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The Importance of Proper Branding for Several Organizations as a part of the Place Branding - Coursework Example

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"The Importance of Proper Branding for Several Organizations as a part of the Place Branding" paper examines a brief overview of the tourism of Turkey and Nigeria and describes the positioning of Santralistanbul of Turkey and the National Museum of Nigeria.  …
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Branding Executive summary This essay mainly highlights the importance of proper branding for several organizations as a part of the place branding. This is essential in order to target the accurate customers and to amplify its image and prosperity in the destination market among others. Moreover, due to improper branding, not only the reputation but also the position of the organization or brand might get reduced. Due to which, its popularity and equity might get declined as presented in the project. Hence, it might be clearly depicted that in order to retain the sustainability and ranking in the market, appropriate branding and promotion is extremely essential. Table of Contents Executive summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Brief overview of the tourism of Turkey and Nigeria 4 Some popular tourist destinations 4 Blue flag beaches, Turkey 4 Santralistanbul Art gallery of Turkey 5 Nekede Zoo, Nigeria 5 National Museum of Nigeria 5 Discussion 6 Brief Discussion of Turkey and Nigeria Tourism 6 Digital presence analysis between Turkey and Nigeria 7 1. TURKEY 7 2. Nigeria 8 Individual Report 13 Feedback of the report 13 Discuss the Issues faced by the country of Turkey and Nigerian online websites 13 References 17 Bibliography 19 Appendices 20 Introduction Brief overview of the tourism of Turkey and Nigeria In this age, tourism is the most flourishing industry among many others. This is mainly due to its high-ended promotions and advertisements, featuring all the characteristics and attractiveness of the popular places of the regions. This is done in order to fascinate a wide range of customers or visitors towards these places thereby amplifying its craze and brand value in the entire globe among other tourist destinations. Similar strategy is utilised by the countries of Turkey and Nigeria. Both the countries tried to highlight the features of their popular spots such as Santralistanbul art gallery, blue flag beaches, blue voyage routes, coastline of Turkey, Nekede Zoo, Freedom Park, Yankari game reserve, Matsirga waterfalls etc. Due to the presence of these above mentioned destinations, the range of popularity of these countries enhanced to a significant extent that amplified its CAGR by 19 percent in the recent years. As a result, the economic condition and gross domestic product of these countries increased thereby amplifying its image and dominance among others. Furthermore, both of the countries are listed as the next big emerging countries standing side by side with Indonesia and Morocco. Some popular tourist destinations Blue flag beaches, Turkey Turkey comprises of approximately 383 beaches and 21 marinas that are all recognised as Blue Flag. This is because; these beaches are extremely safe, clean and hygienic for the visitors or tourists and so they are recognised as Blue Flag. Santralistanbul Art gallery of Turkey The art gallery of Santralistanbul is one of the most reputed and popular art galleries of Turkey. It is developed in the year 2007, comprising of a modern art museum, energy museums, public library well as concert halls. Other than this, it is a multifaceted institution including varied types of contemporary pieces of art and paintings of Turkish artists. Due to which, it attracts a wide range of visitors of varying age groups and cultures towards this art gallery or museum of Turkey. (Santralistanbul, 2014). Nekede Zoo, Nigeria It is also another reputed tourist destination of Nigeria. It comprises of numerous wildlife such as monkeys, lions, ostrich, python, kangaroo and many others. It is fully equipped with garden and numerous tall trees so as to present a finest feeling to its visitors. National Museum of Nigeria Nigerian national museum is also another renowned tourist place situated in the city of Lagos. It is famous for Nigerian art, canvas, archaeological and terracotta paintings of varied dimensions. It is also an educational institution so as to improve the inner skills and information thereby amplifying its image and reputation in the globe. The above-mentioned attributes are selected as it acts as an identity or symbol of Nigeria and Turkey. Discussion Brief Discussion of Turkey and Nigeria Tourism The term positioning is extremely essential in this age. This is because; it is described as a strategy that might be used to create a distinctive rank or place in the market among many other relative brands or organizations. It is done to present a distinctive image to amplify its reputation and identity within the minds of the potential visitors. If the brand or product lines attains a sustainable or reputed position in the market, then the range of customers also gets enhanced that may increase its profitability and brand value. Strategic place brand management model focuses on 8 key components of place branding –brand evaluation ,infrastructure regeneration, stakeholder management, brand identity, architecture of the brand, brand communication, brand articulation, word of mouth and brand experience. The components process involve marketing managers, citizens, visitors and other stakeholders. Porter (1986), describes positioning as a technique to increase the value or worth of a material or product or brand within the eyes of the customers (Porter, 1986, pp. 221-234). Similarly, the countries of Turkey and Nigeria also tried to offer more concentration over place branding by highlighting its reputed tourist spots such as Santralistanbul art gallery, blue flag beaches, blue voyage routes, coastline of Turkey, Nekede Zoo, Freedom Park, Yankari game reserve, national museum of Nigeria and many others on their website .the Nigeria website markets Ibeno beach fom Akwa Ibom state as top tourist spot and the Blue mosque in turkey has been extensively marketed in the Turkish national website. For example,the Ibeno beach are is reputed as top tourist spot because of its unique sandy strip and the Turkish Blue mosque is reputed because of the unique architetuarial design and its six classic minarets. Santralistanbul of Turkey and National Museum of Nigeria are recognised as one of the most reputed tourist destinations of Turkey and Nigeria. So the tourism websites tried to attract the eyes of the interested visitors by highlighting the features of its brand such as educational centre, centre of modern architecture, public library, multiple cinema, dance hall, and contemporary paintings of Turkish artists. In addition to this, the online sites of these non-profit organizations –organizations that use suplus revenues to attain their objectives/goals instead of distributing them as dividends-Goturkey of turkey and discover Nigeria offer more concentration over monolithic brand architecture, i.e. over the prime tourism spot as a part of the branding strategy such as Santralistanbul or national museum of Nigeria. Furthermore, in order to improve the competitive position and supremacy of these organizations varied types of differentiated product lines such as energy museum, dance hall, park, shopping streets, restaurants etc are included within them as presented below. By doing so the rate of interest of the visitors enhanced that amplified its craze and popularity in the globe among many other tourist places. Digital presence analysis between Turkey and Nigeria 1. TURKEY In order to amplify the reputation and image of the country, the tourism department of both the countries of Turkey and Nigeria tried to promote the features of its destinations. It is done in order to attract a wide range of visitors. Brand layers DMO attributes Wealth of fantastic sites to be enjoyed. benefits Chance to sample the best diverse traditional food and Turkish culinary culture. values Turkey`s value are deeply rooted in cultural preservation. personality An extraordinary exploring opportunity of one the words richest cultures In order to highlight the information and facts of the popular destinations, the country of Turkey also already utilised social networking sites such as facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Google+ etc. By doing so, numerous tourists of varied age-groups and living standards became attracted towards the destinations that amplified its dominance and rankings in the globe. In addition to the features of the tourist’s destinations, it also offered geographical and political overview of the country of Turkey as it is a part of two continents namely, Europe and Asia. Other than this, the sites also offered significant overview of the culture and art of Turkey so as present a detailed overview about the taste and preferences of its citizens. 2. Nigeria Brand layers DMO Attributes Ample amount of ethnic groups and other numerous attraction sites. Benefits A unique opportunity to interact with individuals of different ethnicity. Values Promotion of peaceful co-existence of humanity. Personality An exploring experiencing wonderful moments.. In comparison with Turkey, the tourism department of Nigeria also offered higher concentration in promoting the features of its popular tourist destinations. As a result of which, it became successful in attracting a wide range of tourists thereby amplifying its economic status and image in the globe among many other tourist destinations. However, the tourism department of Nigeria used only its official website for promoting its tourist destinations rather than social networking sites. Due to which, the rate of customers or stakeholder engagements or feedbacks is quite less as compared to Turkey’s tourist destinations. As a result, the level of brand evaluations or attainment of information of destinations of Nigeria is also quite low as compared to Turkey (Rogers, 1995, pp. 756-777). DMO TABLE Commercial organizations NIGERIA OIL COMPANY :shell Nigeria Universities and colleges University of Lagos, university of ABUJA Tourism ,leisure cultural sites Mambulla plateau, YANKARI NATIONAL PARK. Regeneration organizations Nigeria agro forestry department. Sporting organizations Platinum sports promotion project Governmental organizations Nigerian tourism department Places in the region NRI,OYO BENIN Brand Architecture The process of designing and managing portfolios of