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Research Methods for Business and Management - Assignment Example

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In the paper “Research Methods for Business and Management,” the author provides data analysis, which was collected in the United Kingdom in the three member states of the UK; England, Scotland, and Wales. The survey was about different issues affecting people of the UK…
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Research Methods for Business and Management
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QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT of affiliation Data analysis This data was collected in United Kingdom in the three member states of UK; England, Scotland and Wales. The survey was about different issues affecting people of UK. Some of the issues include perception about racism, government spending and taxes, government welfare funding, unemployment and law enforcement among others. There were a total of 3311 respondents. 1. Descriptive data 1.1. Country of origin Table 1.0 England, Scotland or Wales? :Q31 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid England 2856 86.3 86.3 86.3 Scotland 290 8.8 8.8 95.0 Wales 165 5.0 5.0 100.0 Total 3311 100.0 100.0 The respondents were from different states the table above shows representation from different areas. Most of the respondents were from England with 86.3 percent, 8.8 percent were from Scotland while 5 percent are from Wales. Wales had a small representation in the study with only 5 percent. The pie chart below further illustrates the representation by state. 1.2. Gender of respondents Person 1 SEX :Q49 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Valid Male 1612 48.7 48.7 Female 1699 51.3 51.3 Total 3311 100.0 100.0 The table above is for the gender of the respondents. From the table it can be seen that most of the respondents were female with 51.3 percent while 48.7 percent were male. 1.3. Age of the respondents Age of respondent(grouped) dv :Q140 Frequency Percent Valid 18-24 400 12.1 25-34 547 16.5 35-44 595 18.0 45-54 576 17.4 55-64 496 15.0 65-97 693 20.9 DK/Ref/NA 4 .1 Total 3311 100.0 The age of the respondents is shown in the table above. The age ranges from 18 years to 97 years. There were those who also did not know their age were grouped as DK/Ref/NA/. The highest number of respondents was of the age 65-97 years. The age between 18-24 had 12.1 percent representation. The pie charts before shows the age representation of the respondents. 1.4. Marital status Marital status is the state of a person where has a partner that they have a relationship or not. It means those who are living together as husband and wife. Marital status dv :Q146 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Valid Married/living as married 2064 62.3 62.3 Separated/divorced 321 9.7 9.7 Widowed 224 6.8 6.8 Never married 700 21.2 21.2 No information 2 .0 .0 Total 3311 100.0 100.0 The above table shows the marital status where most of the respondents are married or living as married with 62.3 percent. There were also another 21.2 percent of those who said they never been married. Widowed were 6.8 percent while those who were separated or divorced had 9.7 percent. 2. Descriptive statistics and visualisation 2.1. Censorship of films and magazines Censorship of films and magazines is necessary to uphold moral standards A2.49fB2.26fC2.25f. Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Agree strongly 505 15.3 17.8 17.8 Agree 1227 37.1 43.2 61.0 Neither agree nor disagree 609 18.4 21.4 82.4 Disagree 359 10.8 12.6 95.1 Disagree strongly 104 3.1 3.7 98.7 Not answered (9) 37 1.1 1.3 100.0 Total 2841 85.8 100.0 Missing ‘No self-completion’ 470 14.2 Total 3311 100.0 The table above shows the views of the respondents on issues of Censorship of films and magazines is necessary to uphold moral standards. 17.8 percent and 43.2 percent of that respondents said they agree and strongly agree respectively. There were only 12.6 percent of the respondents who disagreed while 3.7 who strongly disagreed. There were 21.4 percent remained neutral while 1.3 percent did not answer. The above histogram is also for censorship of films and magazines it shows that it is negatively skewed. Most of the bars and the line curve are on the left side of the left sided and mean value. 