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Network Design for University of Iland - Math Problem Example

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"The Analysis of LAN-Based Network Technology Implementation at the School of Computing at the University of Iland" paper is aimed at offering a detailed and comprehensive overview of the LAN technology system implementation at the School of Computing at the University of Iland (UoI)…
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Assignment No. and Title: Module Code and Title: Computer Networks Name Date Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 3 1.1. Introduction 3 1.3. Structure of the School 4 1.4. Network requirements and IT usage 5 2Specific LAN Network Requirements 6 2.1 Student Labs 6 2.2 Lecturers 8 2.3 Administrative staff 9 2.4 Technicians 10 3Requirements of the Tender 10 3.1 Identification and Satisfaction of Requirements 10 3.2- Meeting the requirements. 12 3.3- Discussion of Network Topology 12 3.3 Additional Issues 20 Network Security 21 Password Security 21 Network Equipment Security 22 LAN/Domain Server Security 22 Workstation Security 23 Bibliography 23 1. Executive Summary The information technology and modern techniques of networking have transformed the traditional working structures. Modern and up-to-date technology offers enhanced business and operational facilities for enhancing the business and operational management. The implementation of network technology has brought a revolution in the traditional organizational data sharing and interdepartmental communication. This analytical research based report is aimed at offering a detailed and comprehensive overview of the LAN technology system implementation at the School of Computing at the University of Iland (UoI). This document is the basic report of the LAN system requirements. 1.1. Introduction This report presents the analysis of LAN based network technology implementation at School of Computing at the University of Iland (UoI). The administration of the University of Iland (UoI) has decided to implement a Local Area Network (LAN) at School of Computing. The main aim of this new technology based structure is to develop and implement a new technology based framework that will offer the enhanced facility of the School’s information technology strategy for the next seven to ten years. This report is also aimed at offering a detailed overview of the specifications and procurement activities of the LAN based Information technology structure. In this report we will outline the network technology specifications, needs, requirements and equipment for the complete establishment of the LAN network at University of Iland (UoI) School of Computing. And we will select an appropriate business vendor for the implementation of the new technology at School of Computing. 1.2. Background The establishment of the School of Computing at University of Iland (UoI) will require the establishment of the new network technology at the school. The establishment has no pervious technology platform in working condition, so it will be totally new implementation. The Dean of the School of Computing has decided to deploy a state-of-the-art network technology platform for the enhanced operations and their management. The main intention behind this technology structure implementation is to offer the student and teacher a better and up-to-date technology based environment that offers them opportunity of gaining improved knowledge, information, data sharing and internal communication. 1.3. Structure of the School The newly established school of computing has the following structure of the subject groups within the school: No- Subject Groups Members of staff 1 Networks group 6 members 2 Artificial Intelligence group 4 members 3 Software engineering group 5 members 4 E-Business group 5 members 5 Admin group 5 members 6 Technicians group 5 members Future enhancements: It is also expected that some new staff members will also join the School in coming few years. It is anticipated that approximately 10-12 members of staff will join this school in the coming 5 years 1.4. Network requirements and IT usage In this section I will outline some main technologies implementation at School for the establishment of new information and networking technology structure. In this section I will also outline some main requirements of the school network technology. Personal Computers: the personal computers will be available to all the members of the school staff. These will be new and latest technology laptops. Operating system: all the new personal computers (Laptops) will be running using new and excellent Microsoft Windows based operating system Windows-7. Office package: the new system will facilitate the use of Microsoft Office 2007. Additional Software: there will also be need for the some special type of software products. These will be specialist software that could be used by any department of school. For instance the software engineering group will require some programming languages compliers and software. These software products will be available for all the departments. These should be purchased from some specialist system software vendors. Network technology: There will be need of new and most excellent network technology at the school of the computing. This technology will be wired as well as wireless. In case of the wired network technology all the departments will communicate with each other. The wireless network will facilitate all the staff and student laptops to link to the computing department main network structure. In this way all students will be allowed to bring their laptops to the school and have some of the special wireless specification to link to the main network technology structure. Internet connection: the internet connection will be available to all systems in the computing school network structure. Each device linked to the network will also be able to avail the Internet facility. Network servers: school of computing will also establish some best technologies of the network servers at the school structure. These will route and manage the data to all machines linked to school network. Printers; all staff member will have the facility of the network printer that will be available for the use at all terminal of the school network. Connectivity: the connectivity to the network will be required more efficient linked servers, databases, internet and all system technologies. 