the brands owned by communities associated with the place. The portfolio is designed by independent contractors in association with the involved communities By optimizing on current features and planning for tomorrow. Brand Identity What makes Nigeria? Essensi Negara Nigeria, identy nigerian brand. It can asking about 8 people aboutWhat is nigeria looks like. Nigeria provides a unique experience of a variety of tourist attraction sites,water sporting, magnificent waterfalls, and is very condusive atmosphere for holidaying. Brand Articulation Name, logo, colour and the website design, is that suitable with nigeria as a country? Discover Nigeria, color is dark jungle green which implies to the natural wild. Brand Communications What is Promotional Mix-nya Nigeria … The site advertises Nigeria as favourable tourist spot with classic presentation and promotion. Word-of-Mouth What is the people image about nigeria, can try from people now from article. A rich heritage country with great tourism potential. Brand Experience Your experience when you open the website. What is your perception about nigeria based from you your experience and first impression whan you open the website. An informative site detailing most if not all attractive attributes of Nigeria. However, due to digital presence, it became extremely easy for the visitors to attain varied types of information such as, type of hotels, travelling accommodations, approximate fares etc in respect to the tourist destinations of both the countries. However, Due to the level tension of the visitors reduced that amplified their craze to visit these above mentioned places (Gupta, 2004, pp. 552-565). Therefore, it might be clearly stated that the use of transactional model of communication proved extremely effective for both the countries of Turkey and Nigeria. Due to the presence of online websites, the customers might resolve varied types of queries through direct communication with the tourism authorities. This proved extremely effective for both the countries that amplified its scope and reputation to a significant extent as compared to many other rival tourist destinations as presented below in figure 2 characteristics Digital branding management process Clutter Constant evaluation of the portfolio of Nigerian tourism brand. Community Positive contribution to the community by establishing social amenities that benefit the society. Chatter Engaging in the information flow across websites. communication Number of website links that are posted in discover Nigeria that enhance information access. Co creation Extensive involvement of the Nigerian local communities i.e. pictorials collaboration The use of digital links to communicate links between Nigerian brands that are associated with the whole Nigerian tourism industry Hence, it might be stated that due to effective communication and promotional tactics, the brand value and image of these tourist destinations of Turkey and Nigeria increased to a significant extent among others. Individual Report Feedback of the report Now a day’s most of the countries or organizations utilise social networking sites. As maximum extent of the individual are crazy about these social networking sites such as face-book, twitter, Linked In, Google+ etc. So, the tourism department of the country of Turkey used social networking sites for promotion and communication. On the other hand, the tourism department of the country of Nigeria didn’t use it. It only used its official online sites for promotion. However due to the use of social networking site, the tourism department of Turkey attained numerous feedbacks of the customers that enhanced its reputation and image in the market but it the country of Nigeria entirely lacked it. As a result of which, the range of interested traffic is quite less in the website of Nigeria as compared to Turkey (Globalartmuseum, 2014). In addition to this due to lack of promotions in social networking sites, the rate of feedbacks of the customers after visiting the destinations of Nigeria may not be obtained. Due to which, the country of Nigeria lacked numerous interested visitors as compared to Turkey. Therefore, the rate of popularity and market value of the destinations of Nigeria is quite low as compared to Turkey (Bradley, 2007, pp. 334-356). Discuss the Issues faced by the country of Turkey and Nigerian online websites The online tourism websites of the countries of Turkey and Nigeria had to face varied types of challenges such as wrong segmentation of the customers, wrong presentation of information, wrong feedbacks, wrong targeting of the customers and many others. Wrong segmentation of the customers: in spite of online websites, the country of Turkey and Nigeria might fail to target the appropriate customers Due to which, the reputation and prosperity of the countries of Turkey and Nigeria reduced significantly that declined its image and popularity among tourist destinations (Beall, 2010, pp. 312-323). Wrong presentation of information: in spite of online websites, the authorities of tourism department of Nigeria might fail to update the information about the destinations on the sites. Due to which, the customers may not attain the information in an appropriate way that might reduce the interest of the customers. Moreover, due to lack of attainment of proper facts, the customers