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The Role Of Morality In Society - Essay Example

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Theories are used while trying to understand the study on morality in society. But people are likely to come up to a general conclusion on what perhaps ought to be done to arrive at certain solutions while still living in unison with each other…
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The Role Of Morality In Society
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? The role of morality in society Task: Introduction A number of theories are used while trying to understand the study on moralityin society. During their application people are likely to come up to a general conclusion on what perhaps ought to be done to arrive at certain solutions while still living in unison with each other. Wrong actions are likely to affect most people badly thus the need to embrace moral values acceptable by all. A number of issues are likely to cause a situation to run out of hand especially when the society lacks the necessary resource needed while going about their life. Among the theories used include normative or rather ethical theories while deciding on how an action is likely to implicate a society such as utilitarianism. This refers to the application of reasoning while taking use of the senses. One thus makes his own judgment based on how he’s likely to benefit from his action. Some may however be driven by greed thus implying their action may never replicate positivity to the society. The society however has its own view owing to believe that actions done ought to as well be meaningful to the wider society (Gray, 2010). Discrimination is thus rarely championed during its application. Philosophers however tried to justify their own ideologies regarding this issue rarely agreeing at some point. One would agree with this point moral decision made rarely equated or rather meant the action implemented was right. Thus the outcome realized mattered as it too had the ability to signify its intensity whether it was of merit. A lot can be derived from this theory; owing to its ability to bar men from resulting to, bad tendencies such as killing, stealing and other evil. In order to curb the vice leaders ought to be courageous while educating people on their rightful place in society on their rite thus acting as a form of empowerment. While doing so any activity likely to harm their well being is discouraged and could be useful when cautioning societies from practicing immoral behavior rarely adding value to the society (Gert, 1988). Aristotelian Ethical Virtues A cording to Aristotelian ethical virtues was likely to be made up of two distinct parts. In one of his perception he argued that the ultimate thing was to attain happiness at an individual level. This thus compelled people to embrace good behavior likely to lead to its materialization. One however needed to keep observing certain habits. People’s attitudes were also likely to dictate their behavior. During certain situations some are likely to be compelled to act differently than it could be the norm; while experiencing peace it’s unlikely to see a nation result to attacking another but could be compelled in a situation of war. Such an action is simply due to the need for security. His perception was however limited now that it rarely had the big picture of the other population in mind; rather it was based on self gratification thus leading to selfishness now that their interest were never captured (Nussbaum, 1987). Pleasure was central in his light but rarely does it add value to life owing to the plight of pleasure lovers at times dying poor while pursuing their ambition. Rules were thus rarely used while arriving at morally accepted norms when such a theory is applied. He however also spearheaded a notion on the importance of balance which in this case avoided extremes thus making it a general rule. Unrelenting effort demonstrated by players while striving at development have aided in bringing about a transformation. As a result amenities are set and given a high priority while the solo aim is to ensure value addition to the surrounding communities some of which may have been disadvantaged. Factors leading to such development could be due to there being little resources yet they too ought to be well managed to facilitate a transformation. This calls for both government and the private sector cooperation while coming up with formidable policies to aid in attaining such an objective. While may be of importance most people still find it hard to access the much needed support while coming up with private ventures; this is coupled by a number of issues such as the need to have an enabling environment to facilitate this. This implies that a lot of investment be done to assist in attaining much and could definitely transform the entire society. Current developments have seen private public cooperation at all levels with the view of making a difference. It is with this respect that all participate while coming up with viable solutions likely to assist everyone (Saunders & Klau, 1985). Initially most governments indulged so much in trade; this reduced to become a monopoly to the point of baring the private sector from competing on a fair level. This was due to protectionism as a way to go about protecting trade locally. This however was never likely