2 Specific LAN Network Requirements 2.1 Student Labs In the School of Computing at the University of Iland (UoI) there will be total six labs of the computers. In these labs every student and teacher will have the access to the network. There will also various types of software packages available in these labs’ systems and some specialized software will be available for the specific need of the lab, department, group or students. The facility of internet will also be available to all departments and labs. These six labs will be arranged for the specific need of the department, group or students. For instance there will be two network labs that will be specified for the students of the networks. This lab will be used for the students of networks for the practical and other studies of network technology. This lab will assign for the network students and lecturers. Here this lab will also incorporate some of the specialized equipment that will involve the network router, switches and other networks devices. There will also be a lab for the system engineering students. This lab will be reserved for this class of students and will contain the facility of the software development tools installed on them. We will have one lab reserved for the project students. This lab will contain with some specialized and efficient system development and project development tools. Here we will have the facility of the special type of project development tools. This lab will not require the some internet access because it is reserved for the project students. This lab will be only available for the students who are doing the projects. Each lab will also facilitate the school facility member to connect to the main system network and have an enhanced network access to all the lab resources. In this way the staff member can bring the laptop to the lab and able to connect to the main network system through wireless link. In each lab there will be a shared Laser printer that will be available for the printing of the documents and report of the students and faculty members. 2.2 Lecturers The main reason behind this network structure implementation is the development of a mutually linked network that could offer the facility to link, control and properly regulate the document all through the network and manage the overall communication of information among the students and teachers. In this network there will be a special feature for the staff systems. These systems will allow a lecture to upload the lectures, course and other academic material to the student’s network drive. In this way students will be able to download the lectures and other material from the network drive using their laptops and lab systems. One of the main restrictions in these systems is the un-availability of the network connection to the outside world. The off-campus access to the lab and network resource will be restricted and not allowed. There is another feature in this network structure is about the establishment of the effective security mechanism. In this scenario the network of the lecturers will not be accessible by any of the outside persons. In this way lecturers’ data, personal files and students record will not be accessible to any of the outside persons. Here the main facility we get is regarding the establishment of the effective security structure for the security of teacher and their linking of the personal laptops to the network of computing school. These laptops will be the main source of issuing the provision or denying the any outer request about the system usage and working. The lecturers will also be able to avail the facility of the network Laser printer that will facilitate the printing of the students’ data, faculty’s lectures and other necessary records to the university printer. The facility of scanner will also be available to each lecturer. This system will be shared to all the networks that are only accessible by the teachers of school. From the storage aspect of system, each lecturer will be able to avail the network server data disk for storing and sharing the data of his desire. In this scenario the most of the student’s data will be made available to the network server through the teacher data drivers on the server. Teachers will also have some powerful data drives in the network. 2.3 Administrative staff The administration of the school needs to have access to the system. The IT administration will manage and handle the IT labs and other related issues, while the school administration needs to have access to some set of systems. In scenario of the administration there is a vital need for the effective management of the administrators for offering them essential facilities and system working properties in the overall network structure. For instance, the network administrator will manage, handle and controls the information about every system user and will offer them the appropriate system working rights. The school administration needs to have an open access to the system through which they can open, change and maintain there files and data. 2.4 Technicians All servers will be available to the network technicians. Technicians will handle, look after and control the data and information traffic towards these network servers. They look after the network server for its working, temperature, handling and other aspects. 