may not feel the beautiful experience of the tourism destinations of Nigeria. Due to which, the rate of reliability and consistency over the facts of the sites also reduced significantly as compared to others. Wrong feedbacks of the customers: the customers also offered varied types of inappropriate feedbacks. Due to which, the reputation and brand image of the tourists destinations of Turkey and Nigeria also became reduced to a significant extent as compared to many other tourists destinations. Not only this, the range of tourists or visitors also reduced to a considerable extent thereby declining its fame and distinctiveness. Wrong targeting of the customers or visitors: apart from the above mentioned information, the online websites of tourism departments of Turkey and Nigeria might failed to target the appropriate visitors. Due to which, the total range of visitors also reduced to a significant extent that reduced its popularity and distinctiveness in the globe as compared to many others (Porter, 1986, pp. 145-156). Improper rates of the transportations or hotels: the rates presented within the websites of the tourism destinations of Turkey and Nigeria is also quite inappropriate. Due to which, the level of loyalty and trust of the customers over the information of the websites also reduces day by day to a significant extent. As a result, the range of visitors in the tourist destinations also reduces that hinders the image and popularity among others. Due to these above mentioned reasons, the reputation and popularity of the websites of the tourism departments of Turkey and Nigeria reduced within the minds of the customers. Therefore, due to these above-mentioned issues, the popularity of the websites could reduce significantly. Moreover, the reliability and accuracy of the facts presented in the websites is also reduces due to wrong up-dation of the facts (Tushman & Anderson, 2004, pp. 123-134) Conclusion Conclusively, it might be depicted that the competitive advantage and sustainability of a brand or organization might get enhanced only if it is promoted in an effective way. This is because; if its targeted customers become aware about the features and characteristics of the place then its reputation and brand image might get enhanced to a significant extent as compared to many other rival contenders. However, the promotion or re-position of any brand or product lines of an organization needs to be performed in an exact way so that the accurate customers are targeted. Only then, the level of reliability and uniqueness of the brand or the product lines of the organization might get improved within the minds of the customers. Along with this, the loyalty and brand value of the customers might also get enhanced thereby reducing the rate of switchover costs. Keeping these facts in mind, the tourism departments of the countries of Turkey and Nigeria need to promote their tourists destinations like proper presentation of information. Only then, the level of popularity and consistency of the popular tourist destinations of Turkey and Nigeria might get augmented that may prove effective for the nations as well. Other than this, in order to attract a wide range of tourists, the tourism authorities of Nigeria need up-date the requisite information about the tourist’s destinations such as attractive images, environment, climate, topographical features and put better sources for external links, so that the interested tourists might attain all sorts of relevant information about the destination, prior visiting it, in order to reduce any sort of discrepancy or problem. If the tourism departments of the country of Nigeria maintain all these information, then its reputation and image might get improved to a significant extent in the entire globe. References Beall, A, E. 2010. Strategic Market Research: A Guide to Conducting Research to solve problems. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Bradley, N. 2007. Marketing Research: Tools & Techniques. New York: McGraw-Hill. ESOMAR. 2008. Market Research Handbook. London: Sage. Europe CEIC Database Team, 2011. Could Turkey Become Tourism “Hot-spot” in 2011? [Online] Available at: http://[Accessed on 21nd April, 2014]. Gupta, S, L. 2004. Marketing Research. New York: McGraw-Hill. Globalartmuseum, 2014. Modern architecture. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on 21nd April, 2014]. Porter, M., E. 2008. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York: Springer. Porter, M, E. 1986. Competition in Global Industries. New York: Springer Rogers, E.M. 1995. Diffusion of innovations (4th edition). The Free Press. New York. Santralistanbul, 2014. Santralistanbul. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 21nd Aril, 2014]. Tushman, M. L. & Anderson, P. 2004. Managing Strategic Innovation and Change. New New York: Oxford University Press. Hanna, S. and Rowley, J. (2013), ‘A practitioner-led strategic place brand management model’, Journal of Marketing Management, ahead of print, pp. 1-34 Bibliography Xu, J. 2005. Market Research Handbook: Measurement, Approach and Practice. New York: Springer. Appendices Figure: 1 Santralistanbul energy museum (Source: Santralistanbul, 2014) Figure: 2 Turkey revenues by tourism (Source: Europe CEIC Database Team, 2011) Read More
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