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Entrepreneurial Management - Turks & Caicos Islands - Capstone Project Example

The paper 'Entrepreneurial Management - Turks & Caicos Islands " is a great example of a management capstone project. Turks & Caicos Islands are the overseas territories of the United Kingdom, which consists of smaller Turks Islands and larger Caicos Islands. In the islands, English is used as the official language…
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The paper 'Entrepreneurial Management - Turks & Caicos Islands " is a great example of a management capstone project. Turks & Caicos Islands are the overseas territories of the United Kingdom, which consists of smaller Turks Islands and larger Caicos Islands. In the islands, English is used as the official language. It is worth mentioning that the islands have the majority of Afro Caribbean ethnic groups, which comprises nearly 90% of the total population. It also has a minor population of Caucasian, Mixed, and East Indian.

Furthermore, the islands use the US dollar as the currency. It is also important to note that the vehicles in the islands drive from the left (Fodor's, 2010). Contextually, the objective of the current study is to propose a business model for establishing a hotel business in the Turks and Caicos Islands. In this regard, the study attempts to develop an effective entrepreneurial management study that would lead to the success of the business model. The study also attempts to consider comprehensive research on entrepreneurial management, wherein PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, pipeline, target customers, competition, positioning maps, innovative business strategy, organizational operational structure are discussed elaborately.

Moreover, the study attempts to conduct comprehensive research on the financial management of the proposed business model. The comprehensive research on financial management is evident from the consideration of the investment strategy, financial assumptions, breakeven point, financial risks, expected cash flow statement and expected income statement. In order to further research on the study, the study also attempted to consider research on managing room revenue. In this regard, Porter’s five forces, business routes and directions, possible trends affecting business, demand forecast and strategies for distribution channel are considered.

Furthermore, the study attempts to consider food and beverage management, which is an integral part of any hotel business. In this context, products and services, events affecting the business, strategy clock, balance scorecard and many more considered. These all suggest that the current study is highly comprehensive and has considered all the possible aspects of the proposed business model of developing a hotel in the islands of Turks & Caicos.

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