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Thematically Arranged Collection - Assignment Example

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"Thematically Arranged Collection" paper contains a collection juxtaposing quotations from different works and which includes the author's reflections on how those quotations relate to one another. The arrangement of the quotations is made in the sequence of factors related to life…
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enter the Number or College April 8 Thematically arranged collection juxtaposing quotations from different works and which includes your reflections on how those quotations relate to one another The arrangement of the quotations is made in the sequence of factors related to life. Dreams Dreaming of your enumerations! (Ginsberg, n.d.) Enumerations here is taken as the list of goods, by trance or dream of your enumerations the writer means that not the whole list that you dreams can be fulfilled. That does not stop anyone from dreaming but explains the reality of life. Reality Youre going to have to fight the Communists sooner or later, said Campbell. "Why not get it over with now? (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 8) Let’s take communists as a condition then the quotation is more understandable. Everyone has to deal with something in their life, so it is better to deal with them today then delaying, because escape is not the solution. Only on earth is there any talk of free will. (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 4) The supremacy to act without the restriction of inevitability or fate is called free will. It is not sensible to talk about freewill or autonomy because freewill is meant to be out of vault which is barely possible. People on earth have poignant emotions and the emotions are only related to them in this life and these cosmos. I been in worse places then this. This ain’t so bad. (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 3) A war prisoner is saying this to his fellow prisoner. The statement provides hope and optimism by chatting of worst to deal with worse. Such statements are mostly uttered by those who fear more but do not want others to recognize their fears. The world’s a huge thing: it is a great price. For a small vice (Shakespeare, n.d., Act 4) World is a complicated place to survive, it demands a great covenant to live here. For those who take it for granted and show appalling behaviors to life; the world is hard on them and they would have to give a great price for even a small depravity they have shown. Well God’s above all;and there Be souls must be saved, and there Be souls must not be saved. (Shakespeare, n.d., Act 2) God is the clout and knows the right and wrong. Who to save and who not to; He knows best as He is above all. No one can kill anyone he wants to. Humans can only try and the rest lays upon will of God. Still-if I am going to spend eternity visiting this moment and that, Im grateful that so many of those moments are nice. (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 10) The main character of the story Billy ponders over life as being a war victim his thoughts are very dark and do not seem to elevate him. He is being thankful that he had moments in his life that are worth remembering as they were pleasant and wants them to be with him. Sorrows It amuses them that so many Earthlings are offended by the idea of being called machines. (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 7) Man is full of emotions and relations distinguishing him from machines. The thought of transitioning to machines is not a good idea for human. They want to be as emotional as their nature lets them to be. Being emotionless for a human is inacceptable. Money Frames are where the money is. (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 2) Money may not bring happiness but it certainly brings prosperity. Frame provides beauty, stability, strength and protection. The picture within the frame may not be happy but it seems better. Thus where there is money there is juvilance. They’ll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed (Huges, n.d.) The poem is about a poor black guy who is wishing to be rich and believes that being rich would make him beautiful. Money is a great comfort, people wish to be rich and leave others behind specially those who are already rich and treat them as inferior beings. Luck A good man is hard to find. (A Good Man is Hard to Find, n.d.) The best quotation of the story is its title itself as it says all about the story and reality of life. Judging anyone good or bad is the most difficult thing to do. By looking at a person one may only judge perceptions but never reality. Human are complicated creation of God on earth thus to find good people is actually very hard. It was Fate, of course which costumed him-Fate, and a feeble will to survive. (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 6) Fate is a very confusing term because it deals with destiny, aspirations and beliefs. Many times things happen that are believed to be impossible, thus fate is a fact that is dependent upon will. If there is a will there is a manner to get it. It is a reality that fate exists. Goodness me they clock has stuck Alackaday, and fuck my luck. (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 5) Some times in life there are times that are appalling. One cannot do anything about the bad times and the only thing left is to blame the luck of what brings humans sorrow. It is a matter of seconds that some magical thing makes you believe that fate does exist. Opportunities If you bethink yourself of any crime Unreconciled as yet to heaven and grace, Solicit for it straight. (Shakespeare, n.d., Act 5) These verses gives a great lesson, Othello says to his servant that if anyone has commited a crime and they realize it then the first step should be to abandon it and declare repent over it. Realizing a crime is a blessing not everyone is blessed. And if these pleasure may thee move, Come live with me, and be my love. (Marlowe, 1919, Verse: 20) The poet in these verses is asking his love to be with him, it can be taken as a proposal. It is a chance that can be benefitted at choice. The poet is not forcing but requesting. There are many times in life when a person gets choices in life. Depending on what these choices provide they are opted or rejected. Chunks of night Melt In the morning