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Interoperability of Web Services - Coursework Example

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"Interoperability of Web Services" paper describes the structure of interoperability of the system, specified DTDs, schemas, and method descriptions, components of the web services interoperability basic profile, and EDI initiatives in the manufacturing and logistics sectors. …
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Interoperability of web services 1. Introduction In the interoperability of web services, the supplier has multiple customers. The number of customers and the suppliers are not interdependent. This makes a customer to use multiple suppliers. The suppliers may be in the form of banks also. In the case of warehouse, the supplier will have 1:1 correspondence. It will considered that the supplier and the warehouse as a part of the same organization. The order life cycle will be described at the highest level. 2. The structure of interoperability of the system The customer can send an order to the supplier by using send PO method. The customer can inquire about the status of a purchase order with the supplier by calling supplier with ‘get PO status’ method. 1 The supplier is able to validate the order by checking to make sure about the intended recipient. This is possible by the recognizing the customer ID. The validity of the customer ID can be verified. The intention of the customer can be known by the validity of the ID. The failure of the validation will result in giving ‘rejection’ status of the order by the supplier to the customer. If the validation is passed, the customer gets ‘acceptance’ status for his purchase order. After that the supplier will have a facility to check the stock in the ware house by check availability method. When there is no possibility of the availability the supplier gets the status of ‘item not recognized’ or ‘out of stock’ if the warehouse service returns a fault. There should be a counter checkup system to monitor the alertness of the staff at the warehouse entries. If supplier gets ‘no stock’ status and again gets ‘availability’ status, before the new supplies are shipped, it can be termed as the negligence of the staff and the system must alert the supplier about that. If the item is not available then the out of stock status is conveyed to the customer and the purchase cycle will be completed If the item is available, it will be shipped to the customer and the customer acceptance was obtained in the form of sign on the acknowledgement and the acknowledgment number is entered after receiving it. Then the purchase cycle will be completed In the process of supplying the stocks to the customer the supplier will have the option to add the tax and shipping amounts to the order and can calculate the total of the purchase order. The rate of taxes and shipping charges can be fixed as flat rates or depending on the stocks and the firm. Before supplying the stocks to the customer, the supplier has the option to call the bank and charge the customer’s account for the full amount of PO total. A ‘nocredit option will be given to the supplier when the customer tries to purchase on credit. The system will have an option of denying the credit request by the customer, but it should have an option of accepting credit also as the supplier has to provide credit for the post paid customer in the case of services sector. If all the criteria regarding supplier and the customer are satisfied, the supplier will use the ‘shiprequest’ option. This is to order the dispatch of the item from warehouse to the customer. In some cases, the product will be given availability status and when the shipping is ordered, despite availability, the amount is not enough to that of mentioned in the order. To avoid these critical circumstances, when the availability status will be given, the details of the number of pieces or the amount of the product needed can be enquired by the system. The processing of these details are capable of preventing the above mentioned situations of insufficient supply. The warehouse can use the supplier’s ship confirm method to do the notification for the shipping of the item at the order level instead of item level. This can avoid the errors due to the inadequate supply of the item if the availability status was given. From the side of the customer, he can get purchase order from the supplier if he gets shipped status. He can call for ‘getinvoice’ method that returns a string. The string will hold XML invoice for the order. The presence of auto restock is needed in the above mentioned situation of quantity on hand numbers falling. This method will reject the order if the amount of the product available is less than the amount specified by the customer. The number format for the purchase orders also is required. These should be determined by the customer. The general condition is that the total size of the purchase order number should not exceed 64 characters. The characters like alphabets (upper and lower cases), -, _, can be allowed to appear on the purchase order number. The system gives opportunity to the customer to create a unique number its own space by rejecting the identical number given. Before all these protocols, the logging in is important. The logging is possible when the system recognizes the customer by username and the password. The system should allow the usernames of the mixed case containing both upper and lower cases. The role of the user must be ‘customer, ‘supplier’, ‘warehouse’, ‘band’, etc. 2 The following standard events need to be logged. The items present in the parentheses will be substituted with the appropriate value. The event role messages will be as follows When customer requests catalog from the supplier ‘getcatalog’ can be used at (supplier) 0 After customer receives the catalog, the (supplier)1 is used. When the supplier is processing the request the value is 0. When supplier is returning the catalog the value 1 is recorded. When customer requests invoice for purchase order (PO) from supplier (supplier)0 can be used. When customer receives the invoice for PO (PO)1 value can be used. The supplier processes the invoice request and gives at the value of (PO)0 The customer receives invoice for the purchase order and receives it at the value (PO)1 After customer received