2.2. Readership Newspaper readership grouped (broadsheet & tabloid) - dv Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid No paper 2000 60.4 60.4 60.4 Tabloid 858 25.9 25.9 86.3 Broadsheet (inc. regional) 433 13.1 13.1 99.4 Other/more than 1 paper 18 .5 .5 99.9 DK/Ref 2 .1 .1 100.0 Total 3311 100.0 100.0 This question was about readership of the newspaper in UK, from the statically data above, most of the people in UK stay with paper with those with no paper being 60.4 percent. Tabloid has a readership of 25.9 percent; broadsheet had 13.1 percent while those who read other paper had 0.5 percent. This means that most of the people do not read newspapers. However, among those who read it go for tabloid compared to broadsheet. 2.3. Government cuts or tax increment If govt had to choose which should choose :Q273 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Valid Reduce taxes and spend less on health, education etc 209 6.3 6.3 Keep taxes and spending on these services at same level 1803 54.5 54.5 Increase taxes and spend more on health, education etc 1178 35.6 35.6 (None) 83 2.5 2.5 Dont know 38 1.1 1.1 Total 3311 100.0 100.0 The above question wanted to know the opinion of people of UK what the government should do between spending and tax. Most of the people wanted the government to keep spending and taxes to be at the same level with 54.5 percent which is more than half of the respondents. There another group of people who felt that taxes and spending should be increased but the spending should be channelled to healthcare and education with 35.6 percent. 6.3 percent said taxes and spending should be reduces while 1.1 percent do not know what they wanted. 2.4. Satisfied or not with how satisfied or dissatisfied would you say you are with the way in which the NHS runs nowadays :Q357 Frequency Valid Percent Valid Very satisfied 153 13.8 Quite satisfied 488 43.8 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 201 18.1 Quite dissatisfied 181 16.3 Very dissatisfied 82 7.3 Dont know 8 .7 Total 1113 100.0 Missing not asked this version 2198 Total 3311 The question about national health services on whether they are satisfied with service provision or not was asked. Most of the respondents were satisfied with 13.8 percent very satisfied, 43.8 percent quite satisfied which is more than half of the total respondents. 16.3 percent were quite dissatisfied while 7.3 percent very dissatisfied and 0.7 percent do not know. This means that more than half of the population are satisfied with the way NHS is run. 2.5. Law and actions People who break the law should be given stiffer sentences A2.49bB2.26bC2.25b. Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Agree strongly 946 28.6 33.3 33.3 Agree 1329 40.2 46.8 80.1 Neither agree nor disagree 406 12.3 14.3 94.4 Disagree 107 3.2 3.8 98.2 Disagree strongly 19 .6 .7 98.9 Not answered (9) 32 1.0 1.1 100.0 Total 2841 85.8 100.0 Missing ‘No self-completion’ 470 14.2 Total 3311 100.0 The above table was about law and its punishment. Most of the respondents pointed out that those who break the law should be punished and given stiffer sentences with about 80.1 percent having this view. 3. regression analysis This study formulated a hypothesis about factors that will affect the response of the respondents on government spending or cuts and taxes. The following are the hypothesis formulated. a. The level of education is a predictor of how respondents will air their opinion on government should spend more money on welfare for the poor. b. The political party affiliation of the respondent is a predictor of the way people UK populations think about government should spend more money on welfare for the poor. c. The household pre-tax is a predictor of respondents view on government should spend more money on welfare for the poor. d. The country of origin in UK is a predictor of the views of the respondents on government should spend more money on welfare for the poor. 3.1 Correlation Correlations The government should spend more money on welfare benefits for the poor A2.47bB2.24bC2.23b. Party political id(compressed) dv :Q250 Highest educational qual obtained - dv :Q1058 Household pre-tax income quartiles (dv) :Q1206 England, Scotland or Wales? :Q31 Pearson Correlation The government should spend more money on welfare benefits for the poor A2.47bB2.24bC2.23b. 1.000 -.048 -.091 .052 -.036 Party political id(compressed) dv :Q250 -.048 1.000 .040 .036 .082 Highest educational qual obtained - dv :Q1058 -.091 .040 1.000 -.094 .021 Household pre-tax income quartiles (dv) :Q1206 .052 .036 -.094 1.000 -.045 England, Scotland or Wales? :Q31 -.036 .082 .021 -.045 1.000 Sig. (1-tailed) The government should spend more money on welfare benefits for the poor A2.47bB2.24bC2.23b. . .005 .000 .003 .029 Party political id(compressed) dv :Q250 .005 . .016 .026 .000 Highest educational qual obtained - dv :Q1058 .000 .016 . .000 .136 Household pre-tax income quartiles (dv) :Q1206 .003 .026 .000 . .009 