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The crime control methods - Research Paper Example

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The paper described some of the crime control methods that control crime and how successful they have are. On the other hand, there are methods associated with failure in trying to reduce crime. Such methods will find their alternative ways in carrying them out…
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The crime control methods
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? Crime Control Task: Crime Control Controlling crime in the community makes people feel safe and protected. In another view,Schneier (2003) explains crime control as a condition that comes about from the establishment and maintenance of protective procedures, which are a surety of a state of inviolability from intimidating acts or sways. Police has often tried to lay these mentioned strategies with an aim of reducing crime that prevails along streets and in dark corners found in towns. Some of the crime control methods put into practice have proved to be effective whereas others have not. Described below are such methods that control crime and how successful they have are. On the other hand, there are methods associated with failure in trying to reduce crime. Such methods will find their alternative ways in carrying them out. Effectiveness of Directed Patrol for Drugs and Guns Since police initiated computerized crime analysis, identification of crime trends in the cities is significantly easy. Police use accuracy of computers to focus patrol resources on times and places that crime do take place. As Lawrence portrays in his work, if there is more patrol on at “hot spots” and “hot times” of criminal commotions, there would be less occurrence of crime at those places. When police have an idea of where certain criminals hood and engage in illegal drug, it would be more effective than just wandering about looking for criminals. This introduces the emergence of hot spots policing traced from improvement of computerized mapping and database technologies that deals with criminals who illegally possess guns and those involved in illegal drug business as Weisburd and Braga (2006) found. Directed patrol reduces gun crime. Indianapolis Police Department (IPD) tried out this method and results were welcoming. They applied directed patrol method in two police districts, which had occurrences of violent crime. These crimes included illegal possession of guns and drugs trafficking amongst many others as indicated in report done by Edmund, Steven and Alexander (2002). Deferred sentencing for drug offenders Deferred sentencing refers to a sentence postponed for a certain period as a guilty drug offender undergoes probation. SHOUSE LAW GROUP observes that nonviolent drug offenders benefit a lot from treatment and education as compared to jail and criminal record. This method is effective in rehabilitating the offenders. While on probation, the drug offenders undergo regular treatment and this makes them show health improvement. Instead of subjecting drug offenders to harsh treatment in jail, deferred sentencing is an alternative that proves to be more effective. Chemical Castration for Sex offenders as a Crime Control Method There are many sex offenders that exist all over the world. They include among other rapists, pedophiles and exhibitionists. Other offenders are individuals that molest children. Such people commit a shameful sex offence and surprisingly, the number of these individuals is enormously large. Their crime inflict fear into the general public and a real threat to them those who live in the neighborhood. Chemical castration is all about administering Depo-Provera that reduces the level of the hormone testosterone. As a result, recidivism rate falls. It is an alternative punishment to pedophiles rather than taking them to prison where they might sneak out and go scot free. Considering sex crimes that men impose on women and children, chemical castration is an ideal form of punishment even though some may complain it is a cruel mode of punishment. Student Behavior Modification Program as a Crime Control Method It is a clear fact that students involve themselves in criminal offenses of different categories. The crimes they commit portray an appalling picture of them to the general public. They become a problem to police and a threat to vulnerable individuals who cannot tolerate any kinds of mischievous behavior. However, existence of schools where these students study is an immense relief. It is in schools that students consistently meet. This forms a significant avenue for behavior modification, which in turn, forms locus for crime prevention, Gottfredson (2001). Student behavior modification takes place entirely in leaning institutions. For instance, schools and other learning institutions present a habitual access to students all through their development years. This starts from an early age and is capable of cubing crimes that little children may commit. Schools and these institutions have many individuals paid to assist young people to grow in excellent physical shape. These individuals modify behavior of students following modification programs. As a result, the students develop as happy and productive citizen which in turn controls