solution to the current issues but on how best the organization could eradicate such problems over along period of time. I realized that the number of fire extinguishers in place are not adequately distributes, for instance, within an estimate area in square meters there is supposed to be specific number of extinguishers. Despite the length of the horse pipe, different kinds of fire require different quantities of foam for extinguishing, hence availing adequate equipments is of importance (Klaene, 2007, p. 74). The kind of smoke detectors in place within the organization are outdated, at presence, there are very sensitive smoke detecting equipments which operated digitally hence with the slight smoke detection the alarm will automatically be switched on. Such gadgets are programmable hence could work without manual switch hence reliability which is an issue (Delmar, 2004, p. 19). Within the compressor room, there are only two manually controlled compressors machines which could not start despite the faults created to realize how quick the water compressors would respond to the fault. However, from our discussion, we should have a rough estimate on the improvement areas which would later require a thorough survey to distinctively come up with a renovation and fire security improvement within the organization; this would not only help in execution of my duties but also avoid chances of experiencing avoidable accidents within the organization. Once the survey is through within a week, I will make a follow up to enlighten both of you so that we execute the change with the understanding of the architect, property manager and I being that this is a collective responsibility within the organization (Richard, 1998, p. 28). Identify passive and active fire protection systems within the premises. Active fire protection systems During the revisit to the organizational fire security details, I realized the availability of spray systems that consists of water sprinklers which are essential in the protection and control of fire preventing the domino effects. A sprinkler system contains the source of extinguisher which is made up of chemical reactions to form an extinguisher, especially foam. In case of an emergency the control system should switch on automatically. The compressor exerts enough force to push the foam through a horse pipe of imaginable length, through a nozzle connected at the control valve towards the end of the pipe would be connected to the main inlet to the building. This allows the system to be well fed with extinguishing requirements. The key factor is the operation of the programmable Logic control that is concerned with detection of the emergency state and how quick the extinguisher should be supplied to the scene of the fire (Richard, 1998, p. 75). However, there are also other applications like foam pourers. Other than that, is adept to include modern active fire protection systems to enhance organizational security for example; the organization should have fixed water monitors which are more reliable and easy to use in such sensitive organization. Being that the organization is purposefully used for art and entertainment, there are a lot more theatre rooms which are enclosed within the building, however, such enclosed areas require special fire fighting equipments die to the prevailing hazardous conditions. Inert and halogen based gases are preferred in such situations. These gases react with the available oxygen hence extinguishing the fire (Delmar, 2004, p. 32). Passive fire protection systems In fire protection, we do not only require active fire protection systems, this is because there are some conditions that are not in the favor of active fire protection. Passive fire protection systems too are extremely important due to the provision of efficient and effective alternative comparative to the active fire protection against vessel fires, like within the containers which contains entertainment instruments and other delicate devices that would not be extinguished with other forms life foam extinguishers. The passive fire protection entails coating the properties with fire resistant materials especially in areas where the other extinguishing media are not available, or inadequate. This is experienced especially in remote areas which is very relevant to the case of our organization being that most at times the participants travel to different places within and out of the country where there is no surety of obtaining other fire protection media (Klaene, 2007, p. 42). Fire walls Construction of fire walls in between organization’s premises and the other premises around would reduce risks of fire spreading to the organization from the nearby premises due to their failure in implementing the protection programs within their premises at the expense of our organization. In large allocations like dance halls, there should be fire Wall partitions to reduce the surface area hence lowering the risk of fire within the premises. Other than that, we can implement reinstallation of surface wiring with fireproof cables so that the risk does not spread to other areas through electric circuits. The roof, walls and floors should be fabricated with construction materials which are able to produce an extinguishing media especially gas to prevent fire spread to other areas (Klaene, 2007, p. 54). This is a passive form of fire protection which is