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Extract of sample "System Architectures - Cloud Software Architecture"
System Architectures
System Architectures
Question 1
There are various information systems that may be used by people to find their way through a certain place. However, the tricky part arises where they are required to do it using their mobile phones. This means that all the tourists in Dublin should get uniform information regarding their directions in their mobile phones. In addition to this, the system should be in a position to serve as many tourists as possible simultaneously. It is for this reason that I choose the Cloud Software Architecture and the shared nothing parallel database. The two are able to function well and provide what is required with very minimum or no interruption at all (Robert 2012).
Cloud Software Architecture
Cloud architecture software technology is an innovation designed to aid tourists find their way around Dublin using mobile phones. These system is built in comparison to Liu (2012) proposal of convectional five-layer grid for cloud computing. These layers consist of hardware resources such as basic computing units for example network bandwidths and storage disks. Most resources in these layers are heterogeneous for example the central part of cloud data has physical machines such as personal computers, supercomputers and workstations (O’Brien 2003).
The unified layer also has heterogeneous resources which are in the form of virtualised resources. The central part of these layer are machines that are encapsulated usually by virtualisation tools so that they can be exposed to upper layer and end users as integrated resources. These include a database systems, logical file system and virtual computers (Sudarshan &Korth 2009).
Normally, the platform layer is made up of a pack of resource management tools and middlewareservices. The middleware services are normally on top of the unified resources. It is therefore the platform layer that will provide an environment that has internet. It is from this environment where the tourists’ mobile phones will be in a position to get connected. On the other side, the application layer is the one that will have user applications such as the websites and the social networking tools (Philip 2011).
The network should be that of wide-area networks. This is to ensure that it is distributed over a large geographical area so that the tourists are able to access it from all the corners of Dublin. The processors will therefore be spread vastly.There will be a data processing center and the web content provider that are connected to the wide area network. In addition, there is also the server that is connected to the area network. The mobile phones of the tourists will therefore be in a position to get connected so that they show uniform information regarding their direction. According to Gerald (2010) the Cloud architecture software technology is highly flexible hence can serve many people at the same time. This system is similar to the parallel database architecture, the shared nothing. This system can also be of very great importance in such a situation.
Parallel database architecture, shared nothing
In this system, the node is made of a processor, memory, and one or more disks. The processors on one node is in a position to connect with another processor on another node through the aid of an interconnection network. This particular node’s purposes is to act as the server for the data on the disk or disks on the node. The data that is retrieved from the local memory which are particularly the local disks do not pass through interconnection network. The most important aspect of this is that there is very minimal interference since there is hardly resource sharing (Rhodes 2011). This means that the shared-nothing multiprocessors can be mounted to very many, hundreds or even thousands of processors without having any form of interference. This particular information system could be the ideal solution for the tourists who may need to use their mobile phones as their guide in Dublin. In fact, the only major setback in using this particular system is the cost of communication from both ends.
In this system, the tourists will have a code that they will dial on their mobile phones so that they get connected to the internet. Once they dial it, they will be connected to the server. The server then connects to the satellites that are on the atmosphere so that they feed it with data regarding Dublin and its environs. The server subsequently gets back to the tourist through the mobile phone notifying the tourist of where they are and giving them whatever direction they may wish to take within Dublin. The notification is in form of a diagram in addition to a short text message.
This system will have all the information regarding all the details of the hotel. There will be a short history about the hotel given to the tourist’s mobile phone and details on how booking is done. In addition, the system will also have a back-up system, the management system, financial system, the administrative system among others. According to Rhodes (2011), all these will ensure that there are certain architectural tactics that are employed in addition to meeting the business goals set out.
According to Gerald (2010), an ideal system should meet various standards ranging from flexibility, availability, consumer satisfaction, compliance, security, performance, usability, maintainability, quality to reliable messaging. The system will be user-friendly since the tourist will only dial a certain number then instructions on what to do next appear on the mobile phone. Similarly, other people can operate the system comfortably. There is security since no details about an individual are picked not unless one is booking. Similarly, there is very easy messaging between the system and the tourist. It is also critical to note that what needs to be checked occasionally is only the internet connection to the servers meaning that there is very little amount spent financially to maintain the system (Hayes 2009). Equally, one has to note that it only takes one to dial a certain number on his or her mobile phone in order to get connected to the system, which means that availability is always there and connection to the service is just a phone dial away (Kerly 2011).
Question 2
Tourists Information System
There is the data processing center whereby data is processed once a tourist is logged into the system and subsequently books. There is also web content provider that provides internet into the system. The system also has servers that will subsequently provide information as required by the tourist from the system. The client is the tourist. It is also imperative to note that these three components are all connected to the local area networks and the wide area networks. This will ensure that the components do not collide in any way hence ease in usability (Peter 2010).
Liu, X 2012, The Design of Cloud Workflow Systems, Springer Briefs in Computer Science, New York: Springer.
Philip, P 2011, New Trends in Information Systems, Liverpool: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Robert, M 2012, The Evolution of Information Systems, Information Journal, 22/1.
Peter, G 2010, Information Systems, , Carnegie: Mellon University Press.
Gerald, K 2010, The Ideal Information System, , Munich: Hanser Publishers.
Rhodes ,S 2011, Components of Information Systems Technology, Liverpool: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Sudarshan & Korth, 2009, Database System Concepts, London: Sage
Kerly B, 2011, Historical Sketch of Computer Science, Dublin: Trinity College Press.
Hayes, A 2009, A Decade of Experience in Computer Science & Information Systems, Westchester: Pearson Custom Publishing.
O’Brien, J A, 2003, Introduction to Information Systems, Boston: McGraw Publishers.
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