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Leading and Managing in Organisations - Assignment Example

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Stress is usually described as the adverse concept which can impact and influence the physical and mental well-being of an individual in a dangerous manner. Stress is not any disease…
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Leading and Managing in Organisations
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Running Head: Leading and Managing in Organisations Leading and Managing in Organisations of Leading and Managingin Organisations Portfolio Assignment 1 Question1 – We know what the effects of stress are from the Health and Safety Executives research but what is stress exactly? The concept of stress is generally explained through the biological and psychological theories. Stress is usually described as the adverse concept which can impact and influence the physical and mental well-being of an individual in a dangerous manner. Stress is not any disease or a disorders; it is merely a natural fact which forces the individual from either external or the internal world to impact him in a negative manner (Lehrer, Paul; David, Woolfolk, Wesley, 2007). Most of the time, people are responsive towards stress in such a manner which affects them and also the environment around them. There are various forms in which stress affects the people irrespective of their age or circumstances. There are no external set standards that can be directed towards the prediction of the levels of stress or vulnerability in the individuals. Stress is basically the outcomes of conditions such as workplace stress, conflicts or instability in the relationships, or overburdening oneself with the workload or tensions and negative thoughts. The level of the occurrence of stress in the lives of individuals are directly proportional to the individual factors which includes the quality of our interpersonal relationships, physical health, the responsibilities and number of commitments that one carries and the extent of other peoples dependence upon an individual. Question 2 – Discuss, using ideas from the general model of stress, the causes (sources) of stress and thus how stress can be managed in the work place. In your response you must make reference to how the various causes of stress can be categorized. Generally, stress is linked with both, internal and external factors. The external factors comprises of the physical environment, which may include the individuals relationships with others, job workload, home and other situations such as difficulties, challenges and expectations that they have to counter every day. While, the internal factors determine the ways in which the body of the infidel responds to deals with the factors which are stress-inducing externally. The excess stress can manifest itself in various behavioral, emotional, and even physical symptoms; theses stress symptoms show enormous variations amongst different individuals. The physical symptoms of stress are generally explained to be such experiences that include muscle tension, sleep disturbances, headache, muscle aches, fatigue gastrointestinal, and disturbances (Bower & Segerstrom, 2004). Besides this, the behavioral and emotional symptoms include the anxiety, nervousness, loss of energy or enthusiasm, alterations in the eating habits such as overeating. Stress also occurs due to the changes in moods such as depression and irritability. The stress at workplace needs to be managed by the collective efforts of the individuals, organizations and the people i the surroundings. Some researchers and experts suggest that the stress management at the workplace begins by the companies assessing the scope of stress. This is done through looking at the illness, absenteeism, rates of turnover and looking at the productivity and performance of the employees. In this way, the employee surveys and the committees can help finding out the particular stressors which are present in the organizational surroundings. They see whether the stressors are occurring company-wide or are present in only one of the departments. Moreover, the employees need to be consulted regarding their complaints and grievances and their feedback should be obtained in terms of the remedial strategies that can be implemented in response to stress management in the organizations. Moreover, the organizations can print the questionnaire and distribute them through internet to all the employees in order to identify any risks for diseases and contributing lifestyle factors, such as stress levels. This can be done by the human resource department inside the company to enable the employees learn further regarding the individual risks (Cooper, Liukkonen, & Cartwright, 1996). This can also be an effective motivator from the organziation towards their worker in terms of making healthy lifestyle changes to reduce those risks. Moreover, the companies need to shorten the work hours if they are long, and also provide job satisfaction to the employees. The workload can be delegated and divided accordingly and the employees can be helped with their professional problems if they are the cause of stress. The behavioral and attitude problems of the workers at the workplace also need to be looked at and considered for the remedies (Cox & Cox, 1993). In case of increased workload, the individuals can take up some activities like jogging and swimming which might help in decreasing their stress, strengthening the immune system and relieving them of tension. Question 3 – Referring to the mini case study below discuss the types of stressors which are negatively affecting Jane and how the organizations management might improve her situation and thus