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Mr Lahms Management Style - Case Study Example

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The paper 'Mr Lahm’s Management Style" is a good example of a management case study. Michael Lahm is the proprietor at Bodywise Fitness Center located in my neighborhood. As a family business, he oversees practically all management issues of the firm. The center has six departments, a massage parlor, spa, gym, aerobics zone, sauna and a health foods convenience store…
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Leadership (Name) (Institution) (Grade/course) (Instructor’s Name) November 18th, 2009 Introduction Michael Lahm is the proprietor at Bodywise Fitness Center located in my neighborhood. As a family business, he oversees practically all management issues of the firm. The center has six departments, a massage parlor, spa, gym, aerobics zone, sauna and a heath foods convenience store. The center employs seventeen people who are all specialized in various fields. The business targets residents of that area and occasional visitors. In order to ensure a steady stream of customers, the center, except for the health foods convenience, store allows membership fees and pay-per-visit arrangements. The center’s health-foods convenience store is open from 8 am to 8 pm daily while the other departments open up from 2 am to 8 pm on weekdays and from 10 am to 9 pm on weekends and public holidays. The short open hours on weekdays are set so in appreciation of the fact that many members are employed either fulltime or part time. The Center has proved to be a success going from its organization and the types of services offered. The center began operations as a gym but has over time expanded to include the other mentioned services. To manage such a diversified form of business and meet customers’ expectation requires a lot of knowledge and skills in management and business organization. Playing the role of human resource manager, the operations manager and finance manager with minimal delegation of duties, Mr. Lahm has displayed a clear sense of leadership in running his business outfit and also managing his employees. This paper analyses the Mr. Lahm’s management style and linking it with theory. The paper will also draw some inspiration on my leadership skill. Observation As a subject of my study, Mr Lahm commands a lot of respect from his clients and employees and sets a very good example for other leaders. He has designed a clear work policy pertaining to discipline among employees, service delivery and general cleanliness. Due to the nature of his business, Mr. Lahm works out seriously in the gym and has managed to maintain an athletic body something that he seems to have transferred to his employees too. All male employees have glistering biceps while the ladies are in top notch shape. Mr. Lahm has made body fitness a mantra for his business outfit which is very visible from a look at his employees. He leads his employees and business clients by example. Therefore, he receives admiration for his knuckles in business and fitness. In a bid to encourage body fitness for his employees as a marketing strategy, Mr Lahm advices his employees to cycle, jog or walk to work. He is aware of the fact that some of his employees happen to be employed part time elsewhere and have very busy time schedules but he has a clear policy on lateness for work through fines and added compensation. He is also actively involved in helping his employees market the business in the belief that better business means continued employment and even career development for all. The fact that he identifies himself as one of the employees and not the overseer helps in building a strong organizational culture where employees are of service to one another where applicable. It is obvious that, it is not the physical fitness of his employees that he is worried about but rather the potential they have in passing the physical fitness bug to the public thereby marketing his business. Mr. Lahm maintains a very formal but friendly type of relationship with his employees. His office is located inside the main office block on an elevated floor where he has a sweeping view of the front office desk, the gym and the aerobics room. It is very rare to see other employees taking up the flight of stairs into his office. Instead, he preempts the problem of consultation with the employees by making constant rounds of inspection in all the departments randomly. It is hard to see him getting into conversations with his employees most of whom he seems not to know by name. Most of the talks are one sided; him doing the talking. However, he is also very keen in communicating with clients and even seeks clients’ opinion on a number of employees. Weirdly, Mr Lahm seems to have a soft spot for one of the ladies working at the reception whose mother had passed away the previous month. He makes constant stops at the reception desk whenever he is moving about and checks on the lady. However, it is not clear to other employees whether Mr. Lahm is actually comforting the lady or has another agenda. Mr Lahm is a very keen and attentive to detail. It is very common to see him feeling on the equipments in the premises with his index finger and then rubbing it against his thumb. I imagined that the man was inspecting for any presence of dust on the equipments. In one of my early evening sessions at the aerobic class, I met him at the reception desk as he was chatting with the receptionist on duty that time. I happened to have been jogging in the park and as I walked towards him, I realized he was staring at me rather bemusedly. He welcomed me but politely pointed out that my jogging shoes were soiling the floor and hence I should utilize a scrapper just by the entrance. I apologized and even explained the reason as to why my shoes were muddy. In return, he recommended a better jogging trail just in the neighborhood that would surely leave my sneakers clean. In the heath foods convenience store, Mr. Lahm is a different kettle of fish altogether. He is to be seen walking up and down the isles, hands held behind him and barking some commands here and there. Once in the store, the three attendants working there suddenly look busy and conversation in his presence is forbidden. By the look of things, the attendants fear him and Loathe his presence. c. linking with theory Mr. Lahm is one of the managers who double up so well as business leaders. However, he seems to use an authoritarian approach where