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Concept of Inpatriation and Associated Challenges - Research Paper Example

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The paper “Concept of Inpatriation and Associated Challenges” analyzes several important components of compensations. Several important international compensation approaches have been discussed in this report along with their advantages and limitations with the help of several models…
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Concept of Inpatriation and Associated Challenges
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Concept of Inpatriation and Associated Challenges Executive Summary In perspective of international assignments, the cost of failure is high and the investment made by multinational corporations is required to be effectively analyzed to determine the success of potential assignments. It is believed that the rise of technological advancement, uncertainty and dynamism in the globalized market has augmented the importance of globalizing human resource management. Compensation also can be considered as one of the important and effective aspects in the global human resource management practices. There are several important components of compensations that have been discussed in this report. In addition to this, several important international compensation approaches have been discussed in this report along with their advantages and limitations with the help of several models. Finally, a reflection of entire module has been provided in the last section. Section One The prime objective of section one is to evaluate and examine the conceptions and challenges of international assignments. The concept of repatriation, inpatriation and expatriation has been critically analyzed. Two expatriation and repatriation support practices is being implemented in the report. Furthermore, the challenges associated with international assignments for multinational corporations have been effective evaluated and presented by using Stahl and Mendenhall. Introduction In the era of globalization, companies are trying to internationalize their business operation to improve and expand their business results. The World Investment Report in 2010 stated that more than 82,000 multinational enterprises with 77 million people and 81,000 associates were active working. The primary factors for rising rate of internationalization in business environment are homogenization of consumer demands, e-commerce, knowledge sharing, increased rate of migration, rapid technological development, in search of new markets and wide global communication. The internationalization can have significant impact towards the HRM department of several companies. Furthermore, it is believed that most of the traditional HRM practices in perspective to international framework is being adapted and remodelled to specific features to adjust to the foreign environment. There has been rapid upsurge of increasing the necessity of developing international management and transferring knowledge for the betterment of the organization. In other words, expatriation, inpatriation and repatriation have become pivotal part towards the success of companies and international management in global market. The prime purpose of the report is to evaluate challenges and concepts of HRM practices in international context. Additionally, this includes examination and analyzing of repatriation, inpatriation and expatriation. Moreover, two successful International HRM practices are being incorporated in the report to assist successful repatriation and expatriation processes. Concept of expatriation The expatriation is considered as individuals that are living in a country other than their nationality and citizenship country. This can be primarily for work reasons and often temporarily. Now-a-days, the expatriates are also named termed global workers, international workers, international designees, expats and expatriates. Furthermore, the result of amplification and separation of management and ownership lead to the introduction of expatriates to address the issues of agencies. The agencies are vital cog towards effective management practice (Zheng, 2012, p.38). According to Gailbraith and Edstrom, there are three motives which primarily describe the use of expatriates. The introduction of expatriates as a means of position fillers is the first motive. The lack of availability of capable host country nationals should led to the overview of expatriates. Associated challenges of expatriation It is often believed that assimilation of local workforce with the global workforce tends to fail. This is mainly due to the fact that human resource managers did not considered all frictions and irksome little situations that could have benefited for the plan to flourish. It is vital for HR managers in successful enterprises to anticipate complications towards the management of expatriates and deal with them efficiently. The need of transfer based on some Western management practices towards the international operations has not yet been amplified. The primary reason behind the minimal percentage of expatriate is high cost. The work-related difficulties and issues faced by foreign managers has been one of the challenges faced by multinational corporations to increase number of expatriates. The foreign managers are trying their utmost to create operative and effective international operations (Harzing, 2010, p.18). The rise of differential government regulations to govern international workforce has been another prime challenge for management of expatriation. The expatriates can have good performance within their domestic actions, this success do not assure success in the foreign environment. In terms of fostering diversity, the challenged faced by multinationals is to forge