sun. (Harrison, n.d, pp. 2) The brightness of morning sun makes the darkness grow fainter. It is the reality of life that everything has an end; there is nothing in this world that would remain. Episodes in life should be dealt with the same dictum. Strike straight. We (Brooks, n.d.) This small poem by Brooks is about being cool by which it can be said that it is about being different from others. The use of the word ‘We’ explains being different and united. By the two word quotation ‘strike straight’, the need to act instantly is an important element in game or life. Dignity Men should be what they seem; Or those that be not, would they might seem none! (Shakespeare, n.d., Act 3) A man is a man with dignity, the inner and outer self should complement each other only then a man is worth being called man. Those who pretend are not men but can only pretend to be. We cannot all be masters, nor all masters Cannot be truly followd. You shall mark. (Shakespeare, n.d, Act 1) Leadership is a quality; it’s an authority, a responsibility, and an opportunity not everyone can get it. Thus, one should know their caliber and then dream of being a master. The supporters should follow the one who are worth of it. Wisdom Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run. (Marvell, 1919, verse: 45) Man is bound to limits thus cannot wish for everything but that does not decays the importance of hope. The best way to get what you can is to stay firm at your will and wait for the right time. A word is dead When it is said, (Dickinson, 1993, pp.8) Wisdom is very important. Whatever is said should be said wisely as once something is said it can’t be taken back. The words die when they are said giving birth to a new story formed in result. So the result should be thought beforehand. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the differences. . (Jr. K. V., Slaughterhouse-five, chap 9) The above quotation is a prayer and the last line is the most important one. To accept or change something is the most important factor. It is an important task to understand where to accept or to change. Wisdom is what is required to make such choices in life. Guilt Do you see, gentlemen? nay, guiltiness will speak, Though tongues were out of use. (Shakespeare, n.d., Act 5) Guilt or remorse is a feeling that cannot be hidden. Even if it is not communicated, it can be seen on the face of the accountable. It speaks for itself therefore the fate of the guilty one is to be trapped. Death Even if wars did not keep coming like glaciers, there would still be plain old death. (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 1) Death is a must; everyone and everything has to come to an end. It cannot be said that people cannot die. It cannot be guaranteed that wars will not take place or other causalities may not occur. Death cannot be avoided whether it is a car accident, a natural death or result of war. And the same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be dying. (Herrick, 1919) It explains that time never remains the same. If one is young and beautiful today, tomorrow the beauty will fade. So treasure what you have today and keep it safe as it will not stay forever. Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. (Shelley, 2003) The poem is about a great king whose statue is now left alone in a desert with some great words written under it. At the end of the poem poet sums up by saying that the prominence does not remain forever and the great words fades away like the orator in the sands of time. Hearing the wren sing and the falling cease And bowing not knowing to what. (Merwin, n.d.) By the singing bird ‘wren’ the poet means life that falls at one point and ends. A person has to descend to it no matter what he may think about it. Death is an unknown factor of life as there is no clarity about it but everyone is bound to taste its existence now or then. The directions were in your best handwriting, so her parents won’t think you’re an idiot. (Diaz, 1995, pp.1) The quotation is about forming an impact. Insight of a person is unknown to the other. People enjoy judgments and critic them by their exterior. In this story a boy is waiting for his date and the address he has given to her is in his best handwriting so that if her parents see the note they would perceivea good image of the boy. 2. Works Cited: Harrison, M., “A book of very short poems.” UK: Oxford University Press, 2001. Print. Dickinson, E., Selected poems of Emily Dickinson. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 1993. Print. Shakespeare, W., and creditor: this counter-caster. "Othello: Entire Play ". The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr. 2013. . "A Good Man is Hard to Find." Pegasus Web Server Home Page”. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. . Vonnegut, K., “Slaughterhouse-five.” New York: Dell, 1969. Print. Ginsberg, A., "Online Poems by Allen Ginsberg." Welcome to English « Department of English, College of LAS, University of Illinois. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. . Hughes, L., "I, Too by Langston Hughes : The Poetry Foundation." Poetry Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. . Marlowe, C., "121. Passionate Shepherd to His Love. Christopher Marlowe. The Oxford Book of English Verse." Great Books Online -- Quotes, Poems, Novels, Classics and hundreds more. 1919. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. . Brooks, G., "We Real Cool- - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More." - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. Marvell, A., "357. To His Coy Mistress. Andrew Marvell. The Oxford Book of English Verse." Great Books Online -- Quotes, Poems, Novels, Classics and hundreds more. 1919. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. . Herrick , R., "248. To the Virgins, to make much of Time. Robert Herrick. The Oxford Book of English Verse." Great Books Online -- Quotes, Poems, Novels, Classics and hundreds more. 1919. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. . Shelley, P., B., “Ozymandias.” Poetry X. Ed. Jough Dempsey. 19 Jun 2003. Web. 08 Apr. 2013 . Merwin, W.S. "for the anniversary of my death | Tumblr ." Tumblr . N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. <>. Díaz, Junot. "Fiction: How To Date A Brown Girl (black girl, white girl, or halfie) : The New Yorker." The New Yorker. N.p., 25 Dec. 1995. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. Read More