it is not necessary. For instance, the fact that he avoids getting involved in conversations with his employees during working hours other than in meetings is worrisome. On the other hand, he prefers talking with clients which can make employees uncomfortable and suspicious of his motives. However, the authoritarian approach provides supports for the lack of other fellow senior staff. The fact that he makes most decisions by himself, with minimal or no consultation at all predisposes him to that approach. Mr Lahm has a firm approach in the way he makes business decisions and relates to his employees. He is against client-employee romantic relationships in the workplace arguing that this might interfere with delivery of service and may not auger well with some clients and employees too. Given the nature of the business, I think this requirement is very necessary. This is because clients are served by one employee one at time or in groups depending on the ongoing activity. Where there is a romantic relationship, an employee might be biased towards one client in time allocation and attention. Klocke (2009) warns that such sensitive subjects should be approached logically and rationally as harsh tactics violates justice norms than if soft a logical approach. Petrck (n.d.) claims that the contemporary view that leaders are motivated by achievement and affiliation needs as per the McClellands acquired needs theory is wrong but proposes that power is the most dominant motivator. He says that if power is perceived as energy, then it can get things moving in an organization. He likens power to energy and says just like energy, power exists in different forms/bases (Rewards power, coercive power, legitimate power, referent power, expert power and information power) though used in the same way. To him these forms of power are needed to direct people and organization. In Mr. Lahm’s case, he utilizes legitimate, reward and coercive power bases which are jointly called personal powers which best applies on a hands on management style. Farmer highlights that successful leaders have to display emotionally stability. This involves the ability to deal with errant employees and clients and also the capacity to separate emotions triggered by personal life and the workplace. Although recently divorced, Mr. Lahm has shown resilience and even more dedication to his work. Emotional issues have not affected his performance in the workplace as much. Mr. Lahm is against sentimental attachments between him and his subordinates or among his subordinates though his recent interest in one of the employees is suspect. Such as an approach enables fair treatment for all employees and clients. For instance he does not shy away from sending me back to scrape off mud from my shoes. While this might appear rude to a client, it makes sense in the manner he did it and thinking back about it, I feel he was right. Greenleaf and Spears (2002) say that successful leaders have to be self assured. One does not need to seek the approval of someone. However, this only happens if the leader has information and knowledge power. They also argue that he should be compulsive and controlled. This is best demonstrated through articulate social interactions that attest to his reputation in leadership and should also be protective over their integrity. Such leaders also tend to have a clear oversight in their social interactions something coined from business leadership. In the case of Mr. Lahm, he is careful to avoid interaction with his employees beyond the professional level. He does not involve himself in chit-chat with his employees as a manner of protecting his integrity and position. The contingency theory argues that there are three determinants of effectiveness in leadership; the degree of confidence that subordinates have over a leader, the task structure and the level of power attached to that position. In the case of Mr. Lahm, he possess a lot of power in that the subordinates attach significantly high levels of power to that position as he happens to be the proprietor. They view his as having all the powers pertaining to managing the organization. Mr. Lahm plays a number of roles in the organization from finances to operations and human resource. As such, the subordinates view Mr. Lahm as the overall authority in that organization. This therefore places him at a very good position in terms of successful leadership. On the other hand, the task structure at Bodywise fitness center positions Mr. Lahm at a very good position in terms of being an effective leader. According to the contingency theory, routine structures allow leaders to be more effective in their role as leaders. Situational leadership is another theory closely linked with the contingency theory. This theory says that leadership style is determined by prevailing situations. Different situations demand different styles of leadership. This implies that in a particular organization different leadership style may exist as governed by arising situations. Therefore, there is no standard approach to leadership in general but there are standard methods of response to situations. Bdywise Fitness CEner seems to have regular situations in the workplace. As such, this approach to leadership where it claims that different leadership styles may exist in a single organization does not apply here. Mcgregor’s X Y theory does not articulate a method or strategy in leadership but his proposals on a leaders’ possible perception of the human nature helps develop a clear path in management. The theory suggests two basic perception of the human nature by a leader which basically determines which method he uses in his leadership skills. Therefore, the theory is a combination of the X theory and the Y theory. The X theory claims that the average man dislikes work and will attempt to avoid it wherever he can. as such, this section recommends and authoritarian approach. The second part of the theory is the Y theory. This theory claims that, naturally human beings love to work and love being granted some form of control over their actions thus supporting a democratic of hands-off approach in leadership styles. Mr Lahm has managed to combine these perceptions in managing his subordinates. He seems to be keen on supervising particular subordinates whom he feels that they need close supervision and control in order for the to performance and deliver. For some others, he is comfortable with them doing their own things in the belief that they have organizational interests at heart. Reflection