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Water Aid and Action Aid - Report Example

This report "Water Aid and Action Aid" focuses on the organization Water Aid and Action Aid of the United Kingdom. Water aid is an international non-governmental organization set up to help people who are suffering from poverty and diseases caused by the use of dirty water. …
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Water Aid and Action Aid
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Water aid and action aid Table of contents Week two 3 Part One: Focus organization 3 Part two: Voluntary income details 4 Part three: Fundraising challenges, problems or priorities 4 Week three 4 Part one: Financial Accounts 4 Part two: Ratios 5 Part three: Comment 6 Week four 6 Campaigning of water aid and action aid 6 Management Issues 8 Reference 8 Week two Part One: Focus organization The focus organization is Water Aid and Action Aid of United Kingdom. Water aid is an international non-governmental organization set up to help people who are suffering from poverty and diseases caused by use of dirty water. It aims to help people who are living without sanitation and safe water. It was established by the water industry of UK as a charitable trust on 21 July 1981. Action aid was a non profit organisation formed in 1972 with a focus to eradicate poverty worldwide. It aims to provide education to children. Water Aid (in £) 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Voluntary income 28774 22415 29393 27217 28415 Voluntary Expenditure 6123 8845 9582 7658 6543 Income from charitable activities 12345 12458 10633 10112 2133 Expenditure on charitable activities 41823 23415 36885 27403 21304 Income from trading activities 32001 30971 29887 22443 21449 Expenditure on trading activities 28865 27445 26775 25637 18437 Action aid in (£) 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Voluntary Income 147824 131902 115980 100058 84136 Voluntary Expenditure (179106) (159171) (139236) (119301) (99366) Expenditure from Charitable Activities (105304) (101001) (96698) (92395) (88092) Income on Charitable Activities 41193 35900 30607 25314 20021 Income from Trading Activities 231216 210717 190218 169719 149220 Expenditure on trading Activities (223011) (196061) (169111) (142161) (115211) Part two: Voluntary income details Water aid (in £) 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 donations 24076 3309 27385 25087 24310 grants 1631 1745 1823 1912 1987 Gifts in kind 154 171 185 218 232 Action aid in (£) Voluntary Income Details 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 1. Committed giving 105304 101001 96698 92395 88092 2. Other Donation & trust 42520 30901 19282 7663 5760 3. Individual donation 10516 7888 6147 4369 4160 4. Trust and Corporate donation 33630 30901 28172 25443 22714 Part three: Fundraising challenges, problems or priorities As reflected from the above table showing sources of voluntary income, however, funds has been generated from committees, general donations, individual, trust and corporate donation but some other sources of voluntary income need to be raised. However, fund raised out of general donations, individual and corporate donations have shown an increasing trend which has helped to run the charitable trust in a smooth manner but proper ways need to be devised so that fund could be raised from all other voluntary sources of income. It will raise the funding support to the charitable trust. Week three Part one: Financial Accounts Water aid (in £) 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Total income from all sources 44536 43787 40257 39776 38654 Total expenditure of all kinds 48765 46919 35498 33453 23232 Total funds to carry forward 23231 17761 20893 21343 22342 Unrestricted funds to carry forward 17865 16033 18248 15543 16547   Action aid in (£)   2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Total income from all Sources 360402 311308 263101 214857 177898 Total Expenditure from all sources (443310) (391132) (338954) (286776) (234598) Total Funds Carry Forward (82908) (79824) (75853) (71919) (56700) Unrestricted Funds to Carry Forward 24850 22016 19182 16348 13514 Part two: Ratios   water aid in (£)   2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Voluntary income Margin 65.71% 51.19% 67.12% 62.15% 64.89% Trading Income Margin 73.08% 70.73% 68.25% 51.25% 48.98% Charitable activity deficit 70.48% 46.79% 71.17% 63.09% 89.98%   Action aid in (£)   2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Voluntary income Margin 41% 42% 44% 47% 47% Trading Income 730 807 80 650 397 Trading Income Margin 0.203% 0.259% 0.030% 0.303% 0.223% Charitable activity deficit 61% 64% 68% 73% 77% Part three: Comment The voluntary income margin for water aid has been initially decreasing which raised to 67% in 2008 and later on it again has shown a declining trend. The voluntary income margin for action aid has shown a declining trend in the past five years. The trading income margin of water aid has shown an increasing trend for the past five years but the trading income margin of action aid has initially increased but later on it is showing a declining trend. The