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Security Issues in Wireless Mobile Communication - Coursework Example

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This coursework "Security Issues in Wireless Mobile Communication" describes Wireless mobile communications. This paper outlines that wireless mobile communications are becoming essential in daily lives and its application is in a number of areas, their benefits and threats. …
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Security Issues in Wireless Mobile Communication
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Security Issues in Wireless Mobile Communication Wireless mobile communications have become crucial in the current world more than it was before. Information knowledge and access forms a vital difference between failure and success. We are beginning to observe that wireless mobile communications are becoming essential in our daily lives and its application is in a number of areas. An area of interest is in the security threat that comes up as a result of wireless mobile communication technology. Mobile communication exposes its users to the violation of their privacy since the information might be shared without their consent. It poses a threat and risk to the users making them vulnerable. There is a need to inform users of mobile devices about the security issues they face without making them afraid. People must know the use of these devices properly so as not to be a victim of the security vulnerabilities. Mobile operators must ensure that data transmission is secure and private so as to security issues coming up. 1. Introduction To the users and service providers, security is a significant issue in mobile communications. Mobile communication systems are vulnerable to security threats since vital information can be shared across the network. In the wired communication, transmission of information is more secure since their medium of transmission is a fixed line. On the other hand wireless mobile utilize the air to transmit information, the data can thus be easily accessed by unauthorized persons. It makes the wireless nature of mobile communications problematic. Security issues and privacy is becoming more outstanding with wireless mobile networks. The security threat in the wireless mobile communication systems utilized by these organizations will definitely have an impact on their operations. For example, it may lead to vital information leaking and getting into the wrong hand. Malicious persons also take advantage of the network to hack into the system and gain access of steal information. For that reason control measures must be undertaken to counter this trend (Rhee, 2009). 2. Wireless mobile communication network environment A wireless mobile network is made up of components that ensure information is transmitted from the sender of a message to the intended receiver. The first component is MS (mobile station) which is a terminal made up of equipment customers of a communications service provider utilize to transmit information using a network. He or she connects with a network that is within a range using a mobile device like a phone. A mobile service communication provider ensures that its network coverage reaches the clients area and is strong enough to ensure that communication is not interrupted. The second component is a cell antenna which refers to a device that supply network facility services within its area of coverage in the mobile station. The antenna ensures that the network range is reached so as to avail the network for its clients to utilize (Rhee, 2009). The third component is BSC (Base Station Controller) mostly referred to as the base station. Its core function is to offer control a group of cell antennas. It is accountable for connecting or linking mobile phones calls to the mobile station. The base station controller ensures there is continuity in communication, for example, a call by moving from the coverage of one cell antenna to another. The fourth component is MSC Mobile Switching Centre that links all the base stations and conveys data and information signals to. Another component is a location register concerned with information registration in its domain area. The final component of a wireless communication system is an authentication server available in each domain and is responsible for storing confidential and private data. These components form avenues through which malicious persons hack in order to steal vital unauthorized information. The components aid in compromising objectives of security such as availability, confidentiality, privacy and integrity (Rhee, 2009). 3. General security issues in wireless communication In comparison with wired mobile communication networks, wireless communication mobile devices face challenges including communication bandwidth that is limited, limited power in processing data and rather undependable connection network. The security requirements for wireless communication devices are larger than for wired communication network devices. It is because the unreliable nature of mobile networks connections and are subject to be destroyed maliciously or accidentally. Wireless mobile phones can get lost be stolen, hence the need for more security measures for them. With the rise in the use of wireless systems, problems in larger systems are conveyed to the devices examples include virus associated problems which are maliciously created to carry out an attack on the system. A download from an insecure website infects a device with a virus and this virus is transferred to other devices in the shared network (Rhee, 2009). Authentication is an issue facing the wireless mobile network today. A wireless network is supposed to ensure that no unauthorized persons access a system that is protected. The system needs to be able to give authority on the access of information only after confirming the identity of the recipient. An authentication server aids in ensuring it is transparently carried out without disrupting current tasks a user is undertaking. Intrusion into a system occurs when and there is no authentication server in place. During the authentication protocol execution process, transparency obligation becomes difficult fulfil. It is because the domain is