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Internet Addiction and Its Effect on People Behavior - Assignment Example

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The paper "Internet Addiction and Its Effect on People Behavior" highlights that technological advances have altered the relationship between people, creating the basis for scholars to dive into the potential of Internet addiction and its effect on people’s behavioral changes…
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Internet Addiction and Its Effect on People Behavior
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ITC105 Assignment 2 Template for 30 RELEASE V6.0 _________________________________________________________ It is strongly recommended that you use this template to answer your assignment questions. Your assignments may be electronically marked and returned to you. You may use any other format but this will result in delays in the return of your assignment. Do not edit/delete these instructions. Keep your work in the spaces allocated. By using this template, you will be able to view the criteria we are looking for, and not miss out any important items which are required. Only replace any text in GREEN with your response. Do not AMEND any other text in this document. Keep your responses in the boxes provided. You may insert any comment to the lecturer at the end of the assessment. Date Due for this Assignment is Wed, 08-April-2014 This assignment carries 15% of course grade For extensions, read conditions in Subject Outline. __________________________________________________________ Your Name Here Your Student ID Your Email Your Contact (Phone Number) Enter your full name by replacing the green text above. Do the same with your Student ID number. Do not delete any other text on this page. This semester (201530), the topics given to you are: Development of 3D Printing Addiction to the Internet Safety in Air Travel Challenges of Hotel Management in Australasia Addiction to the Internet Your next task is to narrow down this topic. If you are unsure how to do this, watch the video “Narrowing Your Topic” (link in Interact2 subject site). You may change or refine this topic further down the road. So don’t worry about it being a temporary one. Relationship between the Internet addiction and social well-being of an individual Research and find three journal articles in the CSU Database. It is located in the CSU Library website. Enter the titles and details of the journals here, in APA 6th edition format. This is the standard format for most CSU subjects so it is important for you to learn it correctly. Your Supplementary Text helps you or go online. You will use these journal articles to write your structured report. So please keep copies of these articles. Akin, A. and Iskender, M., (2011). Internet addiction and depression, anxiety and stress, International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(1). 138-148 Cash, H., Rae, C., Steel, A. and Winkler, A., (2012). Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice, US National Library of Medicine  National Institutes of Health, Curr Psychiatry Rev. Nov; 8(4): 292–298. King, D., Delfabbro, P., Griffiths, M. and Gradisar, M. (2012). Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to OutpatientTreatmentof Internet Addiction inChildrenand Adolescents, Journal of Clinical Psychology: In session, Vol. 68(11), 1185–1195 Extend your search by including five other sources of information relating to your topic below. They can be conference papers, newspaper articles, magazines, etc. Enter them in APA 6th edition style correctly here. DeAngelis, T., (2000). Is Internet addiction real? American Psychological Association, Vol.31, N.4, Retrieved from Internet addiction should be recognised as a clinical disorder, psychiatrist claims, (n.d.). Mailonline, Retrieved from Konnikova, M. (2014). Is Internet addiction a real thing? The New Yorker, Retrieved from Montag, C. and Reuter, M., (2015). Internet Addiction: Neuroscientific Approaches and Therapeutical Interventions, Springer Ng, J. and Leong, E. (2009). Net Alert!: Helping your child overcome internet addiction through building strong relationships, Candid Creation Publishing Reproduce all of them in the last section of your report under “Reference List” in alphabetical order. Report Writing Findings on the Internet addiction problem TIP: The title of your report must be narrow/focussed. You might want to review this title after you have finished the entire report. The title should give the reader a good idea of what to expect in the report. Marking Criteria (This Section: 2 marks) Appropriate focussed title 1 mark Good representation of report content 1 mark If incorrect grammar or spelling Minus 1 If title not within the topic selection given in Subject Outline Minus 1 Maximum deduction of 2 marks Your score for this section: 0 MARK 1 MARK 2 MARKS Multiple mistakes made Made some mistakes as shown above Able to write a focussed report title Marker Comment (if any) for this section Introduction While Internet obtained an indescribable power of impact toward the way people got connected, such technological advance have also altered the relationship between them, creating basis for the scholars to dive into the potential of Internet addiction and its effect on people’s behavioural changes. Researchers ultimately agree that the new digital era has created its impact on the