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Strategic Choice in Management Procedures of Decision Making - Research Paper Example

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The objective of the following research is to discuss the use of management theory in decision-making procedures. Along with this, the application of strategic choice in the different management activities that are to be handled for discussion shall also be tackled…
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Strategic Choice in Management Procedures of Decision Making
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BUSINESS STRATEGY PAPER: Understanding How Strategic Choice Becomes a ive Matter When Used in the Management Procedures of Decision Making Introduction Management is one of the primary functions of administrative sections especially that of the business organizations. Why is this so? Primarily because of the fact that the major function of this particular sector in business establishment is to manage the way by which the business enterprise deal with the employees which it gets its company strength from. Being able to make amends with the way the management deals with the organization’s workforce is one way by which the business entity is ensured with the success that it aims to achieve in the future. (Greenwood, 2005, 12) This is the primary reason why management could not passively deal with the issues that concern the employees especially when dealing with the retail practices of business (Leat, 2001, 21). True, the situation of different organizations around the globe today are indeed changing massively, thus making it harder for their management teams to adjust on the said needs that they are supposed to adjust upon. As for a fact, decision-making is a major factor of management that requires adjustments in terms of actual application. People of different races intend to expect different things from the management Hence, it is then very important how effective management procedures could be affected by research procedures as per based in the theories of managing that shall be discussed within the following paragraphs of this paper. Along with this, the application of strategic choice in the different management activities that are to be handled for discussion shall also be tackled so as to know how it is possibly true that strategic choice becomes an element that subjects the business to different issues. Research and Management Practices As mentioned earlier, management requires one to be skillful enough in facing the different changes that the international set of business procedures offers the said systems of organizational operations. Hence, it could then be noticed that the management procedures accompanied by research yields better results on the part of the employers, the employees and the profit that the organization itself makes from the operations that it takes. Moreover, as research procedures aim to increase the knowledge of the people or the managers at that with regards the situation, the more they become competent in doing the job that they are supposed to complete. Through strategic choice application, most managers try to choose the right kind of solution that they ought to apply within certain situations. The examination of the different procedures by which managers could actually apply research and strategic choice into their practice under the application of metaphor theories shall be tackled further in the discussions that follow. The Metaphor Theories Metaphors are primarily noted as a particular type of a speech idiom. The art of language however has made a fine effect upon the creation of managerial policies and procedures. Metaphors are designed primarily to help the employees understand the situation in a more complex procedure. Thus, by doing so, the management helps the employees get more involved within the problem as well as with the solutions that are set to fox the conflicts and complications within the organization. (Gibson, Bruhn, 2001) In some business cases, the issue on the unity that is lacking among the employees and the wrong track of motivation that they get to perform their duties for the company makes it necessary for a metaphorical procedure to be applied for the identification of the solution needed for the situation mentioned above. For this particular situation, the following metaphors are suggested to be of use for the proposal of the procedural solutions: (A) Major Metaphor: Metaphors of Meaning To be able to meet the needed solution for the issue, the metaphors of meaning could be utilized as it pertains to the different concepts that involve human motivation and the relation of which upon their performance in their jobs. A person’s ability to think and examine his ways is the essence of this particular metaphor. It primarily encourages each individual to study themselves as the primary source of organizational success. (Gibson, Bruhn, 2001) (B) Minor Metaphor: Metaphors of Resistance This particular metaphor shows how people are affected by their cultural backgrounds as they relate the said divisions to their own personalities and identities as individuals. (Fleming, 2005) Justification and Explanation of Choice The Metaphors of meaning has been chosen to be the major metaphor to be utilized in treating this particular case because of its impact on the individual players within the issue. It is more focused on mid-based motivation unlike that of Metaphors of resistance. However, the strength of the minor metaphor when it comes to cultural diversity makes it a necessary support for the application of the major metaphor to be used. (Czarniawska, 1998). SoSM [System of System Methodologies] and VSM [Viable System Model] Critique and Application The System of System Methodologies primarily rearrange the procedural approach within the different issues that certain organizations are facing. Most likely, the system that is suggested by the SoSM is chosen basing form the different elements that are contributing to a certain organizational issue. As for example, in some companies the determinants of the situation could be noted as the cultural and individual diversity of the employees leading to separate goals from each other making unity hard to achieve within the said Company. (Yolles, 2005) Hence, by knowing what the issue’s determinants are, the pattern of SoSM could be identified well as to how effective it could be on the Company upon application. The effectiveness of the chosen procedure however depends on the understanding of the primary people involved within the issue of the system that has been chosen to be applied within the organizational reformation. (Leonard, 1999) Meanwhile, VSM or Viable System Model refers to the pattern by which the procedures of solving the impending issues are based upon the capability of the people to live within certain measures of tolerance. The developments of the issue’s solution are primarily directly affected by the fact that the conditions of motivation of the people of a certain organization depends on the condition or state of treatment that they receive from the management. (Leonard, 1999) In some cases, it could be noted that although the sections of the organization are well assisted by the appointed officials in each group, the system of organizational motivation has been disregarded by the organization because of the fact that they opt to attend to other things, which they consider to be of much more importance than organizational motivation. They neglected the fact that although the employees are given the chance to interact with the management, their lack of unified pursuance of a single goal for the organization results to the entire company’s weakness in terms of business transactions and activities. Integration of Metaphors with VSM procedures Variables are expected to have different impacts within a group. The usage of the metaphor of meaning in this case supports the needed strength of the solution to help VSM workout. As mentioned earlier, the metaphor of meaning helps in the strengthening procedures of the right motivation of the people within a certain group. Hence, the VSM application of the solution helps in building up an organization that allows the people see