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Whole foods SWAT analysis organization design class - Essay Example

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The internal and external environment of Whole Foods could be comprehensively examined using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. The internal resources are evaluated through the organization’s strengths and weaknesses; while the external factors that…
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Whole foods SWAT analysis organization design class
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The explicit set of core values underscore the commitment of Whole Foods personnel in delivering foods that abide by the highest quality standards and adhere to compliance with the following: organic farming, seafood sustainability, animal welfare standards, caring for communities, and whole trade guarantee (Whole Foods Market: Mission & Values); The financial success of Whole Foods over the last five years, as measured by its net income figure had been on the uptrend, from $49.68 million in December 31, 2009 up to $146.

00 million in the same period in 2012; which is indicative of a 194% growth rate of the three-year period (Whole Foods Market Net Income Quarterly); The management team and leaders of Whole Foods have continued to stir the company towards success through a proactive stance in leadership, strategies design and implementation, as well as in applying the most effective management styles. Likewise, it was evident that the management team has consistently provided appropriate motivation, rewards, and incentives for all its personnel to accord them professional growth and continuous development; Has always and consistently been recognized by Fortune among the 100 Best Companies to Work For (Whole Foods Market) for 16 consecutive years; attesting to the high job satisfaction and exemplary motivation accorded by the management to all of its personnel.

Although the organization has manifested steady and continuous growth in strategic store locations, it could be deduced that the locations are confined to three main areas: the USA, Canada and the UK; as such, there is a lack of market expansion and exposure to other international markets; Since the ingredients are all natural and organic, the prices of their products are relatively more expensive than other traditional food items and therefore, the target market is limited to the middle-to-higher income groups.

Whole Foods is continually looking for strategic store locations, and it

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