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Political Economy Of Race, Class And Gender - Book Report/Review Example

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Stephen Resnick & Richard Wolff’s Marxism This paper is a blueprint of two types of Marxism. The discuss traditional and over-determinist Marxism. The text points key political and theoretical consequences of the two types of Marxism for the history…
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Political Economy Of Race, Class And Gender
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Stephen Resnick & Richard Wolff’s Marxism This paper is a blueprint of two types of Marxism. The discuss traditional and over-determinist Marxism. The text points key political and theoretical consequences of the two types of Marxism for the history of the left and for anti-capitalist struggles. Resnick & Wolff prefer over-determinist Marxism, which places elimination of class exploitation at the top of the Left’s priority plan for social change according to Carl Marx’s initial assertion.

It is interesting how the authors explain the over-determinist emphasis on the reorganization of production and distribution of surplus resources, which is dissimilar to traditional Marxism’s emphasis on elimination of private ownership of the means of production. It is interesting how this paper gives suggestion on the restructuring of society to achieve new class of democracy. Traditional Marxism explains how private ownership of owners of means of production contributes to business cycles and class exploitation.

Despite the criticisms directed towards it, traditional Marxism returns as a relevant other of Marxism. The paper criticizes how modern day companies run with the few top echelon management receive huge incomes at the expense of millions of workers. In the over-determinist Marxism, a communist class structure becomes operational when the producers of surplus become the first distributors and appropriators of the surplus. It is interesting how politics play a major role in ensuring the existence of such a communist social class.

Legislations and administrative processes are necessary to regulate the structure of the industrial enterprise processes to control the input of workers in their new role of resource distribution.In conclusion, it is interesting how a change in the class structure provides alternative options to surplus distribution and a wise development of society. Resnick and Wolff argue how the class process interacts with non-class processes including market dynamics, environmental depletion, racism, and oppressions, which spur unequal distribution of resources.

Work CitedResnick, Stephen A., and Richard Wolff. "Rethinking Marxism." A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society. Print.

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Political Economy Of Race, Class And Gender Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
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