crime. Some of the behaviors that schools modify include peer group experience, attitudes, personal values and individual belief systems as Gottfredson (2001) observed. Modification programs still deals with problems like rebellious attitude, something which reduces acts of crime. Effectiveness of Big Brother and Big Sister Programs in Crime Control Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) are a large youth mentoring group in the United States. It has participated in crime reduction because it offers a one-on-one mentorship to children and young people. Their national motto, “making a difference, one child at a time” shows how effective it can be in crime reduction and control as Kate Luckert (BBBSA) studies. BBBSA depicts efficacy in crime control. In 1994, a founder member of BBBSA, Ernest Coulter recognized how boys passing through Juvenile Justice and Welfare Courts came from fatherless homes. It is clear that fathers help influence their children’s behavior and can curb abnormal and criminal ones. In their program, volunteers meet children of six to seventeen years of age, helping them with the difficult job of growing up. They meet these children two to four times a month. This is what BBBSA offers and in turn minimizes crime that young people may commit if they were not under its mentorship. There exist certain crime control methods that have failed to achieve their target. They include 311 phone line, random patrol, hiring of more detectives, abolishing plea bargaining and DARE program. Random Patrol Random police patrol also known as preventive patrol. It is a method used frequently by the police and it involves assigning police cars to roam about designated areas as Davis (2011) explains. The police patrol in those chosen areas with an aim of creating a police existence as they act in response to calls for their assistance. This method, however, associates with failure and its strength as efficient and competent use of police resources is questionable. Davis (2011) observed in a research done that random patrol carried out at common echelon made no disparity in reported criminal activities. This is a clear manifestation of random patrol method failure. Nevertheless, there is an alternative to random patrol method which aims at controlling crime and it is called split force patrols, Davis (2011). In this method, police units patrol designated areas assigned to them with a primary aim of providing police presence. Other police units also patrol in the same area but with a different motive. Their goal is to receive and respond to calls as they assist where necessary. Split force patrols have significant benefits crime control. This system grants a brisk police reaction to calls that need their assistance. It is considerable because it does not eliminate police vehicles from patrolling. These two police patrol units work together in doing a different job with an aim of combating crime as well as reducing its level. Split force method is, therefore, better than random patrol method as it proves to be more efficient in crime control. Abolishing Plea Bargaining Plea bargaining is a crime control method that makes worse public interest in administering punishment of the crime. As Stephen (1992) noted in his Journal, plea bargaining is a biased and inaccurate method that does little in perfect disjointing of the guilty from the innocent. In fact, he argues that plea bargaining is a dangerous procedure that contain structural imperfections. Stephen (1992) went further and identified arguments about this plea bargaining abolition. In his journal still, he mentions Scott and Stuntz who realized the dangers that plea bargaining posses. Unexpectedly, they fail to take a step and unite with those who support the abolition of plea bargaining. Their argument is that elimination of plea bargaining would be worse instead they advocate for a modest reform of the bargaining progression. They believe that modest reformation reduces harmful effects of plea bargaining. On the other hand, Stephen (1992) argues against Scott and Stuntz proposal. According to him, their proposition would have a tiny impact on the vanity and unfairness of American plea bargaining scheme. Apparently, above are the reasons why plea bargaining has failed to curb crime effectively. Since there are many arguments for its abolition, it proves to be unworthy crime control method. It is an unfair method of crime control because it makes defendants forfeit some of their rights. It allows criminals to defeat justice diminishing public’s respect for criminal justice procedure. It is unjust practice that results in unjust sentences. It also raises the possibility of innocent people pleading guilty to crimes they did not commit. Without plea bargaining, there is fairness and just punishment. Conversely, there are practical benefits of plea bargaining as seen in Cliff’s Notes. One of them is that it allows criminal justice personnel to administer punishment by themselves. In itself, plea bargaining is an administrative requirement. Without plea bargaining, justice process is at quagmire because court rooms will be occupied. Lastly, plea bargaining saves a lot on the cost of prosecution, courts and the defendant’s cost of going to trial. Failure of DARE Program DARE in full means Drug Abuse Resistance Education. This is