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Verbal Clash of the Titans: Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney - Term Paper Example

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The paper "Verbal Clash of the Titans: Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney" focuses on the critical analysis of the presidential debates between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. The United States of America was founded on the principles of freedom, liberty, and democracy…
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Verbal Clash of the Titans: Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney
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The Verbal Clash of the Titans: The Presidential Debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney The United s of America was founded on the principles of freedom, liberty and democracy. The nation has thrived for over 230 years as a beacon of democracy and the rule of law (1- Impression Management Theory, Haun 50). The constitution of the United States requires that all citizens of good standing go to the polls once every four years to elect a president to lead the country (2- Groups, Haun 81). Due to the sensitivity of the US Presidency, an ideal contender for the position needs to have a positive record and must demonstrate his credentials and competency before s/he can be chosen by the electorates (3- Archetype, Haun 78). As a tradition, the two leading political parties; the Democratic and the Republican Parties select the best candidate to represent their party (4- Impression Management, Haun 50). In the primaries of each of the political parties, potential candidates file for nomination and they canvass for votes by telling leaders of the party why they are capable of winning power in the national elections (5- Compliance Gaining Strategies, Haun 64). In order to ensure the best results in the general presidential elections, the parties select the best candidate to represent them (6- Uncertainty Reduction, Haun 23). In doing this, a lot of checks are done on each candidate to verify and validate his or her claims of eligibility for the Presidency as well as acceptability to the voters (7- Fidelity Checks, Haun 69). After successfully convincing the leaders of the respective parties (8- Evidence Test, Haun 69), they are chosen as the Presidential aspirants to represent the two major political parties in America. The Presidential candidates are presented to the American electorates by the parties. The candidates are required to present a positive image about themselves and their parties (9- Impression Management Theory, Haun 50). In order to examine the promises made by each of the candidates, most presidential elections are marked by various presidential debates. In these debates, the presidential candidates tell the American people what they would do if they are voted into power. This provides a platform for informing electorates about the kind of leader who will fill the White House over the next four years. Presidential debates provide a strong insight into the policies that either parties have for the people and influences the way people think about the candidates (10- Perception, Haun 68). This year, the two contenders for the US Presidency, President Barack Obama and Senator Mitt Romney (11- Archetypes, Haun 78) expressed their visions for America and battled out their differences in a live television debate. Barack Obama represented the Democratic Party and is currently the incumbent American President. Mitt Romney is the flagbearer of the Republican Party and a strong contender for the Presidency. The usual 30-minute duel commenced when the Moderator introduced the President and the Opposition Leader by reading their biographies (12- Symbolic Gesture, Haun 35). This was met with wild and long rounds of applauses by the audience after each introduction. It was apparent that both parties were evenly represented. Aside this, there was an audience of over 50 million Americans who were watching the debate on television in their homes. After the introductions, the two parties got closer and shook hands (13- Haptics, Haun 45). This showed that the parties were willing to battle out their ideas and views in a civilized and respectful manner for each other’s views and opinions. The Moderator proceeded to commence the discourse. Among other things, he stated emphatically that “… this debate will focus on tax reforms and healthcare…” (14- Concept Formation, Haun 20). This set the scope for the debate and provided the audience as well as the candidates, a clear view of the context within which the debate was supposed to take place. To add up to his instructions, the Moderator intimated that; “Candidates are urged to discuss each issue with tact, facts, figures and generalizations to give a broad view of the policy propositions and vision they have” (15- Scientific Method, Haun 9). This was in aid of Theory Building (16- Haun 10) and it threw more light on the procedure that was meant to be followed by the candidates and gave more insight to the audiences [both live audience and television viewers]. The information given by the Moderator was also meant to aid in Generality (17- Haun 10) of policy and give the American voter a clear guidance on how each party intended to run the United States when voted into office. “What exactly (18- Uncertainty Reduction, Haun 23) do you intend to do about the current taxation policy when you are voted into office?” The Moderator asked Mitt Romney, looking him straight in the eye and drawing closer to him (19- Theory of Proxemics/Intimate Distance, Haun 42). Mitt Romney came up with a smile and began his response. “The US economy has seen a continuous downward spiral due to the erroneous and Socialist-oriented taxation policies of the Obama Administration (20- Attribution