development of the human mind. Despite such useful features as availability to obtain incredible information and opportunity to be more socially connected, possibilities for self-education, freedom from shyness and huge economic betterment, psychiatrists have noticed that excessive use of Internet can lead to the state of mental disorder or bring the Internet addiction. In terms of acceptance of that kind of addiction, that clinical disorder requires treatment and rehabilitation in order to prevent more serious chronic addictive conditions. However, the American Psychological Association defined scarce evidence on Internet addiction, while only surveys were conducted on investigation of the given theme. The following report presents some of the considerations of American Psychological, as well as findings of researchers concerning the impact of excessive Internet use on people and will also highlight recommendations to the solution of this problem. Your introduction should be 170-200 words. TIP: There should be no reference to literature in the introduction of a report. It merely states what this report is all about including the aim or purpose of the report. Marking Criteria (This Section: 2 marks) Clear introduction of topic 1 mark Correct use of third person writing 1 mark Non-adherence to word limit Minus 1 Incorrect grammar or spelling (two mistakes tolerated) Minus 1 Usage of literature in introduction Minus 1 Maximum deduction of 2 marks Your score for this section: 0 MARK 1 MARK 2 MARKS Multiple mistakes as shown above One mistake made as shown above Able to provide a topic and use third person writing correctly. Marker Comment (if any) for this section Approaches to Internet addiction identification According to DeAngelis (2000), there is no one single agreement among psychologists about the right term that describes the state of people who spend much time online. There is also no research established of any disorder of Internet addiction in terms of its separation from the loneliness state or passion to excessive use of Internet. Instead, American Psychological Association speaks about emotional and social implications of the findings. These are the problems in the marriages, families and work that make more women and men live online. Being socially connecting device, Internet makes a lot of people isolating at the same time. Based on the surveys conducted (DeAngelis, 2000), only five per cent of respondents were meeting the criteria for compulsive Internet use. The Mailonline article (n.d.) states that there is a necessity to recognize the Internet addiction as a clinical disorder, as psychiatrists consider such symptoms as losing of the track of time, neglecting eating and sleeping processes, feeling of withdrawal and the increased need in better computer equipment are among the major factors that evidence about the Internet addiction. Thus, too many hours spent online cause a compulsive-impulsive disorder. The Guardian article (2008) has already called the Internet addiction as the clinical disorder, taking into account the findings of Dr. Jerald Block, an author for the American Journal of Psychiatry. According to the article (Smith, 2008), the primary case study in South Korea has shown ten people to be dead as a result of blood clots from the seated positions for long periods in the Internet cafes. One million people are considered of those who need basic counselling as to the negative impact on excessive use of Internet. Konnikova (2014) reports the psychiatrists at Yale to examine the term addiction. Thus, along with such addictions as substance abuse, researchers have noticed patients with other problems that are difficult to be classified. These are patients that have behavioural addictions of being unable to get off the Internet. That is, by excessive time spent in the Internet, the time interfering with the human necessity of being socially and professional active, hence, Internet use may result mental distress and clinical impairment. Ng and Leong (2009) illustrate the comparison between what parents think about their children being in the Internet. Thus, 61% claim that they know what their children are looking in the Internet, while the children themselves are increasingly accessing the Internet via cafes, friends’ places and via mobile phones. 74% of parents are worried whether their children chat with strangers, while 48% of kids do communicate with the strangers more than once a week. With the problem of Internet addiction to become widespread, there appeared new studies that examined the neurological causes of this addiction, hence, new ways of the treating of such disorder have emerged as well (Montag & Reuter, 2015). Thus, through Internet Addiction Test, there appeared a possibility to measure the extent of individual involvement with the computer and then classify the addictive behaviour. The Test enabled to examine the symptoms of Internet addiction when an individual is preoccupied with use of Internet, is able to control online use and the extent of hiding about the use of the Internet. Cash, Rae, Steel and Winkler (2012) argue that problematic use of computer is already an increasing social issue, the addiction to Internet negatively influence social well-being by causing  neurological complications and psychological disturbances. With the ongoing debate about the classification of behaviour that is associated with the spending of many