steadiness and consistency in international workforce. Concept of inpatriation and Associated Challenges The inpatriation involves and includes the allocation of local nationals to the multinational corporations on permanent and semi-permanent base. Through the localization strategy, the inpatriation are considered to lessen the proportion of foreign expatriates. Furthermore, it is believed to foster and raise the international assignment especially for local staff members. The transfer of knowledge is effectively facilitated by inpatriates from subsidiaries to the headquarters and headquarters to the subsidiaries. Inpatriates are part of the environment of host countries (Dowling, 2008, p.77). Additionally, they are more acquaintance and familiar towards the changes in the home market. One of the primary challenges is to determine and know the minority status of inpatriates. It would determine the ability of inpatriates. The amount of time spent on assignment decides ability development of inpatriates for trustful relationships. The knowledge that is being conveyed is believed to be effective approach to raise and nurture abilities (Engle, 2008, p.140). The policies and strategies implemented by organization for interpreting the prime drive of international tasks. The obtainment of adequate information and knowledge to address the mental condition and situation of inpatriates, it is claimed the importance of boundary spanning role can be effectively fulfilled by the inpatriates. Enterprises also notified that inpatriates are not only required to be mixed and socialized towards the corporate culture of multinational corporations but also challenged to respond to the pressured of acculturation. This rise of acculturation pressures is caused by the alteration in the project culture. The culture of projects has been critical towards intensification of inpatriates (Kevin, 2007, p.71). Therefore, it is critical for multinationals to determine strategies and practices to nullify associated challenges and concerns of inpatriation. Concept of repatriation and Associated Challenges The concept of repatriation is returning individuals to their citizenship and place of origin. It is also referred as return of capital from foreign country towards its place of origin. The repatriation or reassignment is believed to be final step from the expatriation process. Expats returns from failed assigned job, the prerequisite of expats to move towards an additional global assignment to fortify their expertise and skills, the posting period is over and unhappiness on overseas assignment are certain reasons of repatriation. The lack of fruitful communication and has been primary cause towards rise of unhappiness (Tarique, 2012, p.162). For example, an American person is converting Euro in to U.S. dollars. Organizational, individual and socio-cultural factors exemplify the associated challenges of repatriation. Organizational factors There are no formal repatriation programs introduced by majority of enterprises to help expatriates readapt and settle on returning home. The program cost, lack of requisite expertise and absence of apparent need from top management are some of the reasons provided by enterprises and firms for no formal repatriation program (Edwards, 2007, p.62). The spouse is believed to have small proportion of the repatriation programs. The less amount of support from multinational corporations and high rate of focus on international cultural modification are other challenges of repatriation. These are considered as organizational factors that has become challenging situation for effective repatriation. Individual factors The individual factors are basically job related factors that have made repatriation challenging for organization. The losses of status, work adjustment, career anxiety are individual factors. The loss of status includes responsibility, autonomy and lower pay. These individual factors can intensify and upsurge rate of individuals criteria (Shepherd, 2009, p.12). The career anxiety includes alteration in the home-based workplace, no guarantee on post assignment and loss of visibility. Socio-cultural factors It is difficult for reestablishment of social networks especially in home country. For example, the families and the expatriate are being moved in the home country. The reason could be friends of the expatriate have moved away and the individual have no time for social happenings. The social readjustment difficulties of supplementary and accompanying the family member of the expatriate is also required to be considered. Furthermore, this reestablishment is required to focus on way expatriates have adjust their lifestyle towards the surroundings (Thite, 2004, p.52). These are certain socio-cultural factors that are challenges for effective repatriation. Multinational company performs that aids towards the success of repatriation and expatriation International selection and recruitment criteria The development of appropriate selection criterion is critical to understand the expatriate failure. There are certain factors for international expatriate selection criteria such as MNE requirements, language, family requirements, technical ability, cross-cultural suitability and cultural requirements. The criteria for recruitment process focuses on management skills, specific technical skills and behavioural aspects. Expatriation support practices The performance appraisal The performance appraisal is considered as important task for subsidiary managers to lessen possibility of conflict between headquarters and subsidiary managers. The language barriers, cultural differences and political conditions can make management of expatriate more difficult task. The appraisal task is carried by multinational corporations using host-based or home-based tactic (Collings, 2014, p.54). Furthermore, the performance appraisal of expatriates is carried out by home-based tactic. These appraisals are considered to be implemented once in every year to ensure the performance applied by every individual working within the organization is better. On the other hand, host country nationals and third-country nationals are appraised by the host system. 