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10 May Challenges in managing diversity and benefits of diversity: This concise report is primarily based on discussing the nature and meaning of diversity, intricate challenges faced by all the major organizations in managing diversity, and myriad benefits offered by this trend that is spreading fast around the globe. Diversity is basically a determined tendency to recognize and appreciate the variety of characteristics that make all the persons working for an organization significant and important, while creating such a working environment that encourages all the employees to participate in the betterment of an organization.
Age, sex, racial, ethnic, religious, geographical or cultural background, language, and political affiliation are those major characteristics on which the structure of diversity is based. This is an unequivocal fact that a diverse workforce is a real asset for any organization and that is the reason why almost all the major successful companies and giant conglomerates in the world place diversity among the topmost preferences for maintaining success. Wal-Mart is one such worth mentioning example, which has running outlets around the globe.
The workplace diversity initiatives introduced by Wal-Mart have majorly helped this conglomerate in achieving success and living up to the changing requirements of the customers. Nondiscriminatory treatment of the workforce is the hallmark of Wal-Mart company. A measure of the diversity of workforce at Wal-Mart is released through federal government’s Employer Information EEO-1 report. According to Wal-Mart’s 2009 EEO-1 report (cited in, “the number of female workers and managers has increased from 23,873 to 27,796 and the number of minority officials and managers has increased from 13,109 to 17, 394” employed at Wal-Mart stores over the past five years. (Goessl) mentions that discrimination, stereotypes and preconceptions, harassment, and unjustified exclusion are some major challenges that occur when managing diversity.
Discrimination is a major challenge that does not let diversity to be established in an organization. Workers are discriminated against one another on the basis of cultural or racial backgrounds mostly. When people are assigned an identity not based on their creativities but based on flawed stereotypes and misconceptions, diversity can never flourish. Similarly, sexual harassment or exclusion of workers on the basis of reasons unrelated to work are such tendencies that present major hurdles in managing diversity.
Management cooperation and participation, fostering motivation in employees and an attitude of openness or encouragement, and utilizing diversity training are some major solutions that can suppress the challenges in managing diversity. (Greenberg). The success of workplace diversity initiatives virtually depends on inculcating the sense of participation both in managers and employees, while taking care to employ diversity training as an essential program for shaping the diversity policy. This is an acclaimed fact that managers and employees who resist diversity in organizations cripple the organizational structure and the position of such a company deteriorates in the market.
In order to keep up with the constantly changing demands of the customers, changes should be welcomed and changes can never be brought without a diverse workforce. A diverse workforce can offer unique, innovative, and varying ideas and introduce new horizons for implementation of changes. Similarly, competitiveness is necessary in an organization for maintaining success in the market, and this can never be maintained without embracing diversity. Works cited: Goessl, Leigh. “The challenges of diversity in the workplace.
” 17 Sep. 2008. Web. 10 May. 2011. <> Greenberg, Josh. “Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions.” 2004. Web. 10 May. 2011. <,-Challenges-and-Solutions&id=11053> “Workplace.” n.d. Web. 10 May. 2011. <>
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