Theory, Haun 10).” He proceeded, “taxation must be used to encourage job creation in order to encourage economic growth. If business owners are taxed less, they can spend more and this will lead to business success and business expansion which will support a strong economy (21- System Perspective, Haun 10).” Romney went further to hammer on his point; “Statistics show that the tax policies of the past four years have been a flat failure (22- Data Usage Haun 11). Due to the high taxes paid by corporate entities, unemployment has risen, minorities are more likely to be unemployed than they were four years ago (23- Nominal Data, Haun 11). The high taxes being paid by businesses are destroying all sectors of the economy and I list them in chronological order from the highly affected sectors to the less affected sectors: the automobile industry, the telecommunications sector, education and health (24- Ordinal Data, Haun 11)”. The audience in the studio responded with a loud applause. The cheers was so loud and it appeared that they had been told something they were expecting to hear. As the crowd became less loud, Mitt Romney indicated, “The ratio of Black poverty is twice as high as it was when Barack Obama took office in 2009 (25- Ratio Data Haun 11). Barack Obama’s tax policy is going to ruin this country because our country’s economy does not work like a Socialist economy (26- Relational Dissolution, Haun 63). If this tax system continues over and over again (27- Central Routing, Haun 55), America’s position will be damaged and the American Dream, that our ancestors fought to preserve will become an American Nightmare (28- Groups Haun 81).” There was a loud round of applause (29- Speech Accommodation, Haun 59) as the Moderator turned around to Barack Obama. “President Obama, our opponent has made a clear statement that your tax reforms are killing the average American business and this is killing the economy as a whole.” The Moderator stretched his arm towards President Obama and looked in his eyes expectantly (30- Message Design Logic, Haun 62). The President took over the discussion. “I agree that the US economy is fueled by the fundamental principles of Capitalism and the fact that people must work to meet their dreams (31- Role Taking, Haun 26). That is what caused our forefathers to cross the great oceans to come to America. However, the middle class needs to be empowered to avoid further exploitation by the few super-rich people in the country. In an economy where a few people are extremely rich, it is very difficult for people to break out from one class to another class. Thus, the middle class will need to be empowered to get an equal chance of reaching the levels of the super-rich in this country.” Obama proceeded with his argument in defense of his tax policies “...the business owners and bankers wield a lot of influence over the US economy. They control a lot of assets. Although these assets are necessary to keep the economy in top form, there is a strong case for some degree of income redistribution in the United States. Why should a single mother who earns $3,000 a month pay the same level of tax as the multi-billion dollar business tycoon?” Obama then paused for a few seconds, as though he wanted to reorganize his thoughts (32- Mind, Haun 26). During the short interlude in Obamas speech, the audience began to murmur amongst themselves (33- Guilt, Haun 27). As the speaking begins to subside Barack Obama turns in his winning combo, “the rich must be taxed in proportion to their wealth. This is the only way we can bridge the bridge between the rich and the poor. Through higher taxes for the rich, income distribution can be attained in America and the middle class can get the capital to set up businesses that will put them in the category of the super-rich (34- Coherence, Haun 29). Obama then lowers his voice (35- Types of Vocal Signs, Haun 34) and admits a number of points that Mitt Romney had made (36- Ego Defensive Theory Haun 36). First of all, he admits that the rich and the super-rich need to have enough money to run viable businesses. Secondly, he points out that enough money needs to be at the disposal of businesses to operate satisfactorily. Obama states that, “the American economy can thrive if specific stimulus packages and selected tax cuts are given to some effective business ahead of less productive businesses. This will create an economy which will support the efficient use of resources on one hand and assist in the redistribution of wealth on another hand.” The response of Barack Obama ended the first round of discussions. The position of Mitt Romney was that taxation must encourage the economy to grow. This can be attained through the reduction of business tax and the maintenance of high taxes for the workers and the middle class. Th logic is that businesses will grow under such conditions. Through this, businesses will expand and more jobs will be created. Extra jobs will give the possibility for further taxes. This would keep the economy going. On the other hand, Obama believes in cutting taxes for the poor and middle class. Rather, corporate entities would have to pay more and this would give some degree of relieve to the ordinary American. The Moderator switched to the second topic of the debate – healthcare. “Health has gone through a lot of reforms under Barak Obama. The Obamacare reforms aim at introducing health insurance to a large section of the American population. At this point I will like to find out from President Obama if the healthcare reforms his administration has begun would continue if he stays in power.” The Moderator then turned to Barack Obama for his response to the question. “My grandmother is a widow,” Obama started passionately, “however, she lives alone and she lives successfully and peacefully because she has healthcare and social security (37- Theory of Central