360-degree feedback is another appraisal strategy employed can assist MNCs to provide peer for people who work with closer proximity with the expatriates. A narrative report is created by the immediate manager on the subject of expatriates output and quality. This report is based on performance of expatriates on different political and cultural environment (Wood, 2014, p.42). Moreover, measurement techniques used by organizations are comparison, behavioural checklist and simple rankings. Background research on cultural history and host country It is critical for multinational corporations to notify and know the cultural history of the host country. The country where employees are deployed is required to be thoroughly researched and studied. This provided detail explanation about necessity alteration and changes required to address issues of expatriates (Stahl, 2012, p.43). The cultural differences and host-country is being investigated to increase intercultural knowledge and bring positive outcome for the organization. Every country has different cultural values and norms. Some of the countries are believed to values individual achievement more than any other cultural perspectives. The prime purpose of expatriates is quickly adjusted towards the unfamiliar organizational and cultural circumstances. The unique demand of the job is to quickly change accordance with the host country organization. the performance of individuals and expatriates is dependent upon detailed analysis on cultural environment of host country (Dickman, 2008, p.65). Therefore, the company needs to implement cross-cultural adjustment approach to evaluate and refer to the level of comfort for expatriates on host country. Repatriation support practices Pre-departure briefing on return The application of pre-departure training model is beneficial for organization to evaluate and assess people who are going to the send for international assessment. The employees are trained by this model to adjust to the new environment. This enables MNCs to enhance culture awareness of repatriates. The cognitive approach is another method of pre-departure training model that include language training, cultural briefings and country briefings. Furthermore, the repatriates are evaluated and update through meetings and sessions on returns (Crawley, 2013, p.43). The employees that are returning to the home country have to go through a several sessions to notify and state that they are fit for the job. The briefing is based on analyzing the rate of improvement on intercultural communication, self-understanding, experience from returned exchange, coping cycle and adjustment level. Career planning The repatriation of individuals on their home country can be accompanied by problems such as career disillusionment, personal adjustment, family finances and corporate adjustment. The repatriation problems can be prevented by introduction of effective career planning. This benefits multinational corporations to have long term planning for making suitable and appropriate vacancy for repatriates. Furthermore, the repatriates is required to be considered as corporate asset. The advice and information provided by repatriates should be implemented in to international career planning of MNCs. the application of re-entry program within business process is regarded as career planning program that helps in the returning transition. The recruitment and selection criteria are regarded as vital repatriation practice and activity (Dowling, 2008, p.21). The employee assessment program is implemented to understand and analyze the psychological, emotional and mental condition of repatriates. Conclusion This can be concluded that there should be notable changes in international assignment to attain success across national borders and internationally. The existing differences in national and international human resource management lead to the emergence of several debated drawbacks and challenges for international assignments. The approach implemented by organization to focus on international human resource management the challenges of globalization and technological advancement is being addressed by providing descriptive information of assignment forms for multinational corporations. The international assignments have become primary objective and strategic instrument of MNCs to compete globally. Several beneficial practices and activities implemented by multinational companies are based on the success of expatriation and repatriation. The expatriation support practices include performance appraisal, continuity support, language courses, repatriation support, general briefing, in-country support and background information about the host country. The repatriation support practices include career planning, financial advice, re-orientation on return, pre-departure briefing and on-going communications. Moreover, the ability of understanding cultural differences on host countries can benefit organizations to ensure then expatriates, inpatriates and repatriates facilitate cultural adaptation and perform job responsibilities. Recommendations The range of activities implemented by human resource manager should be in broader perspective to manage people in international environments. The repatriation and expatriate issues faced by international HRM managers can be reduced by focusing on certain criteria. There should be clear outline about job description for the position of expatriates. The company should