reduce her stress levels. Jane has got used to with the working styles and method of her old boss. She is a bright and talented worker and thus, also likes to work hard and make extra effort. In return, she expects appreciation and praise from her boss. However, the new boss has been criticizing her from small things such as doing extra work. This is proving to be one of the biggest stressors for Jane as it may be clashing with her methods and styles of performing her job. Now everything that she does, she has to think about her boss reaction since that is very uncertain and unpredictable. This results in the declining of efficiency, performance and productivity in Janes work. Moreover, she gets mental tired when every time she has to think and presume her boss behavior and the consequences that might happen. Portfolio Assignment 2 Rensis Likert’s ‘Behavioral Approach’ to leadership is very appealing by suggesting how people should be led; one could say it is too simple. Discuss, referring to appropriate theory, how Likert conducted his research, you must identify the criteria he used during his investigation. There has been a large amount of research conducted by Dr. Rensis Likert on various subjects of human behavior within organizations, specifically in the industrial situations. Likert has made various investigations and has assessed and examined different organization types and styles of leadership. He, then, affirms the organizations to attain highest levels of profitability and revenue generation, high productivity and good labor relations, and that all the organization ought to make the best use of the human and financial assets. Likert mentions regarding the type of organization which are likely to make the best use of their human capacity are the ones that have work groups which are highly effective and they are connected with each other in such a pattern that is overlapped by the other effective groups that are similar (Donald, 2000). Likert had conducted various researches on the management styles and the behaviors of organizations and the employees. The researches that he conducted were through the investigations which were based on the Likert scale. The Likert scale questionnaire was developed in the year 1932, and was utilized for the identification of the extent of the attitudes, beliefs, and feelings of an individual towards a specific subject or topic. The traditional Likert scale inquires from people the extent to which they disagree or agree with a statement on a 5-point scale. The scale goes on the continuum of “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree". The Likerts Management Systems refer to the styles of management that are formulated, developed and polished up by Rensis Likert during the early 1950s. There are four systems that have been outlined by him in terms of management in order to elaborate upon the involvement, relationship, and the roles and responsibilities of the subordinates and managers in the industrial settings (Hall, 1972). The systems of management that he had introduced include: 1) Exploitative Authoritative 2) Benevolent Authoritative 3) Consultative System 4) Participative System. 2. Further discuss what he meant by supportive relationships and supportive behavior and the role it plays in effective leadership? An effective leadership is described as getting things done through people and achieving the organziation goals successfully. In the management perspectives, this leadership can be undertaken either through the democratic and supportive styles or through the autocratic and authoritarian styles. The concept of supportive relationships state that the strong relationships form a significant ground for the sustaining of an effective leadership. It is shown by the findings of various studies and investigations that the leaders who carry a more positive attitude in terms of their relationships have fewer chances to encounter mental exhaustion or stress. The supportive relationships in effective leadership generally help in enhancing the personal wellbeing by affiliating to and belonging amongst the people who provide support, care, and are honest and serve as a reference points for the wider issues and the work. The supportive leader possess the skills of good communication, a broad ability to exchange and convey ideas, dreams and visions and also listens actively to the needs of his followers and considers their concerns (Günter, 2010). This demonstrates the genuine acceptance and a considerate behavior by the leaders. The supportive behavior of providing the followers the genuine social and emotional support for in order to solve any stressful circumstances that they are going through is the vital role played by effective leaders. All the supportive behavior and relationships produce best results of the organizations and its employees. The concept of supportive leadership influences the followers and subordinates in a tremendous way with an external locus of control. With the help of a leaders general concerns, the self confidence of the followers is enhanced and, in turn, the stress and anxiety is lessened. There are no conflicts or problems over the job to be undertaken or in regarding the personal issues. Ultimately, the employees work with an increased level of job satisfaction which ultimately decreases the reduces rate of absenteeism, staff turnover, grievances and tardiness. All the concerned employees take the workplace as an attractive place and their performance automatically increases making them more dedicated and committed to the organization by taking ownership of the vision, tending to imitate the leaders passion. 