hours in the non-work technology-related computer, Internet and video games, withdraw symptoms that direct on the continuation of the behaviour that is considered to be asocial (Cash, Rae, Steel & Winkler, 2012). There is also a diagnostic criterion that is required for a diagnosis of Internet addiction. It includes the preoccupation with the Internet, need in use of Internet more than it is necessary for work, unsuccessful efforts to manage and handle Internet use, inability to cut down Internet use, being online longer than intended. The other study (Akin & Iskender, 2011) examines the relationship between the Internet addiction with the depression and anxiety, involving three hundred of participants to examine the correlation between the internet addiction and its impact on depression and stress. Thus, students in various undergraduate programs at Turkey University were examined through anonymous questionnaires using the dimensions of loneliness, depression, diminished impulse control and social comfort and their relation to the Internet use. The findings showed greater use of Internet is associated with the social and psychological variables that are known as social circle, loneliness, lower self-esteem and poor life satisfaction. In addition, the results indicated on the more addictive on the Internet the student was, the more stress and anxiety an individual had. The body should be 700-800 words. TIPS: The statements you make must be backed up by literature. Paraphrase or quote correctly according to what the style dictates. Use third person writing. Arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’ must be included to give a balanced outlook of the topic. Usage of at least three journal papers. These can be websites that reproduce academic journals. Marking Criteria (This Section: 6 marks) Literature – correct use of paraphrasing and quoting (direct long quote [indented] must be used once) 2 marks Arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’ listed (advantage/disadvantage) – from literature 2 marks Correct use of third person writing 1 mark Ease of interpretation (expression and flow of ideas) 1 mark Unsubstantiated statement or claim made Minus 2 If no citations in this section and/or less than 3 journal articles Minus 6 Maximum deduction of 6 marks Your score for this section: 0 MARK 1-4 MARKS 5-6 MARKS Multiple mistakes as shown above OR failure to submit Some errors made as shown above which should require your attention in remedial work. Able to provide a topic and use third person writing correctly. Marker Comment (if any) for this section Recommendations While Internet use remains widely disputed notion and since it is also a rapidly changeable theme, researchers should always keep up the conditions of what causes addiction to the Interne and how to deal with the negative consequences as well as taking preventive actions. Some treatment strategies are already known from the cognitive-behaviral approach. According to Cash, Rae, Steel and Winkler (2012), researchers and psychiatrists should practice opposite time of Internet use. This means that experts should discover patient’s patterns of Internet use and demolish them in order to reduce the negative influence of Internet on human well-being. Along with such actions, researchers should use external stoppers such as real activities that impel an individual to log off Internet. It is also useful to set goals that would tell the person why Internet is needed for. Here the reminder cards would tell an individual about the costs of Internet addiction and will remind one about the benefits of breaking the unhealthy habit. Another recommendation to the addicted person as to people with various addictions is to enter a support group that will compensate lack of social support. Along with that, there is a great positive impact from the family on the addicted person in one’s striving to solve problems of personal character through means of Internet. Montag and Reuter (2015) consider such therapies as Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy are among the best methods to cope with the problems of Internet addiction. King, Delfabbro, Griffiths and Gradisar (2012) find that the activity-monitoring schedule enables individuals with Internet addiction to achieve a shared understanding about the types of online activities they need, documentation of their thoughts and emotional states before, during and after the online activities can also enable the person to understand about how Internet impacts one’s behaviour and emotions. In addition, psychoeducation can be an effective adjunct to the therapy, especially for adolescent’s parents as they should be aware of simple removing from the computer can be a significant shock for their children and can cause the development of inability to trust and feel support from the parents’ side. If Internet addiction concerns the teenagers and children, parents should make all possible to reduce negative beliefs of their children that cause the attraction to the anonymity of the Internet (Wolfling, Beutel, Dreier & Muller, 2014). The body should be between 350-400 words. TIPS: Being informed by literature or reports, write out your recommendations or path that you wish the reader to take. Be clear about benefits. Do not introduce any new topic not discussed in the body above. Marking Criteria (This Section: 3 marks) Provision of Recommendations (at least three) – no