provide effective language and cross-cultural training to increase rate of adaptation and effectiveness. the application of support practices can benefit expatriates and repatriates to face international environment in more focused and broad way (Fisher, 2004, p.848). The expat developmental plan should be established. Furthermore, there should be development of career tracking systems to rewards employees that are returning. Moreover, the spouse should be assisted with interview, resume writing and job counselling practices. References Collings, D., 2014. International HRM. London: Routledge. Crawley, E., 2013. Introduction to international HRM. New Jersey: Pearson. Dickman, M., 2008. International HRM. London: Cambridge University Press. Edwards, P., 2007. International HRM. New Jersey: Pearson. Engle, A., 2008. International HRM Practices. New York: Springer. Engle, A., 2008. International HRM. New Jersey: Pearson. Fisher, L., 2004. Human Resource Management. New York: Springer. Harzing, A., 2010. International HRM. London: Sage. Kevin, O., 2007. Strategic Knowledge Management in HRM. Stamford: Cengage Learning. Shepherd, W., 2009. International Business and HRM. New York: McGraw-Hill. Stahl, G., 2012. Research in International HRM. Stamford: Cengage Learning. Tarique, I., 2012.l International HRM. London: Kogan Page. Thite, M., 2004. Managing People. London: Routledge. Wood, G., 2014. International Human Resource Management. Munich: GRIN Verlag. Zheng, Y., 2012. Managing HRM in International Market. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Section Two This part of the module will critically analyze the approaches and components of international reward and compensation, and associate challenges. Introduction Global business environment is changing constantly due to growing market competition. Human resource department can be considered as important department of each and every organization in this world. Compensation and reward distribution can be considered as one of the most important aspects in HRM department. Most importantly, effective compensation and reward distribution actually helps an organization to motivate its employees. In addition to this, it is also true that reward and compensation processes used to differ from each other in different countries consider several aspects, such as cultural aspects and ongoing developed policies. There are several challenges too in the countries regarding reward and compensation distribution process. However, basic pay, allowances, benefits and salary are some important reward and compensation aspects of employees within the organization. In addition to this, employers can consider home-based, host-based and local-based reward and compensation approaches. But, it is highly important for the employers to consider these approaches considering individual benefits and limitations. The employers should consider different methods to enhance effective compensation and reward distribution process within the organization. It is highly important for the organization to take care of challenges and limitations during these practices to overcome any kinds of HRM related issues. Components of International Reward and Compensation and Associated Challenges The followings are the major reward and compensation components and will be discussed respectively. Base Pay or Salary Base pay or salary can be considered as a fixed amount of money that is paid to a staff or an employee by the organization in return for the workplace performance ensured by the employees. Salary or basic pay can be considered as the most general and common form of reward distribution within an organization. Employers generally focus on base pay or salary as major compensation and reward component comparing to the others (Harris, 2009, p.15). Basic pay or salary actually does not include bonuses, benefits or any other form of indirect compensation or intangible compensation. Basic salary is known as or recognized as tangible compensation provided to the employees by the employers. There is a common challenge for the employers in different countries regarding basic pay or salaries for the employees. Sometime, employers cannot get expected return against their paid salary to employees due to lack of knowledge and competence of the employees. In addition to this, they go for employee termination that is illegal in sometimes. Unethical and illegal termination often leads to several organizational challenges in international market (Bhatia, 2009, p.91). This actually creates legal issue for employers as the employees have the right to sue the organization in case of any kind of illegal action. This actually affects the image and reputation of the organization among the important stakeholders. Allowances An employee can get two types of allowances as component of reward and compensation in organizations, such as accounting allowance and manufacturing allowance. Accounting allowance can be considered as tax free amount that is subtracted from a particular income to reflect at taxable income. This amount generally paid to employees as a part of contracted salary package. On the other hand, manufacturing allowance can be considered as acceptable wastage or increment included during the time of production or other types of manufacturing processes. It has been identified that employees in several countries generally find it difficult to get the advantages of allowances according to the contracts in several times. It actually affects the image of organization and motivation of the employees respectively. These issues generally de-motivate the employees to work properly as effective amount and structure of allowance motivate employees to perform effectively (Rowley, 2010, p.19). On the other hand, it actually increases the possibility of employee poaching. Therefore, the