3. In what way does Likert suggest that employees (team members) can be encouraged to achieve high level goals? Likert’s had introduced his management styles during the 1960s, which according to him could encourage the employees to achieve higher goals and productivity in the organziation. He outlined four management styles which explained the involvement, relationship, and the roles and responsibilities of the subordinates and managers in the industrial settings. His study was based on the investigations and observations of the supervisors who were highly productive and their team members of an American Insurance Company. The four management systems that Likert suggested could bring higher productivity of the followers are explained below: Consultative System (III) Likert utilizes the Human Relations theory in this system in order to motivate and encourage the employees to perform the jobs and accomplish their benchmarks. The workers in this management style are usually motivated with the help of occasional punishments, rewards, and a little engagement in the goals and decision making. The employees working at the lower level of the hierarchy are provided the freedom to adopt certain decisions that will affect their work. The general decisions and policies and regulations, which may impact the organizations, are still controlled by the upper management. The managers talk to their subordinates regarding the actions plans and problems prior to setting the goals for the organizations. The system of communication has an upward and downward flow, though; the upward communication is more restricted. This fosters a positive influence on the relationships of employees and makes them more collaborative and cooperative with one another (Hall, 1972). The employees at lower levels are authorized enough to be consulted for making decisions and this, ultimately, improves the performance, satisfaction and thus, productivity inn the organziation. Participative System (IV) Likert also presented the participative system as the most efficient and the effective style of management. This system also corresponds to the theory of human resource in the organziation. The participative system usually fosters the employees participation in the process of setting goals and making decision with the help of horizontal communication channel which allows the free flow of ideas, theories and perceptions. This also helps enhance the skills of workers as well as the creativity put in by them. All the goals of organization are accepted by the workers as well as the authorities due to the fact that they are set through the participation of everyone in the organizations. All such elements of the participative system encourage the employees and followers to work with motivations and this increases the productivity and satisfaction at the workplace. 4. In what way does Likert suggest that the end result variables of an organization, such as the organizations productivity, costs, scrap materials created etc. can be positively impacted upon? According to Likert, a positive impact can be created on the productivity, costs and scrap material in an organization. This, according to him, can be achieved with the help of keeping the employees motivated and train them sufficiently so that there is least or no duplication of resources. The productivity in an organization will increase when the costs are lowered and all the other factors are working in alignment. Through the implementation of the participative and consultative systems, Likert recommends increased productivity, better performance, lower costs and better accomplishment of goals. The employees in the organziation should be made part of the decision making process and shoudl be trained and motivated in a sufficient manner. An increase in productivity can be attended through the brainstorming sessions and participation of the employees at the workplace. The end result variables can be enhanced, maintained and sustained with the better management of people on constant basis. Portfolio Assignment 3 1. John Gardener (1990) On Leadership, New York Press, wrote, “In this country [USA – author’s words] – and in most democracies-power has such a bad name that many people persuade themselves they want nothing to do with it.” Discuss, with relevance to appropriate theory whether managers should develop an understanding of and a competence in building a power base within an organization. The studies and researches conducted upon the styles of leadership are varying in nature and carry numerous definitions within them. In broader terms, the styles of leadership can be defined as the approach and manner in which the direction is provided to the followers, the plans are implemented and the people are motivated. The use of power refers to the various methods which are utilized by the leaders and managers in order influence their employees. When examining the power base in organizations, it is essential to take into account the concept of authority as well since both these attributes are interlinked with each other and are tied to the behavior of superiors over subordinates (Judge, Bono, Ivies & Gerhardt, 2002). Within an organziation, the managers should develop an understanding of and a competence in building a power base within an organization. With respect to the use of power, Kurt Lewin, had identified and introduced three leadership styles in the year 1939: Authoritarian Style: In these styles, all the decisions were made without the input of any of the members in the organizations. The directions are dictated by the authority and this leaves the members unknown of the plans that are to be executed in future. , The members to work in collaboration and those to work independently on the tasks are only selected by the authority. This style of leadership conveys a very impersonal and unfriendly authority