to prevail much as it latter immerged that perhaps the best way forward was to open up trade as most economies were basically trying to specialize in fields they were good at. The quality of goods manufactured was made better while also increasing the level of supply. Which implies lots of jobs created while also embracing new technological; advancement geared at transforming the process of production. It also led to mass production and has as a result led to a transformation as we now embrace global trade at a more developed rate than was the case in the past (Bevir, Rhodes & Weller, 2003). To achieve the expected transformation protectionism was unlikely to avail anything as we are now united by the new development. It’s unlikely for any country to make it on its own without factoring in help or acquiring goods from other countries and are thus more interconnected not only at the trade level but in other aspects as well. Globalization has its own challenges as witnessed in society; this is due to arising challenges at times brought about by economic turmoil’s occasioned by the ever volatile trade scene. Still on this subject most countries are now tasked with the responsibility to ensure security is attained without which the trade scene is at stake. This compels them to invest heavily in security while trying to keep at bay acts of insecurity. When such occurrences occur the business world is shaken while business men are forced to adopt a harsh reality owing to the price of doing business being pushed high. While taking note of this governments never welcome free trade as should be the case and could at times hold onto other sectors such as security as well as sensitive industries while trying to limit the extent at which this could fall into private hands. This basically aims at ensuring the public is well protected and their lives aren’t at stake. Modalities geared at achieving this are also worked on and stringent laws enacted; in the event of one contravening it, they stand a chance of being taken to task which also helps while ensuring a balance is attained as should be the case (Galasso & Profeta, 2002). While this may be crucial in any society; without adequate measures to realize it such as the setting up of standards as well as provisions geared at attaining it. It’s quite hard to make any significant move thus compelling the public to keep on going through unwarranted experiences owing to lack of standardization. This has however been done away with through the setting up of necessary apparatus while also leasing with key players such as the regulatory bodies most of which are governmentally directed while playing a policing role aimed at ensuring rules are adhered to precisely as set without contravening it. Most organizations are thus expected to adjust their policies in line with the recommendations set and has arguably availed much thus demonstrating how vibrant the government could be playing its role in the public sector. For there to be difference protectionism alone wasn’t likely to work but perhaps it was necessary to lease with the private sector in its quest to realizing the difference (Kapucu & Van, 2006). Health Implication Owing to the present disparities; the governments need to take crucial steps while trying to meet its obligation through setting up of schemes tailor made to meet the need in society. At the top of the list the healthcare department has received lots of support and was demonstrated through the huge funds set apart. This was geared at subsidizing the cost of healthcare making it more affordable to the entire public. It also received a face list through renovation of the already set medical facilities while also developing new facilities aimed at meeting the demand in the market. This is due to the ever increasing population. Despite coming up with formidable policies this alone isn’t able to actualize a transformation (Pandya, 2012). A lot had to be done on the ground to achieve it; an increase in the number of patient implied that training facilities equipped with the latest equipments as well as facilitators be adopted to ensure the right skill is passed to trainees. This doesn’t come easily rather could only be cultivated over time while embracing a pyridine shift on how the policy makers embraced change. Health was so important and while new challenges were immerging such as terrorism with some considering the use of biological weapons in their quest to bring about disharmony it was a wise move to invest heavily in this sector. Other typical occurrences took place and as well almost brought down everything to a stand still with the threat of influencers such as sazz NHN1 threatening the global economy. The private sector was unlikely to handle such occurrences on their own with factoring government support which is key in every economy. At the time a radical move to keep the threat at bay was more evident as lots of effort was employed to tackle the situation (Elwyn, Edwards, Kinnersley & Grol, 2000). This then attracted the input from well trained individuals in this case a combination of technocrats as well as scientist. Without adequate preparedness a lot would only be put at stake while the public in a rather difficult situation. A lot of credit is however given to both the public and private sector in their quest to realizing a difference and has so far aided in attaining significant steps unlikely to