By studying the leadership style of Mr. Lahm in his family business, I have learnt that I have areas to improve on in my leadership skills. To start with, I realized that giving weight to results rather than the process might be ineffective in the long run. I observed that Mr Lahm is more concerned about how employees perceive the services they receive but not how their physical fitness results are. This he does by not following up on the weight loss trends for those training to loose weight but by assessing how well these people feel well catered for and supported in their quest to loose excessive body weight. This is because weight loss is not a function of exercise only, which the business provides, but also of diet and hereditary factors. Good personal organization is representative of how one can manage an organization (Greenleaf & Spears, 2002). As for Mr. Lahm, he maintains a strict code of self discipline in personal exercise which has imported to his business skills. In my case, I realized that I have a relatively disorganized behavior that can also reflect on my leadership skills in an organization. As such, personal traits play a very huge role in shaping leadership skills. Mr. Lahm has shown success in his management style. His style of leadership suits well in managing a team and not a whole organization. Two year leadership plan Vision: Step 1: Initiate a leadership improvement program to continue my professional education in (a broad area of interest) in order to identify areas of needed improvement and encourage development of my own ideas on management and leadership and the way to go about it. Actions. -Type, source of materials identified, arrangements made. Done___ -- # of books read and leadership seminars attended. Done__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __   -Keep a journal of thoughts/reactions to those readings. Started ___ --Entries made __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __  --Evaluate and synthesize on a (periodic) basis. Done__ __ __ __ __ __ __  Step 2: Initiate discussions of my ideas with colleagues and self on arising issues.  Actions: -Within the first two months in my new organization, identify a peer/mentor with whom I can discuss my readings and reactions. --Observe/talk with peers/seniors and make notes on their professional interests. Ongoing __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __  --At end of (#) month period to review notes /select person(s).Done__ __  Step 3: Observe what’s happening in other organizations and keep abreast with new literature on leadership and management. . Actions -Means, type of sources for monitoring real world policy/actions identified. Done__ -Add thoughts/reactions to journal. Entries made__ __ __ __ __ __ -Review and compare to ideas in readings every (period). Done __ __ __ __ Caring: Step 1: Demonstrate appreciation of my colleagues as people and professionals. Actions. -In my new organization, observe colleagues to determine apparent strengths, weaknesses , interaction patterns. Started __ --Mentally review what learned that day on trip home. Done__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __  --(If Leader) Keep file of pertinent professional info/performance on each member of organization. Started__ -Randomly, once a (period) make the rounds talking about work and complimenting others on their efforts, performance. --Prepare by consulting file. Done  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __  --Walk/talk. Completed __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __  --File updated as appropriate. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __   -Offer to help others on projects when I can. Done __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ -Recognize and appreciate help received from others. Done __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __   Participating Leadership Style: Step 1: Observe others using the style. Actions. -Seek to obtain organizational calendar/senior’s schedules. Done__ -Attend planning sessions, brainstorming sessions and discussions and organizational meetings when possible. Done. __ __ __ __  -Observe and evaluate leadership style/techniques used by others.. -Recapitulate good/bad lessons in notebook. Done__ __ __ __ __ __ __  Step 2: Practice using the style. Actions. -Volunteer to head team efforts at least once within the first one year in my new organization. Done__ __ __ __ -Develop a written plan of action that also includes a list of reminders on leadership. Includes: Applying different techniques to see which work best for me. Appreciating contributions by others. Fair allocation of opportunities to make contributions. --Do so day before session. Done __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ --Take to session and follow. Done__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ -Always formulate a post-session appraisal of lessons-learned for next session. Done__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Delegating Leadership Style Step 1: Prepare to adopt the new style Actions. -evaluate guidance for delegating and develop a prompt list to use. Done.__ -Assess information on strengths and weaknesses of team/group members -Develop a match of people’s interests/capabilities to likely projects. Done__ Step 2: applying the style. Actions -In case of a new project, decide on what can be delegated to whom. Done __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ -Hold a delegation meeting and inform the group about delegation. Done __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ -Frequent review of delegatees’ performance and their progress and offer help where necessary Done __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ References Farmer, Neil, The invisible organization: how informal networks can lead organizational change, London: Longman, 2008 Greenleaf, R & Spears, L. Servant leadership: a journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness, New York: Paulist Press, 2002 Krocke, L. Power holders’ self- and target-evaluations, Boston: Bates Petrocke, P. Leadership & The Bases of Power – Part I n.d., (Retrieved online on 20th Nov from) Kouzes , J. & Posner, B. The leadership challenge: how to get extraordinary things done in organizations, New York: Jossey-Bass, 2004 Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A. and Dennison, P. (2003) A review of leadership theory and competency frameworks, (Retrieved online on 20th Nov from) Read More
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