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The dilemma of managing continuous change in performance management - Research Paper Example

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The purpose of this research is to foster an understanding of the dilemma of managing continuous change in performance management. The research purports to get deep insights on the dilemmas of managing continuous change and how they impact on performance management. …
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The dilemma of managing continuous change in performance management
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?THE DILEMMA OF MANAGING CONTINUOUS CHANGE IN PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT The competitiveness of businessenvironment has necessitated the need for continuous change within organizations and therefore performance management should aim at ensuring changes in organizations in order to survive within the business environment. This paper presents a research proposal into the investigation of the dilemma of managing continuous change in the performance management within business organization. The choice of the business organizations within South Africa was as a result of the appropriateness of case study design in investigating the question at hand. The purpose of the study, research questions enabled the selection of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies as the most appropriate methods of ensuring effective answering of the research questions. 1.0 Introduction In recent times, change in business environment has been inevitable as business strive to remain relevant and competitive. Bradford and Warner (2010, p. 11) note that the need for change in business environment has been brought about by technological advancements, increased customers and shareholder’s expectations, new initiatives, competition, and the need to increase demand among other factors. Therefore, in order to meet the new challenges and attain the organizational goals and objectives, organizations have introduced several changes. However, introduction of change, whether small or big, to organizational functions and processes have often proved intimidating to some managers and have sometime not yielded the intended outcomes (Phillips, 1999, p. 184). This has resulted to adopting of change management strategies by managers in order to manage change successfully. According to Bradford and Burke (2005, p. 6), change management can be defined as the application of a set of principles, skills, processes, and tools for managing people and processes within an organization in order to transition or shift the organization from its current state to the desired or intended future state. Several researches have shown that in the modern competitive environment, it takes more than the known management strategies to realize organization’s full potential Bradford and Warner (2010, p. 26). There is need for managers to welcome change and manage it effectively in order to achieve organizational success in the long- run. Continuous management of change is critical in performance management. Louis (2004, p. 46) explains that the essence of managing change in the organizations is to improve performance and ultimately achieve organizational goals and objectives. As such, continuous management of change is related to performance management. Performance management refers to activities and processes that ensure that goals are met consistently in a manner that is efficient and effective (Aubrey, 2004, p. 95). The focus of performance management is in regard to processes, departments, organization, and employees and aims at facilitating overall performance of the organization through attainment of organizational goals and objectives Bradford and Warner (2010, p. 18). 1.1 Purpose of the Study The purpose of this research is to foster an understanding of the dilemma of managing continuous change in performance management. The research purports to get deep insights on the dilemmas of managing continuous change and how they impact on performance management. 1.2 Problem Statement In the face of challenging business environment brought about by increased customers and shareholder’s expectations, technological developments, and competition, management are supposed to make continuous changes in their organizations in order to stay remain relevant and be successful (Bradford and Burke, 2005, p. 22). In the process of managing continuous change in order to improve the performance of organization, managers are faced with dilemma. The dilemma is on whether the intended change can lead to improved performance or not (Aubrey, 2004, p. 38). The fear of failure and experiences of previous failures as a result of change further compounds the dilemma that management face in performance management. The ultimate goal of change is to improve particular and overall performance of the organization; therefore, the process of managing change should be done appropriately and effectively so as to achieve improved performance. However, dilemma usually affects the process of managing continuous change in performance management (Phillips, 1999, p. 191). Therefore, it is necessary to study the dilemma of managing continuous change in performance to fully envisage how tackle the problem and ultimately improve organizations’ performance. 1.3 Significance of the Study The study fills a gap in the study of change management in regard to performance management. Most studies have focused on how managing change impact on performance management. Rarely have these studies focused on the dilemma of managing continuous change in performance management. 1.4 Research Objectives To identify the roles that continuous change play in performance management To determine whether continuous change is necessary in performance management To identify the dilemmas of managing continuous change in performance management To examine the criteria used by managers in identifying the best option when in dilemma in regard to changes in performance management 1.5 Research Questions What roles does continuous change play in performance management? Is continuous change necessary in performance management? What dilemmas of managing continuous change do management face in performance management? What criteria should managers use in identifying the best change option when in dilemma? 