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The research employs varied qualitative research methods in order to determine in case the leadership style of both director of nursing and director of social services have an impact on the psychological well-being of nursing residents. Nursing management roles require specialty leadership skills…
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Five Approaches for Qualitative Solutions Problems
Introduction to the Problem
The field of research in nursing has evolved as the significant aspect in human resource management in the hospital settings. Nursing management roles requires specialty leadership skills vital for delivering high quality services in order to improve the well-being of nursing residents. Both director of nursing and director of social services employ varied leadership skills in order to meet the intended goals of the organization. The leadership varies depending on their professional leadership skills significant for managing human and technical skills. However, the leadership styles employed by both directors have been a major issue in the nursing field because of the impact that they cause on the psychological well-being of nursing patients. The statement problem of the research introduces one to the leadership styles, which both directors of nursing employs and the impact they cause on the psychological well-being of nursing residents. Therefore, the research employs varied qualitative research methods in order to determine in case the leadership style of both director of nursing and director of social services have an impact on the psychological well-being of nursing residents.
Research Question
Do the leadership styles of director of nursing and director of social services have an impact on the psychosocial well-being of nursing residents?
Research Purpose
The primary purpose of the research is to find out whether leadership styles of director of nursing and director of social services have an impact on the psychosocial well-being of nursing residents. The subsidiary aim of the research is explore the leadership roles employed by both nurses in their professional activities and how they impact them from achieving the intended goals of the health care organization.
Literature Review
The literature attempts to reveal the way varied scholars have tackled the research problem; thus contributing to clear understanding of the research question. Havig, Skogstad, Kjekshus and Romoren, (2011) reveal the way leadership styles have been employed by nurses in providing quality care services in healthcare settings. However, the leadership styles employed by both directors may differ depending on the task oriented or professional skills. Cummings, MacGregor, Davey, Lee, Wong, Lo, Muise and Stafford (2010) also offer fundamental correlation among leadership styles employed by nurses in the healthcare organization. Vaismoradi, Salsali and Marck (2011) reveal the way nurses can improve the patient safety. The authors offer varied researched evidence regarding patient safety; thus recommend effective nurses education or training programs to enable them deliver effective services in the healthcare settings.
Qualitative Research Design
The researcher will employ quantitative research methods in order to offer a systematic empirical investigation on the research problem. Donley (2012) argues that use of qualitative research method is effective in nursing field because it develops hypothesis pertaining to the research problem. Therefore, employing qualitative research design can enable one to understand in depth the way nurses behaves and reasons governing such leadership behaviors.
Data Collection Methods
Many researchers employ varied research approaches for collecting information that best suits their research needs. This choice ranges from narrative research method, phenomenological approach and grounded theory, ethnographic to case studies. Creswell and Creswell (2007) reveal the way researchers can employ standards of quality and strategies effective for data collection. Thus, the authors offer five significant approaches for analyzing data in order to enable one to achieve the intended research problem. However, this researcher will employ narrative research approach in order find out the way leadership style of director of nursing and director of social services have impact on the psychosocial well-being of nursing residents.
Narrative Research
The research will employ narrative as one of the effective qualitative data collection approach for analyzing the research problem. Narrative research is an effective approach employed by researchers to describe and analyze the past events in order to understand the present; thus anticipating the potential future impacts. This approach in used by many social researchers through reporting of the interview or questionnaire materials in prose form. Thus, it allows the researcher to stage arguments in a manner that is familiar to the readers. Narrative approach is vital in nursing research field because it enables the researcher to synthesis all the information collected, reject it or reconcile the conflicting evidences (Castle and Decker, 2011). Furthermore, this type of approach is imperative because it ascertains answers as to why and how leadership styles employed by both director of nursing can have an impact on the psychological health of nursing residents.
In Narrative research approach, the problems become the antagonist of the narrative. Hence, the research can base certain leadership behaviors on certain undesired leadership characteristics for both directors. This approach is effective because it enables the client to reconstruct his or her own story on the way to reduce the problem in order to lessen negative results. This is essential because it will reinforce personal development and achievement of the intended or desired leadership skills vital for delivering effective results. Employing narrative research approach is essential because this approach requires the research to formulate idea; that is selecting the topic for studying after analyzing the related literature. It also encourages the researcher to develop research questions and employ varied literature materials such as journal articles or books and other resource materials. The literature materials will enable the researcher to collect enough information related to the research problem; thus narrate or offer varied evidence on the way other researchers have argued on the research problem. Garner, Wagner and Kawulich (2009) asserts that narrative approach is significant because it offers validity and reliability of information, which is free of biases.
Why the Problem Purposes and Question Fit With the Narrative Approach
The research question fits into the narrative approach because the research attempts to address the real-life problems, which happens mostly in varied healthcare organization; thus contributing to his/her expertise to public debates or decisions. Narrative approach can be considered as real world measures effective for analyzing real life problems impacting the director of nursing and director of social services in delivering effective healthcare services in the nursing homes. Therefore, this method can enable the researcher to carry further investigations on the way leadership styles impact the role of nurses in delivering effective health care services; thus opening room for significant solutions (Speziale and Carpenter, 2003). The growing number of researchers in nursing field employs narrative research approach in order to help clients to understand their life stories.