charitable activity deficit of water aid is showing rigorous movements as in the alternate years it is showing both increasing and decreasing trend. Again the charitable activity deficit of action aid has been showing a declining trend in the past five years. Week four Campaigning of water aid and action aid Name: Aware, Awaken and Live Injustice: This campaign is organized to target the people who are living without sanitation and safe water and have got trapped in the poverty cycle and in the cycle of disease. Several people across the developing countries are wasting their precious time in collecting dirty water due to which many children are dying out of the disease like diarrhoea. Somewhere people go to far forests for the purpose of sanitation. Poor people are sometimes treated unfairly by companies, governments, international institutions. Their decisions affect the everyday lives of poor people along with their human rights. This is the injustice which needs to be changed. Vision: The vision for water aid will be to make the world easy access to clean water, safe sanitation and better health and the vision for action aid will be to create a world without injustice and poverty where every person can enjoy their life with dignity. Campaign objectives: The objective of water aid’s campaign is to help the communities who are living without sanitation and safe water to provide them necessary support and skill required to keep sustainable and practical water, sanitation and hygiene projects. At the same time action aid will target to improve the life of people by providing them facilities of water system, wells, health centres, schools to tackle the situation of poverty. Resources: The resources to be used for this campaign are firstly, to prepare a web page giving every details of this campaign. Secondly, asking a celebrity to join this forum and share the objective of this campaign with the common mass. Then, sharing the web page in the social networking sites to attract attention of large number of people to join this forum and actively participate in its activities. Sharing email ids in the link and thereby, allowing everyone to directly sort out their query concerning the projects designed by water aid and action aid and to focus the role played by both the organization. Power and influence map: Through this campaign, efforts will be made to influence the common mass by focussing them the objective of this organisation and encouraging them to participate in its activities. Targets of campaign: The campaign will target the corporate and trustees for donation in the organization and also to every other individual to voluntarily participate in the activities of this trustee. It will target the poor people living below poverty line in an unhygienic way without safe water, sanitation and without access to education to come forward towards this trust. Campaign messages aimed at target: The campaign messages will focus on awakening the people living below poverty line and suffering from diarrhoeal diseases to understand the need of clean water and ways to protect such water for survival and also to understand the purpose of education and how it will direct them to a dignified life. Online tactics: The campaign should be shared in the social networking sites asking people to like it and share it in their profile so that other friends can also like it and share. Request should be made to friends to join the link and to encourage the poor people not getting sufficient water for survival to learn the skills of keeping and using safe water in daily life. Sharing of views and opinions will be facilitated concerning the projects to be designed for availability of such water to these poor people. Key performance indicators: The success of this campaign can be measured by taking into account the number of individuals joined in the campaign, number of donatees and amount of donation to the organizations by holding such campaign, joining of hands in the projects designed to give clean water to poor people, availability of proper sanitation in their home and also providing them proper education so that they can come above poverty line. Management Issues There are some management issues for water aid and action aid that need to be addressed and to be analysed in more depth. Firstly, the funding matter need to be accounted for and secondly, the fact that how long the individuals are seriously taking an initiative to encourage the poor people to bring themselves towards the trust. For the funding pattern, the various sources of voluntary income need to be accounted for. However, both the funding pattern and the process of attracting attention of individuals towards the mission of the trust depend on the successful holding of campaigns and spreading the goals of establishment of such trust. Arranging various fundraising events and charitable activities should result in raising funding support and encouraging individual’s participation towards the cause of running such trust. Reference Water Aid, Annual Reports, 2011. [pdf] Available at [Accessed on March 10, 2013]. Read More
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