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The Development of Digital Training Program at Wal-mart Corporation - Research Paper Example

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This paper discusses aspects of Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program which basically includes its unique business approach. The paper will be helpful in evaluating the progress and effectiveness of the entire project and the impacts of digital training project on the organization’s global image…
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The Development of Digital Training Program at Wal-mart Corporation
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Communication Management Strategy Project: Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program Release Status: Draft/Final s [File and version] [Project ID] History of the Document 1. Location The document ‘Communication Management Strategy for Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program’ is saved in the following location: Filename XXX Location XXX 2. Revision History The document has gone through following revisions: Version No. Revision Date Filename/Location stored: Brief Summary of Changes V01 2014 XXX Draft/Final 3. Authorisation The document requires consent of following authorities: Authorisation or Designation Name Signature Date Chief Executive XXXX Managing Director XXXX Human Resource Manager XXXX Project Manager XXXX 4. Distribution The document is has been distributed to the following individuals: Name Title Version Issued Date of Issue XXXX XXX V01 08/11/2013 5. Related Documents Following is the summary of different files used in preparation of this document along with their storage locations. Document Type Filename and Location stored: Project Brief XXXX Financial Reports XXXX Risk Register XXXX CONTENTS History of the Document 2 1. Location 2 2. Revision History 2 3. Authorisation 2 4. Distribution 2 5. Related Documents 3 CONTENTS 4 Introduction 5 1. Purpose 5 2. Objectives 5 3. Scope 6 4. Derivation 6 Presentation of written reports and oral status review 8 Verbal - face to face 8 16 Summary of Quality Criteria 16 Communication Management Strategy Introduction 1. Purpose The fundamental purpose of Communication Management Strategy is to facilitate internal and external contact between different stakeholders (Hedeman, 2010). It contains description about the frequency and means of communication while establishing a bi-directional and controlled transference of information. Moreover, it includes the outcomes of stakeholder analysis and the details of particular project information which they might require. Finally, the communication management strategy also includes all the technical data and requisite files which are used in formation of the strategy (Hedeman, 2010). This document particularly relate to the development of Communication Management Strategy for Digital Training Program at Wal-mart Corporation. 2. Objectives Wal-mart has always given importance to the employee training and development programs as it has been an integral part of its employees’ career path (Working At Walmart: Training and Development, 2013). However, due to the advancing technology and increasing size of Wal-mart’s business the corporation now requires establishing a digital learning and training program in order to better improve its customer services and overall employee relationships. Following are the most significant objectives of Communication Management Strategy for Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program (Corporate Communications Policy, 2012). To indentify the group of internal and external stakeholders who would be requiring information regarding this project. To recognize and contact project sponsors. To define the communication strategy, methods and techniques while maintaining significant consistency in communicating with interested parties. To define the roles and responsibilities of management committee. 3. Scope The scope of this document is actually restricted to different aspects of Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program which basically includes its unique business approach. This is further related with the organization’s ongoing communication procedures with all the stakeholders. This document will be helpful in evaluating the progress and effectiveness of the entire project while making a strict stakeholder analysis and the impacts of digital training project on the organization’s global image. Additionally, the communication management strategy aims to combine the organizational mission to its capabilities and resources (Tripathi, 2009). 