figure. Democratic Style: The democratic leader asks for and welcomes any input provided by the members of the teams ad also appreciates the decision making and discussion within the groups. This type of leader shares the organizational and professional plans and views with the group and also provides them various options and alternatives for their considerations. This leader shows an objective attitude in the criticism as well as praises. Laissez Faire Style: The laissez-faire permits the group to enjoy complete liberty in the matters of making decisions and does not take any part himself. The leaders provide the material to the people and only help them upon their request (Fisher, 2000). Since the introduction of these theories, the research performed by Lewin has formed the basis of the various other research studies and articles that have been composed upon the subject of the organizational behavior. All these styles of leadership can be suitable depending upon the situation and environment within which they are being implemented. The managers need to develop an understanding and a competence, an expertise in order to impose their powers in the organizations. When imposing powers and authority, the leaders need to observe the circumstances, gain their understanding and then ought to have the competence to handle the power without demotivating the followers in The Company. An authoritarian leadership style is only efficient and effective when any such circumstances occur which may demand for taking the expedited decision-making or action (French & Raven, 1960). The leaders and managers are required to see and judge that the group members do not prefer structure and are not being motivated on their own, and only prefer prominent monitoring, supervision and directions, can be guided through this style of leadership. In order to retain the democratic power, the managers need to have an understanding that numerous inputs, viewpoints, and participation, are allowed but the managers are still able to maintain the leadership role and their control and strictness in supervision. It is the quality of democratic leaders, that he is able to recognize the strengths of each member within the organizations and then elicits the best performance from each member in an effective and efficient manner. This he does while leading and guiding in an efficient way simultaneously. It arises as a challenge for the democratic leader is that they identify and assess that a group cannot handle all the takes; there are various issues that need to be addressed by the leader alone. Finally, it is the responsibility of a manager or leader to have the understanding that a laissez-faire style of leadership performs best when the group contains members that are highly skilled, motivated and possess proven track record of excellence. This is a hands-off approach which enables the members having extraordinary capabilities to be more effective and productive. Besides these styles, the managers may make the use of coercive power which is applied when the managers have the ability to compel an employee or a worker to work with an order through the threat of punishment (Durbin, 2001). This type of power generally leads to short-term compliance; however, it tends to produce dysfunctional behavior in the long-run. If not managed well, the power of coercion may lead the employees to be dissatisfied from their jobs and show lack of dedications and commitment leading to the withdrawal of general employee. There is certain situation in which the manager that has understanding of and competence at building power base can also impose the legitimate power. According to this power, the employees hold the belief that the managers or ther leaders have all the rights to order them or instruct them due to his position. The employees have to abide by the managers orders and this may also result in declining their commitment to the organizations. Thus, for any managers or leaders, it is necessary that they have proper understanding of the situations in which they can compatibly build their power base and get the work done through their employees or followers. 2. There are many sources of power. In terms of success, in Western cultures people favor and foster personal and dispositional (she achieved what he has done because she was the brightest) as opposed to Chinese cultures which favor situation ally centered (he was promoted because he knew lots of people in the headquarters) explanations of success. If this type of logic is taken further, in to the realms of managing organisations, then one could consider whether managers should explore and develop an understanding of ‘Personal’ as opposed to ‘Positional Power’. Discuss, with reference to relevant theory the issues and the pros and cons of these two very different types of power. For the purpose of analysis and designs of the organziation, power is a significant concept. There are two types of powers: Personal Power The personal powers of the individuals can be widely applied in an organization for the purpose of influencing changes at any of the hierarchal ladder in the organizations. The personal power may not be used to take any initiative towards change, the individuals will at least be capable of targeting the focus of change so that it is possible that the others with authority may see the initiation and implement the change. Thus, personal power can be implemented on the basis of experience, expertise, reputation, knowledge, position, and any other factors present in the personality. Positional Power The concept of positional power is assisted by the formal organization, and this functions through the network of relationships which exists in the inside activities of the organizations. The