2.0 Literature Review At some point, change needs to happen in any given organization in order to achieve some set objectives. Aubrey (2004, p. 8) argues that change in the organization is often prompted various goals and desires key among them improved performance. Management of change is very critical as it determines how successful a certain change will be in achieving its purpose. Therefore, there are numerous theories and models that have been developed in order to help managers manage change in their organization and eventually achieve organizational goals and objectives. According to Kotter (2007, p. 56-57), the process of managing change is guided by the following steps; creation of urgency, formation of powerful coalition, creation of vision for change, communication of vision, removal of obstacles, motivation, building on the change, and anchoring changes in organizational culture. Managing change calls for utilization of tools and structures in order to control efforts of change in organization. The goal of managing change is to avoid distractions and the negative impacts change may have on employees (Bradford and Burke, 2005, p. 67). Majorly, managing of change entails strategic changes, technological changes, changing the behaviors and attitudes of personnel, operational or structural changes, and changes in regard to mission. Bradford and Warner (2010) note that change management in organization is usually multi- disciplinary and should be treated as such in order to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Formulation and implementation of change should take into considerations all the aspect of the organization and should be systematic. Change being implemented should be relevant and of significance towards improving the overall performance of the organization (Phillips, 1999, p. 185-6). In as much as change is important and in most cases inevitable within an organization, the process of affecting it especially in regard to performance management often face dilemma. Dilemma in this respect can have adverse effect to the organization as it will hamper the organization’s ability to achieve the set goals (Aubrey, 2004, p. 23). Managing of continuous change is faced with the following dilemmas. Cokins (2009, p. 61) states that dilemmas may arise due to changes based on adaptability versus rationality in organizational development strategy. For instance, management may face with the dilemma to either apply a rational strategy in order to improve performance or too pt for adaptive changes which are in most cases temporal aimed at meeting certain objectives within given time. Also, managing continuous change in performance management is often faced with the dilemma of cultural versus structural change (Bradford and Burke, 2005, p. 38). In as much as change is desirable and should be entrenched in the organizational structure, it should instantly interfere with organizational culture. The structural change should be gradual so as to be in tandem with cultural change. Achieving this will ultimately facilitate achievement of organizational goals since there will be little resistance. In addition, dilemma in managing continuous change in performance management usually occurs as a result of competing social and economic goals. According to Aubrey (2004, p. 80), performance management must strike a balance between social and economic goals of organization in order to achieve sustainable growth. Ignoring or paying little attention to either of these goals may improve performance of the organization in the short run but in the long- run, the performance may be compromised. Therefore, the dilemma faced between the competing economic and social goals of an organization should be addressed adequately in order to ensure success in performance management (Phillips, 1999, p. 188). Furthermore, despite the fact that dilemma may sometime prove inevitable within an organization, management should ensure that it the process and decisions should be of benefits to the organization. Bradford and Warner (2010, p. 49) argue that managing change in performance management, dilemma notwithstanding should achieve the following benefits to the organization: motivated workforce, direct financial gains and improvements, and improved management control. 3.0 Research methodology The proposed research methodology for the dissertation will employ approaches that will help the researcher to effectively answer all research questions and as a result meet the objectives of the study. This section of the dissertation proposal will describe the research methodology paradigm, the study population, the research instruments, the research instruments in addition to data collection, analysis and interpretation. 3.1 Research methodology paradigm Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies are proposed to be used in an attempt to solve the research problems so that the dilemma that surrounds the management of continuous change can be solved to enable appropriate inferences and recommendations to be drawn for the application of performance managers. According to Dobrovolny and Fuentes (2008, p. 7), quantitative methods of evaluating a program are used to produce statistical information which includes numerical data for analysis. The quantitative information in the proposed dissertation will include data on the continuous change in productivity and quality within organization under investigation. On the other hand, Elliot and Melhuish (1995, p. 87) describes qualitative method as being applicable in evaluation of programs or projects to capture descriptive information which is used to assess a program in accordance to specific criteria. In the proposed dissertation, qualitative methodology will enable the researcher in collecting and analyzing information on how performance management within organizations causes continuous change and how the change affects the organizations. The use of both the qualitative and quantitative methodologies in the proposed dissertation is justified by the need order to effectively and efficiently determine how continuous change can be managed within organizations. 3.2 Research Design A case study methodology will be employed in the proposed dissertation which will focus on business organizations in South Africa and their attempt to manage continuous change. According to Schniederjans, Schniederjans and Schniederjans (2009), case studies are suitable research designs because they narrow down the focus of a study to ensure accurate data is obtained which is used to come up with general inferences about a specific topic or problem. The proposed research will employ a study design that is aimed at determining whether proper management of continuous change is a recipe for promoting success in organization in addition to the appropriate strategies of ensuring effective performance management. 