have been achieved initially. The focus however needs to be directed at ensuring the cost of medication is kept law. This is however influenced by a number of factors such as the cost of medication, wages and salaries demanded by the doctors as well as nurses just to mention a few. Most governments however experience a shortage in specialist offering medical services. It has for instance caused them to consider sourcing professionals from other countries; a shortage in staff only affect the service on offer in a negative way as supply is unlikely to meet demand thus pushing up the cost of Medicare. It’s likely to persist over time with no solution in mind and can only call for alternate approach to attain a difference in society. While in the medical practice most professionals tend to abandon public service while venturing in the private sector and only demonstrate a big challenge present. This is despite attempts to stop them from engaging in private practice and could be the reason the public sector is in a bad condition. While in private practice; some are fond of offering their services in a number of medical establishments their focus has so far shifted for their obligation (Fears, Weatherall & Poste, 1999). People ought to be provided with adequate healthcare; this calls for the setting up of healthcare facilities while also equipping them to ensure they are up to standard. This is meant to allow for the provision of quality service at a reduced cost. While trying to ensure all are netted in this light the provision of medical schemes has the need of all well catered for thus reducing the implication one most people’s finance while trying to meet the hefty cost on medication. Despite trying to sell the idea to the masses some are likely to wait till they find themselves in a tight spot. It is however crucial to carryout campaigns geared at educating people on the need to consider its importance (Pandya, 2012). The private sector is unlikely to achieve it on its own though but may as well call for the public sector to cheap in. This could as well be backed by assistance such as the provision of subsidies by government while trying to lower the cost of medication. Public private participation can help while setting up healthcare facilities among communities as a way of empowering them. In most cases the society could be given the opportunity to spearhead such initiatives. Education The education sector plays an important role while transforming a society especially while embracing modernity. In the past most philosophers as well as scientist went an extra mile while ensuring they were well conversant with the changing times so did they devote their time to their vocation thus were unlikely to become irrelevant. As a result of their input most of them came with theories some of which are applicable today. This simply shows how important education is to the society and has so far aided to a large extent. Education has for instance helped while encouraging socialization; despite having been taken through drastic change other avenues such as schools as well as learning institutions can as well play an important role owing to limited interaction with close family members (Schultz, 1971). This is because of the changing scope now that it’s becoming hard to get adequate time to facilitate the basic role of a family occasioned by regular movements. Such establishment thus plays an important role while bridging the gap thanks to education. It also facilitates cultural development as people begin to appreciate each other thus developing their values and norms which could as well translate to meaningful development. Their personality is also impacted in a positive way now that they are more aware of their responsibility thus can work in harmony with each other. Education could as well lead to general reformation; this is because of attitude change. The fastest way one is likely to influence man in a different way thus point at transforming his mindset which in this case tends to focus on his beliefs literally forming up over time as a result of habitual tendencies which could become so hard to eradicate. One as well be limited by his own inclination; it doesn’t however suggest that he is unlikely to make a difference, in other words he could be a minute away from making the right step so essential to his freedom. This explains why it is so crucial to avail the right form of education to students while still tender (Green, 1997). The social pyridine has been built on education as the main pillar; while trying to develop adequate skill in the job sector most individuals are now considering it as a vital tool. In most cases the existing facilities rarely provide the much needed room implying that while supply continues to remain low than the level of demand the cost is unlikely to come down. Getting educated on the other hand ought to be coupled with it being relevant to the prevailing job sector. While failing to adhere to such a condition chances are high a lot of people might end up desperate now that they could be lacking the ability to actualize their dream. Such individuals however rely much on the formal sector and rarely think of other means as a way of earning their living, it’s however important to consider other avenues such as entrepreneurship which has so far helped in shaping the current world as most private ventures try their level best while