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MBA Executive University / Innovation / Changing Competitive Environments Need Structural Shifts - Term Paper Example

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THE BOUNDaRY LESS ORGANIZATION al Affiliation) Key words: Competitive environment, shifting paradigms Introduction Incidentally, competition is healthy in every sphere of the human existence. It is important to note that, competition is one of the…
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MBA Executive University / Innovation / Changing Competitive Environments Need Structural Shifts
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THE BOUNDaRY LESS ORGANIZATION al Affiliation) Key words: Competitive environment, shifting paradigms Introduction Incidentally, competition is healthy in every sphere of the human existence. It is important to note that, competition is one of the survival techniques in animals. On that note, animals compete for food, shelter, in other words the essential resources that require to be shared. However, this particular paper delves to highlight the aspect of competition in business and strive to support the argument that organizations which are faced by an increased competitive environment will have to make the significant structural changes in a bid to remain competitive in the area of business that they delve in basing our argument from the article ‘the boundary less organization’.

First and foremost, it is important to note in the area of business, innovation is one of the core values of this particular field. Essentially, over time different business enterprises come up with different innovations in order to cater for the demand in the market. Consequently, a lack of new innovative strategies will doom the business enterprise noncompetitive and therefore not successful. On that note, in a bid to ensure that this does not happen since many business organizations have strived to put in place the appropriate structural adjustments to cater for the changing competitive strategies of their competition.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is not all competition that is healthy. On that note, some competition can be destructive, in this sense, an individual or a company might decide to stoop low to the point of destroying the competitor through the harming of their infrastructure in a bid to gain the market. To this end, it is essential to practice the positive competition which is attributed to success and not the demise of the other business franchises. Reference"The Boundary less organization: breaking the chains of organizational structure.

" Choice Reviews Online 33.06 (1996): 33-3403-33-3403. Print.

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