4. Derivation The elements of communication management strategy for Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program are derived from following sources: Corporate Communication Policies. The PRINCE2 2009 information based upon Communication Management Strategy. Formal and informal discussions with the project sponsors and stakeholders. Stakeholder Analysis. Communication Procedures Formal business communication is based upon a comprehensive process which primarily emphasizes over message i.e. the actual content which has to be delivered. It can be either in verbal words or symbols (Means, 2009). For instance, in case of Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program the stakeholders would have to be informed about the training needs of employees, their skills, competencies etc. At a later stage the message might also be directed towards employees in order to gain their content regarding training strategies. Similarly for developing the training program the project head will have to communicate organizational requirements with the trainer while also assessing the overall effectiveness of the training program at the end of communication management strategy (Developing a Training Plan for your Employees, 2014). Message is directly associated with the sender or communicator who actually creates and delivers it to the receiver or audience (Means, 2009). Apart from this, channel plays the most important role in the communication procedure as it defines the tools and techniques through which the message is communicated. For instance, a communicator can face to face speak to the audience or he can use other channels such as letters. Communication is considered incomplete without feedback or the response given by audience. Feedback might be a verbal comment or even a body gesture which explains the audiences’ understanding of communicator’s message (Means, 2009). Wal-mart’s new program aims to boost employee satisfaction since the organization firmly believes that happy and experienced employees are the key to its organizational success (Wal-Marts New Communication Plan, 2007). Following table further explains the communication procedure for the Wal-mart’s Digital Training Project. Message Communicator Audience Channel Feedback Mechanism Status Report about training needs of employees Project Manager Stakeholders, Project Sponsors, HR Management Team and Communication Management Team Presentation of written reports and oral status review Verbal - face to face comments on the reports Skills Evaluation of Employees Project Manager Management Team and Employees Brief notes and oral presentations Face to Face Development of Training Program Project Manager and Trainer Stakeholders, HR Management Team, Project Management Team Oral notes briefing Face to Face Overall Feedback and Analysis of Training Program Trainer Stakeholders, Project Team and HR Functional Team Verbal presentations and material discussion Face to Face and written feedback forms Tools and Techniques Wal-mart has a greater emphasis over its employee training and development as it motivates its associates to complete training sessions while being paid by the organization (Altner, 2013). Communication management strategy is based upon different tools and techniques which will be implemented throughout the Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program. For instance, in order to communicate with stakeholders meetings will be conducted. Moreover, they would be informed about the project progress through email services. Portal and Intranet are the two fundamental tools which will facilitate employees and project managers to communicate with one another. Following tools and techniques might be used for internal and external communication (Cornelissen, 2008): Staff Meetings Posters and Bulletin Boards Multimedia Presentations Employee Letter and Memoranda Feedback Forms Articles and Newsletters Orientation Sessions All of these tools and techniques are fundamentally used to strengthen the relationship between managing team and the stakeholders while achieving the desired project outcomes (Bovée, 2008). Following table further illustrates the key contents of communication instruments to be used by different individuals and managing team members at various stages of Digital Training Project. Communication Tools and techniques Stakeholders Summary of the Status Report Project Accomplishments Plan for Project Deviations Training Schedule Key Points of Policy and Project Decisions Description of Project Issues and Problems Risk and Mitigation Plan Management Team Minutes of the Review Project Status Review Discuss about Project Issues and Problems Policy Recommendations Review Communication Plan Review Project Team Meetings Review Project Status Review of the key Project Policy Points and Decisions Review of the scheduled project activities. Present feedback information. Trainer Training Plan Data related to Business Rules and Corporate Regulations Business Processes of Wal-mart Skills Development and Training Reports Collection of System Procedures and Policies Records Significant discrepancies might occur in communication management if recordkeeping is ignored while proposing the strategy (Guideline: Records Management Strategy , 2010) . Hence all the details related to communication management strategy have to be recorded in the following formats: Paper: Information collected through communication questionnaires, newsletters and feedback forms is stored in printed paper form. On the other hand papers are also used to store communication timetables, job aids and internal memos. Technology: Computer technology extensively facilitates businesses in information storage. For instance, meeting records can be maintained through videos whereas electronic bulletin boards, emails and web pages can also be used for recording details of communication management strategy. Reporting The communication management strategy has to be reported and reviewed continuously in order to ensure its effectiveness (Project