organization’s image and reputation can get affected. On the other hand, giving unnecessary or excessive allowances can hamper the profitability aspect of the organizations. Therefore, it should be taken care of by the employers considering the employment policies and challenges in other countries. Benefits Benefits in compensation and reward can be considered as non-wage or intangible rewards provided by the employers to the employees, such as tuition reimbursement, vacations, sick leaves and other types of different benefits for employees and family members of the employees. Several employees in MNCs try to enjoy benefits provided by the organizational leaders as these boost the motivational level of employees (Schuler, 2012, p.25). The employers also can face challenges regarding the consideration of this compensation or reward components. If the employers fail to fulfil their promise regarding providing benefits, the employees have the right to make complaint against their organization. In some case, the employees generally face issues regarding the utilization of leaves and other medical facilities. In this particular case, the employers can face difficulty and they can face huge trouble to maintain their trust among the important stakeholders (Sparrow, 2010, p.98). On the other hand, maintaining benefits of employees of different cultural background also can be considered as a challenging task considering the different types of festival leave benefits of employees. In this case, the employers need to employ effective leadership style in order to overcome this issue. Inducement or Hardship Premium In some cases, parent or home country individuals receive compensation benefit or a salary premium as an incentive in order to receive or accept compensation or a foreign assignment for any kind of hardship caused by the particular transfer. This component helps managers to enhance fast and flexible compensation services (Scarpello, 2007, p.79). This also can be considered as foreign services. It is true that, in some cases employers generally find it easy to use this service. But, in some cases; employees generally face difficulty as they can get the basic salary between 5 and 40 percent through this services (Sengupta, 2007, p.81). This process can create several issues regarding workplace environment and employee de-motivation. There are several organizations that generally consider basic form of reward or compensation distribution process. The employers generally try to avoid this option as it is both time and cost consuming. Now-a-days, the organizations are going for cost-cutting policy and employee motivation. Therefore, the employers are going for allowances and benefits for employees apart from the basic pay or distribution of structured salaries. All these components are important in HRM practices and employers need to knowledgeable enough in order to overcome any kind of issue that can hamper the organization’s image or reputation. International Reward and Compensation Approaches and Associated Challenges This part of the report will discuss about home-based approach, host-based approach and local-plus approach. Home-Based Approach = Limitations and Benefits Home-based approach is also known as balance sheet approach. “Several multinational organizations generally use this particular approach in order to determine the expatriate compensation” (Singh, 2007, p.91). This particular approach provides an important compensation package that tries to balance the purchasing power of an expatriate in his or her home country. There are several advantages and limitations of this home-based approach. In terms of advantages, this particular approach facilitates the expatriates the re-entry aspect. In an addition, this particular approach enhances effective communication process between employees and employer. Most importantly, it ensures equality or balance between assignments and expatriates of the similar nationalities. On the other hand, in terms of limitations; it can be seen as a complex approach to the administrators. In addition to this, it can result into high inequality between the local nationals and expatriates (Keely, 2001, p.31). In terms of masculinity vs. Femininity aspect, the multinational organizations always try to make a balance between these two. In terms of long-term orientation vs. Short term orientation, the organizations always try to focus on high long-term orientation in order to enhance effective workplace performance. In terms of indulgence vs. Restraint aspect, the organizations always try to focus on high indulgence degree in order to maintain freedom of employees within the organization. Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory on reward practice can be implemented here. This theory consists of six dimensions. In terms of power distance index, the organizations generally focus on low power distance index in order to share rewards and compensation equally among each and every employee based on individual competence (Mendonca, 2007, p.62). In terms of individualism vs. Collectivism, the organizations generally focus on high collectivism in order to ensure effective performance evaluation and appropriate reward distribution. This aspect decides which organization goes for collaborative group performance and which organization goes for vertical integration (Taylor, 2004, p.47). In terms of uncertainty avoidance index, multinational organizations focus on high uncertainty avoidance index in order to overcome employee poaching rate through effective reward distribution process. These six dimensions need to be considered in order to ensure effective HRM practices. Host-Based Approach = Limitations and Benefits In this particular approach, the basic salary of employee for international transfer is directly linked to the host country’s salary