marks awarded if < 3 1 mark Clear and concise, within word limit 1 mark Correct use of third person writing 1 mark Introduction of new topic not discussed in the main body Minus 1 Using brief dot points that does not explain in detail, the recommendations Minus 2 Maximum deduction of 3 marks Your score for this section: 0 MARK 1-2 MARKS 3 MARKS Multiple mistakes as shown above, or not submitted Some errors made as shown above which should require your attention in remedial work. Able to provide a recommendation and article these clearly. Marker Comment (if any) for this section Conclusion There are numerous studies in the past that point to Internet addiction as the increasing health issue as among adults as among adolescents and children. Thus, clinical researches underpin the psychopathological symptoms of people that suffer addiction to the Internet. The American Psychological Association indicates on emotional background of the problem of spending much time online. Other researchers define Internet addiction connected with the problems at work or in family. That calls depression states, stress conditions among the people suffering Internet addiction and low level of self among the adolescents and children who use Internet uncontrolled period of time. To avoid such conditions and increase the level of social comfort, there are already different techniques and procedures that help people with the addiction to the Internet to cope with the problem. Among the most reasonable methods are the involvement of the family into the treatment of an individual with the addiction and the Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy. Through motivating individual to initiate abstinence from the Internet activity along with the psychotherapeutic treatment significant changes in symptoms can be observed and that will be the most successful initiative in reducing of person’s addiction to the Internet use. The body should be between 170-200 words. TIPS: This sums up the entire report. There should be no new material (thoughts, recommendations, etc.) in this section. Marking Criteria (This Section: 2 marks) Clear summary of the entire report 1 mark Keep to word limit 1 mark New material introduced here Minus 1 Quotes or references used here Minus 1 Maximum deduction of 2 marks Your score for this section: 0 MARK 1 MARK 2 MARKS Multiple mistakes as shown above, or not submitted One mistake made as shown above Able to provide a conclusion to this report within word limit. Marker Comment (if any) for this section References Akin, A. and Iskender, M., (2011). Internet addiction and depression, anxiety and stress, International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(1). 138-148 Cash, H., Rae, C., Steel, A. and Winkler, A., (2012). Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice, US National Library of Medicine  National Institutes of Health, Curr Psychiatry Rev. Nov; 8(4): 292–298. DeAngelis, T., (2000). Is Internet addiction real? American Psychological Association, Vol.31, N.4, Retrieved from Internet addiction should be recognised as a clinical disorder, psychiatrist claims, (n.d.). Mailonline, Retrieved from King, D., Delfabbro, P., Griffiths, M. and Gradisar, M. (2012). Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to OutpatientTreatmentof Internet Addiction inChildrenand Adolescents, Journal of Clinical Psychology: In session, Vol. 68(11), 1185–1195 Konnikova, M. (2014). Is Internet addiction a real thing? The New Yorker, Retrieved from Montag, C. and Reuter, M., (2015). Internet Addiction: Neuroscientific Approaches and Therapeutical Interventions, Springer Ng, J. and Leong, E. (2009). Net Alert!: Helping your child overcome internet addiction through building strong relationships, Candid Creation Publishing Smith, D., (2008). Addiction to internet is an illness, The Guardian, Retrieved from Wolfling, K., Beutel, M., Dreier, M. and Muller, K. (2014). Treatment Outcomes in Patients with Internet Addiction: A Clinical Pilot Study on the Effects of a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program, BioMed Research International,Volume 2014. TIPS: Do not number them. Use APA 6th edition only. Marking Criteria (This Section: 5 marks) Provision of three journal articles 3 marks Usage of APA 6th edition style correctly (tolerance of one mistake) 2 marks Using some other referencing style (not APA) Minus 4 Only non-journal article used throughout (eg. newspaper, magazines, websites) Minus 5 Wrong punctuation, indentation, capitals, etc. (tolerance of one mistake) Minus 2 Maximum deduction of 5 marks Your score for this section: 0 MARK 1-3 MARKS 4-5 MARKS Multiple mistakes as shown above OR failure to submit Some errors made as shown above which should require your attention in remedial work. Able to provide a reference list accurately. Marker Comment (if any) for this section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please do not PDF this document for submission. Keep a copy of this document with you after your submit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optional: You may include any comment, remark to the marker or lecturer about this assignment here. Optional Message We have adopted the standard .doc template as this is the most common format. We decided against Adobe as there are numerous versions in the market and some versions do not support Adobe Forms. Read More
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