not directly linked to the fire issue but at times plays a great role in lowering the prevalence of fire accidents and losses within such huge sensitive organizations. Within the environment, it would be difficult to determine what each and every organization is involved in other organizations would be dealing with thermal radiation equipments which are prone to fire. Such information is usually hid to lower the taxation and other charges on such organization; hence it is adept to take precautions prior to the occurrence of accident. The choice on the preferred option of fire protection is totally dependant on a criterion that includes duration in which the fire would last. For fire accidents that are likely to last for more than three hours, it is adept to improvise on how to apply the active fire protection systems being tat passive fire protections systems are termed so due to the short duration of protection involved in case of fire breakout (Klaene, 2007, p. 74). Appraise the different types of fixed fire fighting installations within the premises. Fixed installation systems Suppression systems Considering the fire suppression systems which include horse pipes and sprinklers designed to automatically operate in order to suppress fire. However, with technological advancement, it is important that we reconsider the latest information concerning the fixed fire fighting equipments to equip the organization with al that it takes to secure the organization against risk of fire (Delmar, 2004, p. 54). Smoke control systems Other than fire extinguishing fixed installation, it is important to consider installing more fixed gadgets especially smoke detecting systems so as to ascertain that no fire could cause danger unnoticed within the organization. My colleagues who are the property manager and the architect should also contribute in the matter. Despite not being aware of the fire issues, they are able to design and suggest better stations to install the fixed equipments. The presence of the architect is to property owners that all the modifications meets all the necessary requirements to make the evacuation and alert systems be well understood, the process of eviction requires that series of precaution sighs would assure every individuals of that to do incase of fire other than evacuating the premise. However, the property manager should affirm the area where we plan to install the gadgets to increase the rapport that exists between the fire control and prevention unit in conjunction with the residence (Klaene, 2007, p. 74). The foam and gasses within the buildings too lead to worse situations incase of availability of domestic cooking gas and other inflammable gases that may be available within the building and or the nearby premises. Hence the resident’s and the people around the areas should be enlightened on the operability of the fixed gadgets to ascertain proper understanding which reduces the rate of fire accidents. This is due to the ability of the user to realize the differences and the reasons under which an alarm would ring, purpose and location of the alarm (Richard, 1998, p. 54). Dry and wet rising fire mains The presence of dry wet fire rescue packing, with water and foam inlet among other facilities is very necessary in order for the fire fighter machines to be launched within the premise. However, this could only be reduced or increased through a dialogue with the property owners. At the emergency fire packing, there should be a series of inlet pipes which contain extinguishers of different media running all through the premises not only from the ones occupied by the company in case of accidents or incident. The dry and wet risers are installed to provide readily available source if extinguishers used mostly by the fire brigade and trained personnel aimed at preventing or extinguishing fire within buildings. The dry risers are not fitted with water; instead they have both inlet and outlet to be connected to the water supply during fire accidents while the wet risers are fully equipped wet pipes with water already awaituing commissioning during incidence or accidents that involves fire. The installation of wet or dry risers should be as pet the instructions of the fire brigade who should ascertain the requirements specifications and safety to property and persons (Richard, 1998, p. 39). Consideration Fighting fire accidents in taller buildings are headache, however, due to the rising fire main, it would be important to include the following issues when designing on how best to manage the fire within the organization and community at large. The landing valves should be locked with a padlock and a leather strap. In terms of security, control the operation of the inlet box in a way that it would be possible for the fire fighters to access the inlet without any difficulty. All the car parking in front of the inlet box should be prohibited to enhance quick response incase of accident. And also the there should be about 18metres distance for the physical approach of the premises with the front view of the inlet box. Firefighters switches In order to fight fire in safe situations, all electric power sources should be put off. However, being that the fire fighters are not well conversant with the area, there should be emergency main power switch within the area where is the inlet box, this will ascertain the total security while