structure (Heneman, 2002, p.38). The multinational organizations usually gain information from the respective local compensation survey. This approach has several advantages as well as disadvantages. In terms of advantages, it is considered as simple approach (Tanwar, 2012, p.128). It maintains equity among different nationalities. This approach has effective identification with the compensation structure of the host country. It maintains equity with the regional nationals. In terms of limitations, it has several potential re-entry problems as the managers in international market have to handle different types of complex assignments (Singh, 2007, p.289). In addition to this, it has variation between the provided assignments for similar employees. Lastly, it has also variation between the same nationalities’ expatriates in different countries. Resource based theory under the international reward and compensation theory can be implemented here. “Human resource can be considered as one of the greatest asset of a multinational corporation” (Harzing, 2014, p.21). According to this, theory, the multinational corporation generally try to focus on effective employee motivation and development of employee-friendly policies in the workplace in order to maintain a strong workforce in the international markets. Generally, multinational organizations consider this resource-based theory of reward distribution in order to maintain and take care of the expectations and satisfaction level of the employees. Last but not the least; this resource-based theory helps the employees to get their expected return against their effort in workplace (Ghosh, 2012, p.32). Local-Plus Approach = Limitations and Benefits Local-Plus approach also can be considered as a global market compensation approach. It s generally viewed as continuous approach. In this approach, several periods of time and employees are considered in the various countries. This particular approach has several advantages as well as disadvantages. In terms of limitation, it can be stated that it is one of the most complex approach for the administrators (Upoadhaya, 2009, p.17). In terms of advantages, this specific approach generally helps to maintain equality between the expatriates and local nationals as this approach helps managers as well as leaders to develop mutual benefits among employees of different socio-cultural benefits (Sengupta, 2012, p.31). On the other hand, it also maintains consistency and equity among the expatriate groups. Several organizations use this approach as it is quite flexible approach for international compensation. Divergence and convergence HRM theory can be considered here. According to convergence approach, the multinational organizations generally focus on the integration of economic theories to maintain a central standpoint.. “According to the divergence theory; the organizations generally focus on the cultural paradigm among the employees of different culture within the multinational organizations” (Briscoe, 2012, p.34). It actually helps the employer to maintain the economic standards as well as employee’s equality within the workplace (Deb, 2009, p.81). Employees can get motivated through this approach without compromising the organizational culture across the world. Most importantly, this theory helps the multinational corporations to be positive with the organizational outcomes. Conclusions and Recommendations It is clear that compensation and reward distribution process can be considered as one of the important and effective aspect for the employees as well as employer in this present era of globalization. The skills, competence, knowledge and effort of the employees need to be accurately compensated in order to maintain strength of the workforce in the multinational corporations. In addition to this, the managers as well as organizational leaders need to focus on effective policy development and implementation practices for the betterment of reward and compensation practices. It can be recommended that the managers and the leaders of the multinational corporation should try to focus on effective and attractive compensation package development policies for expatriate managers as well as employees in order to ensure effective workplace environment. It should be taken care of during the development of international compensation policy considering the socio-economic culture of the both host and parent country as it is highly important to handle employees of different cultural background with the help of effective compensation package (Aswathappa, 2007, p.227). Last but not the least; the managers in the multinational firms should consider the strategic flexibility model in order to overcome the limitations of home-country compensation policy approach. This approach will influence the managers to maintain a mutual and sustainable balance between the employees of host and home country (Morton, 2009, p.98). The multinational organizations should try to organize conferences in regular basis in order to ensure effective bonding between employees and employer. It will also help the organizations develop the attitude and image of the organizations significantly among the important stakeholders. References Aswathappa, K., 2007. International HRM. New Jersey: Pearson. Bhatia, S., 2009. HRM in Global Scenario. London: Sage. Briscoe, D., 2012. HRM Practices. London: Rowman & Littlefield. Deb, T., 2009. Performance and Reward Management. New York: Springer. Ghosh, B., 2012. Compensation and Reward Management. Stamford: Cengage Learning. Harris, H., 2009. International HRM: Contemporary Issues. Stamford: Cengage Learning. Harzing, AQ., 2014. International HRM. London: Cambridge University Press. Heneman, R., 2002. Strategic Reward Management. London: Routledge. Keely, T., 2001. HRM Practices. London: Kogan