Creswell and Creswell (2007) make a convincing argument that theories of social behaviors are essentially reflection of historical or narrative context in which they a redeveloped. Although the scientific findings are published, they make people aware of their conclusions and that awareness changes the behaviors of some people who either confirm or deny the new information. Therefore, the use of narrative approach contributes to a more profound understanding of the research purpose. This makes the problem purpose of the study to fit into the approach because the approach create a new awareness of understanding the way leadership styles , which have previously been employed by the director of nursing and director of social creates an impact on the psychosocial well-being of nursing residents. Therefore, rather than basing the research on questionnaires or other data collection methods, the narrative approach is likely to encourage direct personal accounts about the past and anticipated future; thus relating to autobiographical accounts about leadership behaviors for both directors.
The research employed varied qualitative research methods in order to determine in case the leadership style of both director of nursing and director of social services have an impact on the psychological well-being of nursing residents. The research provided the research question and the research purpose of the topic, which is finding the leadership style of both directors and the impact they have on the psychological well-being of nursing residents. The literature review focused on what other scholars have examined previously on the topic under study. It employed qualitative research design and concentrated on narrative inquiry as an effective approach for analyzing the research problem. The research question fits into the narrative approach because the research attempted to address the real-life problems and created a new awareness of understanding the research problem.
Castle, N. G., & Decker, F. H. (2011). Top Management Leadership Style and Quality of Care in
Nursing Homes. Gerontologist, 51(5), 630.
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing
among five approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Cummings, G. G., MacGregor, T., Davey, M., Lee, H., Wong, C. A., Lo, E., Muise, M., Stafford,
E. (March 01, 2010). Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47, 3, 363-385.
Graham, I. W., & Jack, E. (2008). Promoting leadership: the development of a nurse
executive team in an acute hospital trust. Journal Of Nursing Management, 16(8), 955-963. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00915.x
Garner, M., Wagner, C., & Kawulich, B. (2009). Teaching research methods in the social
sciences. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Pub.
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Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: A systematic review. International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 47363-385. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2009.08.006.
Donley, A. M. (2012). Research Methods. New York: Infobase Pub.
Fancey, P., Keefe, J., Stadnyk, R., Gardiner, E., & Aubrecht, K. (2012). Understanding and
Assessing the Impact of Nursing Home Approach to Care and Physical Design on Residents and Their Families: A Synthesis of the Literature. Seniors Housing & Care Journal, 20(1), 99-114.
Havig, A. K., Skogstad, A., Kjekshus, L. E., & Romoren, T. I. (January 01, 2011). Leadership,
staffing and quality of care in nursing homes. BMC Health Services Research, 11.
MacPhee, M., Skelton-Green, J., Bouthillette, F., & Suryaprakash, N. (2012). An empowerment
framework for nursing leadership development: supporting evidence. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 68(1), 159-169. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05746.x
Speziale, H., & Carpenter, D. (2003). Qualitative research in nursing : advancing the humanistic
imperative / Helen J. Streubert Speziale, Dona R. Carpenter. Philadelphia, PA : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Vaismoradi, M. M., Salsali, M. M., & Marck, P. P. (2011). Patient safety: nursing students'
perspectives and the role of nursing education to provide safe care. International Nursing Review, 58(4), 434-442. doi:10.1111/j.1466-7657.2011.00882.x
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As the notion of quality evidence sits at the heart of EBL, it is important to first define qualitative research and to explore how this work fits in relation to other approaches for gathering research evidence.... qualitative research has a rich history in the social sciences and humanities (in such disciplines as sociology and education), and in some areas of the health sciences (such as nursing).... In the field of library and information studies, many research questions are best answered by qualitative approaches - and the influence of this research paradigm is seen in the vast number of publications that use qualitative methods to explore library and information-related topics....
Qualitative research in the health care field has evolved overtime and the five approaches for qualitative research are widely utilized in nursing research field.... Although these five approaches have become commonly used, the role of theory in the five approaches for qualitative.... The quality of the qualitative research design can be influenced by the way the researcher attends to theoretical concerns in varied stages of research.... Both directors of nursing and social services can develop a theory that can enable them to Thus, the research study critically evaluates the role of theory in qualitative research in relation to leadership styles employed by both directors of nursing and social services in promotion of psychosocial well-being of nursing home residents....
The ethnographic method is based on the field of anthropology, wherein a specific culture or subculture is examined by an outsider through observation, interview, collection and interpretation of cultural artifacts, and conducting secondary research.... Ethnography involves an.... ... ... Ethnographers do not formulate particular, concrete questions; instead, they go to communities, neighborhoods, or homes to observe in a nonintrusive, indirect manner....
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oreover, philosophical arguments surrounding the various paradigms of research talk about the importance of understanding the context for qualitative studies and of controlling the context by using random methods and sophisticated analysis in the quantitative paradigm.... As mentioned earlier, combined and sustained uses of mixed-method paradigms help to give a long term, broad overview of problems and their proposed solutions.... The paper "Quantitative Techniques of Business Research" suggests that the Quantitative paradigm uses survey Questionnaires, tests and existing secondary information whereas the qualitative paradigm uses the techniques of focus groups, observations and interviews....
This paper "Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative and qualitative Approaches to Research" will establish the comparison and differences in strengths and weaknesses existing in the qualitative and quantitative research approaches as used in young people and sexual health in the published researches.... he qualitative and quantitative methods are sometimes referring to positivism.... In converse, qualitative researchers do not anticipate all the required methods to be employed in carrying out their research; in place, they actively devise their methods as they progressively carry out their studies....
11 Pages(2750 words)Essay
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