Communication Handbook, 2007). Wal-mart has greater emphasis on updating its associates regarding the latest issues and developments concerning the organization (Communications & Corporate Affairs, 2013). Following reports are required to be produced for the Communication Management Strategy of Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program: Required Information Information Provider Communication Frequency Method of Communication Report Highlights along with Risk Logs, Financial Details and Issue logs Project Manager Bi-Monthly Email Presentation at the Board Meetings Project Manager Monthly Face to face and multimedia presentation Description of key milestones achieved along with future plans Project Manager After 3 Months Face to Face Meeting Discussion of Interdependency Issues Project Manager Whenever required At the interdependency meetings Report of key issues identified during the communication management Project Manager Weekly Email Meeting Minutes Project Manager As per the requirements Portal Announcements Discussion about Business Case Project Manager At the Board Meetings Face to face discussion Communication Issues Project Manager Weekly Email Project Reviews Project Manager Weekly Meetings Maintenance of Quality Log Project Manager Weekly and at the end of project Email and Meeting Review of all Project Reports Executive At the Board Meeting Face to face discussion Team meetings Project Manager Weekly Video Conferencing Discussion about Project Issues and Risks Project Manager Weekly Email Progress on the overall project and communication management Project Manager and Team Manager Weekly Meeting Discussion about the Progress Reports Project Board At the project completion Intranet Timing of Communication Activities One of the most significant elements in designing the schedule of communication activities is to analyze the timetable of target audience. This is important because of stakeholders’ interest in attending other events (Manasseh, 2012). Following table includes the timing of different communication activities to be conducted during the Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program: Activities Timing Status Report About Training Needs of Employees At the beginning of communication management and training project Skills Evaluation of Employees (Before Training) At the beginning of training sessions Development of Training Program At the beginning of project Training Session 1 Monthly Feedback of Session 1 Monthly Training Session 2 Monthly Feedback of Session 2 Monthly Training Session 3 Monthly Feedback of Session 3 Monthly Skills Evaluation of Employees (After Training) At the end of Training Sessions Overall Feedback and Analysis of Training Program At the end of project Roles and Responsibilities These are identified in order to facilitate employees in clear, open and coherent communication (Corporate Communications Policy, 2012). Following is the description of roles and responsibility in regard to the Communication Management Strategy: 1. Programme Management This would be a group of individuals responsible for the organization of Wal-mart’s Digital Training Project. Their primary job is to arrange all the requirements for the completion of project while making clear forecasts for the quality, time and cost. Their support and guidance is necessary in closure of the project. 2. Executives The executive is actually appointed by the members of Programme Management who is responsible to look after the business benefits to be achieved by the implementation of Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program. He will make the Benefits Review Plan for the entire project duration. At the time of closing the project he will have to submit the reports to the Senior User. Moreover, he would be responsible to arrange funds for the project while also reviewing all the project based strategies. 3. Senior User He is primarily responsible to specify all the business benefits as a result of Digital Training Project while ensuring that the project achieves its desired outcomes. The estimated project benefits should be based upon realities while on the other hand he has to provide details of actual benefit reviews in relation to the forecasted ones. 4. Supplier Suppliers may be selected from within the organization or they can be outsources. They are chiefly responsible for delivering all the required products for the completion of Digital Training Program. Furthermore, they have to consider cost and viability of the products delivered. 5. Project Manager Project Manager is actually responsible to prepare the Business Case of Wal-mart’s Digital Training Program on behalf of the Executive. For this purpose he has to conduct various impact analyses including all the risks and problems which might influence the efficiency and effectiveness of the project. He has a crucial duty of updating all the management personnel whereas he is also responsible to report and assess the Project Board Meetings. 6. Team Manager He is responsible for controlling and coordinating all the team members of Wal-mart’s Digital Training Project. Additionally he has to report any risks and inefficiencies to the Project Managers at the required time period. 