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Importance of Community Safety - Coursework Example

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The paper "Importance of Community Safety" is a great example of management coursework. Community safety is the backbone of the success of most activities that are carried out. Community safety should not be restricted to anti-social behaviour, healthy inequalities and prosperity, but also in incidents that are related to fires and accidents…
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Community Safety Students’ Name Students’ Number Instructors Name 20 January 2009 Table of Contents 1.0 SARA Methodology……………………………………………………………3 2.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………….4 3.0 Scanning………………………………………………………………………..4 3.1 Main Problem…………………………………………………………………..4 3.2 Occurrence……………………………………………………………………..4 3.3 Consequences of Fire…………………………………………………………..5 3.4 Cause of Problem………………………………………………………………6 4.0 Analysis………………………………………………………………………...7 4.1 Reason for Occurrence of the problem…………………………………………7 4.2 Root Causes of Fire…………………………………………………………….7 4.2.1 Short-Circuiting of Electricity………………………………………………..7 4.2.2 Domestic Appliances…………………………………………………………7 4.2.3 Fire Safety Education………………………………………………………...8 5.0 Response………………………………………………………………………..8 5.1 Short Term Strategy……………………………………………………………8 5.2 Medium Term Strategy………………………………………………………...9 5.3 Long Term Strategies………………………………………………………….11 6.0 Assessment……………………………………………………………………12 7.0 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….13 8.0 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………...14 1.0 SARA Methodology Scanning There are frequent fires in estates and commercial buildings. It occurs when the people who are using electrical and home appliances uses the appliances without proper safety measures. The problem is brought about by carelessness of the people and poor quality property developers. The economy, society and environment are affected by the consequences of emergency and safety related problems. Analysis Ignorance and negligence is the root cause of most of the problems that affect community safety. The community does not have enough knowledge of importance of ensuring fire safety. Lack of fire safety and short-circuiting are the root causes of the fires that are witnessed in the buildings resulting in degradation of the environment. Moreover, poor enforcement of the regulation and standards is also the causative agents of non-compliance to community safety. Response The objective of the fire and rescue department is to reduce the number of emergencies resulting in decrease of injuries, fire case and fatalities. Short-term strategy includes educating the community on importance of community safety. Medium term ensures that quality services such as wiring and installation of fire depressors to reduce the chances of fire occurring are in place. Long-term strategies include enforcing properly the legislative and standards that are in place and bringing together multi-agencies organizations to solve the problem. Assessment The success of the strategies that have been developed is seen in the decrease of number of emergency, and its impacts both to the community and to economical sector. Available data has shown that the strategies have worked. 2.0 Introduction Community safety is the backbone of success of most activities that are carried out. Community safety should not be restricted to anti-social behaviour, healthy inequalities and prosperity, but also in incidents that are related to fires and accidents. An important aspect to uphold community safety is through engaging the local community in developing strategies that encourages community safety. Thus, the aim of this report is to analyze the roles that are played by the fire and rescue departments in promoting community safety especially in the build environments. 3.0 Scanning 3.1 Main Problem There is a rise in the number of fires that are found in the estates and high-rise buildings. Frequent fires have been witnessed mostly in the high-rise buildings, while minor fires are witnessed in estates. The fire and rescue department plays an important role in reducing and minimizing the complications that are caused by these fires. Moreover, it ensures that the community should stay in a safe environment (Leonard 1998). 3.2 Occurrence Through research and previous incidents, the fire and rescue department has found out that the main cause of fires is ignorance by the people who are using the building. Negligence and inconsiderate nature of the people who inhabits these buildings through throwing of cigarettes tub and matchstick anyhow is among the various causes that cause the fire. Moreover, short-circuiting and overloading of electrical connections and appliances by the people who reside in these buildings is another agent that causes fires. Additionally, flammable materials are placed near fireplaces that are used for cooking. For example, from statistics that is available from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for the period of 2004 and 2005, shows that 11% of the fires are caused by electrical complications while 53% are due to domestic complications. Information obtained from the Communities and Local government indicates that there were about four hundred and ninety one deaths in 2006 with fifty five thousand eight hundred fire cases in buildings. 3.3 Consequences of Fire Fires usually cause loss of property and lives. It brings economic loses and social difficulties and pain due to the people who die. When a building is on fire both the owners of the buildings and the government lose taxes and rental income. For example, data obtained from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister indicates that the cost of property damage was ₤2.52bn for the period of 2006. The same report shows that the damage of a commercial building is about ₤43,800, while that for vehicles it averaged at ₤4,400. The cost of responding to the emergency and fire cases is estimated at ₤1.74bn (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 2008). Apart from the economical and social impact of the fires, the environment also is affected because of the gases and emissions from the building and surrounding fires (Diamantes 2004). The emissions especially the smoke results in air pollution, may cause medical problems to the immediate inhabitants of the community, and negatively affects the climate. 