England, Scotland or Wales? :Q31 .029 .000 .136 .009 . The correlation table above shows the level of relationship between dependant variable (government should spend more money on welfare for the poor) and the independent variables. There is both a negative and positive relations exhibited by the values in the table. The Pearson correlation shows positive correlation for house household pre-tax income while negative to all other variables. There is statistical significant at one tailed where all the values are less than 0.05. This means that there is significant relationship between each of the independent variables and the dependant variable. This means that high education, household pre-tax income, political party and country of origin are the predictors of the way respondents have their views on whether government should spend more money on welfare for the poor or not. 3.2 Regression analysis ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 57.131 4 14.283 9.402 .000b Residual 4304.813 2834 1.519 Total 4361.944 2838 a. Dependent Variable: The government should spend more money on welfare benefits for the poor A2.47bB2.24bC2.23b. b. Predictors: (Constant), England, Scotland or Wales? :Q31, Highest educational qual obtained - dv :Q1058, Party political id(compressed) dv :Q250, Household pre-tax income quartiles (dv) :Q1206 The ANOVA table above shows regression model 1 with differentiation of 4 and significance of 0.000. It shows the predictors have a relationship with the dependent variable. Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 3.476 .086 40.462 .000 Party political id(compressed) dv :Q250 -.027 .011 -.044 -2.358 .018 Highest educational qual obtained - dv :Q1058 -.044 .010 -.084 -4.500 .000 Household pre-tax income quartiles (dv) :Q1206 .024 .010 .044 2.342 .019 England, Scotland or Wales? :Q31 -.068 .045 -.028 -1.509 .131 a. Dependent Variable: The government should spend more money on welfare benefits for the poor A2.47bB2.24bC2.23b. The constant coefficient is a positive value (3.476) same as household pre-tax income quartiles (0.024) while other coefficients are negative values. However, they are all statistically significant except the country of origin whether England, Scotland or Wales with significant value of 0.131. This means that three null hypothesis which states that: a. The level of education is a predictor of how respondents will air their opinion on government should spend more money on welfare for the poor. b. The political party affiliation of the respondent is a predictor of the way people UK populations think about government should spend more money on welfare for the poor. c. The household pre-tax is a predictor of respondents view on government should spend more money on welfare for the poor. Have been accepted The fourth null hypothesis which states that: The country of origin in UK is a predictor of the views of the respondents on government should spend more money on welfare for the poor. Has been rejected Conclusion The paper has presented description of data, descriptive statistics are also presented. Correlation and regression is the last task that presents the view of the UK population based on different variables. Most of the respondents were from England with 86.3 percent, 8.8 percent were from Scotland while 5 percent are from Wales. Wales had a small representation in the study with only 5 percent. The age ranges from 18 years to 97 years. There were those who also did not know their age were grouped as DK/Ref/NA/. The highest number of respondents was of the age 65-97 years. References Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2003). Business research methods. Gay, L. R., & Diehl, P. L. (1992). Research methods for business and management. Macmillan Coll Div. Grimshaw, D. (2000). The problem with pay flexibility: changing pay practices in the UK health sector. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11(5), 943-966. George, S. (2001). The Europeanisation of UK Politics and Policy-making: the Effect of European Integration on the UK (No. p0017). Queens University Belfast. Moon, J., & Richardson, J. J. (1985). Unemployment in the UK: Politics and Policies. Aldershot: Gower. Russell, M. (2000). Womens Representation in UK Politics: What can be done within the law? (pp. 1-58). London: Constitution Unit. Seber, G. A., & Lee, A. J. (2012). Linear regression analysis (Vol. 936). John Wiley & Sons. Wanhill, S. R. (1987). UK—politics and tourism. Tourism Management, 8(1), 54-58. Watson, G. S. (1964). Smooth regression analysis. Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, 359-372. Read More
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