7. Project Assurance Manager He has to assist in the advancement of Business Case while verifying and monitoring the project progress. Moreover, he is responsible to look after the external project events and its consistency to the corporate strategy. Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder analysis is typically done to examine the corporation’s relationship with its stakeholders while also analyzing their potential responses in regard to a particular project (Schibi, 2013). Following is the brief stakeholder analysis for the Communication Management Strategy of Wal-mart’s Training Program: Interested Party Current Relationship Desired Relationship Interfaces Key Messages Executives Good Proactive decision making and quick implementation of strategies Emails, Portal Announcements, Group Discussion and Meetings They will use all the Status Reports, Skills Evaluation, Training Plan and Feedback forms Project Assurance Team for Communication Management Strategy Excellent Effective communication management with reduced risks and problems Emails and Bulletin Board Announcements They will use Status Reports and Feedback forms Team of Quality Assurance Good Support in increasing the quality assurance of communication management and the organizational project Emails and Bulletin Board Announcements They will use Skills Evaluations and Training feedback forms Training and Development Project Team Excellent Development of a profound training plan and its execution Meetings, Emails and Voice Mails They will formulate the Training Plan Staff of Human Resource Department Good Active support to the Training and Development project team Emails and Portal Announcements They will assist the overall implementation of Digital Training Program and Communication Management Strategy Special Interest Groups Good Critical understanding of recording procedures Emails and Voicemails They will have to record the progress of Communication Management Strategy Suppliers Good Timely supply of products and services Emails and Meetings They will have to coordinate with executives and quality assurance team Competitors Good Implementation of reactive approach Monthly Review Reports They will focus on status reports and overall efficiency of communication management User Group Excellent Active participation in communication management Emails and Meetings They will have to collaborate with Suppliers and Communication Management Team Finance Department Good Making funds available for communication management and the Digital Training Project Meeting, Emails, Discussions and Portal Announcements They will make the project budget while also facilitating in communication management Summary of Quality Criteria The above description, records, reports, stakeholder analysis and presentation of other significant details reveal that the Communication Management Strategy successfully meets the Project’s Quality Criteria. This is further analyzed in the following discussion: All stakeholders are clearly recognized and subsequently consulted for their individual communication requirements. Stakeholders are informed about the content of communication, its frequency and different methods to be used during the project. There is a well established common standard of communication to be followed throughout the project implementation. Moreover, the necessary changes in communication management strategy will be critically evaluated before being communicated to the stakeholders. Stage plans include descriptions about resources, time and effort required to carry out the communication tasks. The frequency of communication is designed as per the complexity of project, its importance and various demands. The communication patterns and the responsibility of each individual involved in the project are clearly stated while being mentioned in the section of Roles and Responsibilities. The Communication Management Strategy is integrated with all the communication facilities, for instance, discussion bulletins, intranet etc. References Altner, D. (2013). Why Do 1.4 Million Americans Work At Walmart, With Many More Trying To? Retrieved March 24, 2014, from Forbes. Bovée, C. (2008). Business Communication Today. India: Pearson Education. Communications & Corporate Affairs. (2013). Retrieved March 25, 2014, from Walmart. Cornelissen, J. (2008). Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Corporate Communications Policy. (2012). UK: BC Ferries. Developing a Training Plan for your Employees. (2014). Retrieved March 23, 2014, from Business Government New Zealand. Guideline: Records Management Strategy . (2010). Australia: Public Record Office Victoria . Hedeman, B. (2010). Project Management Based on PRINCE2 2009. Zaltbommel: Van Haren Publishing. Manasseh, A. (2012). Project Communication Guide. European Union: INTERREG IVC. Means, T. (2009). Business Communication. USA: Cengage Learning. Project Communication Handbook. (2007). Canada: Caltrans. Schibi, O. (2013). Managing Stakeholder Expectations for Project Success: A Knowledge Integration Framework and Value Focused Approach. USA: J. Ross Publishing. Tripathi, P. (2009). Communication Management: A Global Perspective. New Delhi: Global India Publications. Wal-Marts New Communication Plan. (2007). Retrieved March 23, 2014, from Millerwood Communications. Working At Walmart: Training and Development. (2013). Retrieved March 23, 2014, from Walmart. Read More
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