3.4 Cause of Problem Inhabitants of the buildings are the core cause of the fires. The occupants and other people who access the building are ignorant and neglect risks that are associated with fires. For example, the people lack knowledge and understanding on the day-to-day activities that causes fires e.g. children playing with matchsticks or throwing of half-used cigarette. Additionally, architectural and safety design of the buildings is another cause of the fires. Health and safety standards is mandatory, an aspect that is neglected by many real estate owners. The loose wires and lack of emergency fire control measures such as alarms and sprinklers are some technical measures that are missing. Table 3.1: Cause of domestic fire, 2004/05 Cause % Accidents while cooking 53 Electrical equipment/wiring (including electric blankets) 11 Arson 7 Candles 7 Smoking and matches 5 Heating appliances/equipment and domestic fires (inc. chimney fires) 5 Children playing with fire (not matches or cigarette lighters) 2 Other causes of fire 9 Unweighted N 272 Table Courtesy of Office of the Deputy Prime Minister ( 4.0 Analysis 4.1 Reason for Occurrence of the problem The main causes of the fires are negligence and ignorance. Most of the fires that the fire and rescue service extinguish are due to carelessness and lack of basic knowledge that could have prevent the extent of the fire. Thus, proper education to the people in the area will decrease incidents of fire. This means that the lack of awareness and understanding had impact negatively on safety measures (Purkiss 1996). 4.2 Root Causes of Fire There are three causes of fires that the fire and rescue service usually attends. The common causes of fires are short-circuiting of electricity, domestic appliances and lack of fire and safety knowledge. 4.2.1 Short-Circuiting of Electricity Electricity plays an important role in the buildings. However, original installation of the electricity system may not have factored fully operations that the building will encompass. Thus, additional wiring and equipments may cause the electrical system to short-circuit resulting into fires (Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service 2009). 4.2.2 Domestic Appliances The day-to-day equipments that are used in and around the buildings may cause fires. Playing with matchsticks and half-used cigarettes may easily cause fire. Location of the cooking appliances such has the stove and gas may easily cause fire. For example, children may start playing with matchsticks and may drop the matchstick with flame onto some flammable material or clothing in the house resulting into fires. This is evident from the statistics that is obtained from the Communities and Local Government (2008) data shows that in 2006 there were 55,800 buildings fires, which were caused by domestic appliances. Additionally, the cooking appliances recorded 56% of the causative agent of 2006 dwelling houses. 4.2.3 Fire Safety Education Most of the fires occur because of lack of fire safety knowledge. Many people are ignorant and neglect minor fire problems, which later results to hazardous fires. The community should be told the importance of fire safety in their day-to-day activities (Tilley 2005). 5.0 Response The objective of the fire and rescue service is to decrease the number of emergency problems and decrease the impact to the community. Additionally, any emergency that may occur should have minimal impact to the environment. Thus, the department fulfils its requirement to raise the living standards of the community in terms of health and safety. Nevertheless, the fire and rescue department tries to eliminate any root cause of emergency incidents. Thus, the department has put into place three operation periods that will ensure that the emergency problems are reduced or removed (Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service 2009). 5.1 Short Term Strategy Various countries have shown that community safety education is a fundamental goal in reducing the amount of emergencies that can occur (Menon 2007). Thus, public education is the foundation to ensuring the improvement of community safety; reduce extent of injury and deaths. Public fire and life safety education, fire investigation, code development and enforcement and fire inspection are the key aspects that ensure community safety is ensured in preventing fires save lives and protect property from uneducated communities. Thus, when the community safety education is combined with other basic living skills it brings up a community that is rational and conscious on the community needs (Rasbash 2004). Nevertheless, community safety education is not based on training on importance of conservation of life and deterrence of accidents, but also it is the foundation of moulding an upright citizen. This means that fire and safety departments should inform the community on the importance of practicing safe and conscious living standards. This department should collaborate with the media since the media has the ability of reaching more people at the same time. For example, the fire and rescue department follow incidents of domestic fires through leaflets dropping and surveys within the immediate community. The fire-fighters advice the people who live in housing estates on the importance of domestic fire control. Some of the fire and rescue departments produce audio cassettes and video that aids visual and sign language (Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service 2008). 5.2 Medium Term Strategy Short-circuiting and electrical wiring problems is common fire causative agent. Concentrating and targeting this weakness of buildings will reduce the 11% of fires that are attributed to the electrical fires. This can be accomplished by working together with other agencies such as the local housing authorities and HSE (Health and Safety Executives) in determining of electrical wiring that is incorporated in the buildings. Thus, the electrical wiring in various buildings should have the capability and ability to supply enough power to the occupants. The buildings should have many wall sockets at strategic locations; this prevents the occupants from tampering with the electrical system. The living standards of the people should be improved. This will play an important role in ensuring that the community safety is promoted. When the living standards improve, the community will develop new ways of seeing the importance of their lives resulting in preservation of the community endowment (Diamantes 2004). Construction and production industries play an important role in determining the quality of the houses that are constructed and quality of appliances in the buildings. Fire and