Page. Mendonca, M., 2007. Compensation: Effective reward management. London: Sage. Morton, B., 2009. The Global HR Manager. London: Routledge. Rowley, C., 2010. Human Resource Management. New York: Springer. Scarpello, V., 2007. The handbook of HRM. London: Rowman & Littlefield. Schuler, R., 2012. International HRM. London: Routledge. Sengupta, N., 2007. International Human Resource management. London: Sage. Sengupta, N., 2012. International HRM. London: IGI. Singh, B., 2007. Compensation and Reward Management. London: Routledge. Singh, L., 2007. Compensation and reward management. New York: Oxford University Press. Sparow, P., 2010. International HRM Management. London: Routledge. Tanwar, B., 2012. Management of Human Resource. New Jersey: Pearson. Taylor, S., 2014. International HRM. London: Harvard University Press. Upadhay, L., 2009. Compensation management. London: Routledge. Section Three: Personal Reflection The challenges of international assignments are required to be examined by MNCs to become successful in international market. The aim of this part of the report is to focus repatriation, inpatriation and expatriation issues. Several multinational enterprises have utilized new acquired skills to ensure than repatriates are provided with challenging assignments. This practices and performs can act as guide for repatriates towards expansion of operations in home country. The reverse cultural shock can have serious impact towards the effectiveness of the employee. Many multinational corporations have introduced pre-departure training within their business operations to ensure the success and effectiveness of the expatriates. This practice includes career counselling and career planning for the spouse. To overcome the effect of cultural shock by expatriates, career development consultations and counselling workshops are certain training methods introduced by multinational corporations. Many MNCs has also introduced cross-cultural adjustment training programs for expatriates and their family members. Furthermore, extensive studies provide vivid explanation that training programs can be beneficial towards the reduction of time required for expatriates to succeed in overseas assignments. This provides effective knowledge and information that international HRM managers cannot rely focusing on one best practice. There should be constant evaluation and evolvement in the HRM practices to become and global and international success. The multinational corporations with returning expatriates are required to recognize and notify their potentialities and vulnerabilities. The content of the module regarding international HRM provided me opportunity to enhance my communication skills and relate with the people that are from diversified cultural background. The cross-cultural training perspective has provided clear vision on how to negotiate with reserved and individualistic kind of individuals. The rate of globalization has benefited and prepared me to be fully enlightened and equipped towards my managerial role of assisting successful repatriation and expatriation processes. The workshops and seminars of skills developmental programs would help me in future managerial role of international human resource management. The expatriation and repatriation support practices discussed in the report helped me to understand and comprehend several common language courses, general briefing, benefits, performance appraisal, career planning and financial advice activities. This benefitted me to gain more knowledge on employee engagement and employee relations. The paper provided vivid information that it is challenging for companies to minimize the complexity of workforce to thrive in international market. Human resource management has been considered as one of the most effective and important departments in organizations. In most of the cases, several organizational leaders or managers try to focus on effective strategy development process in order to ensure effective business operation growth rate. Most importantly, there are several organizations that are considering the important o0f effective recruitment and selection process in the international market places as the cultural di9fferences of employees in the international markets play a significant role. Several aspects need to be considered by the human resource managers before the development of recruitment and selection process. Several organizations are going for employee poaching approach. Therefore, effective training and development programme for the employees within the workplaces will help me to enhance the knowledge and competency of the employees within the workplace. In addition to this, this module has helped me to determine the importance of effective performance evaluation and performance appraisal of employees. Effective performance evaluation will help me to track the improvement of employees within the workplace. In addition to this, it will also help me to motivate the employees within the workplaces as a manager. Finally, the importance of effective reward and compensation distribution processes can be considered in this section. It is true that, effective compensation and distribution management process can help the organizations to make it act as a motivational tool for the employees. In addition to this, several organizations will also need to act it as a cultural dimension considering socio-cultural aspects of different countries. Compensation and reward distribution management can be considered as one of the important aspects in global human resource management practices. Several leading organizations across the world are trying to capitalize on the potential opportunities that have been developed due to globalization. In addition to this, several organizations are trying to focus on development of effective HRM policies in