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Athlete Aggression on the Rink and off the Ice EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Athlete Aggression on the Rink and off the Ice This paper focuses on the study conducted by Nick Pappas in his journal Athlete Aggression on the Rink and off the Ice. Nick Pappas focuses on the relationship between young people engagement in sporting activities and their advancement of aggressive trends. Pappas suggests that in the view of the fact that male sportsmen have shown aggressive trends in a diversity of occasions, they may have a possibility of applying violence both in and away from the sports grounds.
5 former college hockey players were interrogated to find out their view on the kind of aggressive behavior and violent actions in sporting activities in addition to in social life. These informants were asked about sportsmen violence and aggression with respect to teammates, friends and female counterparts. Pappas made an analysis of contributors, experiences, interpretations and justifications of the occasions of violence in hockey trends. The findings generated 3 observations. Firstly, significant understanding of how hockey and sportsmen bring about a trend of aggression and violence.
Lastly, alcohol abuse and a significant role of women in transferring violence actions away from the sporting grounds were observed. This paper seeks to determine the connection and extent between the two. In factual aspects, it puts to detail whether, via the acknowledgment of aggressive behaviors exhibited in sporting activities, a young person is desensitized to aggression and believes that similar actions are tolerated away from the sporting grounds. This paper also analyzes narrowly the connected issues of whether the adoration of these aggressive actions in sports, subconsciously trains young people that aggression is a good thing equally away from the sporting grounds.
Finally, it finds out whether those who are caught up and used to aggression behavior in sporting activities are expected to take part in same aggression away from sporting grounds. CRITIQUE Athlete Aggression on the Rink and off the Ice It is true to say that in every sporting ground let alone hockey field, the significant factor that aggravates violence is the disappointment of the game. This is in most cases brought about by the competitiveness of sport. Nick Pappas a sport researcher creates a hypothesis in his journal Athlete Aggression on the Rink and off the Ice, 2013 that a violent socialization process is the first determinant of sporting and sport linked aggression.
To develop his hypothesis, he considers true the role of the social order in sporting activities indicating that it plays a significant role contrasting the sentimental background formulated by the natural competitiveness of a sport. According to Pappas (2013) among young boys, contact sports are the faultless grounds in which they can showcase predominantly their manly qualities like aggression or strength to their friends, close relatives and trainers. Violence and aggression in any sporting activity is formulated with connection to close social groups, close relatives, teammates, trainers and the wide-ranging ways of behavior of the sport supporters and the media influence (Pappas, 2013).
All these social processes in grouping have offered the substantial settings for sports violence and aggressive actions to come up and to progress into the hypothesis that violence is the trend. Ideally, it is true that social aspects play a role in aggravating violence and aggression. However, I believe that it plays an insignificant role. It is not factual to entirely blame the cause of violence and aggression on alcohol and social relationships without ascertaining the extent which frustrations in sports aggravates violence and aggressions by and large.
Social interaction among boys and girls simply forms part of the aggression however the significant cause is disappointment that arise as a result of losing a match, foul play and poor performance. Eric Fonahue in his study called When Winning is Everything, contrasts critically with the reasoning of Pappas (2013). He believes that the socialization feature plays a trivial role in sporting violence and aggression and considers the cause of violence and aggression in and out of the sporting grounds is as a result of the in game circumstances.
Fonahue (2013) ascertains further that aggression and violence is greatly advanced by arising and ongoing conditions during and after a sports match. He considers that the reason why many sportsmen display violent behaviors during a sport match is due to their branded loyalty in the sport and absolute obsession or passion. This leads to the fact that perpetrating violence is in consequence of their readiness to do whatever is possible to triumph in the match. In conclusion, Pappas hypothesis was created via an in-depth analysis of former hockey players.
This indeed formulates valuable facts from the player’s opinion and perspectives on the source of violence and aggression in hockey as an example of sport. Conversely, despite the fact that he managed to obtain facts that justifies his hypothesis on sports socialization view, his conclusion is not factual. Pappas (2013) arrives at a resolution that significant causes of sport aggression and violence are heterogeneous, which imply that there is no particular cause of violence in and away of the sports grounds.
Thereby, this establishes that there is a need to consider the fact that disappointment in sports plays a significant role in fanning violent and aggressive behaviors in both sportsmen and their supporters. References Donahue, Eric. (2013). "When Winning Is Everything: On Passion, Identity, and Aggression in Sport." Psychology of Sports and Exercise, 10: 526-534, ELSEVIER. Pappas, Nick T. (2013). "Athlete Aggression on the Rink and off the Ice."
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