an international education program that is initiated to help in reducing crime in preventing the use of controlled drugs. It also aims at minimizing bunch of hooligans’ membership and hostile behavior. However, this program has proved to be ineffective as it has failed to mentor any offenders to become useful people in the community. There is an alternative to DARE for schools and institutions that require mentorship. Federal agency has got numerous programs into place some of which cut across ages. These programs aim at escalating information of health and abuse of drug and substance. Instead of doing drugs, these programs cultivate healthy intentions, attitudes, behavior and emotion to drug use. These programs also encourage bonding in schools, performance in academics, school attendance and they instill the right attitude towards school in students. The model programs include the following amongst many others: Selective Programs that cut Across Ages Universal Programs called Al’s Pals: Kids Making Healthy choices All Stars Athletes Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids (ATLAS) Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BRIEF) A Universal program called Border Bringe- Drinking Reduction Program (BBDRP) Child Development Project (CDP) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Child the Sexual Abuse (CBT-CSA) Multi Systematic Therapy (MST) Parenting Wisely Life Skills Training (LST) Lions- Quest Kills for Adolescence (LQKA) Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways (RiPP) The above list about alternatives to DARE program is endless. These are all that provide mentorship now-a-days not only to the youths and young children but also to individuals of all ages. The list cuts across all ages and even single parents have a place to turn to when they are in need of advice, mentorship or both. Role of Community in Criminal Justice System Community plays a number of roles in criminal justice system. As Kay Pranis (1998) defines it, the word community may refer to groups of people that have common wellbeing and familiarity who do not form part of formal justice system. Different kinds of crime take place in the community today. It is upon the community to ensure its safety because it all lies within individual members. It would be better if all members depicted a sense of self discipline and control. To play a role in criminal justice, community members must create a tight bond amongst one another. Living in fear and isolation weakens the community bonds as it reduces the power of community disapproval while crime increases, Kay (1998). It is important to understand community as a collective, responsible for its member’s welfare whether they are victims or offenders. The contemporary system deals with each crime individually and provides no orderly way to learn deeper lessons from patterns of crimes. This has denied the community a chance to administer its own mode of punishment. It strains to live with the penalty of handling crime is handled even though it has it has little or no commitment in the process, Kay (1998). Community has numerous responsibilities in response to crime. They include gathering around a victim and attending to the victims hurt wound. Another role is to grant a view designed for lawbreakers to create compensation for the destruction that behavior brought about. The third role is to establish norms and hold members accountable to them. The fourth is to address underlying issues that crime reveals as Kay (1998) argues. The latter is done with an aim of preventing more of the crime that may occur in the future. The following are qualifiers for a community which is under a new relationship. The community is the source of moral authority and influence. It is also the centre of decision making and action. In contrast of community’s ethical authority, formal government is the source of lawful authority. The government is also the guardian of personality concerns as compared to community’s collective concerns. Overall, the government is has an extensive oversight as compared to the community, Kay (1998). In criminal justice system, community has got several roles to play. It asks for direction from the community in doing legislative work as well as placing more activities in the community. Community plays the role of a cooperative agent while justice system is the main problem solver. Experts in criminal justice provide leadership as community brings about highly valued contributions as Kay (1998) noted. Community plays various roles that pertains criminal justice. These roles include the following: I. Policing II. Prosecution III. Corrections IV. Rehabilitation and treatment V. Community care control VI. School board control Involvement of the Community in policing Community policing signifies a new feature that is fit foe American Law enforcement. This changes the manner in which the police of the nation respond to communities that they serve. Involvement of the Community in Prosecution Individuals or groups of people represent a community in administering prosecution at different levels. In certain areas, there are community activists who do the work of identifying vital problems associated with crime. These problems immensely affect people in the neighborhood. The justice system must ensure that all these problems are