accessed by many users thus creating a jam in each protocol completion time. The authentication system faces the challenge of which poses a threat to the secrecy of information transmitted (Rhee, 2009). Another issue is in regard to breach of anonymity and privacy of a client in a wireless network. Information in regard to an organization or a person should always remain private and confidential to them. The information should solely be known to the owner alone and if possible those with rights granted to them to access the information. Confidentiality in any kind of information should be maintained. The anonymity in wireless communication is vital because these wireless systems are easily subject to eavesdropping making obtaining of information vulnerable. Since wireless network operators store and transmit a lot of information in their databases, user information is made highly and widespread available. It makes the information unsafe (Rhee, 2009). Finally is the domain limit crossing issue where this creates a security threat in that an unauthenticated individual is able to access information not meant for them. It makes the whole wireless network untrustworthy to share critical information between parties. In general, a wireless mobile network must ensure confidentiality, authentication, and integrity and have access control measures in place. 4. Application and security In the hospitals environments, sensor and biometric networks and Wi-Fi and are utilized to enable efficiency is service provision. Dispensing communication servers are installed hospitals. These wireless devices are also utilized in the military and in e-commerce. Much concern is directed towards ensuring that messages transmission in these areas meets security requirements (Rhee, 2009). 5. Securing remote mobile communication The condition of remote system connection permits data modification, capture attempt, and interruption. It prompts measures to be taken to ensure privacy in data transmitted in the remote system. To guarantee that confidentiality is kept up, we must reduce spying hazard by making it difficult to find remote signs transmissions. It is done through protection of the data by encoding it. There are various strides to cover up the transmission signals from harmful people. These harmful people frequently find and recognize remote systems then capture the data in it. It is fundamental to make it hard and being prudent on any likely aggressors to discover the entrance purposes of a remote system (Rhee, 2009). The administration set identifier usage is necessary here where it lives up to expectations by giving names that are unique and signal quality lessening the risk in weak areas. By encoding all remote data activity as well; we can have the capacity to secure private information. With a specific end goal to avert against captured of the connection system, solid confirmation with solid encryption are utilized. Remote portable interchanges are regularly open to access from administration denied individuals. A measure to reduce this kind of danger incorporates studying a site well. It will empower areas of gadgets where different signs start from. General inspecting of exercises of remote correspondence systems is vital in recognizing hazardous sections in a system. The suitable remedial measure includes ending suspicious gadgets and signs quality increment in the recognized area. Inadequately set up access function of remote server system break protection by permitting informal system access. The danger of unapproved access to remote systems can be countered by legitimately setting up of affirmed access areas (Rhee, 2009). The main vulnerability that remote gadgets clients encounter is stealing or misplacement of communication gadgets like PDAs, mobile phones, and portable PCs. It represents a major issue when these gadgets are stolen due to the fact that some may contain crucial private and classified data. On the off chance that these gadgets get into wrong hands, the outcomes may be serious. The protection of the owner of the gadget will be encroached. Different assailants may utilize classified data here to extort an individual or even a concerned association. Moreover, the information found in a cell phone can be utilized to get entrance into the whole communication framework in this way disregarding the code of security. The best approach to secure your remote system from hackers is to encode, or scramble interchanges over the system. Most remote switches and base stations have an implicit encryption instrument. In the event that your remote switch does not have an encryption highlight, consider getting one that does. Makers frequently convey remote switches with the encryption highlight eliminated. You must turn it on. Programmers use identifiers highlight found in essentially all remote correspondence systems to obtain entrance to the framework. Since the identifier, reveals a sign to any gadget around it along these lines showing its vicinity to potential programmer hackers. To verify a remote correspondence system is not helpless against programmers who exploit the identifier, it is crucial to handicap it from the source switch. On the other hand, changing the identifier is likewise an answer. A more extended secret key utilization is, in fact, vital. A decent password must be more than 10 characters and consolidating both numbers and letters (Rhee, 2009). 6. Conclusion Wireless mobile networks present opportunities in cutting costs and productivity increment. It besides increases the risk organizations face in terms of securing confidential information. Though it is not possible to totally do away with all these risks as a result of wireless networks, we can be able to mitigate it by implementing an approach that is systematic in managing assessing the risk. Countermeasures like encryption and password use can reduce these vulnerabilities and threats related with each of the wireless network components. It is essential to carry out education and training on all stakeholders of a wireless network about safe practices that reduce these risks (Rhee, 2009). References Rhee, M. (2009). Mobile communication systems and security. Singapore: J. Wiley & Sons (Asia) ;. Read More
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