3 Requirements of the Tender This section will offer a detailed overview of the systems purchasing contract/tender with outside technology vendors. This will comprise the detailed overview of the system requirements, system needs, network structure, quantity of systems, quality specifications and other aspects. The analysis of the requirements for the contract will offer us a better overview of the main project development. 3.1 Identification and Satisfaction of Requirements This section will offer the detailed overview of the main system requirements and needs regarding the new technology structure implementation at Computing School. 3.1.1- Computers; these systems would be P-4 systems that offer the enhanced working facility to all labs. 3.1.2- Laptops: these systems will be new and modern laptops that have excellent processing and storage power. These systems are suggested for lecturers. 3.1.3- Operating system: Microsoft’s Windows 7 will be the main operating system for the Laptops systems. Microsoft’s Windows Server 2008 will be used for the management, handling and controlling of all the network and data servers in the computing school. 3.1.4- Office package: for the students and teachers working we will need Office package that will be Microsoft’s office 2007. This will incorporate all the necessary office system aspects and working functions. 3.1.5- Additional Software: here we will need some special software for the students programming and practical. In this scenario software development students will require the system programming tools; the network students will require some simulator software for perfuming network practical. 3.1.6- Network technology: This will involve some tools and material regarding the network structure establishment. For instance here we will require the wires, networking tools and some special devices. 3.1.7- Network router; the main item in networking will be network routers. In this scenario we will require some network router from the networking of each floor and a number of wireless routers for offering wireless network connection. 3.1.8- Network servers: here we will require a network server that will offer the facility to remotely connect and manage the overall computing school data and information and save them effectively. 3.1.9- Laser Printers; here we will require Laser printers for each lab at the school and some printers for the administrator and teachers rooms. 3.1.10- Internet Link; here we will require the DSL Internet connection for the overall Internet facility to the school. 3.2- Meeting the requirements. In this system development we need to effectively meet the overall LAN network establishment requirements. In this scenario we will require the following steps for meeting the main requirements at the Computing school network implementation. Developing complete list of system requirements Analyzing the system feasibility Offering better technology Taking permission form administration Offering better facility for system support Developing a clear contract Signing from both vendor and school administration 3.3- Discussion of Network Topology Now we are living in a world where all the computers are linked to a network. The establishment of computer network offers effective performance through network operations. Sometimes slow network performance is one of the most exasperating as well as solvable problems.  For an individual who is studying the robes in troubleshooting LAN performance and network workstation, the table of troubleshooting slow local area network problems and how to resolve them, can approach in handy (Slater, 2009). In this scenario we will assess and suggest the effective network regarding its effective performance. 802.11 Physical Layer: Significant factors that influence the network performance of a LAN are the choice of the suitable Physical Layer (it can be 802.11b, 802.11a, or 802.11g). The 802.11a technology presents the maximum capability at 54Mbps for every twelve non overlapping network traffic channels as well as independence from the majority possible RF interference. The 802.11b physical layer technology offers 11Mbps data rates, by means of simply three non-overlapping network traffic channels. Certainly necessities for the stated requirements intended for performance that will point us in the direction of a particular PHY. If we require highest network performance, then 802.11a is the means to set off (Press, 2000). Main network structure Lab Structure Wireless commutation structure First Floor Network structure Second Floor Network structure Third Floor Network structure 3.2 Internet connection For the Internet connection we will configure the network router to main server. After that we will create the users and maintain the settings for the Internet sharing. After that we will link the Internet DSL line to main server that will route to all users in the network through the network wireless or other router. 3.3 Additional Issues In this section I will outline the main issues regarding the establishment of the LAN network. Here I will also recommend solutions to resolve them. The main factor that contributes to the network performance is the correctly settled network Access Point Channels. The network technology of the 802.11b standard describes 14 channels that overlap significantly, leaving merely 3 channels that are not related to each other. For effective and performance based access points establishment we need these points inside range of each other, place them to diverse channels so as to keep away from inter access point intrusion. We are able to as well take benefit of the automatic channel selection characteristic that presents access point’s offer (Saito, 2002). The factor of the fragmentation is also a main aspect of the network performance. In the scenario of our LAN network we need to address this aspect also. An 802.11 network technology station is able to employ the elective fragmentation protocol to separate 802.11 network data frames into minor data pieces those also known as fragments. These