PO status he can receive it at the value (status code)1 value. The supplier processes the PO status request at the value PO#(PO)0 When customer sends the purchase order to the supplier, it can be sent and received by the supplier at (supplier)0 The status of the purchase order can be received by the customer at (STATUS CODE) 1 The supplier can process the incoming purchase order at PO (PO) 0 The supplier can return the status of the purchase order at (status code)1 The supplier can check availability of the item at the valud (PO)1 While checking the availability, the (true or false )2 value is used to obtain the status of the item availability. In ware house the processing availability can be done at the value (PO)1 The structure of the system with the above discussed options will be as following The above diagram is adopted from 3. Specified DTDs, Schemas and Method Descriptions The data base access of Code generation in action, it can be written in ruby that can generate a SQL schema and enterprise Java Beans database access tier based on an input XML schema description. The ruby code can be modified to generate PHP code. This can be extended to generate production of PHP/HTML web pages. The code generation can provide many other advantages that cannot be discussed. An example of the book and the code generation network can be given here. The test case is an application that manages book publishing that have 5 tables. bookID Title ISBN authorID publisherID status numCopies 100 Object Oriented Perl 1-884777-79-1 100 100 2 1 101 Bitter Java 1-930110-43-X 101 100 2 1 Author authorID name penName 100 Conway 101 Tate Publisher publisherID Name 100 Manning Store storeID name 100 Borders StoreBook storeID bookID quantity 100 100 45 100 101 399 The above tables are adopted from The generator will take four XML files as input and uses a series of templates that build a series. This series contains SQL and PHP files. This will be according to the following diagam. The above diagram is adopted from Assessment 3.2 Principles and Applications of Web Services 2. Introduction The business can be developed by utilizing the multi tenant shared infrastructure that enables an organization to place and sell its products online. The companies offering these services are changing the way the services are delivered. The sales will increase many folds by making the products available to a large consumer base. The services and products can be delivered and interact online. In case of products they can be delivered by booking and confirming the orders online. Selling of services and products online can be made possible by automation of sales force of a company. The sales of a company will be simple by revolutionary break with the enterprise software model of the past. By using web services, the company can reach out to customers of all standards and sizes. This will increase customer base of the organization. 3 2. Components of the Web Services Interoperability Basic Profile The newly formed web services interoperability organization brings industry accepted definitions and related to XML standards support for the business applications. The WS-I results in the work of multiple standards development organizations together for the purpose of providing clarity and confirmation in the web services. The web services specifications that interoperate to support specific types of solutions will sample implementations. The guidelines will be provided for implementation scenarios in case of newly adopted company for web services. The sniffer tool can monitor log interactions within a web service will enable the management to monitor the situation of marketing and sales in the web services. This can make marketing and sales on web services error free. The WS-I will be open to any organization supporting the goal of interoperable web services. The basic profiles are approved by WS-I member community and they contain implementation guidelines that help in increasing the business. This basic profile include SOAP 1.1, WSDL 1.1, UDDI 2.0, XML1.0 and W3CXML Schema. These are able to resolve 200 interoperability issues that are associated with the usage of web services. The .Net framework will enhance the operations of the web services by networking. The XML based web services will allow companies and customers to access and integrate information through out the web. This access is seamless and secure. The WS-I will provide implementation for accelerating customer deployments. It can also articulate and promote a common industry vision for web services. 4 This makes easy for the customers to improve the interoperability of infrastructure and the applications it offer. The WS-I will make the collections of key web services standards into meaningful groups. These groups make easy for customers to work with the infrastructure of the company. The promotion of evolutionary adoption of key standards that make possible the scope and definition of profiles as required by market. The functional areas and the capabilities of the company can be addressed in future by using web services. 5 3. EDI initiatives in manufacturing and logistics sectors Many firms are compelled to adopt internet based electronic commerce as part of their business strategies. The establishment of WWW sites that are being established can be used to examine the insights that help in distinguishing between the over optimistic expectations of benefits of e commerce. The difference between actual outcome and the hype can be calculated and then the strategy can be adopted. Every organization that adopt web services cannot be e bay and The usage of EDI systems is linked to the closed business environments. In these environments, the communication systems are restricted to discrete groups that give safety to the operations conducted in the system. The frauds can be easily detected by the system of discrete groups. The development of open network environments based on internet platforms is on line with e commerce. By this, the abilities of the firms to access the trading networks and to expand the memberships can be augmented. This is possible by using the internet technologies by logistics firms. 