embracing it in their effort to stay afloat. A lot can however be learned from it as exhibited in their resilience despite starting small (Schultz, 1971). The local government While trying to ensure the government keeps on adhering to the need in society the local government is given the mandate to bring it to completion while carrying out a number of activities. This comprises of services such as refuse collection, sewerage services as well as provision of clean water. The sole aim attempts to focus on facilitating effective service to the entire public without overcharging it. Its services are so crucial to the wellbeing of the society and are likely to add value to their wellbeing. The public is however expected to lease with it while carrying out its obligation in line with the laws set as well as paying tax. It all gears at ensuring the entire process is sustainable rather than just relying on government funding to actualize its duty. Sustaining such a process isn’t easy and may require much funding basically due to the large population recorded owing to an upsurge in growth (Warner, 2001). Realizing change isn’t easy but should be coupled with willingness by all stakeholders to work together while working towards the main goal which in this case aims at ensuring quality service provision.  At times the local government is likely to be overwhelmed by the arising need. Such a state is likely to affect its service delivery while relying on inadequate system which could translate to poor services thus pushing up the cost of doing business. Most livelihoods are likely to be affected only leading to poverty as a result of inadequate facilities geared at enhancing production. The higher the growth rate in economy the more the tax; people are thus better placed to realize much when such a condition is attained. In the event of having corrupt officials much harm can be experienced as a result of misappropriation implying that it’s unlikely to attain any meaningful change as anticipated (Wechsler, 1954). Recommendations A number of recommendations are thus suggested; The communities are empowered to spearhead such goals Huge investment be directed to community centered approach making a difference Highlight present loop holes while coming up with formidable solutions Desist from government control on such initiatives Conclusion Pubic private cooperation has helped transform the society; this is despite the prevailing challenges some of which are occasioned by a number of factors. While some may be in favor of privatization and little government interference, it’s unlikely to avail much especially when disasters strike. This is coupled by there being other player ready and willing to take advantage of the present situation thus the need to ensure set laws are also adhered to without providing room for compromise. To achieve it; it’s necessary to adopt well laid policies likely to aid in making a meaningful change without resulting to bad tendencies likely to affect their engagements. When proper actions are employed this will definitely bring about a difference thus add value to the entire society as a whole without compromising on the gains made (Hanushek & Wobmann, 2007). References Bevir, M., Rhodes, R. A., & Weller, P. 2003. Traditions of governance: interpreting the changing role of the public sector. Public administration, 81(1), 1-17. Saunders, P., & Klau, F. 1985. The role of the public sector: causes and consequences of the growth of government. OECD. Nussbaum, M. C. 1987. Nature, function, and capability: Aristotle on political distribution. Helsinki,, Finland: World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University. Kapucu, N., & Van Wart, M. 2006. The Evolving Role of the Public Sector in Managing Catastrophic Disasters Lessons Learned. Administration & Society, 38(3), 279-308. Galasso, V., & Profeta, P. 2002. The political economy of social security: a survey. European Journal of Political Economy, 18(1), 1-29. Pandya, J. 2012. Global Healthcare Industry. In The Global Age (pp. 229-237). Springer Netherlands. Elwyn, G., Edwards, A., Kinnersley, P., & Grol, R. 2000. Shared decision making and the concept of equipoise: the competences of involving patients in healthcare choices. The British journal of general practice, 50(460), 892. Fears, R., Weatherall, D., & Poste, G. 1999. The impact of genetics on medical education and training. British medical bulletin, 55(2), 460-470. Schultz, T. W. 1971. Investment in Human Capital. The Role of Education and of Research. Green, A. 1997. Education, Globalization and the Nation State. St. Martin's Press, Inc., Scholarly and Reference Division, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.. Hanushek, E., & Wobmann, L. 2007. The role of education quality for economic growth. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, (4122). Warner, M. (2001). Building social capital: the role of local government. Journal of Socio-economics, 30(2), 187-192. Wechsler, H. (1954). The political safeguards of federalism: The role of the states in the composition and selection of the national government. Columbia Law Review, 54(4), 543-560. Gray, JW Gray.2010. Moral Theories (Normative Theories of Ethics). Ethical Realism journal. Gert, B. 1988. Morality: A new justification of the moral rules (pp. 279-300). New York: Oxford University Press. Read More
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