fragments are transmitted individually to the target. Each fragment holds a MAC Layer header, a fragment number representing its ordered location inside the big data frame and frame check sequence. By means of thresholds correctly set, fragmentation is able to decrease the quantity of data that desires retransmission. The main aspect we need to address in our network regarding the network performance is deploying a better fragmentation policy. The main factor in making fragmentation develops enhanced throughput is to set the thresholds correctly. If the threshold value is too small then it will consequence in minor fragments, however the bigger figure of fragments necessitates considerable overhead for the reason that of the extra headers as well as checksums. Therefore for the enhanced network performance we need to address this aspect more effectively (Lee, 1992). Network reliability and availability are the main aspects in any network operations and working. An effectively designed network can offer and demonstrate higher reliability and availability (Nash, 2000). LAN Reliability For the LAN reliability the redundant switch as well as router fabric is really essential. Geographic diversity Redundant networking mechanism in the rack Numerous switch connections or links Disaster recovery program Establishment of the redundant links by means of automatic failover to decrease influence of planned outages as well as develop reliability Establishment of the UPS for reliability Implementation of the Segmentation diminishes influence of simplifies id and failure Network Security For the effective security establishment organization is currently utilizing the deep packet inspection firewall, web filtering and e-mail falter, anti virus solutions at Server and desktop. This structure is currently operational at the network of school. Password Security In our organizational LAN network we need to implement the password based security structure. Certainly, the less expensive as well as most significant feature of network security is making use of suitable passwords. The password based network protection is inbuilt in a variety of aspects of the network (Texas-State-Library, 2009): Administrative right of entry to server functions Workstation access to a variety of information and data files and services Administrative access to network switches, hubs, routers, as well as firewalls Admission to administrative data files, like that secret personnel reports or files Network Equipment Security Establishment of the LAN equipment security is also a most important security parameters that we need to implement. For our network we need to secure the network equipment that involves the entire devices necessary to obtain data and network signals and packet as of one computer to another. Usually, the main network equipment in our network comprises switches, hubs, firewalls and routers. Bridges can be incorporated in older designs. These LAN network items relate to the entire these devices. LAN/Domain Server Security Securing the LAN and Domain Server Security will also be a main aspect in the effective security management of the LAN network. In bigger environment the automation system can necessitate utilization of one more operating system. Workstation Security Establishment of the workstation security in our network will be a main step towards the better security environment establishment. Sometimes this security aspect is treated as a detached topic, correctly securing workstations is an extremely significant fraction of the whole LAN network security. Conclusion In this report I have presented a detailed analysis of the new network establishment at the school of computing. I have outlined the basic needs and requirements. This document has also outlined main technology needed for the business school LAN network. This report has also presented some network diagrams that demonstrate the effective LAN technology structure. I hope this report will offer a deep insight into the new LAN network establishment at school of computing. Bibliography 1. Brenton, C., & Hunt, C. 2002. Mastering Network Security. Sybex. 2. Cisco . 2009. Cisco Wireless LAN Security Overview. Available at: [Accessed 24 November 2009]. 3. Enterprisearchitecture. 2005. LAN High Availability Configuration Pattern. Available at: [Accessed 24 November 2009]. 4. Global-Messaging-Solutions. 2009. Global Messaging Solutions, Inc. Available at: PROVEN RELIABILITY. PROVEN SECURITY: [Accessed 24 November 2009]. 5. Gupta, V., & Montenegro, G. (1998). Secure and mobile networking . Mobile Networks and Applications , 3(4), pp. 381 - 390. 6. Krakau, W. M. (2009). LAN DESIGN - Part 2 . Avaiulable at: [Accessed 24 November 2009]. 7. Kurose, J. F., & Ross, K. W. 2009. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. New York: Addison Wesley. 8. Lee, R. 1992. Identifying Test Workloads in LAN Performance Evaluation Studies. Available at: [Accessed 24 November 2009]. 9. Malladi, R., & Agrawal, D. P. 2002. Current and future applications of mobile and wireless networks . Communications of the ACM , 45(10), pp. 144 - 146. 10. Nash, J. 2000. Networking Essentials, MCSE Study Guide. California: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. 11. Perkins, C. E. 1998. Mobile Networking in the Internet. Mobile Networks and Applications , 3 (4), pp. 319 - 334. 12. Press, B. 2000. Estimating LAN Performance Requirements. Available at: [Accessed 24 November 2009]. 13. Raju, V. 1996. Intelligent networking in broadband and mobile networks. Communications, 1996. ICC 96, Conference Record, Converging Technologies for Tomorrow's Applications. 1996 IEEE International Conference (pp. 245 - 249). Dallas, TX : IEEE. 14. Saito, Y. 2002. Baseline performance in a LAN . Available at: [Accessed 24 November 2009]. 15. Slater, W. F. 2009. Solving Performance Problems in a Slow LAN. Available at: [Accessed 24 November 2009]. 16. 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