Luck A good man is hard to find. (A Good Man is Hard to Find, n.d.) The best quotation of the story is its title itself as it says all about the story and reality of life. Judging anyone good or bad is the most difficult thing to do. By looking at a person one may only judge perceptions but never reality. Human are complicated creation of God on earth thus to find good people is actually very hard. It was Fate, of course which costumed him-Fate, and a feeble will to survive. (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 6) Fate is a very confusing term because it deals with destiny, aspirations and beliefs.

Many times things happen that are believed to be impossible, thus fate is a fact that is dependent upon will. If there is a will there is a manner to get it. It is a reality that fate exists. Goodness me they clock has stuck Alackaday, and fuck my luck. (Vonnegut, 1969, chap 5) Some times in life there are times that are appalling. One cannot do anything about the bad times and the only thing left is to blame the luck of what brings humans sorrow. It is a matter of seconds that some magical thing makes you believe that fate does exist.

Opportunities If you bethink yourself of any crime Unreconciled as yet to heaven and grace, Solicit for it straight. (Shakespeare, n.d., Act 5) These verses gives a great lesson, Othello says to his servant that if anyone has commited a crime and they realize it then the first step should be to abandon it and declare repent over it. Realizing a crime is a blessing not everyone is blessed. And if these pleasure may thee move, Come live with me, and be my love. (Marlowe, 1919, Verse: 20) The poet in these verses is asking his love to be with him, it can be taken as a proposal.

It is a chance that can be benefitted at choice. The poet is not forcing but requesting. There are many times in life when a person gets choices in life. Depending on what these choices provide they are opted or rejected. Chunks of night Melt In the morning sun. (Harrison, n.d, pp. 2) The brightness of morning sun makes the darkness grow fainter. It is the reality of life that everything has an end; there is nothing in this world that would remain. Episodes in life should be dealt with the same dictum.

Strike straight. We (Brooks, n.d.) This small poem by Brooks is about being cool by which it can be said that it is about being different from others. The use of the word ‘We’ explains being different and united. By the two word quotation ‘strike straight’, the need to act instantly is an important element in game or life. Dignity Men should be what they seem; Or those that be not, would they might seem none! (Shakespeare, n.d., Act 3) A man is a man with dignity, the inner and outer self should complement each other only then a man is worth being called man.

Those who pretend are not men but can only pretend to be. We cannot all be masters, nor all masters Cannot be truly followd. You shall mark. (Shakespeare, n.d, Act 1) Leadership is a quality; it’s an authority, a responsibility, and an opportunity not everyone can get it. Thus, one should know their caliber and then dream of being a master. The supporters should follow the one who are worth of it. Wisdom Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run. (Marvell, 1919, verse: 45) Man is bound to limits thus cannot wish for everything but that does not decays the importance of hope.

The best way to get what you can is to stay firm at your will and wait for the right time. A word is dead When it is said, (Dickinson, 1993, pp.8) Wisdom is very important. Whatever is said should be said wisely as once something is said it can’t be taken back. The words die when they are said giving birth to a new story formed in result. So the result should be thought beforehand. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the differences. . (Jr. K. V.

, Slaughterhouse-five, chap 9) The above quotation is a prayer and the last line is the most important one.

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