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Management of Marketing Channels Flextronics - Essay Example

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This assignment “Management of Marketing Channels Flextronics” compares the company with its competitors and focuses on the strengths of the company that have placed it at such a position and also the reasons why it is not the market leader. Recommendations for Flextronics are also part of the essay…
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Management of Marketing Channels Flextronics
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The company has an excellent supply chain management with low inventory levels that provide to its network spread over 30 countries across the world. Their supply chain management is extraordinarily efficient since it is backed by key performance drivers like inventory management, transportation management, information system and IT integrated systems to provide the right product at the right time and place. Their worldwide supply chain provides cost-effective services available to all. Reverse logistics is yet another innovation that backs its supply chain by pulling out damaged, obsolete, or overstocked products and redistributing them by using disposition management rules to maximize the original lifecycle of the product.

Overall, Flextronics provides low-cost products worldwide through a very efficient and effective supply chain management system backed by logistics solutions for maximum customer satisfaction since satisfying the consumer is the primary priority of the company. Comparison with the market leader and why is it the leaderVenture Corporation being the leader provides an excellent combination of manufacturing and delivering facilities. Their leading-edge includes total customer satisfaction that is backed by a customer-centric organizational structure that facilitates smooth communication.

This program hires managers who are assigned to every customer who is experts in understanding and providing for the unique needs of each customer. These managers have access to the operational cluster and take feedback. In Asia, they are assigned to the working premises of the customer for better planning and management. Secondly, their cluster strategy that has clusters located in South-east Asia, North Asia, Europe, and the U.S.A. These are connected to form one effective global enterprise.

Lastly, they provide the latest technology in designing anything their electrical engineering experts aim to produce results beyond expectations. This way their IT system helps communicate with partners all over the world in real-time and also provides efficient customer services 24 hrs a day.RecommendationsTo move up to the top and lead the market Flextronics must expand within the continents they exist in through more effective and influential partnerships to increase their market share. They can incorporate total customer satisfaction programs like Venture corp. as well. Flextronics must improve its IT system and aim to provide unparalleled products like the leader.

Since Venture meets the quality requirements of ISO 9001:2000 etc. The cluster strategy is also good to improve the supply chain further.

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(Management of Marketing Channels Flextronics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words, n.d.)
Management of Marketing Channels Flextronics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words.
(Management of Marketing Channels Flextronics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words)
Management of Marketing Channels Flextronics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
“Management of Marketing Channels Flextronics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”.
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