6 It was observed in 1996 that the road logistics industry has been experiencing rapid growth and it is continuing till now by the usage of internet and web services. In 1998 the volume of the goods transported by roads increased by to 160 billion tonne- kilometers. This is 20 percent increase over the previous year and is possible by making the products and services sold by using web based services. The logistics industry can increase its scope by using web based services. The companies can find it easy to expand their services internationally even by means of transport other than road by using the web based services. The following figure will explain the mitigation pathways The above figure is adopted from As the manufacturing strategy should be closely linked to the marketing strategy, the developments in marketing surely impact the strategies of manufacturing. The web based services are showing impact on the manufacturing strategy of the firms. It can affect the decision categories like vertical integration, manufacturing planning and control systems through new ways. These new ways enable to communicate with wide range of customer base. 7 The new ways of communicating with the buyers will bring the rapid changes in the manufacturing processes and decisions. In the past they used to take more time as the opinions of the customers used to take time to reach the management. The infrastructure of the manufacturing company that is reachable to the customers through the web will enable it to make decisions regarding quality, price and flexibility regarding manufacturing and marketing of products. Mr X can identify his trading partners based on the nature of the company. If the company of Mr. X is logistics one, it can expand its scope by establishing web contacts with the firms far away from its reach and can transport goods to that point and vice versa. This system will incur mutual benefits to the trading partners. If Mr. X is manufacturing organization, the management can establish web based contacts with its suppliers and customers to make them trading partners. The suppliers can be contacted through web services and the supply chain logistics can be speeded up. The bigger customers can be made trading partners and they can be made as middle agencies to deliver goods wherever the company is not having physical presence. Assessment 3.3 3.3.1 Establishment of communication Establishment of communication between different offices of a company can be on same computer or on internet. This can be considered as a complex task that demands substantial consideration and experience. The .Net frame work is capable of providing different ways of communication by establishing network. In establishing a distribution system you can choose between ASP .Net, ATL Server and .Net remoting. The XML web services are the applications that have the provision and ability of exchanging the messages. This exchange will be in a scalable manner and loosely coupled. The stateless environment uses standard protocols. HTTP, XML, XSD, SOAP and WSDL are some of them. These services will make possible the building of modular applications within and across the companies. In this context .Net remoting provides a framework that makes it possible for objects to interact with one another across application domains. This will provide different services like activation and life time support. While examining each programming in the network it is important to take into consideration the application requirements. This is due to the impact of them on the tools you choose. 8 3.3.2 Wide range of client reach The range of client reach can be achieved by making component access available to the broadest assortment of clients possible. These clients should utilize the technologies that are limited to particular platform. The application used can be tightly or loosely coupled depending on the communication method used. The platform specific technology and fore knowledge is needed to establish communication. The XML web services can provide internally loosely coupled programming model. These services are doubtful about the operating system and object model with programming language. The .Net Remoting will provide tightly coupled object based programming also. This will be in between client and server. When the client and server are using different application domains, the method call parameters will be converted into messages. The message based communication is used by XML web services and .Net remoting. The WSDL will define the two encoding styles for the parameters of the network. Moreover the XML services created use ASP.Net that has the flexibility to use either. In case of WSDL also two styles were defined to format the contents. The .Net remoting can use custom protocol developed by the programmer. This can be a SOAP or any other custom protocol. Using SOAP the RPC encoding style can be outlined with the specifications needed. One more advantage in this system is about type system fidelity. It assures that the information is not lost while communicating. The serialization of the object by .Net binary formatter will make it to preserve the information. 3.3.3 Performance of the application The basic design principle for XML web services is about the wide range of client reach. This is therefore can be considered as primary design goal for interoperability. This makes these web services giving performance that can be considered as more than sufficient. The maintenance of state between the calls for the company consumes the resources. This can be nullified by using of XML web services that assume a stateless programming. The existing COM components can be used to create an instance of a class in the assembly. This program can call the members of that class. This can be termed as interoperability. The company can use XML web services by ASP. Net, ATL server and the SOAP toolkit to expose existing components. The exposing of COM components can be done by .Net framework. This needs a creation of managed component to access the COM component. This can be used to expose the managed component using an XML web service created using ASP.Net or .Net remoting. Calling COM components directly through COM interoperable services is possible. The creation of instance of a COM object by .Net remoting a runtime callable wrapper exposes the unmanaged object. This acts as a proxy for it. This interoperability is very handy in scenarios, when there is a heterogeneous mix of COM and .Net components. 9 Read More
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