articulated by the help of the community (John, Cheryl and Doris: Crime and Research Centre). Community has got representatives who play significant roles in identifying tribulations, making the decision for priorities and assessing needs. Some representatives also plan strategies to employ resources that a prosecutor’s office can get to tolerate. To equip themselves with relevant knowledge about community and prosecution, active community members in the neighborhood have distinct time for meetings. These meetings take place once in a month, and it brings together members of the community. The members include teachers, business owners, justice council of residents, school administrators and even faith leader, (John, Cheryl and Doris: Crime and Research Centre). The meeting is aimed at educating themselves and devising methods of going through the hard time. This is quite beneficial in that there is resolution of quality life issues exclusive of formal action by the state prosecutor. Community prosecution efforts show a discrepancy from targeted prosecution to expansion of the public operated crime hindrance. Examples of targeted prosecution include drug trafficking, trouble establishment and illicit vending. On the other hand, examples of development of community- operated crime prevention include Indianapolis’s Street Level Advocacy Program, (John, Cheryl and Doris: Crime and Research Centre). Community uses different methods in prosecution of cases. One of the methods includes referral of the case to central office. Another alternative is solving the case “vertically”. This means the same prosecutor handles that case at every phase. All in all, community prosecution is a significant way of reducing criminal activities. It has got impacts that can only be measured after understanding it and purpose in which it is required to fulfill. Involvement of the Community in Correction Community correction is a variety of alternative punishments for passive offenders. As Marcus (1996) defines, there are two types of community correction models. The first model combines sentencing strategy and judicial caution with an assortment of alternative sanction and parole, and probation option. This first model is also known as “front-end”. In the second model, correctional officials direct already sentenced offenders into an alternative sanction programs and parole and probation choice. This second model is also referred to as “back-end”. Both models help in reducing overcrowding in prisons. Community correction is local punishment option that for sure provides an alternative to jail or prisons. The following are goals that community correction ensures that it achieves: It ensures that the offenders get their punishments and are held accountable It also ensures that the general public is safe It checks on community service work aimed in increasing It ensures that victims and local communities get compensation from offenders who work on their current jobs It is its responsibility still to collect court cost and fees Communities get involved in numerous correction sanctions. These include 24-hour residential programs which provide a planned living environment for offenders who need supervision. Other correction sanctions are non-residential drug and alcohol treatment, community service programs, and mandatory service programs, Marcus (1996). Involvement of Community in Rehabilitation and Treatment Community’s involvement in crime prevention symbolizes public recognition of its shared duty with the government administrator division of crime deterrence. As Ramon observes, it all starts from the outlook that the origin of crime is unemployment, poverty and illiteracy which cannot be controlled by any component of the justice system. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the community to assist in curbing these social problems. Some of the ways to show concern is through getting involved in rehabilitation programs. These programs include: Education and training of skills Getting engaged in recreational actions Encouraging work and livelihood plan Participating in Religious services. Above are the major programs that may administer treatment to individuals that had ones gone astray. A reprobate who willfully accepts to undergo probation is advantaged. This is because, in the probation, they take their time to learn a lot. Nonviolent offenders undergo a series of training in education. In this category, three forms of education exist. They include formal education, non-formal and vocation training. The community is on the look to see its members appallingly behaved changed for the better. This in turn, reduces chances controls crime in the entire community and encourages living in harmony due to lack of offenders. References David, G., (2001). The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society. University of Chicago Press. Garland. The Culture of Control. Retrieved from: Stephen, J. S. (2003). Plea Bargaining as Disaster. The Yale Law Journal Company. Retrieved from: John S. G. Cheryl, I., & Doris, W. (2002). Community Prosecution Strategies: Measuring Impact. United States Bureau of Justice Assistance. Retrieved from: Kay, P. (1998). Communities and Justice System: Turning the Relationship Upside Down. Retrieved from: Read More
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