the goals of the entire group as one. This particular organization shall be derived from the basic variables that are to be identified through the utilization of VSM procedures. When the organizational goal has already been reestablished and has been primarily outlined clearly for others to comprehend with, the goal of each individual based on their personal needs becomes secondary, and the group goals of the organization becomes the primary concern of each employee. Model Chart Application The following paragraphs shall be a presentation of the model charts found in the paper of Raul Espejo (2003) entitled: “THE VIABLE SYSTEM MODEL:A BRIEFING ABOUT ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE” Evaluation of Solution Effectiveness From the discussion made above and the model patterns that were displayed, it could be observed that the application of the solution of creating possibilities for the employees to realize their worth to the organizational progress thus encouraging them to work well in unity towards the fulfillment of the organization’s goals could be expected to gain success in the future. The careful application and utilization of the metaphorical theories that have been mentioned herein could help well in helping the management fulfill the task that they are supposed to do in motivating the employees to work as one organization. Gaining a Better View on Applying the SSM Procedure The integration of the SSM application in this particular situation certainly strengthens the already existing procedure of solving the problem. SSM primarily focuses on the cultural aspect of the issue. Since the employees are expected to have come form different cultures, it is simply acceptable to expect that the people within such an organization have their own goals with regards the basis of their particular traditional origin. It is believed that the way a person is brought up sets the personality that he acquires, as he grows older. Probably, the employees are all realizing the fact that they have their own personal needs and demands from the business organization that it overcomes the main goal of the said workers in helping the whole organization battle the odds through their way to success. Obviously, these types of employees have a certain need of being assured that they are lead by the organization to being able to reach their own goals for them to be completely motivated to appeal to the need that they need to address themselves in helping the organization reach its goals as well. The important factor to consider in this stage is that every individual has a need of satisfaction. The strong impact of being personally satisfied as a worker in the performance outcome of the situation suggests that the organization’s provision of the said needs shall lead to a more focused work force. The figure that follows identifies the said particular needs of employees based upon the application of the Herman Dooyeweerd Theory in implementing the SSM procedure. Figure description and explanation: From the figure shown above, several aspects of satisfaction control the needs of people. The words on the left describe the primary sectors of satisfaction that should be considered by administrators in creating motivational patterns for their workers. On the other hand, the ones on the right indicate the sections of improvement needed to be given attention in order to fulfill the satisfaction of the qualities written at the other side of the presentation. From this particular presentation, it could be observed that the needs of the people regardless of their culture and origin are given high importance. The meeting point of the solution is the fact that the people are humans and they require something to be able to meet a certain measure of satisfaction. By remembering this particular truth, the application of SSM could be implemented and be expected with great results. Applying Strategic Choice in Picking the Right Solution for the Issues of the Business Strategic choice as noted as probably the most important process of decision making. It is an undeniably fine application of understanding and research that could make it easier for managers to scale both the advantages and disadvantages of certain solutions that are presented to them as part of the process of dealing with the problems of the organization. Through the application of strategic choice approach, the choices of solution are given ample attention and scaling that needs to be given consideration by every management personnel. It is through this that the managers are able to see what particular solutions are rationally logical to actually apply to solve the troubles of the organization. Without careful application of the process though, strategic choice approach could also result to the subjection of the organization to other situations that may cause further problems. Hence, as a primary process of managerial decision making process, strategic choice approach must be well applied through a well-patterned procedure that should be given attention to by the managers as displayed in the diagram below: Yes, avoidance of further problems to develop from a primary finished decision handled by the management may not be that easy to handle. Strategic choice approach in the process of solving problems of an organization may be the most effective application available however considering it for further business enhancement and problem solution activities, however, the application should be well tracked as to its accuracy and efficiency to assure that the problem is well treated with. CONCLUSION Creating a fine working environment for the employees would certainly help in the establishment of a strong business organization. Through policing and employee relations establishment the said motivational factor that would assist the employees in working their efforts towards the right path of success is indeed needed (Greenwood, 2005, 56). This is where the management procedures practiced by the management teams of different organizations enters the scene. Several retail companies in Australia are paying much to be able to help their workforce have a clear motivation towards their goals as well as with the company’s goals (Bruce, 2004, 21). Through this, the success of the retail industry could be a definite expectation for the future of the Australian economy. The negative reactions are not at all new in the business industries. At some point, the said reactions are derived from the fact that the business industries are at some point lacking the capability to assist their employees in reaching their goals making it harder for the workforce to perform well, which might result to lesser successful accounts of profitable outcome for the Australian economy. This is where the importance of human resource management should be strongly applied among business organizations. From this perspective, it could be observed and thus proven that the management sector of any organization is definitely not a passive agent when it comes to empowering the human relations of certain business companies especially in the Australian Retail Industry (George, 2005, 65). It also points out that research on the part of decision-making is indeed an important factor of management systems. Most often than not, it could be noted that the Management team even has the largest responsibility in creating the possibilities for a larger, more successful employee relations within the retail industry systems. BIBLIOGRAPHY Dian Marie Hosking, Andy Bass. (2001). Constructing changes in relational processes: Introducing a social constructionist approach to change work. Bradford: 2001.Vol.6, Iss. 7; pg. 348, 13 pgs. Palmer, Ian, Dunford, Richard.(1996). Conflicting uses of metaphors: Reconceptualizing their use in the field of organizational change. Briarcliff Manor: Jul 1996.Vol.21, Iss. 3; pg. 691, 27 pgs. Briarcliff Manor: Jul 1996.Vol.21, Iss. 3; pg. 691, 27 pgs. (2005). Metaphorical images of organization: How organizational researchers develop and select organizational metaphors. New York: Dec 2005.Vol.58, Iss. 12; pg. 1545, 34 pgs. Charles F Abel, Arthur J Sementelli. (2005). Evolutionary critical theory, metaphor, and organizational change. 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