Communication, Haun 44). Her life would have been very different if she had no insurance. Since living well and enjoying life to a good old age is part of the American dream, it is better for the American people to get a government that will guarantee them social security. This guarantee must go to all Americans and not just a few super-rich Americans who own all the assets in the country. Healthcare and social security is the right of all Americans, not just a privileged 1% of the population (38- Life Positions, Haun 71).” Obama paused after a deafening applause began and lasted for a few seconds. “A few rich people in America have a perception (39- Haun 68) that the new healthcare system would harm their financial position. However, I do not see anything wrong with a program that will give some section of the nations population some hope for the future.” Obama went on to argue that the healthcare reforms will help the country as a whole. He challenged Mitt Romney to enquire from the streets (40- Ask Third Parties, Haun 69) whether they think that the reforms were good or not. “The average American has a sense of analysis. Hence, the can decide on things independently on the basis of empirical evidence. The majority of Americans will agree that the current healthcare position is the best for the nation (41- Mediational Principle, Haun 41).” Mitt Romney was called upon to counter Obamas points on healthcare and social security. “Mr. Romney,” the Moderator stated, “your opponent has shown concrete evidence that the American people need these healthcare reforms. He has also shown that the recent social security systems are beneficial to the vast majority of Americans. What will you do differently about health and social security if you are voted into office? And what will be the position of the average American in your plans?” “Let us weigh the current free healthcare system and social security laws against the need to acquire funds to keep it running (42- Situational Weighting Principle, Haun 41). Clearly, the giving of free healthcare to all people will not be sustainable in twenty years from now. (43- Confounding Principle, Haun 41). This is because there is a lot of risk in paying peoples health and pensions just because they are Americans. Needless to say, this trend will lead to inefficiency in the country. Why will people want to work if they will be taken care of either way? Why will people work harder and pursue innovation if they know that they will still be given pensions by the government? This is part of the wider plot to get America off the Capitalist track and place us on a Socialist railing. This is exactly how the Russian Revolution which ushered in Communism started.” Romney stated this point strongly. This got the audience thinking more critically than they appeared at the beginning of the debate. “The United States of America is moving forward (44- Assembly Theory, Haun 59), we are not going to retrogress into an inefficient Socialist society where wealth creation and democratic ideals are limited. People must work to earn their keep (45- Novel Utterances, Haun 59) because that is the surest way of getting people to unleash their potentials and work to earn what they deserve.” The Moderator began to shake his head in what seemed to be either disagreement or disbelief (46- Themes in Non-Verbal Coding, Haun 44). He interrupted quickly, raising both hands heavenward and dropping them in despair “so what do you think about those who have genuine needs and cannot afford healthcare or social security?” (47- Physiological Outburst, Haun 66). All eyes were focused on Mitt Romney as the question was thrown at him. “Like President Obama, I accept the fact that every society has a balance of rich and poor people. The poor will always have a genuine need for support in the area of healthcare (48- Theory of Central Communication, Haun 44). However, those who have a genuine need and aspiration to move from the middle class to the category of rich cannot be made to receive all these benefits without having to work for it. First of all, such persons are a significant portion of the population and their inclusion on the free medical insurance program will make it too expensive. Secondly, it could have long term repercussions like discouraging productivity throughout the entire nation. It is the obligation to work and earn your keep that encourages people to work harder and smarter not the freebies (49- Compliance Gaining Strategies, Haun 64).” Romneys response seemed to have satisfied the audience. This was in contrast to the obvious assumption that the average listener was likely to form after Obamas response. Clearly, Romneys position showed that he was not completely against the governments move to make free healthcare available to most Americans. Rather, it showed that he differed in how such an arrangement could be implemented. Also, Romneys belief that hardwork and efficiency is the surest way of securing America future made the debate a very close contest. The floor was opened for Obama to give a short summary of his views on tax and healthcare. Romney got his opportunity after Obama. The Moderator brought the debate to an end by summing up the main points raised by the two presidential aspirants. He recapped all the taxation propositions and healthcare promises made by Obama and Romney during the 30-minute debate. He urged voters to think critically and vote for a candidate that they believed, would run America in the best way possible. After the Moderators final words, the two presidential candidates shook hands and hugged each other (50- Scripts, Haun 59). The hug and handshake looked very genuine and the studio audience responded with a loud round of applause. Work Cited Haun Martha. Communication Theory & Concepts New York: McGraw-Hill. 2010. Print. Read More
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