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Malcom Baldridge National Quality Award - Essay Example

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The paper “Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award" is an impressive example of an essay on management. Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award refers to an award offered by the United States President to participants of a specific industry. The players in the key sector must have applied for the award in the first place…
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The paper “Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award" is an impressive example of an essay on management. Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award refers to an award offered by the United States President to participants of a specific industry. The players in the key sector must have applied for the award in the first place. The award system fundamentally aims at showing government support to organizations for exemplary performance and increase awareness on the benefits of quality in the economy.

Criteria Followed
The Baldrige criterion is a framework comprising seven major aspects. The foremost entails leadership relating to the players in the specific industry. The leadership criteria evaluate the manner through which senior executives of an organization guide the workforce in the performance of duties (Blazey 24). Another focus of the criteria on the same subject is the delivery of the organization in its commitment to the public for instance through social responsibility and initiatives that promote citizenship. Next on the criteria is strategic planning, which involves taking a comprehensive look at the manner in which the organization develops a goal, clearly indicating what the company wants to achieve (Koontz, Harold, and Heinz 75). This should also include the action plan that stipulates what steps the organization is going to take in the attainment of the desired level.

Customer and market focus is the third criterion that encompasses how the organization rolls out the requirement that the clients want as well as how the organization plans to meet the changes in the market trends (Weihrich, Heinz, Harold Koontz, and Mark 74). The most significant consideration is the way that the organization establishes and strengthens close a close relationship with the customer base. The fourth criteria entail information and analysis, which serves as a tool for examining how the management handles and makes proper use of information through analysis (Schwalbe 76). This is fundamental in understanding how such information enhances operations of the organization especially the system associated with performance management. Human resource is a topic under the criteria that concerns the way through which the organization facilitates growth that enables the workers to expand the level of potential.

In addition, the human resource factor takes into perspective the principles that align workers with the objectives of the organization. Process management analyses how the organization designs, improves and supervises key processes such as manufacturing, delivery, and support (Blazey 15). Last on the criteria are the business results that focus on the general performance of the organization in issues concerning satisfaction of the customers, performance in terms of operation, the performance in the finances and the markets. This particular area goes into taking a comprehensive look at the performance of the organization as compared to the competitors in the market (Mukherjee 242). Profitability and market share are a top priority when checking the performance relative to that of competitors.

A Company that has received the Award
Honeywell, federal manufacturing as well as technology company received the Baldridge in the year 2009. Operating on a contract for the energy department, Honeywell engages in the operation and management of facilities concentrating in the National Nuclear Security Administration (Schwalbe 83). The facilities support activities associated with engineering and manufacturing not only in Missouri but also around Kansas City. The company also offers a wide range of aerospace and automotive products.

Steps the Company Took To Win the Award
Honeywell adopted an engaging diverse new system that aimed at improving the level of performance within the manufacturing industry. Foremost was the operating system that enabled the management to offer quality leadership within the working environment. The leadership involved a direct approach to challenges using better problem-solving skills (Koontz, Harold, and Heinz 86). As part of the strategies, the company developed results-oriented goals that placed productivity as the top priority. The plan of achieving the goals involved the use of technology to automate all aspects of the organization.

An increasingly fundamental customer and market approach led to the establishment of an automated customer relations system. The system revolutionized the analysis of information. Ultimately, the strategy set to increase the connectivity between the company, clients and the market trends (Mukherjee 261). To empower and ensure the workers maximize their potential, the company provided incentives. The managers decided to involve more in teamwork activities that would foster motivation (Blazey 7). The setup of an expansive information and technology department went a long way in improving the process management. The ultimate result was the delivery of high-value products to customers, better market opportunities and lower operational costs relative to the competitors.

Benefits of Earning a Quality Award
Earning a quality award puts the company in the limelight. This comes will adverse benefits including additional sales as more customers want to associate with a company that offers great value products and services. Consequently, the company is able to achieve long-lasting results that are positive amidst an environment that is very challenging (Blazey 28). The company is highly likely to dominate the particular industry and take a larger market share, which would increase profitability in the future. Internally, the leadership learns the importance of aligning the processes, available resources, and personnel to suit the desires of the customers (Weihrich, Heinz, Harold Koontz, and Mark 67). It becomes imperative for the management to stick to the system to respond better to the increasing number of stakeholders and customers.

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