putting out fire (Delmar, 2004, p. 44). Assess building construction materials and the impact of heat on individual elements of the structure. Concrete When concrete in exposed to fire in most cases it develops cracks which would later be the source of ageing and devaluation of the premise involved. The cracks occur especially where there are metal bars underneath due to expansion and contraction effects of heat on substance. Timber Fire is able to consume timber beyond reasonable doubt; however, being a theatre oriented building, such materials are there in plenty for curving decorations and leisure. To avoid the fire risks, such paces should be protected using the passive fire protection to avoid burning of the creative sculptures within the premises. Glass Glasses differ in intensity and brutality. Most of glasses are resistance to heat while only few break in the presence of fire. However due to the abrupt contraction and expansion when extinguishers are involved, glass is likely not to withstand the difference in cold and hot conditions within a short span of time leading to breakage. Steel In the modern buildings, a lot of building materials is imposed of steal which is tied together with bolts to form compartments which are then subdivided with the aid of timber to lower the weight of the building. When the steal is heated, automatically there would be effects of expansion which will be followed by contraction when the temperature fall hence interfering the stability of the whole premises. In the log run, it is adept to spend more on materials against the possible risks instead of suffering the gross loss on the whole building in case of fire accident. Masonry Spastically, the Lowry building is composed of few incidents where masonry is required; however, this is not an excuse on the effects of fire on mortar. In case of fire, the mortar would not be affected much although the construction made out of wood and steal would lead to wall and roof damage. Also, the oil pant on the walls would lead to quick spread of fire within the building causing more harm (Klaene, 2007, p. 71). Building Regulations According to the building regulations that governs Europe which change continuously since enactment in 1984, the reviewed regulations of the year 2000 which controls the erection on new building as well as restriction the renovation of the existing buildings. I could not take the opportunity to decide upon the proposed renovation though aimed at improving the safety of the building in terms of fire with confidence that solving fire issues may not result in to other dangerous openings to the human life as whole (Delmar, 2004, p. 24). The regulations that govern fire issues composed of how safe the building would be incase of fire, safety factor which is the main issues in regard to housing regulation. However the distance between major buildings is considered to determine how safe the other buildings would be incase of fire, the structural stability, this is more dependent on the kind of foundation laid for the building and the distance from the water table. Personality differs hence it was important to contact an architect whom I believe is well conversant with the building, in the presence of the building control officer and the architect, I am able to suggest the required renovation that would allow rectification of the poorly structured fire fighting system with a series of machines which deploy the forgotten technology, very bulky in fact but for no use within the current environment where speed and time are the key factors of consideration (Richard, 1998, p. 55). Conclusion Fire is destructive to property and life hence requires a lot of concern to avert the incidence that usually leads to a lot of damage compared to the preventive costs. However, in the organization, training schedules should be organised so that the workers get the idea behind fire security and how to manage a situation within the buildings with aim of losing the least possible in an occurrence. The available fire fighting gadgets should be routinely checked to affirm their operability state; this ensures confidence in case of fire breakout. I appreciate the corporation during the fire security report and also how concerned both the property officer and the architect are in connection to the awaited renovation of the Lowry building. Appendix 1 Fig. 1. Accessed from on 12th April, 2011 Fig. 2. Accessed from on 12th April, 2011 Fig. 3. Accessed from on 12th April, 2011 Fig. 4. Accessed from on 12th April, 2011 Smoke detectors Accessed from on 12th April, 2011 Fig. 5. Sprinkler systems Fig. 6. Accessed from: on 12th April, 2011 . Accessed from: on 12th April, 2011. Fig. 8. Accessed from: on 12th April, 2011 Accessed from: on13th April, 2011 References Delmar, T. (2004). 2nd Edi. The Essential Firefighter's Handbook: Fire Fighting and Essential Emergency Response. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar. International Association of Fire Chiefs, 24 West Fortieth Street, New York, N.Y. International Association of Fire-Fighters, American Federation of Labor Building, Washington 1, D.C. Klaene, B. (2007). Structural Firefighting: Strategies and Tactics. New York: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Richard, H. (1998). 4th Edi. Essentials of Fire Fighting. Stillwater: London, UK. Read More
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