order to maintain effective business performance. However, the knowledge about the difference compensation policies will help the future managers to develop effective compensation structure for the employees. Compensation policy can help an organization to motivate employees as effective compensation components generally help the people within the organization to perform effectively. In addition to this, several organizations are also trying to focus on significant motivational tools to engage employees in the strategy or policy development process. Compensation benefits can be considered as important motivation tool that help employees to stick to the organizatiuo0ns in international market places. The managers of multinational corporations need to ensure these things in order to avoid different types of workplace conflicts. There are several contents of the report that would effectively help me to enhance my future managerial role. 1. The understanding of human resource management processes towards international assignment has been increased. Furthermore, the paper is also focused on international selection and recruitment criteria that managers should follow. This valuable information helped to learn how selection and recruitment process in point of fact works in different countries. 2. There are certain variables that have distinctive impact towards the success of an organization in international assignments. These variables of repatriation, inpatriation and expatriation enable to develop my skills to evaluate challenging areas of international market. 3. The cross-cultural factors and techniques have helped to develop my communications skills and ability to adjust to different cultural background. 4. Effective international compensation approach will help the future managers to understand the economic standard of various countries and develop compensation packages for the employees accordingly. It is the major concern for the managers of multinational corporations to ensure effective compensation packages for the employees in this present era of intense market competition. This module will help the managers to practice HRM policies quite effectively. Read More
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The Challenges of E-business

This paper "The challenges of E-business" discusses how e-businesses have taken over traditional businesses and how technological developments have affected the supply chain and the customer's demands.... Further, it also discusses the challenges faced by e-business at organizational and global levels.... The internet as a medium to exchange information has made customers close to the businesses which have brought great challenges to the existing businesses....
7 Pages (1750 words) Term Paper

Expatriates Issues in International Joint Ventures

Researchers have discussed that the basic guess associated with international staffing in U.... The focus of this paper is on some newer developments in expatriate studies in Europe but here we summarize the contribution of these studies in each area of the cycle.... The empirical studies on trends in international staffing policies and practices reveals some variation between European and U....
14 Pages (3500 words) Essay

Expatriates and the problems associated with international diemensions

This gives rise to specific challenges in fulfilling his/her assignment successfully.... Such challenges may relate to discharging the functions of leading, communicating and imparting technical knowledge to the host country employees.... Expatriates and the problems associated with their engagement are viewed as critical factors in many of the international organizations.... (2004) note that despite the importance of international assignments, organisations are not yet able to fully evaluate the benefits associated with their use....
11 Pages (2750 words) Essay

Challange for cause and a peremptory challenge

Improving the Jury System: Peremptory challenges.... Challenge for cause is the request made by the defendant or victim “that a prospective juror be dismissed because there is a specific and forceful reason to believe the person cannot be fair, unbiased or capable of serving as a juror” (Challenge for cause, 2012)....
1 Pages (250 words) Essay

Benefits and Challenges Associated with Visuals Available Today

In the paper “Benefits and challenges Associated with Visuals Available Today” the author discusses implementing the code of ethics pertaining to the use of publicly available photos.... Benefits and challenges Associated with Visuals Available Today As a form of communication, the availability of so many visuals entails a lot of benefits and challenges....
2 Pages (500 words) Research Paper

Failure of Traditional Expatriation Appointments

At the same time, the increasing failure rate related to traditional expatriation appointments and repatriation has drawn urgent demand for resolving these challenges faced by the MNCs (Harzing, 1995).... Despite the challenges associated with the staffing issues, it has been argued that MNCs are using traditional expatriation appointments on a frequent basis.... In this regard, one of the potential reasons has been associated with the rapidly growing demand for competent and experienced global managers which is accompanied by the reduced supply of the same....
8 Pages (2000 words) Essay

Managing People In A Multinational Context

The purpose of the paper "Managing People In A Multinational Context" is to analyze the efficacy of expatriate programs by companies and explores ways to combat the negative effects of repatriation with the example of Contact Company that followed the practice of expatriating managerial talent.... hellip; Connerly and Pedersen (2005, p....
12 Pages (3000 words) Research Paper
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