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Workforce Demands and Supply Forecasting Workforce Demands and Supply Forecasting The Future Workforce Demands The Current trend of businesses to rely on the ICT industry needs such as marketing means that the ICT industry requires more if not adequate workforce in order to meet these demands. Reliance on information and technology has been made evident by the increase in the productivity of ICT industries. As Australian industries seek to generate more revenue inside and outside the country, the future workforce demand is expected to rise in the future.
It is approximated that the demand will go up by 7.1% by the year 2017. The increase in workforce demand has been made evident by the seeking of workforce from overseas. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection avails data indicating that, a total of 13759 visas have been granted under the onshore and offshore component (Department of Immigration and Border Protection, n.d.).The quality and quantity of the workforce availableThe available quality of the workforce in the country is insufficient.
It is insufficient because educational institutions have not invested appropriately in the production of qualified personnel. Externally, the workforce has sufficient quality due to the diversity externally sourced workforce brings with it.The available quantity of the workforce internally is inadequate due to a decline in persons willing to study and pursue careers in ICT. The unwillingness has been shown by a reduction in ICT tertiary applications across the country.Externally, the quantity is adequate.
The migration into Australia shown by figures from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection denote the movement of people into Australia. These people bring with them valuable skills for the industry.ReferenceDepartment of Immigration and Border Protection, n.d.. Organisational Feasibilty Study, s.l.: Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
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