3.3 Population and sample 3.3.1 Population The population of the study will involve managers within 10 business organizations in South Africa. The study population for the proposed study will select 5 managers from each organization from the various departments such as human resource, production and accounting. Therefore a total of 50 respondents will be selected for the study for provision of relevant information on the management of continuous change in addition to information on the dilemma related to the management of continuous change within their organization. 3.3.2 Sample and Sampling Method A random sampling technique will be used to select business organizations in South Africa for the study. This technique is suitable because it ensures that there is no bias in the selection of the organizations and hence various firms will be selected randomly from all sectors of the economy which include education, agriculture, health, tourism, public works and municipal government. Convenient sampling will also be applied in the selection of organizations because it will enable the researcher to study organization which can be accessed at convenient time and cost. 3.4 Research instrument The techniques to be used in gathering quantitative data during the study will include questionnaires and documentary sources within the existing statistical databases in the financial records of the selected organizations. Questionnaires are used as a tool of collecting quantitative data because they are more objective in addition to being a way of collecting information quickly and efficiently hence they safe time as described by Elliot and Melhuish (1995, p. 92). The choice of questionnaires for the study is motivated by the fact that they have an advantage of causing a higher rate of response. The questionnaires comprised of questions which are designed to answer the objectives of the study are to be collected from the respondents immediately after they are filled. Documentary sources will also be used to provide authentic or credible statistical data on the financial progress of the organization which is an indication of effective management of continuous change. The documentary sources are preferred because they provide readily available data which saves the time of the researcher as explained by Dobrovolny and Fuentes (2008, p. 9). Interviews are proposed as used as a technique of collecting qualitative data during the course of the research. Additionally, interviews are effective in doing a study because the interviewer has a chance of probing further into the responses of the interviewees in order to collect more detailed information Elliot and Melhuish (1995, p. 87). 3.5 Data analysis and interpretation Coding will be used to categorize the quantitative data that will be gathered during the study in order to categorize the information in manner that will help the researcher to interpret it effectively in relation to the research objectives. The quantitative data will be analyzed and interpreted through statistical tools such as Microsoft Excel and SPPS which will also help the presentation of the information in graphical formats for ease of interpretation. The study on continuous change and its management within organizations will produce both qualitative and quantitative data as described by Liang and Howard (2007). Therefore analytical interpretation will be used as the most effective way of analyzing quantitative data on the dilemma facing continuous change in performance management. 3.6 Limitation of the study The study will be limited to business organizations within South Africa. In addition, the focus of the study will be limited into the investigation of the dilemma of managing continuous change within the selected business organizations. The study will therefore be limited to the study population and the documentary sources that illustrate the continuity of change within organizations which is a result of proper performance management. 4.0 Research planning The research will be conducted in a span of four months so that appropriate time will be provided for preparation for the research, collection of data, analyzing and interpreting the data and presentation of the findings in a report. 5.0 Conclusion It is through continuous change that organizations are able to survive in the competition that they face in the business environment. Both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies will be applied in the proposed research to enable the researcher collect both statistical and qualitative information, analyze it and interpret it with an aim of answering the research questions. Random sampling of business organization and mangers within these organizations will be used to select the sample for the study to avoid bias. In the proposed study, interviews and questionnaires will be used as the most appropriate for the study. Moreover, documentary sources from performance reports and documentation in the selected organization will provide information which will be analyzed and interpreted by the use of analytical interpretation and statistical tools. The scope of the research makes it necessary to be conducted within the proposed period of four months. References Aubrey, D 2004, Performance Management: Changing Behavior that Drives Organizational Effectiveness, Performance Management Publications. Bradford, D and Warner B 2010, Reinventing organizational development: New approaches to change in organization, San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. Bradford, D, and Burke, W 2005, Organization Development, San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Cokins, G, 2009, Performance Management - Integrating Strategy Execution, Methodologies, Risk, and Analytics, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Dobrovolny, J.L. and Fuentes, S.C.G 2008, "Quantitative Versus Qualitative Evaluation: a Tool to Decide which to use", Performance Improvement, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 7-14. Elliot, S. and Melhuish, P. 1995, "A methodology for the evaluation of IT for strategic implementation", Journal of Information Technology, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 87-100 Kotter, J, 2007, Leading Change, Harvard University Press. Louis, C, 2004, Best Practices in Leadership Development and Organization Change, Jossey Bass. Liang, Z. and Howard, P.F. 2007, "Views from the executive suite: lessons from the introduction of performance management", Australian Health Review, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 393-400 Phillips, J, 1999, “Enhancing the Effectiveness of Organizational Change Management” Human Resource Management, 22(1/2), 183-199. Schniederjans, M.J., Schniederjans, A.M. and Schniederjans, D.G. 2009, "Operations research methodology life cycle trend phases as recorded in journal articles", The Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 881-894. Read More
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