major advantage of position power is that, it takes the organizations towards the accomplishment of its goals through the communication and networking. The positional power has the role that they take over and have a good control over the formal and informal networks of communication (PPI, 2011). This is more powerful than the personal power since it possesses the ability of shifting some of the power of information from a positional power to a personal power. As a result, this ability has solved all the information filtering and the isolation problems in the organizations that are faced by the managers at the top of the hierarchy everyday. Portfolio Assignment 4 1. Identify the types of managerial tools which can be used to bring about organizational change. It is the leaders and the managers which guide the change and learning process in the organizations. There are various ways in which the managers bring about the change in any small or large scale organziation. The concept of the organizational change pertains to a structured approach in an organization that ensures the successful and smooth implementation and execution of the changes in an organziation. In the contemporary business organizations, the pace of change is more rapid than ever before. The constant technological innovation and globalization has produced results in a business environment that is evolving on a constant basis (Balogun and Hope, 2008). In such a changing environment, managers have larger responsibilities and roles to undertake. The concept of change management pertains to the transitioning of the teams, individuals and organziation form a certain present state to a particular state that is desired in the future. In this context, the management of the organizations need to apply tools for the initiation of change, satisfaction of employees, and assisting and supporting the entire change process. The management needs to consider the implementation of the four major components which includes the following: 1. Goals, levels and strategies, 2. System of Measurement, 3. Steps of change and their sequence, 4. the organizational change and its implementation Due to the different faces of the organizational change, the management will have to arrange for the effective implementation of the change through the proper steps: First, the management will have to identify and recognize the level of change in a business environment which is broader and wider. Second, it will develop and formulate some adjustment which is essential to fulfill the needs of the company (Burke, 2011). . Third, the management will be responsible to offer appropriate training to its employees in order to match the needs and requirements of the organziation. Finally, it is necessary to win the employees support and persuade them to adjust into the changed environment of the organizations in a suitable manner. In order to bring about a change, the management will make the following adjustments: Change in the organizational Mission Strategic changes, Structural and Operational changes, Technological changes, Changes in the behaviors and attitudes of the personnel Since, the change management is a multidisciplinary practice it will begin with the systematic diagnosis of the current situation of the organization. The management will have to do this due to the reason that both the capability and needs to change have to b determined. A Change Management Plan will be formulated which will specify the content, objectives, and the entire change process. The process of change manage may also encompass the methods of creative marketing in order to enable the process of communication between change audiences. 2. as a more readily accessible but perceived measure of an organizations health, researchers have started to investigate ‘Organizational Climate’. Explain what is meant be this term and what it means in terms of the organization. What sort of characteristics might be the sign of a healthy organisation? The term Organizational climate, or the Corporate Climate, pertains to the process of the quantification of the organizational culture through proceeding with the view of organizational culture. It refers to an array of work environments properties which are perceived indirectly or directly by the workers or employees and is considered to be a major force in influencing the behavior of employees. It signifies the recurring and existing patterns of the attitudes, behaviors and feelings which symbolize the features of an organziation. When bringing about a change i the organziation, the climate is also taken into consideration for the purpose of evaluation and change. A healthy organziation climate is where the individuals are satisfied working with each other to achieve mutual goals and objectives (Hall, 1972). The networks are established with sophistications and conflicts are resolved in no time; healthy organizational climates share good norms, beliefs and attitudes and the heterogeneous employee base works in coordination with each other. 3. Following along from the above question, explain and discuss the general principles which management might adhere to when trying to bring about change within an organisation The management needs to take care of and consider various elements when it is embarking upon bringing about a change in the organization. A proper Change Management Plan should established which mentions the measures to eliminate employee resistance, design employee training programs, consider the viewpoints of the workers at every levels and keep the beliefs and norms of the employees ahead of everything. The new organizational climate should be in line with the beliefs and acceptance of the employees. 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