rescue department should put in place structural designs and give the limits that the buildings and surrounding may be used for. Thus, when a fire or emergency occurs, the local authorities and other multi-agencies have basic design of the buildings and structures giving a higher chance of rescue success. The fire and rescue departments should include the public in day-to-day activities i.e. giving the community part time jobs in the department. As the people from the local community support the department activities, they also continually learn community safety measures which they later apply in developing the community safety standard. Utilization of technological and engineering means usually decrease the extent of risks that are associated with fires in the community. Fire alarms and sprinklers, especially automatic, usually play an important role in reducing the exposure time of the fire. When an emergency occurs, the alarm goes on and the sprinklers may put off fires in the building. Most fires that are witnessed all over the world is because of poor fire control and insulation means. Materials such as aluminium cladding reduce the spread of fires to adjacent buildings or rooms. Utilization of fire inhibitors materials reduces extend of damage that may be caused by fires. 5.3 Long Term Strategies The aim of any fire and rescue department is to promote fire protection to the buildings within their reach. This brings around the many by-laws and regulations that have to guide this practice. The department has various laws and standards that guide the day-to-day activities and some of these laws apply to the housing industry in determining the quality of the buildings and ability to manage emergency in this buildings. However, there are many regulations and legislative directives that come into play in community safety; the important thing is how these regulations and legislative directives are enforced (Diamantes 2004). Emergency control is not based alone on engineering solutions, but communicating and selling the importance of putting community safety first. This means that the staff of the emergency departments should have the skill, attributes and knowledge that can deliver the essential important of emergency prevention and protection. Moreover, the government should develop regulations and directives that bring together many agencies in developing and upholding the importance of community safety. Moreover, combining of the operations and fire prevention branches in the fire and rescue service into bringing together staff from fire safety enforcement, fire –fighters and community fire safety has gone along way in improving the way that community safety is administered. 6.0 Assessment According to the statistics that are obtained from Community and Local government department has shown that fire related emergencies have fallen in the period of December 2006. From this statistics, residential building fires fell by 4% while for other buildings, it fell by 7%, and vehicle fires fell by 10%. In UK, false alarms fell by 1% while malicious false alarms fell by 14%. The deaths that were recorded in domestic buildings fell by 4% and injuries also fell by 4% (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 2008). The decrease of fire and emergency incidents is attributed in the success of prevention strategies. Education campaign plays an important role, making people to know the importance of community safety. The government and emergency institutions campaigned for the importance for fire safety prevention and the importance of keeping the environment free from pollution. 7.0 Conclusion Community safety plays an important role in ensuring that the community lives in a place that their own lives are not at a risk. Fires are among the many emergence cases that the community safety initiative addresses. Ignorance and negligence is the foundation of most fires and emergency problems in the community. Short-circuiting, poor electrical system and improper utilization of domestic appliances are the agents of most fires. However, education and campaigns on the importance of ensuring community safety goes a long way in averting emergency problems from the community. The available statistics from the Office of Deputy Prime Minister and Communities and Local Government has shown that positive responses are witnessed in employed of strategic objectives of fire and rescue departments. 8.0 Bibliography Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, 2009, Community Safety, Accessed 20 January 2009, Communities and Local Government, 2007, Fire Statistics Monitor, Accessed 20 January 2009, Diamantes, D., 2004, Principles of Fire Prevention, London: Cengage Learning Publishers. Douglass J., 2006, Building Adaptation, London: Butterworth-Heinemann. Gowen, S., 2000, Community Safety: Ideas into Action, London: Community Links. Humberside Fire and Rescue, 2009, Safety, Accessed 20 January 2009, Kiurski, T., Creating a Fire Safe Community, New York: Pennwell Books. Leicestershire fire and Rescue service, 2009, Your Safety, Accessed 20 January 2009, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, 2008, Risk Management Plan 2008-2011: Our Strategic Objectives and Action Items, Accessed 20 January 2009, Leonard, B., 1998, Fire Safety Education Resource Directory, London: DIANE Publishers. Menon, S., 2007, Fire & Flood: Fire and Flood, New York: The Rosen Publishing Group. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Department, 1999, Community Fire Safety Plan, London: North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Services National Fire Protection Association, 1999, Risk Watch, London: NFPA Publishers. Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2008, The Economic Cost of Fire: Estimates for 2004, London: ODPM Publications. Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2008, Fires in the Home: Findings from the 2004/2005 Survey of English Housing, Accessed 20 January 2009, Pitts, J., 2001, Crime, Disorder and Community Safety, London: Routledge Publishers. Purkiss, A., 1996, Fire Safety Engineering Design of Structures, New York: Elsevier Publishers. Rasbash, D., 2004, Evaluation of Fire Safety, New York: John Wiley and Sons Publishers. Rossomando, C., The Community-based Fire Safety Education, New York: Rossomando Associates. Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service, 2009, Fire Safety Enforcement, Accessed 20 January 2009, Tilley, N., 2005, Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety, London: Willan Publishing. Read More
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